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Review: A 12-day Barcelona/NCL Gem Adventure


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Can't wait to find out what you do in Nice. My DH states that since I spend so much time reading your review and looking at your pictures, we don't have to go on OUR cruise on the 17th!!! Thanks for the info on Pisa. After seeing your pictures, I know that I won't be going to the top--I am so afraid of heights, so I will bring my knitting while I wait for the rest of the family to make the climb.:o

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This is BY FAR the best review I have ever read! I am so excited for our cruise in 8 weeks!


Funny thing - do you think I could bring my own office celebration kit along too since the day we disembark is my birthday - like your ds's - I could sneak into my room and decorate it then go to dinner and come back to find the surprise.........:D Cause we all know my dh would NEVER do that for me!


I really and truly am more excited than before just from reading your fabulous review! Thank you so much!



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Wow, just as most of the readers here, I have nothing but praise for this review! So wonderfully written and a great sense of humour too! It brings back a wave of memories from my cruise (identical to yours, just a month earlier). And your photos...thanks for helping me remember every detail, from the great sights of Rome to the brand of bottled water in Barcelona! =P

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"I take so many pictures that my family jokes that I could print them all out, and reassemble the Vatican in our living room."



Or better idea. You could print them out, send them to me, and I could assemble the Vatican in my living room!


I have completely enjoyed reading your review, I don't even have a passport, but I am now determined to get one and take this cruise!! I think you may have just cost me many thousands of dollars.;)



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and have a card-playing tournament. Milles-Bournes to be exact. It is a favorite game from my childhood,




OMG...mine too. I'd completely forgotten about this game! Thanks for the rush of memories.

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Hi Celebrat.


You are helping me tremendously with your review. I too have booked private tours in Naples/Pompeii and Rome. I am uncertain about Pisa though. After two very heavy days of sight seeing I am afraid my sons may revolt (they are 9 and 11) if they have a third full day in a row of sight seeing. What was your overall opinion of Pisa and Florence? If we do go on a tour I was considering Pisa and Lucca (My DH and I will just have to go back to Italy and see Florence on our own), or perhaps one of the ships excursions which is Pisa and a beach stop. Were your children exhausted by this time? Was Florence a big hit with them?


Can't wait to have a chocolate martini!!



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You're pictures are great. After reading your report I ordered the collector's edition of Mille Bornes. I had forgotten all about it till I saw your photo. I'm going to bring it with me for my mother and I to play during our Sky cruise .

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You do a fantastic job presenting the location with all the exciting touristy things to see. Your pictures make you feel you are actually there!!


This is our first trip to Europe. We are taking the 13 day transatlantic on the Gem 11/15-29 with five days at sea disembarking in New York!

We also have booked two tours with Rome-in-Limo Tours. One in Rome and one in Florence/Pisa. I was glad to hear your favorable comments.

These are our ports: Barcelona; Villefranche, France; Livorna, Italy; Civitavecchia (Rome) Italy; Ajaccio, France and Malaga (Granada) Spain. Some were the same as yours.


Do you recommend having Euros in these countries rather than trying to use US dollars? When and where did you make your exchange. Some are doing it here in the states before we leave. Others have suggested using an ATM when arriving at Barcelona. Please, please -- what to do - what to do??

Do you recommend taxi or shuttle bus from Barcelona airport to hotel? WE are staying at the Hotel Continental down town. Then is it best to take a taxi to the pier?


Thanking you in advance for all your information.

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As we are driving through the countryside, I notice large fields of dried-out sunflowers. Sadly, I realize we have missed sunflower season. Sunflowers are a large crop for Italy (oil, seeds), and if you time it just right, you will see millions and millions of gloriously blooming sunflowers in the country.


CeleBrat - I have so enjoyed reading your review. We were with Stefano in June and did get to see those sunflowers. I see that you were able to see them elsewhere, but thought I'd post the Rome sunflowers, so that you can now say you saw them! :)


Also, do you have any other photos of your stateroom? I am looking into taking the Jade back to the Mediterranean.



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Funny thing - do you think I could bring my own office celebration kit along too since the day we disembark is my birthday - like your ds's - I could sneak into my room and decorate it then go to dinner and come back to find the surprise.........:D Cause we all know my dh would NEVER do that for me!




Even better--I will be glad to PERSONALLY decorate your cabin---just take me with you on your trip. I'll even spring for the b-day decoration kit!



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Hi Celebrat.


You are helping me tremendously with your review. I too have booked private tours in Naples/Pompeii and Rome. I am uncertain about Pisa though. After two very heavy days of sight seeing I am afraid my sons may revolt (they are 9 and 11) if they have a third full day in a row of sight seeing. What was your overall opinion of Pisa and Florence? If we do go on a tour I was considering Pisa and Lucca (My DH and I will just have to go back to Italy and see Florence on our own), or perhaps one of the ships excursions which is Pisa and a beach stop. Were your children exhausted by this time? Was Florence a big hit with them?




