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Costa Fortuna Review Just got back Jan 20th 08

Slippery when wet

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Just got back from the Costa Fortuna Eastern run and have my "review"!! Not sure how much room I have so, it may have to be in parts...Hubby and I are 48 yrs old. Cruised with our 2 kids 13 and 17 and my parents staying in FLA met us on the ship!

Overall we all had a blast! We really enjoyed(for the most part) the wonderful European Flair ! What a difference in culture from cruising with all North Americans! The different languages and dress styles... I loved how uninhibited the Europeans are when it comes to dancing.....outward showing of love for their children and families!..very interesting to observe the differences in cultures! 10;30 AM and the dance floor is full! Everyone dancing wherever their deck chair is alone, or together, not caring about what anyone else thinks! I loved the Italian music and theme throughout the ship. Europeans eat to live, they don't gorge themselves like Americans do. Didn't see any Morbidly obese people, which was nice!

Embarkation: Very very fast, smooth and organized....ample staff....felt very welcome.....ship was and remained SPOTLESS throughout the week. Every bathroom , everytime using one , SPOTLESS!!...Although no hand sanitizer anywhere, ( I was aware of this from reading these forums though) Went straight to the Lido deck for lunch, (knew the layout of the ship as it is almost identical to the Carnival Liberty!) Sat down to eat and this was the ONLY time during the entire week we felt pressured by staff constantly trying to sell us the kids pop tickets. $59.00 each for only 20 tickets! (knew about this also becuz of this forum- so we packed a case of pop into the suitcases! $7.99 versus $120.00 works for me!) We kept saying no thanks, and they were relentless, every 2 minutes another server was trying to sell us pop tickets. They must get a commission or something. They were like circling sharks and we could hardly finish a sentence. was getting annoying...but after lunch that ended for good! Luggage was at our rooms by 1;00pm ! Our cabin steward Jorge was great! Room was spotless all the time....always ice in the bucket! We were on 10th floor which was great! close to the Pool deck. Loved it! I knew there were no alarm clocks becuz of this great forum, so we brought one- One thing to note: There was only ONE electrical outlet in the entire room including the bathroom. So if you are going, bring a 3 way plug. Pain in the neck, unplugging the alarm clock all the time, to plug in curling iron, or whatever....also the blow dryer in the room was really lame. My hair is very thick, it would'ave taken 2 hours to dry with it! ALso there is shampoo in the showers but no conditioner which I ran out of and my hair felt like straw for 2 days! :)

OK. There were 1800 Armenians on our ship, they get together every year to celebrate Armenian Heritage. We all got the feeling they were bitter about "US" (americans) being on the ship. The rest of the ship was all Europeans, French and Italian mostly. WE (americans made up 5 % of the ship) I now know what (RE's) are!! Oh my god! They were pushy (literally) they would bump into, or push us out of the way without an apology or even a look back. Some of them are a Miserable lot. We would try to talk to some of them and we would get a blank stare back. Would not smile back. We found out later from a kind woman that they ALL speak English! and choose not to to us! It became comical and we made it a big laugh all week! The most amazing thing was watching them try to steal deckchairs that were already taken! Hilarious! They are so brazen! My mom became the Deckchair ****! My dad would lay there pretending to be a sleep and not know her, and she would guard any of our chairs becuz if we dared to get up from one they would be stolen. One time, My husband and I were standing beside our chairs. We had towels on them, his sandals were under his chair. The sunscreen was laying there...drinks on the deck and a book! And this woman comes right up to us, ignoring us, and starts taking the towels and everything off of the chair to use it! I said "ah..excuse me that is my chair" Absolutely amazing, they don't even stop to ask us, "is anyone using this chair?"....Just common courtesy by most standards!! Geesh...We got the giggles, I was laughing right at her! I said.."Can you please explain to us why you would take this chair with all the stuff on it?"..she shrugged her shoulders and said "no one is on it! so it is available!!" Too funny! So, we had to guard our chairs very closely! The kids were in hysterics watching it all happen! They had never seen anything like it! Anyway the chair stealing woman asked me when I booked this trip. She said they were under the impression that there were only Armenians on the ship and they were quite surprised to see other nationalities! She asked me how much I paid, and was really pissed to find out $599.00, kids free on the 10th floor. She and her husband paid $1200.00 each and were on the 3rd floor! Sweet revenge from us to the chair stealers!! ha ha

