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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi girls


I get weighed in tomorrow..I am NOT looking forward too it because I'm as usual expecting the worst.


Haven't walked in almost a week :eek: but I am going out tonight with my friend to get back to walking. I do have a bike but I used it when I was 12 so don't know if I could use it now..but I used to love bike riding- good excercise.


This morning I had a Kashi bar and went to Dunkin Donuts and got a bacon, chedder, turkey flat...I did take the bacon off though...still not the best option.


I have a yogurt I will eat in maybe an hour and later for lunch will be a 6" sub at subway and no sugar added applesauce I already bought. No cookies, chips or soda with that 6" either.


Kim - at least you know how to cook! I can only boil water and use the microwave. LOL (okay a little exaggeration there)


Brooke - You sound like you are doing awesome! Keep up the good work! :D


Nicole - Way to go you! 3lbs is definitley better then nothing. Even if your doing bad with choices..come tell us and we will be here for you..we all do it at times, nobody is perfect. ;)

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Good Luck Tomr. Jess! No matter what the results you are making strides in changing you lifestyle, so just keep going.


Kim, Yes it is my real name, lol. My last name goes with it fairly well too. I get comments on it all the time, lol. (I'd put my last name up except for safety reasons.) My parents used to call me Babbling Brooke when I was younger.


PS- Jess, you have inspried me...I think I will march my butt right over to the college's clinic and ask to borrow their scale. I'm guess I got three repsonese. Plesantly suprised, eh, or OMG!

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Okay, I hate to write another message...mine always seem to be so long.


I marched myself over to the clinic and let me tell you it isn't that far of a walk, but with the muscle in my leg not wanting to stretch it took some effort. Anyway, I thought I would have to scream OMG! But, instead I used some logic before freaking out. The scale said 349.That would have meant I gained. However, noting that my scale all of a sudden just quit and its jumpy behavior leading up I decided to call back to the clinic and ask what weight had been recorded on my visit about 2 months ago. I know its a long time ago, but its the same scale and it is where I actually started my weight loss journey. She said 352, so in essence I actually lost 3lbs. I'm using the 352 as my new start weight and just listed it as my second weigh in too and used this recent one for this week.


Its a good thing that I discovered this though, b/c difference in weight made a difference in my points for WW. I was wondering why I would get periods of hunger when I usually wasn't hungry on WW. My points were too low for my weight. Now, I'm fixed a ready to go. The plus side is that the scales at the WW meetings are the same as at the Dr.s.



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Brooke, no need to apologise for your post being lengthy.


Jess, yes I know how to cook. I've actually learned from my husband. When I lived at home, my mother always cooked for us so I never really had to have dinner ready or anything. I knew the basics of the oven, stovetop, microwave, etc., lol, but I didn't make gourmet stuff. Now, I'll play around a bit with foods, trying this or that on it and seeing how it taste.


Where do you girls live? As you can see, I live in Florida, a town called Winter Park outside of Orlando.


Tonight's plan is to walk after dinner, do an ab workout and then go to JoAnn's Craftstore so I can get more scrapbooking stuff to finish my 2008 book. I'm a year behind! Yikes!

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Brooke - I would do the same thing use the last weight as your first and this as your second. Your still 3lbs less then 2 months ago! :)


Kim - I live in New Hampshire. Most of the summer..unfortunatley has been rain. Not something you want to see in summer - especially when our winters are full of lots of snow. I do have family that live in Florida though..I'm thinking around Sarasota. Not Quite sure though.

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I'm from Southwest VA. In a nowhere town who's only call to fame was that "What about Bob" was filmed here and we are the Moonshine capital of the world.


I'm thinking baked potato and grilled cheese tonight?????? I have been craving Wendy's grilled chicken b/c I just love the flavoring on it, but I don't want to spend $4.50 on it. It's just that I hate to leave protein out of a meal and we don't have any chicken right now, which is weird b/c we usually have too much of it.

