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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey everyone! Here's another work week to be done.....today I have an appointment so my day should go by quickly. We were good all weekend. My cousins came in town from college so it was fun catching up with them. Hope everyone's doing okay.

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Brooke, it's okay that you didn't call me back cause I was gone all weekend.

I have to go to my support group meeting tonight so I won't be home till late. It takes like an hour and a half to get there!


My weekend food wise was not the best, my weekend in general..well it was great my mom's side came to visit but sucked because of a immediate family situation that has me emotionally drained. :(


Anyway a new day...well see what it brings.

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First, let me knock off Breakfast: Nature's Valley Honey and Oats bar, light yogurt, and an apple.


Weigh In: Don't ask me how, but I lost. 342.6 ( I keep getting .6, I think its my clothes. It makes me sad b/c I'm .4 away from the 10lb mark and I just want to discount it and say I lost 10lbs.)


Okay, so I didn't stick to WW as well as I should have. In fact I am utterly dumbfounded as to how I lost 2.8 lbs (which by the way was my goal for the end of july, well, 3lbs, but close enough.).


I did however, write it all down and count every point, even when I went over, except for the two days I had to fly. Flying makes my mind go blank b/c I get so exhausted trying to remember everything. But the other days I counted and wrote b/c I didn't have internet I did have to est. a few things, but I think I did pretty well.


I had grilled chicken and fries on the first night, but I didn't have lunch that day, so it was just BK and Dinner. Then it was Calf. pizza king and a Calf. club pizza. We were supposed to have a bk provided, but that didn't happen, so lucky they had a break with snacks.......although it was coffee cake, it was free and I was starving by then. I had a hot tea with it. I ate the leftover pizza for dinner.


I went to a Starbucks! lol, Nicole will like that. Our hotel was connected to a mall and there was a star bucks right between the two. Since they didn't serve bk for us the first day I didn't want to go without the second, so I went to Starbucks. I got a bagel w/ cream cheese ( I dipped) and Hot coco with skim milk and a apple. They served us lunch and It was a salad with some kind of vingrette. I ate a bit of it, but the dressing was really strong. One roll with a little bit of butter, They served Grilled chicken with steamed broccli and a small bit of rice with some kind of sauce. The dessert was a strawberry short cake kind of thing. I did a big no-no and had Fish and chips for dinner. IKNOW! But I was right on the ocean, so I had to take advantage.


They served BK they next day, but I got there late, so they just had pastries left. I picked a Blueberry muffin. Of course that was stupid b/c now I wanted sweets, so I went to Starbucks and got a cake chocolate donut AND, yes I said AND a bagel w/ cream cheese. They gave us a boxed lunch, so I only a 1/3 of the ham sandwich, apple, chips, cookies, and I didn't eat the pasta. Dinner was Legal Seafood. I got a plate with grilled shrimp, scallops, a crab cake and a small salad with mustardy dressing w/ a roll and a little bit of fried calamari that the other girl ordered.


The morning I flew out they had BK. But it was limited. So I had a wheat bagel with a little butter, and about 1/3 cup of scrambled eggs and hot tea. I had a bag of M&M's in the airport with a coke. Then I didn't eat until I got to my friends house in Greensboro. They made a pizza with Grilled chicken bacon ranch. I had three slices. I had a chicken biscuit for BK the next day, frosty for a snack, Hot dogs for dinner and cereal for a snack.


Exercise for the week. I counted the fact that my flight out made me walk to the other side of the terminal in each layover. I was in pain from my back, but I hoofed it anyway. The second day I went to the gym and did a really high intensity on the recumbant bike for 35 mins.


Can I just note, that I hate gyms. I bought my own bike, so I wouldn't have to go to a gym. I hate the fact that only healthy people go to gyms. I know heatly ppl want to stay healthy, but its intimedating and people do stare. A guy actually waited until I got off the bike and was leaving to get on the bike beside me. Not to mention that this was a high class hotel, so I showed up in my old tshirt and old workout pants, while everyone else was like wearing name brand stuff. Oh, I also frogot to pack tennis shoes, so I had to use my "boat shoe" like shoes I wore on the plane. Needless to say I didn't go back there. I know its my health and I shouldn't worry, but its so hard to get a good work out in when all you want to do is get the hell out of there.


So the next night I did 20 mins of areobic/dance/muscle stuff in my room. And of course I had to hurt myself doing it. So the next nights I spent icing my back and resting. Sat. I did the treaking across the airports again and then spent the night with a friend. Got home unpacked and checked up on FB and all and then crashed.


Tonight I will get back to the bike. I still would like to know what I did to lose 2.8 lbs. The only think I can think of was that, when I ate, I ate big meals and I didn't snack. And that I didn't always eat 3 meals a day. My eating times also changed.


PS- I did have a dessert from Legal seafood, but I took it back to the room with me and ate it later. Not that it makes a diff.


This is were I need an analy. so I can know what I did to lose when I thought I should gain.


Anyway, I'll let you know how the rest of the day goes later.