My mom is from France and still has relatives there. Something we have to understand is this: Europeans geneally DO NOT LIKE AMERICANS! Americans come over to Europe to vacation and are Rude and obnoxious and treat the staff of the hotels and shops etc...like crap.( when travelling there always where a Canadian flag lapel pin) Europe generally does not embrace anything American. This is why Eurodisney has been somewhat of a flop. They do not want it ! Europeans find our fast food disgusting, they find it revolting how we overeat, wolfing down junk food. Even though we saved their skins during WW2!

Did we let this ruin our week? Hell no! It was a great culture lesson for my kids!

Back to the subject of the pool area:There was one woman who sunbathed topless everyday! Big watermelons hanging all over the place! Geesh. My son was happy to get photos of this. Service on the pool decks was pretty much non existant. This didn't bother me, but I did notice the difference between Costa and Carnival for this. We were on the top floor sunbathing and literally 3 hours go by and you don't see a waiter, but this did not bother me. My parents prefer Princess and said you cannot walk 5 feet without someone wanting to serve you, or help you. I don't really have that to compare to. We brought Our own anyway, and ran back to the room for refills .

Re: Bathing suits Word of advice for woman:

If you are 60 years or older and have 3 rolls to your abdomen. With each roll being larger than the next and all of them larger than your breast size: A teeny weeny bikini is NOT for you- or the rest of us to endure!

MEN: If you are 60 years or older...a THONG or speedo is NOT for you or us to endure!! Honestly...what are you people thinking??

Food: Breakfast buffet was NOT cold! It was great every morning! We ate breakfast and lunch in the buffet everyday and dinner in the restaurant every night. Only negative comment I have is there were not many choices for desserts at the buffet. But again...Europeans don't inhale 4000 calories a day! They don't consume the amounts of sugar we do!

There was an Italian family beside us in the restaurant that were so friendly and sweet. IT was wonderful every night hearing " BonJourno! Bon appetito"...lovely accents! One night my daughter ordered spagetti, and was having a hard time eating it: (little background here- my life is go go go...no time to cook 1/2 the time running out the door for sports every night) so when I make spagetti I cook Carpellin spagetti, very thin, cooks FAST- I also cut it up so we can shovel it in and run out the door again.. sad actually....but anyway my daughter was used to cut up skinny spagetti...well here she was trying desparately to spin the fork around and try to get the food in her mouth and I could see them staring at her in complete disbelief that a 13 year old kid would not know how to properly eat spagetti!! It was so funny, so we asked them to show her and it was so sweet, the woman came over and showed her how to use the spoon....the next night my daughter ordered it again, and showed them she could do it and they all clapped and cheered!!! it was too bad we all could not understand eachother, we would have loved to have conversations with them. Even tho, we did not communicate verbally all week, on the last night we all hugged and blew kisses good bye! Wonderful!

DO NOT MISS ITALIAN NIGHT in the restaurant! Oh my god, I almost cried 2ce! THe music was so beautiful, the waiters all danced with us...everyone waving their knapkins ....For as long as I live, whenever I hear "That's AMore" I will remember our trip. Such an emotional experiance , watching, listening and interacting with all the Italians who immediately got right into the songs and dancing...So wonderful.Again....an amazing experiance for my kids! Cheap way to let them see how the other side of the world lives!! Our waiters were FANTASTIC! Catering to our every whim...Funny and Fun...we had great conversations with them. The tables were NOT too close together, I was so worried when I read someones review about that.( I think anytime one travels during PEAK periods.such as x-mas or March break, everything is going to be more crowded.) The air conditioning was perfect, never felt too hot or cold. My daughter LOVED the cheescake, so our waiter brought her 2 or 3 pieces every night! wrapped some up for her to take back to the room. She was thrilled! My husband loved the snails one night and he brought him 5 plates! He remembered my dad loved the cheese, and he brought him a plate every night ALL without asking! My parents have been on 6 cruises and said our waiters were the BEST they have ever had! However, we did talk to another couple from Canada who said their waiter could not speak a word of English and so they did not have such a great time at dinner. Too bad. We all hugged and kissed good bye to our waiters on the last night! We will miss them.

