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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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HELLO, Hello, Hello, do I hear an echo in here. I hope everyone is having a good time at being busy and not anything bad. It seems the tides are flowing against us.




Hi Nancy,

We're here, we're just busy planning our next cruise. And, having difficulties with our TA.

There are lots of TA's out there I'm not going to be stuck with one who simply doesn't want to work!

Have a wonderful weekend.......

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The potty area is the biggest stress for us when cruising. After the issues last time, I am scared to try going without taking something with me. I am hoping to find something before we cruise again


I think Cari [Denversees4me] had some insight about the grass.....I'm going to start researching too.....our next cruise is in January and I do want to bring my own roll of "something!"

I'll let you know if I find anything cheap and good!

I'm going to let them put the box on our veranda......but, I still want to bring my own filler [hopefully artificial turf!]

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Looks like we may just see you guys at the October workshop. We just faxed over our RSVP. Unless something major comes up, we'll be there.



DKD, Still not sure if we are going or not. I'll let you know.


Nancy, I think we have all been busy. I know I'm in a frenzy trying to get everything all set for taking this dog on the cruise :eek: I feel like I'm getting no where. Going to call the USDA today.



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Hi Everyone. I am experiencing a little "puppy fatigue syndrome" this week. I've had my puppy home three times now. He still doesn't like his crate, I think I am going to try taking the crate to the bedroom, it might be that he doesn't like being alone. Anyway, he is so sweet and so smart. He is four months old now. He has been assigned to me until he graduates. He will still live at the training facility, but when I want to do outings, or animal assisted therapy visits, or just home visits, he will be the dog I take out. I am taking lot's of pictures, so I can compile him on his graduation day and give to his recepient. He tried to pounce on one of my daughter's cats the other day and her chiuauaa came running and told him off. It was pretty funny as he is still much bigger than the little dog, but he seemed very chagrined and I think he said "OK, no more kitty pouncing". I'll keep you guys posted. Can't wait to hear about more cruises. Rich and I will be sailing on the Sapphire Princess in December. We are so excited. Wish some of you could come along.......hint hint.

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Sunshine, Love hearing your puppy stories. Doggies and kitties, how fun is that. They had a cat at CCI wandering around so the dogs could be trained not to bother it. They all did amazingly good around it. As far as a cruise goes, it would be wonderful if someday we could all get together and go on one. But I'll probably think more about that after we see how Wexy does on this one. :eek:



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Mornin' all:

Sunshine: Which week are you going in December? We get our Christmas break from 12/21 to 01/01. Those are the priciest (is that a word?) weeks. Tradionally the second week of December is one of the least expensive ones. We also get a fall break the week of Columbus day in October. Those prices have been reasonable, but not sure I can line up a babysitter for mom yet. And then there is Jezzy Lou. We went out to dinner for 2 1/2 hours the other night and you would have thought we had abandoned her. Cry, scream, jump, shake, in my lap, in hubbies lap. I don't even want to think about what a week will do to her!


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Hi everyone,


I'm hoping that someone can help me with a question about cruise travel to Italy. In November, my best friend will be taking her elderly mom and her service dog on a cruise that departs from Venice and returns to Rome.


She has contacted the Italian embassy and Princess cruises about the requirements for the service dog to:

1.enter Venice, Italy,

2.embark on the ship,

3.enter Rome/Civitavecchia, Italy AFTER the cruise. This seems to be the tricky part!


No one has been able to tell her the requirements for getting the service dog back into Italy after the cruise.

The cruise enters international waters and visits non-EU countries (i.e. Turkey and Croatia). Cruise also visits Greece (EU country). Turkey is a country that has a "high incidence of rabies", so dogs that travel from Turkey to Italy must have rabies-titer testing 3 months PRIOR to entering Italy.


The question is: if the service dog does not get off the ship in Turkey, will the rabies testing and 3-month quarantine still be required? Not sure how my friend can prove to the Italian officials that the dog did not visit this port. She is very concerned that the dog will be denied entry into Italy after the cruise. She has not been able to get an answer from the embassy or cruise line. If anyone has any information or advice, it would be much appreciated. Thanks so much!



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Nancy, Poor Jezzy Lou!! When you leave her for a week she will be with someone? I always hate the thought of leaving Bailee. But I know my mom and brother take good care of her.


Jodi, Welcome. I'm sorry that I can't help you out, but maybe one of the others can.



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Hi ALl

Roz im going to try to talk my DBF into sailing on the splendor on the 10th WISH US LUCK !!!! im going to check out prices now ... i want to go for my b day when i thought about a 4 day then i thought WAIT my Rozzy baby is sailing soon !!!! maybe we will see and let you know STAY TUNED ! also i will be up there again Oct 8-11 lets try for coffee maybe ?I need to take Denver to Ambers vet i think he is 20 min away ... we r going to get our fecal and health cert for our cruise on Halloween with disney !

