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Rccl Unfair One Day Sale Policy???

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Hello...this past Friday, RCCL had a special one day sale where they reduced the secruity deposit by 50% and gave passengers shipboard credit, depending upon the length of the cruise. HOWEVER, I wanted to get other opinons on the following.


They indicated that the normal per person discount that a Platinum and Diamond member would get on a cruise booking would not apply because no other offer could b e combined with the 50% deposit discount and the shipboard credit.


I have sent RCCL a letter about this. In the past, we have been able to use the monthly coupon discount when it was a cruise we wanted to book, PLUS we got our Diamond discount too. Since when is the Diamond member discount an offer? It has always been a benefit of cruising so much with RCCL.


I told RCCL that if we wanted to combine another coupon from the monthly coupon discounts they sometimes have, I could understand, but our Diamond discount is a membership discount for being Diamond status.


And why would I want to take a $200 shipboard credit if I can get $300 off the cabin doing nothing because that is our normal Diamond discount anyway.


Who drumed up this great promotion. I do not believe I am wrong on my thinking. A Platinum or Diamond discount has always been a seperatge entity in the past, so why is it a liability now?


I would like to know if anyone else had this problem and what your thoughts are. Maybe I should have my travel agent contact them again next week and tell them they forgot to take off our Dimond discount and see what happens.


Thanks for your time and help



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Dave, there are 27 pages of discussion on this very topic:




SORRY, I hit post too soon! I also meant to give you the reader's digest version. :) Lots of people agree with you, others (like me) have a different take. This is a sale designed by RCI to drum up NEW business, by attracting NEW passengers. Keep in mind that those of us who have earned other perks from RCI through our repeat business were NOT deprived of those benefits: we just couldn't combine them with the perks designed for the new customers.


Some people say, "so much for loyalty to repeat customers." I, on the other hand, look at it this way: the fact that I can get a better deal any day of the week, without waiting for a special promotional event, says TONS about RCI's loyalty to their repeat customers! :)


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With respect, I disagree that this one day sale was unfair.


Each of us who either took advantage of it or did not were able to make that choice. The sale offering is fair. If we don't like the terms, we are free to decline that offer.


I for one chose to take advantage of it and then in reflection realized that my Diamond status would be in effect for the cruise I had booked and would have a better bottom line for me. So, another brief call explaining my needs and the WOW OBC was declined and my current Platinum balcony discount was in force.


It think it was a fair enticement to new clients to get them to make the jump to cruise. I think it was fair to waive the normal deposit for booking to make it 50%.


Again, not to be inflammatory, I just think it is a bit much to call it an unfair sale.


Enjoy your cruises!

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As a Gold C&A status, we get no additional benefits to speak of other than a coupon once in a while on selected sailings. This offer was great for us as there are usually no coupons for a 4 nite sail. This "sale" gave me a $50 OBC on 2 cabins which i would not normally get and allowed me to tie up only $200 for the next 10 months vs tieing up $400. So it depends on your situation as to whether you see the glass half empty or half full. In my case it is half full.:D

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I am a diamond member and I agree it is fair. You have your choice on what you want to do. It is not fair that you tell RCCL how to run thier business by changing thier rules/policies. We are diamond members because we love RCCL not because of the benefits. Sure it is nice but I wouldn't stop booking with them because of the benefits or lack there of. Good luck with your letter. I think you are wrong in your expectation though.

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What I object to is this policy was not applied to everyone. If you read the posts apparently some people were allowed to apply the diamond discounts and the certificates. The biggest problem was the different answers that were given by RCI. When I called I was told we could absolutely use these.then later no you can't,called back, yes you can. Since no one seemed to know what policy was in effect I decided not to take a chance for just $100 OBC. Also received different answers as to price drop in the future.The deposit didn't matter since you have to pay it sometime. If RCI is going to do a sale like this they should educate their people before the day of the sale.

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We are platinum but were not booking a balcony for the cruise we booked on the sail. And was not booking for a cruise that was going to have a coupon (Xmas week 2008 on Mariner). Did I miss out on something better? Did not feel unfair in any way.

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plus my TA tells me the rates are $200-$400 higher than the past week.



Hello...this past Friday, RCCL had a special one day sale where they reduced the secruity deposit by 50% and gave passengers shipboard credit, depending upon the length of the cruise. HOWEVER, I wanted to get other opinons on the following.


They indicated that the normal per person discount that a Platinum and Diamond member would get on a cruise booking would not apply because no other offer could b e combined with the 50% deposit discount and the shipboard credit.


