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Everything posted by Westaussie

  1. I'm doing b2b on Pursuit and the OBC clearly shows the amount for each cruise (as well as other OBC). I take it you're in Gold Coast Australia? Ring the Sydney office, very quick to respond there.
  2. We did the Christmas 2022 cruise on Quest. We went up to deck 11 port side and the ship in front did not impact our view at all. The fireworks are set off from buildings all over the place as well as the barges and the above video give a true vision of what you will see. It was a fantastic cruise and I would do it again.
  3. We were on that cruise with you and I asked the same question having enjoyed it in the past and was given the same answer.
  4. Ours on Journey in Saigon 2nd March (cruise before yours?) has just been changed to being on board. I agree, it's a pity as some of the venues have been really interesting.
  5. We will be disembarking in Hong Kong before your cruise. According to Azamara info the ship will dock at the smaller Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, so I have booked the Marco Polo Hotel where we have stayed before. It overlooks the Terminal and an easy walk through the shopping centre to Canton Road.
  6. And the Carnival goes to Hong Kong after Japan! Received the same email but we're booked on an Asian cruise!!
  7. Westaussie

    New website.

    Same here for a cruise I've been looking at. I'm just wondering if the $5,600 is per cabin not person. I am pricing on the Australian site and it used to be per cabin but what I can see now does not specify. Does what you see say 'per person'?
  8. Was on Quest last month and they had the new shower curtains, a great improvement.
  9. Westaussie

    New website.

    My 6th February cruise (same one you were on) is showing when I log in but with zero points against it.
  10. Yes, you're correct. I've always booked direct with Azamara in Sydney and they have advised the CC fee when booking, my Visa CC I think is less than 3%. I have also seen the Dublin bank in past years. My current two bookings were banked in Ireland.
  11. We are on this cruise too. Have been on Azamara several times, our favourite cruise line. There are no formal nights (smart casual for dinner in the MDR) There should be a 'white night' deck dinner/entertainment where you can wear something white if you wish. There is a roll call so come and join https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2796255-december-21-2022-azamara-quest-australia-intensive/page/6/ Post 129 on the roll call shows how to register for the Meet and Mingle. If you go into the Azamara forum on Cruise Critic I think you will find alot of info there about cruising with them.
  12. Happy anniversary - what a lovely cake! Enjoying your photos, love Greece but still have more to see there (just wish that flight wasn't so long from 'down under'!
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