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Good morning everyone! Wow! Looks like weightlosses all the way around! Congratulations especially to svwkirby for staying focused during a month long plateau! Patience and diligence does pay off!

Welcome Glory! We have a great group here and we're thrilled to have you join us!

I don't weigh in until tomorrow but I feel pretty confident this week. I more than made up any overages I might have had earlier in the weekend yesterday so I feel good about that. My average calories per day are still around 1900 but my averaged burned is now up to about 2500.

We had a great day yesterday out at the tree farm with dogs and baby cutting down a tree, singing Xmas carols. The baby's favorite part was singing!

I agree with what you guys are saying about baked goodies. I don't think they really qualify as a food group! ;) They are just a treat. I find that once I start on that stuff it's a slippery slope downhill! I've been avoiding that stuff for the last two weeks and I've noticed I've had little trouble staying within my daily ww allotment of points. When I start on that stuff, it's a struggle. This second week has been much easier. The bakery demons stopped calling me this week!

Have a great Monday everyone!! :D
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Good Morning Everyone!!

Great job everyone on the losses or staying the same. It is really such a hard time of year. I think yesterday I gained the 1 pound I lost, between the chicken wings, and my sons choclate chip cookie cake (I was not gonna have any, but broke down) but today is another day:p I agree with you all on the sweets, I have put off baking, but this week I will, I am better off not even having 1, because if I taste it I want more.
Glory-Welcome to the group!! Everyone is great here.
Susan-I am booked on the Miracle for June, my parents live by Tampa and are watching the boys for me. I have read alot of reviews on it, and they are all very positive. I went on the Carnival Glory, Triumph and Ecstasy and have enjoyed them all. I alos went to the RC Voyager (awesome ship!!) but enjoyed the Carnival ones just as much. I am happy on any ship!!
Well gotta get moving, have a great day!! Connie
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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Kelly that really sucks getting sick before your cruise, just make sure you take care of it now. Runner girl, great to have ww company. I've been trying to stay away from potatoes, rice and pasta until i can losen up this plateau i've been on since September, it's driving me insane. In order for me to be able to cruise again i need to have my tummy tuck done, need to save up some more time and extra money for the bills. Then i can move on and get my behind back in a cruise. I love rci that why i am afraid to go to carnival but looking at some pictures it looks pretty cool. Can't wait!!
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Connie, I am with you. I am better off not even starting on that stuff. Just a taste, and I want more.

Kelly, I am so sorry you are sick! Don't try to push yourself now. Sleep is the best medicine. Sleep the next two days, you have the day before you leave to finish packing. Anything else can wait until you get back.

Glory, I am trying to avoid white breads and white pastas. I am fine with potatoes, carrots, bananas etc. They are natural and loaded with good nutrients-assuming they aren't fried or loaded with butter or something else. It's the sweets I really need to give a wide berth to! It's great to have a buddy in point counting!!

I weigh in tomorrow ladies. Keep your fingers crossed!
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[quote name='Runner Girl']
Glory, I am trying to avoid white breads and white pastas. I am fine with potatoes, carrots, bananas etc. They are natural and loaded with good nutrients-assuming they aren't fried or loaded with butter or something else. It's the sweets I really need to give a wide berth to! It's great to have a buddy in point counting!!

At work we have our own cafeteria free of charge and pretty much they match everything with potatoes, pasta and rice so i avoid them but i eat them couple of time per week. The rest of the stuff i shoved them with no problem. Have you tried the new snacks from ww? the carrot cake one and the chocolate icing cake, there are also muffins. I bought them the other day and even though they are tiny the fulfill some of that sweet tooth. Good luck on your wi mine is Thursday. To all have a wonderful day!!
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Great news everyone! I weighed in this morning and I'm down 4.6 pounds from last week!! I had felt so much better this week and I knew my body had released some weight, but I was still nervous weighing in this morning!

Start weight 11/30/04 145
weigh in 12/07/04 142.6
weigh in 12/14/04 138

Total loss=7 pounds!

Now, if I could just drop one pound per week, I'd be thrilled. I haven't been below 138 in about a year and below 135 in 3 years, so these pounds will be harder, I think.

Thanks, all of you, for your support! It really has helped!