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Thats great news Brooke. 3 lbs is 3 lbs!!! I live in upstate, NY near Saratoga. My fiance is from Sarasota, FL so we visit Florida often :) His parents still live there. I kind of wish we lived there but atleast up here I can cover up and blame it on the snow!!! I got to the gym today FINALLY after about a month of not going. I went lightly but I was still there for 30 minutes. We had chicken quesadillas for dinner. I only ate 2 of my 6 pieces. Then I was full so I stopped. I usually make myself eat it all I hate left overs and I hate throwing food out even more so. Also got one Pyrex sandwich boxes that were on sale at the outlets here. So now I can bring a sandwich and room for one snack to work. That should be enough for me. Since I also tend to drink our coffees and drinks at Starbucks I bought Crystal Light single use packages. So now I can use those at work instead of fattening white mochas!!! Nagh I usually drink chai with soy milk. One is ok but not 3-4 every day I work. The new pastries there also help because even though they are better for you (now without artificial flavors, trans-fats and corn-starch) they are still bad for you because one of those bad boys is like 480 calories! The scale said I was back up 4 pounds but I weighed right after eating so I am sure that has something to do with it :) Edit: P.S. I had someone tell me to measure myself since my weight number isnt dropping at all still at 238 pretty much solid but I have noticed I am down one dress size and my pants no longer are holding up so well on me. I can tell my body is changing. So measuring might be a good idea vs reading a scale sometimes. Probably both is best. Just a tip

Edited by Nceremuga
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So you work at Starbucks Nicole?!?! That's awesome! I love Starbucks but it gets expensive, lol! I've limited myself to 2 Mocha Light Fraps a week instead of the 3-5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday I'll get one, but during the week I have to be good. I have my Gold card though that has already paid for itself....man, I just realize it's been about a year having it. Some of those pastries are delicious (Reduced Fat Cinnamon crumb cake, Banana Nut) and even the Turkey Bacon and swiss sandwich thingy....oh man!!!


Brooke, with that $4.50 why don't you go to the grocery and pick up a bag of frozen tenderloins? What did you end up doing?

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Yes I do, the frapps are good SOOO bad for you however. Lights better but I choice not to drink those they feel so chemical to me for some reason. And yes those pastries are super yummy!! I love the new scones.... but like I said I have to make sure I dont snack on them. Its hard when they are right there in your face. If they break we can eat them and drinks are free for us during our shifts and 30 minutes before and after. So its VERY tempting to get whatever you really want. I have been with them for 5 years now so the novelty of being able to drink free drinks has worn off now. Great company to work for if your ever looking for a part time job :D The gold card if a wicked good idea. I try to get regular customers to get it but some just dont want it and I cant believe when they dont want it! I have a woman who gets a coffee light frapp twice EVERY day. She wont get one at all!!! But hey to each their own right :)

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Why are the fraps bad for you, especially the light? Good thing I only get them twice a week....


I'm surprised they don't want it. I know it's $25 to apply/activate but if you go often enough, it pays for itself. Trust me, I calculated it up when I got it. I paid myself back within 3 months I believe.

Edited by Mrs.C05
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You are so right Kim, I just didn't want to go into the grocery hungry, lol.


I was lucky mom planned ahead and made some nice chicken breast in the crock pot with like a boliun (sp). I had that with a baked potato. I had some more sugar free pudding and cool whip and I had enough points leftover to have a piece of chocolate cake. That's what I love about WW...I can have chocolate cake.....well, if I have the points.


I did exercise before I ate the cake....I mulled for about 2 hours over what I wanted to do with the points I had to eat.....and I decided on chocolate cake. So, I feel good that I took the time to think about it at least. Plus I pulled off 45 mins of the bike. I went inbetween turning up the resistance and going slower, then letting off and going fast. I did have to take a five min break after about 30 mins b/c of my leg, but I rested for five mins and got back on, so I split the exercise up on my counter on WW, to show that.


Anyone got any ideas on how to keep my feet from falling asleep on the recumbant bike?