Indeed--by the time we got to Livorno, my DS was stating, "Mom, I will NOT be riding in any more long van trips! Do you understand? And, when are we going to stop at a beach on this cruise?"




Obviously, we did take take the Florence tour, but in hindsight could have really used another "leisure" day for the kids. FLorence is very museum/sight-heavy, which isn't always fun for little ones.


I've heard good things about Lucca, and actually was considering going there instead. It's just that my sister-in-law really, really wanted the museums, so Florence won.


Pisa may also be boring for your kids since they can't go up in the Tower.



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Do you recommend having Euros in these countries rather than trying to use US dollars? When and where did you make your exchange. Some are doing it here in the states before we leave. Others have suggested using an ATM when arriving at Barcelona. Please, please -- what to do - what to do??

Do you recommend taxi or shuttle bus from Barcelona airport to hotel? WE are staying at the Hotel Continental down town. Then is it best to take a taxi to the pier?


Thanking you in advance for all your information.


OK--we too were torn about how to carry Euros. Both tour companies insisted that we pay in cash/Euro, so we exchanged $ here in the US, put it in three separate envelopes (one for each tour company) and kept them locked in the hotel/ship safes. We also took along 200E for spending money, but it was definitely not enough. We assumed we were going to use our credit cards for meals, but we FORGOT that the Europeans don't ever split checks. SO, when when eating with everyone in our party, we had to "donate" our share of Euros to the final bill. That's what depleted our money the quickest.


We had to hit the ATM in Spain and Italy. Very easy to do as ATMs are very accessible and seem to be safe.


The ship also had an ATM, but it gave out US dollars (silly!) The Reception Desk would exhange those dollars for a fee. Not sure why there weren't Euros in the ship ATM...


Hope that helps.



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Thanks to everyone for the nice comments. Glad you like the review. I will try and answer all the questions--but please let me know if I miss one...


Sea Island Lady--aren't sunflowers and Stefano GREAT? Thanks for sharing the Roman sunflower pics. Amazing, isn't it?


indesign--Milles Bournes is sooooooo fun!


jomc68--Go for it and get a passport! Oh the places you could go...


The Nice review is coming up next.



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CeleBrat - this is definitely one of the best reviews I have ever read. Your photos are fantastic. You have brought back lovely memories of past visits to Europe and whetted my appetite for our cruise Venice to Rome next year.

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At last, we slept in…until 8am. No tour booked for us today! Phew!


We arose and met everyone for breakfast at the Great Outdoors, where we ate breakfast overlooking charming Villefranche. Nearby, a RCCL boat was also docked.


We had absolutely no plans for today, other than to just get off the boat and wander around.


And that is exactly what we did!


The tenders efficiently brought us ashore, and after checking in at the Visitor Desk, we were armed with a map of the town.




We wandered aimlessly, tucking into various shops and gasping at the sticker shock. France seems to be very expensive!




Ohhh..but they have Orangina, my OTHER favorite European soda besides Fanta. Good stuff, and very similar to Fanta.

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We make our way to the town center where we discover an open-air market. Vendors are selling everything from fruits and vegetables, to linens, clothing, and underwear.




We purchase herbs, pillowcases, and scarves at very reasonable prices.






I am in heaven smelling the combined fragrances of all the fresh fruits and veggies.





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Nearby there is a playground. So the kids are beside themselves at having an opportunity to run and scream like “normal” kids again.






It’s a very cute castle/dragon themed playground.




I feel very cosmopolitan, sitting there at the French playground, amongst the other French mothers. And, if it weren’t for the fact that I am taking a gazillion pictures, and have a giant floral bag filled with souvenirs, and am wearing flip-flops, then I would fit in.


Not really.


I’m sure the French moms are muttering French things about me under their breath.


One can dream though…


The bus stop for bus to Nice is located near the square, so we muster up the courage to take it. It only costs 1.3E each (cheap!), so we settle in for the quick 15 minute ride. I keep my eyes open for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, but sadly don’t see them. My mom is impressed that there is an AED located at the bus stop. The kids, still fired up from the playground, must have a TIME OUT since they keep bumping into everyone on the street.




We arrive in Nice, and quickly discover we have NO IDEA where to get off the bus at. What if we ride too far and end up on the outside of the other side of the city? Terror sets in, and we decide that we will follow whatever that other party (from RCCL) is doing, since they are sitting at the front of the bus. The rest of the people on the bus are native French, and like the playground Moms, I’m sure are talking about us under their breath.


Not to worry, the bus actually ends its route in the Nice central bus terminal.

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We set off aimlessly again, to explore Nice. Very quickly, we stumble upon another market, this one selling fish.




Nearby are giant sea-gull type birds, that are stalking the fish vendors. These birds are so big, they are cartoon-like, and remind me of the “mine-mine-mine” birds from Finding Nemo.