Glory, I haven't tried any of those ww desserts. Right now, I'm trying to stay away from dessert, period. When I get to maintenance, I may give those a try. One thing I have really liked is Skinny Cows. They are ice cream sandwiches, they come in many flavors and they are only 2 points. Yum!
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Good Morning!!

Kelly-I hope you are feeling better!! My mom works at a hospital, and she says there is really somthing in chicken soup that helps you get better!! I think lots of bed rest, and don't forget the fluids (water, gatorade, etc.) Good thing you packed early.

Runner Ann-Wow, 4.6 lbs. that is awesome!!! I have been in a diet rut the past few days, I don't know what is wrong with me. (Don't worry, I am not giving up)
By the way, what time do you get up?? I notice you alway post really early:p
Glory-I am going to look for those new WW treats to have on hand when I get that sweet tooth. I also love the skinny cows.
Everyone else, hope you are doing good and getting everything done!!
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is it too late to join?? im going on a cruise on Feb 6 out of california. and need to lose weight big time!!! im trying but support would be great!! IM 5"5 and weigh 167. im not all that big around, i do have a large issue uptop but that for another thread. let me know if i can still join. Happy Losing Meaghan:o
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[quote name='megsterl']is it too late to join?? im going on a cruise on Feb 6 out of california. and need to lose weight big time!!! im trying but support would be great!! IM 5"5 and weigh 167. im not all that big around, i do have a large issue uptop but that for another thread. let me know if i can still join. Happy Losing Meaghan:o[/QUOTE]

Don't worry we are all in the same "boat". Welcome, i just started here and these girls are awesome. Runner, that is excellent, keep it up!! Right now i am on my way to the gym so i can go shopping after that. I've had those skinny cows and they are really good, i get the cookies and cream. I also buy the so english toffee crunch, they taste like real ice cream and eventhough they are 3 points it is sooo worthy. I tell you, when T.O.M. is around any sweets are welcome, especially those containing chocolate. I got to wait till Thursday for mi wi and i am working my butt off this week, we'll see. Everyone have a good and healthy day!!
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Hi all,

I am very tardy in posting....sorry for the delay. I think I lost another 2 last week, but not sure. I'm getting conflicting results. I was only able to walk 4 days last week, so I think that threw me off big time. I purposely took off on Tuesday to give the 'ol bod a rest, then was sick Wed. & Thursday. Scales looked good Sunday morning, but not so hot yesterday and today. Guess that's what I get for weighing more than once!! I didn't think it was possible to lose 2 pounds with only 4 days of walking though. Guess we'll see what this Sunday brings.

Kelly - I hope you are feeling better. Zinc tablets really help with cold symptoms, although it might be a little late in starting them. Guess they couldn't hurt at this point though. Like the others said, lots of rest, lots of fluids. At least you got sick before you left and not on your trip, something to be thankful for. I hope you have a great time on your trip, I'm going to miss you. We want to hear all about it when you get home.

Glory and Meaghan - Welcome to the group. The gals really are great here. Besides, if I can get off this extra weight, anyone can. Meaghan, we leave in Feb. also. 7 more weeks. Not that I'm counting. Glory, your pictures are great. We're sailing on the Brilliance this time, a sister ship to the Radiance I believe. Anyhow, it was fun to look at your pictures. I think all that drinking is what started getting me in trouble in the first place. I have 10 more pounds to lose before we go, so I can start that whole disaster all over again. Something about the climate, the scenery, the location....it just sucks me in...I amaze myself with my alcohol intake on vacation. Good thing we don't do it often. I'd be a fat drunk for sure. :rolleyes:

Everyone else - You guys did great this week. Especially you Ann. Great job!!! The next two weeks are going to be the hardest. I've stayed away from temptations so far, I figure if I don't start, I don't know what I'm missing. It's working so far...guess we'll see.