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Well, breakfast is the same today. I bought some apples at the store on the way to work for snacks and lunch will be a DQ grilled chicken wrap hold the ranch with a side salad with ranch, but only dipping. I have a 1/3 cup of potato salad for a snack. On the early show they had summer eats and the woman said to choose potato salad over something else b/c cooked potatoes have something in them that are good for you. Of course she said don't use mayo, but use mustard, which is what I have.


Mom finally got some chicken yesterday (as you can tell from my previous post) so I think stir fry is on the menu for dinner!

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Hey Girls!


Okay first of all what is the Starbucks gold card thing you are talking about?


Today was weigh-in day :rolleyes: ...Good news is that I didn't gain, bad news is I didn't lose either.


But I have more good news...My doctor referred me to a therapeutic pool (also has a small gym I think) so I can get good excerise from there then just from walking and I know I will like it more. I was not having any mojo walking. No energy, no excitement..nothing I felt like it's torture. It's painful and yeah pretty boring SOO this will help me a lot I think.


I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning :eek: I was running late coming back to work so no time to stop in at dunkins.


I will be going to Subway today as usual with only a half hour break..so I can make up some time from work..


Last night I came home and I found something sweet in the refridgerator that my sister made with her aide. It was two marshmellows on a popsicle stick, dipped in semi-sweet chocolate and rolled in nuts/sprinkles :eek:


I did have one..but I talked about it with the Aid this morning and we both agreed that something healthier would be great. My sister loves to cook/bake so hopefully she can do that. It's not just me that needs to NOT have the sweets...my dad is a diabetic, my mom's overweight and my sister...well not as heavy as the rest of us (she's handicap) we do have to watch her weight because we are the ones who take care of her (especially my mom) lifting her in and out of the bathtub and such...anyway like you Brooke I make long posts too. :D;)

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Jess, the Starbucks Gold card is a card that you can pay $25 to activate and it gives you 10% off each purchase you make, no matter what it is in the store - coffee, food, coffee beans, equipment, cups, etc. I don't know if they still have them around or not. Is sounds like they do where Nicole is.

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Jess, that is great! I always say that as long as its not moving up, I'm good! The therapool sounds great! My Dr. recommended the pool too b/c I kept hurting my back with too much high impact aerobics and such. I did it for about 4 months and then winter came and I even though it was indoor coming out with wet hair or not all the way dry skin got to be too much. Plus I was way too self conscious.


Marshmallows aren't that bad in calories, it just depends I guess on how big it was. But I understand having temptation. I think I need to stop waiting on mom to go to the store. Even though it will be expensive for me, I think I need to head to the store and stock up on some chicken, few smart ones frozen foods and desserts and other low cal stuff. But the chocolate cake sitting in my fridge right now is killing me, that's why I need to go to the store. WW has some chocolate desserts that I can use to detour myself.


Thanks Kim. I've tried that, its just more annoying than anything. I have to stop and put my feet down and move them around until I can feel them again. I've tried putting a pillow under me and behind me. My chiro hates that I don't use tennis shoes on the bike, but they make it worse. Now my feet are smothered and numb, lol. Oh well, guess its just one of those things.

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Brooke, the reason why you're feet are falling asleep is because you're putting pressure on your feet for a long period of time and squeezes your nerves. Re-adjusting the position of your foot is the only suggestion I have.


I just had a Lean Cuisine for lunch. I was buying them while they were on sale but I'm slowly getting rid of them and do not plan to buy anymore since they're loaded with sodium. Going on 2 weeks with not having any Diet Dr. Pepper! Woohoo!!


Believe it or not, I'm not a fan of marshmellows. Don't care for the texture.....now if I make a s'more (which I haven't done in YEARS!) I'll eat it that way. Mmmmm, now that makes me want to go home and make some! HAHA!

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I know, that's the one thing I hate about the frozen dinners is the amount of sodium, they are worse than a diet soda. The coke zero I'm having with my lunch (the last of a 12 pack of cans, I don't plan on buying more) only has 40 grams compared to a frozen dinners 300-900. They are convenient though for us non-cookers and bad planners. Those are some of my non-food goals, Cooking and planning better. I found a recp. on WW that sounds like it could be tasty salad, but I don't really have any of the ingredients, so on the list they go. Here is is if you want to try it:


Southwest Chicken Salad with Creamy Green Chili Dressing

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swchickensalad_n_lg.jpglight meals



POINTS® Value: 4

Servings: 8

Preparation Time: 25 min

Cooking Time: 10 min

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Works with Simply Filling

The fresh, bold flavors in this entree salad are perfect for a luncheon. The creamy dressing is so good — double the amount for a dip later in the week.