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Hi ALl

Roz im going to try to talk my DBF into sailing on the splendor on the 10th WISH US LUCK !!!! im going to check out prices now ... i want to go for my b day when i thought about a 4 day then i thought WAIT my Rozzy baby is sailing soon !!!! maybe we will see and let you know STAY TUNED ! also i will be up there again Oct 8-11 lets try for coffee maybe ?I need to take Denver to Ambers vet i think he is 20 min away ... we r going to get our fecal and health cert for our cruise on Halloween with disney !


Cari....I would love to cruise with you on January 10th. Let me know how the convincing the DBF goes!.....And, when you get in on October 8th...email me for a place and time to meet.

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Hi everyone,


I'm hoping that someone can help me with a question about cruise travel to Italy. In November, my best friend will be taking her elderly mom and her service dog on a cruise that departs from Venice and returns to Rome.


She has contacted the Italian embassy and Princess cruises about the requirements for the service dog to:

1.enter Venice, Italy,

2.embark on the ship,

3.enter Rome/Civitavecchia, Italy AFTER the cruise. This seems to be the tricky part!


No one has been able to tell her the requirements for getting the service dog back into Italy after the cruise.

The cruise enters international waters and visits non-EU countries (i.e. Turkey and Croatia). Cruise also visits Greece (EU country). Turkey is a country that has a "high incidence of rabies", so dogs that travel from Turkey to Italy must have rabies-titer testing 3 months PRIOR to entering Italy.


The question is: if the service dog does not get off the ship in Turkey, will the rabies testing and 3-month quarantine still be required? Not sure how my friend can prove to the Italian officials that the dog did not visit this port. She is very concerned that the dog will be denied entry into Italy after the cruise. She has not been able to get an answer from the embassy or cruise line. If anyone has any information or advice, it would be much appreciated. Thanks so much!




Jodi, contact the dogs Vet, they should be able to get the travel information for you. Or contact Princess Access Care Dept. Allison Muff at: 661.284.4521.

Also, even though the dog will not be disembarking in a certain country, the dog still must have all necessary immunizations and testing done. What if the ship has an emergency and everyone must evacuate the ship? It's always best to have EVERYTHING needed for every country you visit. Also, my suggestion is DO NOT LEAVE THE SHIP in any country that has a reputation for rabies.

You can leave the dog on the ship with one of you and each of you can visit separately.

Although the dog may be protected from all diseases, you wouldn't want a stray dog to attack your dog. Service Dogs are trained to NOT be confrontational and aggressive. But, other dogs still see them as a threat.

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Jodi, contact the dogs Vet, they should be able to get the travel information for you. Or contact Princess Access Care Dept. Allison Muff at: 661.284.4521.


Also, even though the dog will not be disembarking in a certain country, the dog still must have all necessary immunizations and testing done. What if the ship has an emergency and everyone must evacuate the ship? It's always best to have EVERYTHING needed for every country you visit. Also, my suggestion is DO NOT LEAVE THE SHIP in any country that has a reputation for rabies.


You can leave the dog on the ship with one of you and each of you can visit separately.


Although the dog may be protected from all diseases, you wouldn't want a stray dog to attack your dog. Service Dogs are trained to NOT be confrontational and aggressive. But, other dogs still see them as a threat.


Thanks so much Roz...very helpful info and good advice!

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Hi Roz

Im just waiting to hear back from DBF about the 10th ...fingers crossed !


Also - whats your schedule like the week/weekend of the 8th ( oct ) im going to be at ambers . Im waiting to hear from a local puppy raiser to see what day shes able to take me to Ambers vet with Denver so i can get his health cert fecal and heartworm test done , but im hoping we will know something soon so i can schedule an appt and then e mail you to see what day if any works for you maybe for coffee ... do you starbuck LOL theres one within walking distance from ambers and im sure she would love to get Hamlett and the kids out for a while to meet with you as well ..... let me know your schedule and say hi to papa and brenny for us xoxoxox


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that is Denver on the left with pup in advance traning Ava - DONT TELL BRENNY they didnt REALLY get married Denver says they were just pretending !


Cari, I love the picture of Mr. Denver.....he's such a handsome boy (and such a wonderful worker), he'd better stay true to Brenny! Although, Ava is really cute!

Cari, I'm confused about the date of Oct. 8th? (Oct. 8th is a Thursday), if you mean the 10th, I can't do it. Let me know the real date. And, I'll meet wherever you want, if it's doable.

My fingers are crossed for January 10th and all of us onboard the Splendor. I'd love it!!!!!

Did you find the artificial grass to take along......I haven't really started to look. I don't want to buy the expensive stuff but I also don't want "astroturf!"

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Mornin' all:

Beautiful weather, finally. This is why we live here during the unbearable summers! Hubby was sitting in his recliner last night and looked out the patio door, above the block wall was this gigantic full moon with a gazillion stars all around. Reminds me of being on a cruise ship and seeing forever in the sky.