SMOKING: I have to start by saying I have a 0 Tolerance for smokers. I can't stand it.The smell is revolting, makes me sick, I do not feel smokers have any rights to inflict second hand smoke on anyone and it absolutely disgusts me to see kids subjected to smoke from selfish, ignorant adults! There...said it...I am very sensitive to this subject having buried 2 family members to lung cancer and too many friends to count. Not open to discussion. It is THE stupidist thing anyone can do to inhale 4000 chemicals that cause cancer, lung disease and heart disease and anyone who still does this needs their head examined.( To quote a local Dr. who has a newspaper opinon column!) OK. One side of the ship on deck 9 had tables designated to smokers. We held our breath and plugged our noses if we walked by there by mistake. Then there was one side of the OPEN 3rd floor lounge, which was silly because the smoke waifs over to the non smoking side and also waifs UP to the other floors as the design is all open concept. Gross..when walking around looking at the photos or shops , having to endure smoke. UGH... I did catch quite a few people sneak smoking in no smoking areas which pissed me off...but I didn't say anything. (RE's) What is really really sad is to see kids in the smoking sections. Makes me crazy! (child abuse.) Smoking also in the casino, but we don't gamble. Tell you what tho, if we did gamble, I would'ave been pissed. Europe is still a little backwards when it comes to smoking. However!my mom's friend tells her that Paris has just been declared Smoke free!!

We didn't go to the bars, other than Karoke one night, too tired, so I can't comment on them. I am sure they were fun though.

Entertainment: The costa dancers and singers were FANTASTIC! Don't miss their shows. Other nights in the Rex were disappointing there were 2 singers that were pretty bad. Victoria Horne, and John something. I don't like to sit in a theater and stare at someone singing...not entertainment for me unless it is a big name star. Lounge singers like them should be in a lounge, not on the big stage. Very boring for kids. The band around the pool every day were very very good.

My kids were a little disappointed in the activities for them. Not much for them to do. When they did show up at the activities, only 4 kids showed up, and my kids were the only 2 who spoke english. There were alot of Armenian teens but they all seemed to stick together and not interested in making friends. My kids preferred Carnival for kids stuff.

Shore Excursions: Didn't do anything the ship organized. We did our own thing. San Juan.. we just walked around and shopped really enjoyed it. Old cobble stone roads, lots of history. Kids were wowed by it. St. Thomas we did Sunny Listons Tour! Oh my god we had soooo much fun! Highly recommend that tour. Only $25.00 each. We have not laughed so much and so loudly in a looong time! Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Catalina was a lovely beach. Great spot to take shots of the ship. Kids snorkelled and we relaxed. Just nice to feel sand between the toes. A big dark cloud came over us and rained for about 5 minutes and then stopped. Well...what a laugh, watching 1000 people all running around like chickens to get out of the rain, when they are in their bathing suits and wet from swimming anyway!! Too funny...they all screamed and scrambled to get back on the ship....we were in hysterics. Then it stopped and all went back to normal! That night we did not go to the Kandela show. Too tired. really glad to have not signed up for it. We would have been running around trying to get ready in time too stressful ...was nice to relax around the ship when every one else was off of it. The show that night in Rex was really good. Dinner that night was fun too. Waiters dancing. I forget the theme that night, but Lots of stuff to do if you don't want to go to that show.