1/2 cup(s) fresh lime juice

1 tbsp ground cumin

1/4 cup(s) cilantro, fresh, chopped

2 large garlic clove(s), chopped

1 1/2 pound(s) uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breast

31 oz canned black beans, drained and rinsed

2 medium sweet red pepper(s), chopped

2 cup(s) cherry tomato(es), cut in half

6 medium scallion(s), sliced

2 head(s) romaine lettuce, sliced in 1/2-inch pieces

4 oz canned green chili peppers, drained and diced

1 cup(s) plain fat-free yogurt

1 tbsp cilantro, fresh

1 bunch(es) watercress, tough stems removed

1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

1 small garlic clove(s), peeled and left whole Instructions



  • Combine lime juice, cumin, 1/4 cup of chopped cilantro and chopped garlic in a large resealable plastic bag. Add chicken, seal bag and shake to coat chicken. Allow to marinate for at least 15 minutes at room temperature or up to overnight in refrigerator.
  • Preheat broiler or grill to medium-high heat. Remove chicken from bag and discard marinade. Grill chicken until cooked through, about 4 to 5 minutes per side; set aside until ready to assemble salad.
  • In a large bowl, combine beans, red pepper, tomatoes and scallions. Divide lettuce among 8 small serving bowls or plates, and top each with equal amounts of bean mixture.
  • To make dressing, combine remaining ingredients in a blender or food processor; blend until smooth, about 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Slice cooled chicken on the diagonal and divide among salads. Drizzle each serving with about 1/4 cup of dressing. Yields 1 salad per serving.

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THanks Brooke for posting that reciepe..maybe I can challenge myself and actualyl try to cook! :rolleyes:


The marshmellow stick...well I only tried one so I guess that was a good sign that I didn't care for them...but I'm with on that Kim- if it's a S'more then I would be all over it. I do like burnt marshmellows. I'm weird, I know.

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K, so I had crockpot deer tenderloin, mashed potatoes, corn and a yeast roll. Then finished the night with a 1/2 cup of Neopo. Ice cream and a couple of Oreo cookies. Actually, I finished the night with about a 20mins on the bike. I portioned all my dinner out so that I didn't eat too much of one thing. Oh, and I had a pickle, but they don't have any calories, so.


I was so lazy this morning. We didn't have any light wheat bread left and i didn't feel like making an egg. So, grabbed a banana and headed to the grocery. I got Lean Pockets ham pockets and a Healthy choice Alfredo Floretine. I have my fruit, corn, potato salad, and peanut butter crackers for inbetweeners.


I'm so gald for the weekend!

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"Inbetweeners" LOL!!! I haven't heard that one before! HAHAHA!!!


Last night we drove to a park to play raquetball (where it's free) but the courts were taken. So then we drove to another place, but they cost $6/court and we didn't have cash so we just went home and didn't do any workouts.:eek: Tonight for sure, we'll do something - walk, treadmill, raquetball, etc.


TGIF!! Seriously! This week has drug forever and the orders are just not coming in.:mad: Hopefully they'll pick up next week. Sigh.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Be good ladies!:D

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TGIF All! :D


Have any of you seen or watched RUBY on the Style network? I really like that show and find that I can relate to her alot but also I watch how she does things. She used to be around 700lbs at her heaviest and when she started the show she was over 400..close to 500lbs and now almost a year later she weighs less then me! :eek:


I just ordered a t-shirt from cafe press that says "Team Ruby" and that will be the shirt I exercise in. I'm hoping that everytime I put on that shirt I will get inspired and keep pushing myself to my goals. If Ruby can do it..I can do it!! :D


Sorry I know I probably sound corny. :o

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