Everyone have a great Sunday.


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We went to our first graduate workshop on Saturday at the CCI campus on Long Island, NY. We had a great day. We got to catch up with some old friends and even make some new ones. We got alot of new information and even learned some new training tricks. It was great to see what some people have been able to teach their amazing dogs. We are now inspired to teach Orson some new tasks. I never expected to see such a turnout. There were people there from as far away as Virginia, Rhode Island and Boston. CCI let people get there Friday and stay in the dorms overnight. They even provided a great lunch for everyone. They offered free teeth cleaning, nail clipping and weigh-ins. Orson has to loose two pounds. It is something we will look forward to every year.

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Hi Roz, I was wondering how it turned out with your TA. You never came back to update us on the roll call so I just thought I would ask you here.



Kathy, this is what happens when you spread yourself too thin. I thought I had told everyone the outcome......Well, he offered me $30 instead of the $60 he had initially offered. He whined and complained and reiterated....totally backpeddling.....that he didn't think he had done anything wrong but that he would be happy to meet me half way. He applied the $30 as a "discount" to my final cruise confirmation.

I feel so fortunate to be able to cruise in light of our economy and in consideration of just how many folks lives are turned upside down because of it. I don't want to be in the "complainer camp" any longer.

I use this TA because he works with the special needs department of the cruiselines and is the "only" person in his agency who can help me with cruising with Brenda. I may change agency's in the future.

Thanks for asking!

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We went to our first graduate workshop on Saturday at the CCI campus on Long Island, NY. We had a great day. We got to catch up with some old friends and even make some new ones. We got alot of new information and even learned some new training tricks. It was great to see what some people have been able to teach their amazing dogs. We are now inspired to teach Orson some new tasks. I never expected to see such a turnout. There were people there from as far away as Virginia, Rhode Island and Boston. CCI let people get there Friday and stay in the dorms overnight. They even provided a great lunch for everyone. They offered free teeth cleaning, nail clipping and weigh-ins. Orson has to loose two pounds. It is something we will look forward to every year.


Aren't they fun! I love the workshops and try to go to both the one in Oceanside and the one in Santa Rosa, CA. I always learn something new. I've learned so much from them. It's also fun to meet-up with your fellow graduates! :)

It so interesting to learn about retiring our dogs. Brenda is now 9 1/2 years old and still loves to go to work with me every day. But CCI taught us about what signs to look for and to not retire our dogs just because they're ill but to allow them to go into retirement feeling well and able to enjoy their lives as a "senior" dog.

She loves to work and she loves to cruise......I'm so glad. I don't know how I'm going to handle not having her beside me all the time.

As I watch the gray hair form around her face and on her body, I'm reminded that a dog's aging process is so remarkably quick. I wish I could make time stand still!!!!!! :o I have to stop......I come to tears when I think about this!!!!!!!


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We went to our first graduate workshop on Saturday at the CCI campus on Long Island, NY. We had a great day. We got to catch up with some old friends and even make some new ones. We got alot of new information and even learned some new training tricks. It was great to see what some people have been able to teach their amazing dogs. We are now inspired to teach Orson some new tasks. I never expected to see such a turnout. There were people there from as far away as Virginia, Rhode Island and Boston. CCI let people get there Friday and stay in the dorms overnight. They even provided a great lunch for everyone. They offered free teeth cleaning, nail clipping and weigh-ins. Orson has to loose two pounds. It is something we will look forward to every year.



DKD, Sorry we didn't get to go. We have this cruise coming up and money is tight right now. We wish we knew you could stay in the dorms, that would have helped, but we would have still had to pay for the ferry which would be 150 or so. Also John would have had to take a day of work off. We have to go back in Feb to be recertified. So maybe the next workshop for us. Glad to hear they had a big turnout. John is always so worried about Wexlers weight, since they seem to be very strict about it. Hopefully we will meet another time.


Roz, I guess I'm the only one that doesn't use a TA. We actually used to have one but when I found the price on HAL was cheaper than our TA, we stopped using them. I check all the sites before we book and have always gotten the same price. We also do our own air. This girl was reccomended to us by a friend and she was ok the first trip. Then she pawned us off to an assistant and she was terrible!!! So I do it myself now.



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DKD, Sorry we didn't get to go. We have this cruise coming up and money is tight right now. We wish we knew you could stay in the dorms, that would have helped, but we would have still had to pay for the ferry which would be 150 or so. Also John would have had to take a day of work off. We have to go back in Feb to be recertified. So maybe the next workshop for us. Glad to hear they had a big turnout. John is always so worried about Wexlers weight, since they seem to be very strict about it. Hopefully we will meet another time.






Maybe we will see each other in Feb. That is when we go up for out next recertification too. This is the hopefully 3 year certification. When we went up last Feb., we were able to stay overnight. It must have been a Friday because I only took one day off from work. We didn't want to deal with the Friday afternoon traffic.

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