I have sent RCCL a letter about this. In the past, we have been able to use the monthly coupon discount when it was a cruise we wanted to book, PLUS we got our Diamond discount too. Since when is the Diamond member discount an offer? It has always been a benefit of cruising so much with RCCL.


I told RCCL that if we wanted to combine another coupon from the monthly coupon discounts they sometimes have, I could understand, but our Diamond discount is a membership discount for being Diamond status.


And why would I want to take a $200 shipboard credit if I can get $300 off the cabin doing nothing because that is our normal Diamond discount anyway.


Who drumed up this great promotion. I do not believe I am wrong on my thinking. A Platinum or Diamond discount has always been a seperatge entity in the past, so why is it a liability now?


I would like to know if anyone else had this problem and what your thoughts are. Maybe I should have my travel agent contact them again next week and tell them they forgot to take off our Dimond discount and see what happens.


Thanks for your time and help



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I was not indicating on how RCCL should run their business, nor do I disagree with whatever policy they decide to offer on special promotions.


I just think that RCCL has confused so many loyal cruisersin explaining their policies correctly and giving us a full explanation of what an offer really is.


When we became Diamond members, it doesn't say..."you are now Diamond members, but being a Diamond member actually means your Diamond member status is in an "Offer" category. It states because of your loyalty, you will get "X" amount of dollars off per future cruise booking. You would be led to believe your discount is because you are now a member of an elite group.


Now, when they have a sale and say you cannot combine this sale offer with any other offers such as your Diamond member status, I got confused because I did not realize the Diamond member status is an offer.


It has nothing to do with th money. It is just RCCL not explaining things properly.

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Unfair.....geez at least you had a Sale...we over this side of the pond didnt :mad: although it didnt stop me booking another cruise :D


While my american cruise buddies were taking advantage of this Sale I decided what the heck and booked my cabin with RCCI UK instead as we have an Early Booking discount (approx $400)in place just now and I had a voucher for $100 OBC and I get to use my Diamond Balcony discount and can use C&A coupon if one comes out for my sailing...so I am not complaining really :D

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What I object to is this policy was not applied to everyone. If you read the posts apparently some people were allowed to apply the diamond discounts and the certificates. The biggest problem was the different answers that were given by RCI. When I called I was told we could absolutely use these.then later no you can't,called back, yes you can. Since no one seemed to know what policy was in effect I decided not to take a chance for just $100 OBC. Also received different answers as to price drop in the future.The deposit didn't matter since you have to pay it sometime. If RCI is going to do a sale like this they should educate their people before the day of the sale.



I completely agree with your post. I was the one that posted that I had called twice and got two different answers about the application of any current or future C&A Savings Certificate, and two different answers about being to save if the price dropped in the future.


The inconsistency of response prevented me from booking yesterday. If the price drops or if a Savings Certificate comes out (the current certificates expire at the end of this month!) or if a military, senior, or residency discount becomes available, I want to be able to take advantage of that.


I'm a Gold member, so I don't have any platinum or diamond balcony discount. I am not a stockholder either.


I think the sale was a great idea, I just wish all of RCI's certified vacation planners were on the same page as to what the rules were and what was & wasn't allowed. The inconsistency just makes for unhappy customers -- especially when you read that others were able to take advantage of what you were told wasn't permitted!


I put a cabin on courtesy hold and will likely book today. I know what the rules are when doing it the tried & true way!

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Dave, I don't know as though I would cal it "unfair', but I will tell you it doesn't make sense for RCCL repeaters . They were offering the same deal as they would to passengers who booked on board, ie: getting the onboard credit for your next sailing. Yet if you did this while actually onboard, as a diamond member you would still get your balcony discount. So it made no sense to me to book on that Friday. There was no incentive for repeat customers to book.


As far as it being only 50% deposit, That doesn't really matter to me as I have to pay it all anyway, what difference when?


I think the promotion was to induce new clients to book. A great little tool for travel agents to hit their undecided customers with.


Me? I'll book onboard and get the onboard credit as well as my diamond discount. Hope for a coupon, and apply my share holders benefit, and if I'm very lucky, I'll get a visit from the upgrade fairy, lol. do I want it all? you bet!!! do I expect it? nope, but I'm very grateful for anything RCCL wants to throw my way:D

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plus my TA tells me the rates are $200-$400 higher than the past week.


Your travel agent is NOT telling you the truth. I looked up a cruise 2 weeks ago and thought about booking on Friday and checked the price and it was the exact same. RCCL would not do that!!! They are much better business people than that. The shareholders would have their butts.

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We all like a sale don't we?

I took a look yesterday but since I am a diamond member I didn't think there were any benefits for me to jump on the sale bandwagon.

Oh, I do think it was a great chance for others to book but, you know us constant cruisers have probably already booked our next cruise and don't need a sale as an incentive to get us on another.