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Hi all,
I am not reporting in this week as I have not even thought about the scale or the diet. It has not been a good week for me. My mother who has been ill took a turn for the worse last week and I have been up in Seattle since Wed evening. Her kidneys are shutting down. She did rally a bit this weekend. I think to say goodbye to all of us. She got to see most of her grandchildren and great grandchildren and children over the weekend. Today she was less coherent and not as perky. She is tired of fighting and wants to "Go Home." She is 80 and had a good life. She sent us all home today to be with our families. I believe I will be getting the call in the next couple of days but she was adamant about us not sitting around in the hospital. We are abiding her wishes. My sister went back home to Texas, my brother back home to Mississippi and I am back here in Oregon. My other sister lives in Seattle. So I may not be posting very often this week. I just wanted to let you all know.
KELLY_ You have a wonderful trip! I want to hear all about it when you get back.
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Jodie, I am sorry to hear you going through all this. This is definitely part of life and we all go through it, but it is very hard when it's your turn. I lost my mom 4 years ago so as I read your post, I clearly relive some of the feelings. My prayers are with you.

Glory, I missed the pictures. Did you post them here?

I had a thought yesterday morning. I have 8 pounds to go and I know the next pounds are going to be frustrating. The closer you are to your 'ideal' weight, the harder it is. Here's what I thought about yesterday morning. We really shouldn't set a goal that indicates # of pounds lost by a certain date. We really can't control that. What we can control is what we do. A better goal is to stay "on program" for a full week. Or, if you are struggling like I was for awhile, to stay "on program" for one full day. We have a choice every day. The choice is to stick to our programs or not to, to go to gym or skip the gym. If we make the right choices each day, that should be the victory. We don't decide when and at what pace our bodies decide to release the weight. Our bodies control that.

This week, the tough stuff starts. Thursday we are having a pig out at work. I think I will bring my 0 point vegetable soup. I love that stuff and so do most other people. Saturday we are going to a Christmas party and we may have one to go to Sunday too. Monday, my work group is having our annual Christmas lunch and leaving the office early to hang out. I am going to try to stay on program through all this by banking points this week and making good choices. We'll see. It seems to be getting easier. OH, I'm baking this weekend too. I don't even know why I am baking either. I just want to get rid of all the cookies so I don't eat them :rolleyes: ! I probably won't make as many as I usually do.
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Runner: Expressing our objectives in terms of our own behaviors, rather than in terms of external metrics such as weight, is a very good idea. The weight-loss program I used was very numbers-oriented, but the numbers that they focused on most often were "number of days of exercise in a week," "number of servings of fruit and vegetables per day," etc. The more granular the metrics, the more effective I felt they were.

We did learn, though, that not even "perfect behavior" would result in achieving a healthy weight. Eventually, we'd be challenged to raise our performance with respect to one or more of the metrics, maybe increasing our physical activity, getting some habitual eating behavior under control, etc.

So I feel a combination of both perspectives is best: Focus, day-to-day, on doing things correctly, living within the program, etc. Then, say monthly, think about whether it is time to upgrade your overall objectives.
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I wish that i had found out about this site earlier. this is great. I only have 7 weeks to go and i want to loss so much. I have a feeling im not going to get to the goal i want, but i do want to loss as much as possible. Thanks for allowing me to join. i keep drinking water and keep losing.

i set up a roll call for my cruise on Feb 6, but no one is signing up, its kind of depressing. Oh well its not like i havent gone before and not known anyone. I just thought it would be fun to hear from some people.
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Hello Everyone,
Nancy-Sounds like you are doing good, I weigh myself everyday, and I don't know why, because like you it is down than up , etc. and I let it get to me somedays!!

Jodie-I am so sorry to hear about your mother, you are in my prayers.

Runner Ann-I like what you said about not worrying so much about numbers but how you do on your program, daily, weekly etc. Also, sometimes the weight doesn't go down, but the clothes fit better!!

Meaghan-Just stick with your program, and by Feb. 6 you will look Fabulous!!
I did a roll call for my cruise and did not get any replies either, but mine is not until June 26th.

Well, I think I am out of my rut, I had a great day yesterday, I pulled out all the WW stuff and wrote everything down, and had 23 points!!
I am off to hopefully finish my shopping!! Connie
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I went on Weight Watchers in Sept. of 2002 and by Oct. 2003, I lost 60 pounds. I could have done this faster, but I wasn't always loyal. I know WW has introduced a new program and I'm not sure about that, but I highly reccomend the Points System, since you can still eat things that are traditionally considered "bad" for you (pizza, Krispy Kreme's, etc.). You just have to learn to eat in moderation (smaller portions are truly the key to success, I think).