Unlike the fruit/veggie stands, this fish market doesn’t quite smell as good. DS agrees…




DS decides he wants to eat “real” french fries in France, so we attempt to find somewhere where he can do so. Attempt, that is. We were not successful. There were lots of sandwich shops that sold potatoes, and other such restaurants, and everything seemed expensive. I have a feeling that french fries are not really French.


We do, however, find a fabulous bakery with lovely French baked goods and decided to sample a chocolate blobby round thing, which turns out to be meringue and chocolate.






Mmmmm…Why was this not at the chocolate buffet last night? The bakery is so cute and actually has baskets full of bread. Baskets!



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In a square, tucked away from the main street, I discover a church, and announce “We must go in?” By this day, the ENITRE FAMILY is burnt out on churches, so once again, I enter alone, and enjoy the few moments of silence.




After about an hour or so of shopping, we decide to head back to the bus stop for our return trip to Villefranche.


With my expert French-speaking skills, I ask the woman at the bus info counter, “Villefranche?” (The french-speaking part was the accent in how I pronounced Villfranche. Trust me.)


She says #17, and points. So, we dutifully line up in front of the #17 bus, which seems to be heading toward Monaco. We do not get on.


I notice that the sign in front of the bus stop says MONACO-VILLEFRANCHE-NICE, so I assume that there are several buses that make the route and eventually a Villefranche bus will stop by.




My mom starts to get antsy, and loud, and second guesses the bus info woman. She feels like we should ask someone else for their opinion on what bus we should take, and points to a group of tourists standing nearby. Right Mom, like we should believe the tourists over the bus info lady!


Luckily, the Villefranche bus arrives right at that moment, and the Mom-crisis is averted. We safely arrive back in Villefranche, and navigate through the twisty streets back to the pier.






Along the way, we see many charming alleys and pictureseque shuttered windows. I especially love how the Eurpoeans are so efficient with their usage of space. How tiny is this clothesline?



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Once onboard, we decide to eat lunch in Blue Lagoon. The menu touts “Comfort Food”, so we load up on mozzarella cheese sticks, french fries, chicken tenders, wings, and brownie sundaes. As good as it was, we felt a little guilty to be eating such “junky” American food while gazing out at the French countryside. It sure hit the spot though.






The Blue Lagoon is located on deck 7, adjacent to the Atrium. During our meal, Wii Bowling is “live” on the big screen, so the kids can’t wait to give it a try. Since we have a Wii at home, the kids are no stranger to the game, and not surprisingly, do quite well hitting several strikes. Actually, they do much much better than compared to “real" bowling.



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Shortly thereafter, the ship was set to sail. So, we decided to watch the sail-away from the port side of the ship, deck 13. My dad was intrigued by the process in which the lifeboat/tenders were raised back on the ship. I don’t understand why the ship doesn’t tip over when the lifeboats are being lifted. Physics…I just don’t get it.




On both sides of deck 13 is a mini sports deck, complete with golf driving range (cage), shuffleboard, and oversize checkers/chess. No one was around, so we made quick use of ALL of these things. I took my life in my hands getting into the golf cage with the kids, who were hitting the balls in all directions. My mom and I played a game of chess on the over-size board. Oddly enough, the large size of the board and pieces make it really hard to play because you can’t really get a good “bird’s-eye” view of everything. Or, perhaps it was the fact that DD was behind us secretly moving the pieces around the chess board unbeknownst to us. Either way, my mom won. Shoot!




The kids challenged me to a game of checkers, and I was doing really well until DS decided to add the chess pieces to the game as well, and invent all kinds of crazy rules.




Following our family-game playing frenzy, the kids retired to the Kids Club for the duration of the afternoon, while everyone else hung out by the pool and had one last Milles-Bornes tournament. It was only fitting, because Milles-Bournes is French, and means something like, “miles”, or “roadtrip”, or “driving.” Who knows….Although, the more beer we drank, the more fun the game became!




One last dinner tonight at the Grand Pacific, where we walked in like we owned the place. No wait at all again. This Freestyle dining thing ROCKS! My dad was excited to see escargot on the menu for the dinner. Another French tie-in, and according to him, quite tasty!




After dinner, we all went to see the show “Colorz” in the Stardust Lounge. It was OK. It didn’t really hold our attention, and at one point I looked over at my mom and dad, and they were both asleep, head lolling on their chests.


Following the show, it was back to our cabins for the big “suitcase pack-up” then off to bed. Our last night on the ship. We were sad, but still happy to know that we would have one more day in Barcelona before that long flight home.

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OK-- We assumed we were going to use our credit cards for meals, but we FORGOT that the Europeans don't ever split checks. SO, when when eating with everyone in our party, we had to "donate" our share of Euros to the final bill. That's what depleted our money the quickest.


Hope that helps.




Great question, great answer.... BUT if you didn't have to split the bill would you have been able to use your credit card? I was kind of counting on that too.


Oh, and do you blog about anything else... your quite the story teller. I just love reading all this in preparation for our trip!!

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