Bahamas: Getting off of the ship was a ridiculous show of Armenian Courtesy! Major sarcasm there !! We were on the 10th floor in the elevator going down to 0 to disembark. The elevator was FULL! My dad is a heart patient and I was a little concerned as it was very very hot on that elevator and too many people on it to start with. IT stopped at every single floor , and as the door would open, to our complete disbelief these people (RE's,and Armenians...) would shove their way onto the elevator. We literally were all screaming "NO NO NO"...FULL TOO FULL NO...and they did not care, they pushed their way onto the elevator anyway, shouting back at us, waving hands in the air. 9th, 8th, 7th floor, stopping and opening at every floor. Every time the door opened, we were screaming NO NO NO...but they didn't care, kept pushing their way on...I looked over at my dad, sweat pouring down his face... Someone screamed, "there is an overload point you know" - to which an RE said " we're ok till the red button flashes" ( oh...I guess you CAN speak english- major sarcasm)....Someone in the corner screams" What is wrong with YOU PEOPLE????" Tempers were flared...I could hear my mom to my dad" are you oK???"....

The man beside me, screams out sarcastically at floor # 5 -"Come on in, it is better than Auschwitz in here"...( oh my god, I could not believe he said that!!!!)

His wife, said another derogative comment about how rude they all are....The door finally opens at ground 0 and holy S---... Mass major confusion, and commotion, pushing and shoving...My dad said to me later " Do you think for one minute if this ship was sinking, any of these people would give a rats ass about anyone else, or what Station their life boat was at?!!!" The lifeboat drills are a complete and total waste of time for an RE. Out on the pier, people shoving past us, without , of course apologizing or saying excuse me...We at this point got very sarcastic, and did alot of head shaking and tsk tsking....(sure fixed their little red wagons! ha ha ) honestly tho, I was really concerned for my dad. Completely different culture. And yet, my parents did a mediterean cruise and said they throughly enjoyed Turkey (where Armenians live) and the people were very friendly and courteous. Go figure?

Back to the Bahamas: Beautiful scenery from the ship, Gorgeous harbour with beautiful boats, but the main shopping drag was a Dump. bummer. All the stores pretty much have the same stuff. People hounding you every 2 feet to buy something, or get hair braided..(no thanks, friends of ours are still trying to get head lice out 4 months later) We did have fun in Senior Frogs for an hour! Interesting little walk down the street, but will pick next cruise without that stop! Kids bought a conch shell that you blow and makes a huge moose sound! We were blowing it off the back of the ship during sail away! We have a boat and will use it this summer!

Front desk: Nice girls, but slow as molasses. I think that the problem is understaffing. There were 6 computers there and at any time never more than 2 people there. Sometimes 20-30 people lined up for stuff. We sat in the lounge on the 3rd floor once, watching people with scowls on their faces lining up forever, and of course, the Armenians butting in front of people, saw one Armenian woman , literally crawl under the ropes to skip the line. Almost caused a fist fight! So brazen, we couldn't believe it! How entertaining, to watch these people push their way past others as if they were not even standing there! We did a Baileys shot for every time one butted in! Too funny! Look at that one! Look over there! they are comical! So oblivious to common courtesy!

Roman night was a little disapponting. We all wore our TOgas, but only a handful did. Kids were looking forward to this as they Love John Belushi and Animal House, but none of the old fuddy-duddy RE's dressed up! I had a feeling they wouldn't. The stage show by the dancers and Max the cruise director was good. Talent was so-so!! :)

Disembarkation was fast. We chose the take your own stuff off 7;00am thing. Tons of taxis' waiting. $15.00 to airport for all 4 of us. 10 minute ride. Don't do the ship's $15.00 each thing, I think that is probably a rip off.If you want to do this, go to the front Desk FIRST THING, so you dont' have to wait in line during the week.