I have now gained back 30 pounds of that and want to lose it (as well as more :) ). My husband and I just decided to book a cruise on the Victory at the end of January and I'm not sure how much of my 30 I can lose by then, by I'm going to give it my best shot!!!
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Hello girls!!

First of all, Jodie eventhough i don't know you, i will keep your Mom in my prayers, it's definately a very difficult time but the best part is that first she is ready and second there's no better place than heaven, it's a safe and always happy place, no pain and no suffering.

Runner, my pictures are on my signature. They are from my cruise back in March on the Radiance, not many since i lost a whole bunch with my other pc, that was very frustrating. BTW, after that cruise was when i decided that i needed to lose weight, i was at my highest and i hated it. I refuse to post the picture with the Captain on webshots since on that picture i look so big, i hate it! I only use it to remind myself that that life is over and that woman there is someone else.

Meg, did you check other pages? Sometimes there are roll calls already going. When we went on our cruise we got to meet some couples from here, about 3 other couples and we had a great time.

Connie, with ww you definately need to be loyal otherwise we know how to screw up very easily. I started working out again recently, if i use all of my flexies i don't go over my daily target. I have been pretty good the last few weeks. Making sure you drink the water, exercise and write everything down is the key to sucess, of course, that's beside the good eating habits and portion control. I love the program. It's the only one that has worked for me.

Lawyergirl, the same that i wrote to Connie i tell you. Try going to the ww boards maybe sign up online, if it worked for you before it will work again you just got to be determined to lose the weight, and not just for the cruise but for yourself. Good luck!

To everyone, enjoy your afternoon.

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Jodie: I am SO SORRY to hear about your mother. I will be thinking about you and sending HUGE hugs and love your way. I think you have a lovely look on things and I feel that you are showing strength that I don't know how you find at times like these. You are very strong, and a woman I admire. BIG hugs!

Everyone Else: I am feeling better. Thank you for your well wishes! I leave at 4:00 am tomorrow, so this will probably be my last post for a bit. Looks like some stormy weather, but a vacation is a vacation and I can't wait to get away!

Happy Holidays! I'll see you when I get home!
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I guess my point about the objectives is to set them in a way in which we really can control whether or not we meet them. Remember, if our calorie intake drops too low relative to the number we burn, our basal metabolism will drop. We do have to be a little patient with out bodies.

Wow! It's great to have all these fellow weight watchers here! I don't know what their new program is. I was an active member 4 years ago and first learned their 1-2-3 program, then I learned flex points. I follow 1-2-3. It worked for me then, it works for me now. My body has no idea ww changed their rules. I haven't been to a ww meeting in a year now. I don't know what the new thing is. I hope they aren't making certain foods completely off limits-like white flour. What I always liked about ww was that you choose. Lawyergirl, welcome. As for the 30 pounds, as I said before, stay on your program and lose what you can. 30 pounds by end of January is not realistic, but you may be able to drop 6-10 by then and that would be worthwhile! Meg, welcome too.

Connie, glad you are out of your rut! Keep counting! The first week is the absolute hardest. I'm on my third week of focused counting and I can't believe how much easier it is now than that first week!

This week, I am all about banking points for the weekend again. We have a party Saturday night and a party Sunday night this week. We are also having a "pig out" day at work today. I had planned on making some good 0 point vegetable soup to bring, but I was just too tired last night. I'll stop and get a veggie tray on the way to work. Lame, I know. One of the girls made homemade candy and chocolates and brought us each a tin of them for Christmas. I thought it was such a nice thing for her to do, but what am I going to do with them. Then the evil thought entered my mind. REGIFT!!
I will take them in to my hairdresser after work tonight :D I know, I'm bad, but niether of us wants to eat that stuff.
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Good MOrning!!
Welcome Lawyer Girl!!
Runner Ann-REGIFT!!!!! I am with you there:D So far we have gotten a box of goodies from the popcorn factory (and not just popcorn, nuts, cookies, candy) and yesterday from another company with candy, cashews and pistachios!! I stayed out of all of it, luckily I have 3 growing boys and a husband in the house!!
I stuck with my points again, yesterday, I am on a roll!! (2 whole days:eek: )
Well everyone, I have gotta get to the gym, have a great day and stay focused!! Connie
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