Unfair, no, we can book anytime to get our discount so, why rush just because we heard the word 'sale'.:)

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As far as it being only 50% deposit, That doesn't really matter to me as I have to pay it all anyway, what difference when?

It matters to me. I have two cruises on which I have $2700 on deposit with RCCL. I would rather have that extra $1350 earning money for me for several months than earning money for RCCL.


We just could not find a cruise that fit our schedule so we declined. The OBC was sort of meaningless as there were restrictions on what it could and could not be used for.

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Sorry, I disagree. I had wanted to book the cruise I booked for a long time and was saving for the deposit. The "sale" yesterday allowed me to get my place on the boat without the $1k upfront cost. I'm not a platinum or diamond, wasn't booking a balcony so I really don't have any quarrel with how RCI applied the discounts yesterday.


I'm just really excited about my cruise!!!

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I think it was a great sale for newbies or Gold & some Platinum folks. For me it was a wash. I booked a 10 night, so either $200 off the price or $200 OBC. Six of one, half a dozen of another. Certainly it would have been nice to get both, but I'm happy with what I've got. I'm not overly greedy.


What I do take issue with, as a previous poster stated, is that they were not consistent with applying the "no combination" policy. If you're going to allow one C&A member to use both their status discount and the OBC, then they should have applied it to everyone. If the policy was no combination, they should have stuck to the policy for everyone.


However, if I see a signifcant price drop, you can bet I'll cancel and rebook. I may have to pay full deposit and lose the OBC then, but I would get my $200 balcony discount (unless I'm diamond by then) plus whatever the lower price is. And if I do it onboard, then I'll still get an OBC.


BTW, not all the prices went up the day of the sale. Mine didn't and neither did the others ones I was looking at.

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As far as it being only 50% deposit, That doesn't really matter to me as I have to pay it all anyway, what difference when?


It matters to me - for a family of 4, the deposit is a big outlay of money. The sale enabled me to book much further in advance than usual, and I was able to secure two cruises yesterday rather than one.


I am "only" Gold, and therefore are not yet entitled to the other benefits that were not combinable with this offer. As well, the cruises I was watching did not have a price increase in the days/weeks before the sale.


However, if I see a signifcant price drop, you can bet I'll cancel and rebook. I may have to pay full deposit and lose the OBC then, but I would get my $200 balcony discount (unless I'm diamond by then) plus whatever the lower price is. And if I do it onboard, then I'll still get an OBC.


I don't understand why everyone seems to be under the impression you cannot get price adjustments for cruises booked under this sale. It says right on the invoices I received for all the cabins I booked yesterday that price reductions WILL be honored.

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DonnaK - my invoice says nothing about honoring price drops. Of course it doesn't say they won't either. But, if I see one I'll certainly call to try to get it. If they say no, then I'll do the cancel/rebook thing.

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DonnaK - my invoice says nothing about honoring price drops. Of course it doesn't say they won't either. But, if I see one I'll certainly call to try to get it. If they say no, then I'll do the cancel/rebook thing.



Actually, it's on the eConfirmation, not the invoice. Here's the statement, which is on all four of the confirmations I received yesterday, right underneath the Certified Vacation Planner's contact information:


"If your price should decrease prior to your final payment date, we can easily match the new price. If the price should decrease on or after your final payment date - the new price may or may not be applicable as some of our price programs are restricted and valid for new bookings only. "

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First of all to John. The reason the world is in the shape it's in is because of people like you that unfortunetly do not read and understand what they read, then because of that, they think they are right and know everything.


If you read my posts correctly, I am not complaining about the one day sale policy, or with issues that do not allow you to combine offers. I haven given RCCL more money by taking top of the line cabins than most people ever will. So this is not a money issue.


All i was trying to clarify was that RCCL has not been clear on their Platinum and Diamond member rules. Up until now, no one knew that a normal Diamond member cabin discount was in a category of "An Offer" where you could not combine it with any other offer such as the one day sale. I just thought that being a Diamond member and getting the Diamond discount was something entirely seperate.


It would appear that it is not something seperate, so be it. If that's the policy, that's fine with me. It just was never explained.

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plus my TA tells me the rates are $200-$400 higher than the past week.



Ours didn't increase and I've been watching the prices for the sailing we chose for the past month. From what I read on the boards yesterday is that a few went up, most stayed the same and some even went down! I think it was just normal fluctuation. Maybe in response to supply/demand some prices were adjusted up or down...and maybe that's an automatic thing with RCCL. Who knows, maybe some cruise sailings had a better response than others which meant a price increase....kinda like airline rates!

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