Overall we had a really good time together.Food was good. Not sure what anyone complains about. Fish was wonderful, fresh...I think some people have exceedingly high expectations about what to expect on a cruise.A cruise is really nothing more than a floating hotel with "work for peanuts" staff from overseas that are probably not trained properly, which is not their fault. All of the staff we came across were friendly and were trying their best. If I had paid $300.00 per night I might be complaining, but one has to understand, this is a cruise ship, not the Waldorf Astoria. For a $599.00 vacation- It was well worth the money! Entertainment on the stage and RE watching around the ship! We probably would not do another one, mostly becuz the kids would prefer to meet new teen friends to have fun with and you find that on an American cruise line. Also: We missed the giant outdoor movie screen that was on the liberty. That was really great every night to watch a movie under the stars. Gotta run! "Arevadarchi" - no idea how to spell this!

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Enjoyed reading your lively review! Can just imagine the Armenian-related issues. But I, too, love the general European culture of the Costa line.


I think a cruise is different when there is a large group aboard and that those booking should be told that there is a group aboard. (While they may still book, at least they would be aware.) Speaking from the "group side", it seems that the non-group passengers are a bit surprised by the existence of a group.


We're sailing on the Med next week and will be the majority group aboard. As last year, there will be about 1,200 going with the Cruise of Irish Stars. (www.CruiseOfIrishStars.com) Most folks are from the USA (heavy concentration from the NY-NJ metro area) and the balance from Ireland. If experience holds, non-group passengers will be from Europe and the USA (with many having taken advantage of the last minute deep discounts Costa seems to offer.)


Last year, we sailed your itinerary and did the same as you -- didn't take any ship-sponsored tours. These boards are great for research, aren't they! Concur with your observations about the ports. I'd make a suggestion about the Bahamas -- Don't necessarily avoid booking a cruise because it stops there. Just don't get off the ship while in port; it's so nice to seemingly have the ship to yourself. :D


Again, really enjoyed your review. So good of you to post upon your return.


Oh - two questions -- Just curious - for the super fare you got, what type of cabin were you in? And what/who is an "RE" -- my mind is drawing a blank. :p

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Good Morning! I have so much work to do, as I run a business from my home, but here I am on this site!! I too, was confused when reading these forums about what an RE is.....(Rude European) !! I think I would LOVE to be on a ship with a big group of Irish ! I think you guys will at least smile at the other passengers!! I am sure it will be alot of fun! Re; Bahamas- I agree, staying on the ship is nice when everyone is at port. Enjoy!

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re: super fare: Got an e mail Dec 23rd from Americas Vacation center. I had never heard of Costa before and also, didn't really have plans on going away.

I checked out Costas web site and then called them directly to book. No idea why we had such great prices! Ran into another couple on the ship who booked on Dec 29th, and paid $900.00 each for 3rd floor inside- they thought they had such a great deal till they spoke to me! No idea how or why the prices fluxuate so much!

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SWW - Thanks for the definition. ;)


Funny - I, too, work from home and find myself logged in to CC. Wish I had this week off too as vacation prep; then the post cruise week off as the wind-down. A one-week trip could turn in to three weeks. LOL! :p


Since we usually do sail with Andy Cooney, we never get the bargin you did. Prior to sailing with Costa in 2006, I had a preconceived impression of them being stuffy and stogy since they are an old Italian line (though are now part of the Carnival empire). But, now being experienced with Costa, I wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of such a deal in the future.

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Slippery--Great review, you had me laughing about the Armenan antics. I'm a people watcher myself and love a good "show" like you saw at the Purser's desk. It's great that even though you had some difficult times, such as on the elevator, you were able to laugh it off and not make it ruin your vacation. You have the right attitude!


Thanks again!

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lol, them crazy smelly armenians.:)


i enjoyed your review. glad you had a good time laughing about it.


ya ANY time there's a group, expecially one as prevelant in numbers as 1800 they're going to overtake the ship.


a good practice is to google search your ship name and date and look hard to see if it's a group cruise. i've read many many problems on these boards caused by groups on a cruises.


i'm personally so thankfull that europeans hate us americans.

make me feel real good about the sacrifice our grand fathers made bailing their arse's out in WW2.


"There was one woman who sunbathed topless everyday! Big watermelons hanging all over the place! "



"MEN: If you are 60 years or older...a THONG or speedo is NOT for you or us to endure!! Honestly...what are you people thinking??"

possible thoughts...

1) if you've got it (or think you do), flaunt it.

2) style never changes. if i worse this speedo in the 40's then by god i'm gunna wear it in the 2000's!


Next time may i suggest a Royal Caribbean Cruise. They're the best as far as activities for kids. They'll love it.

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great and comical review...that's why i like to sail costa and msc..the people are a trip unto themselves..going on the mediteranea in 36 days and can't wait. taking my italian mother who i know is gonna love it:cool:

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ya ANY time there's a group, expecially one as prevelant in numbers as 1800 they're going to overtake the ship.

a good practice is to google search your ship name and date and look hard to see if it's a group cruise. i've read many many problems on these boards caused by groups on a cruises.



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Now, you're scaring all the potential Costa cruisers (umm haters) away! Stop it girl! ;)


Rock and Roll forever! :p



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Oh yeah - right on brother! Woodstock is still alive.


Maybe I could sell and repair Birkenstock on the cruise. Now where is my multi coloured physcodelic shirt, though I will have to leave it unbuttoned as I beleive it shrunk in the wash.:rolleyes:


"chicknamedmick" are you on the hippy cruise - if so photos pleeeeeeeaaase, also have a great cruise.



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Yes.. I admit to being one of the hippys taking the "Fortuna" in March. We gotta stick it to the man!


Thought we'd start by painting flowers on the hull... covering all the lame artwork with velvet posters..add a few black lights near posters...cover all doorways with beertab strands...start a "free store" where we can all share clothes cause we don't want to relive wearing the same duds for a week anymore (you can set up your Birkenstock repair center there) :). The disco could be a revamp of "Laugh In" and we'll body paint each other while groovin' to the entire album of "Hair". Doesn't that sound FAR OUT!!!


Hi Ron (and Boo), I'm getting a new digital camera for the cruise, Polaroid doesn't scan right.. Will see about getting some good shots. OR you could just join our cruise, too. Abitaturbodog's with us also.


My names Mick, I am a chick, nice to meet ya!


JoeT...I'm just being funny...picking on ya..its an affectionate southern thing. :)

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i so wanna go on a spring break cruise this year...


"JoeT...I'm just being funny...picking on ya..its an affectionate southern thing. "


i feel special :P thanks... i know.

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Well..then... Spring Break with a crazy bunch where you know that you'll have a "blast".

The bands are Three Dog Night, Lovin' Spoonful, and Hot Brass Monkey (tribute band to Chicago and Blood, Sweat, and Tears). Rick Shaw is our DJ. March 16th, Costa Fortuna, gotta go through Online Vacation Center to get the entertainment package. (Dang! I need to be on the payroll!) And we have a great Roll Call forum going. :)

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Hi..I would have to say the rude people were mostly the Armenians...they really had a chip on their shoulder about us (americans) being on the ship. But there were other nationalities that had attitude. They never smiled back when passing by in the halls...they pushed and shoved without apologizing...Alot of miserable people!! (we'll have to remember this the next time they need American solders to save their butts!!)

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Slippery was offended by the behavior of some of the Armenian passengers, as well as by the behavior of some other non American's on board.


Another poster referred to the Armenians as crazy and smelly.


Enough about the Armenians please.


I am Armenian-American myself, can assure you that most Armenian's that I know are actually warm, funny, generous people. We are very family oriented and usually welcoming to others. I'm sorry to hear that some of the members of the group on slippery's cruise did not represent our nationality well. There are nice and naught people in every group.


Slippery, did you have any pleasant interaction with the Armenians on board?

What about the lady who told you that "they all speak English and choose not to"....Where did she get her information?

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Catalina was a lovely beach. Great spot to take shots of the ship. Kids snorkelled and we relaxed. Just nice to feel sand between the toes.


Slippery when wet,

I enjoyed your review. My family will be on the Mediterranea in March. Did you use the ship's excursion to Catalina Island, or were you able to get there on your own?



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