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Hello All

Chigirlcruzin -thanks so much for your message I'll have to try that adding 100 or so more calories and also your recipe sounds good


Brooklyn cannot wait to hear about you work week away


This weekend was crazy but managed to stay within my calorie range even had a ice cream treat (drumstick) my sister had brought the treats over yesterday and mine was in a colored bag she said you can have this I had it specially made with FF and Sugar free yogurt. The owner said the cone is 15 calories,the chocolate and nuts are only 15 calories and the yogurt she said were 15-20 calories so this treat is only around 50 calories. I know how much you were trying to lose but I didnt want you to be left out so I just asked if it could be done and the owner said they do it all the time. It was so nice of my sister to think of me!


All of my choices were good over the weekend, so I cannot complain but it helped knowing I would be on this site on Monday to post. So thanks guys.

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Okay, lunch finally came into play, lol.


Baked chicken w/ stuffing and potatoes from Lean Cuisine

Green giant individual serving of broccoli and cheese (0 points actually)

FF chocolate pudding


I had a 100 snack bag earlier and I'm on my 2nd liter of water. And since you guys like the recipe from before. Here is a dessert b/c you know we all love to indulge, so we might as well do it on the light side.






POINTS® Value: 3

Servings: 12

Preparation Time: 15 min

Cooking Time: 0 min

Level of Difficulty: Easy


Beat the heat with this sure-fire summer pleaser. We used vanilla yogurt but chocolate or strawberry would be tasty, too.









1 1/2 pound(s) strawberries, hulled and sliced (about 6 cups)

1/2 cup(s) sugar

2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

1/2 tsp table salt

12 oz store bought angel food cake, cut into 1/4-inch slices

4 cup(s) fat-free vanilla frozen yogurt Instructions



  • To make strawberry sauce, combine strawberries, sugar, lemon juice and salt in a saucepan, stirring over medium heat until the sugar melts and the liquid comes to a simmer. Simmer 15 minutes. Use the back of a wooden spoon to mash about half the berries against the side of the pan. Cool to room temperature and use immediately or refrigerate, covered, up to 2 days.
  • Spoon the frozen yogurt into a large bowl and mash it with the back of a wooden spoon until soft and spreadable.
  • Line the bottom of a 9-inch round springform pan with one third of the cake slices, cutting any slices to fit the shape of the pan. Top with half the frozen yogurt, spreading it to the sides. Spread 2/3 cup strawberry sauce over the frozen yogurt, then top with half the remaining cake slices, again cutting any to fit. Spread the remainder of the frozen yogurt over the cake, top with 2/3 cup strawberry sauce, and finally seal the top with the remaining cake slices. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze at least 6 hours or up to 3 days. Let the cake stand at room temperature 10 minutes before unmolding. Slice into 12 pieces and serve. Yields 1 piece per serving.

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Here's one more for those chocolate lovers:






POINTS® Value: 3

Servings: 6

Preparation Time: 7 min

Cooking Time: 0 min

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Works with Simply Filling

Keep a stash of these chocolate-mint treats in your freezer for a sweet summer indulgence.









1 oz chocolate wafer(s), about 5 cookies

1/4 tsp mint extract

1 tsp unsweetened cocoa

7 oz fat-free whipped topping, about 1 whole aerosol can

1/4 cup(s) fat-free skim milk

3 piece(s) Weight Watchers by Whitman's Mint Patties, frozen, chopped

2 tbsp chocolate syrup

6 tbsp whipped topping, light or fat-free, vanilla or chocolate Instructions



  • Line six muffin holes with foil muffin liners.
  • In a blender, combine wafers, extract, cocoa, fat-free whipped topping and milk; blend until completely combined. Divide mixture among prepared muffin liners; freeze for at least 2 hours.
  • Just before serving, top each with 1/6 of mint patties, 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup and 1 tablespoon whipped topping. Yields 1 dessert per serving.




  • This easy chocolate dessert can be made in several flavors. For a pure chocolate treat, replace the mint extract with chocolate or vanilla extract and swap the mint patties for an ounce of mini chocolate chips (could affect POINTS values).

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Wow, Brooke!!! You did a wonderful job not gorging yourself like some people I know when on trips (whether it's business/pleasure)!!! That's wonderful! Don't be so hard on yourself! You have lost weight! That's fantastic! Sorry, I'm just so excited!


Lets see if I can remember everything I ate, lol:

Friday night we ate out at Tijuana Flats which I got the black bean burrito powerlight cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion. Of course I indulged in some chips and salsa. :rolleyes:




Starbucks coffee and Turkey bacon sandwich - According to Nicole the coffee was 140cals, 1g fat and the sandwich was around 300 cals and 11g fat.

Lunch: Olive Garden Linguine Marinera and 1 breadstick

Dinner: 1 Oscar Meyer Light hot dog and bun with ketchup and onions, 1/2 cup of macaroni & cheese (made with FF milk and I can't believe it's not butter margarine), and 1/2 cup of Baked beans



Breakfast: Starbucks coffee and 1/2 of Reduced Fat Cinnamon crumb cake (split with hubby)

Lunch: Salad made at home with Reduced Fat Sargento 4 cheese and Wish Bone Spritzer Vinegarette (sp?)

Dinner: Homemade Quesadillas - Our ingredients: 2 tortillas that are 180cal, 1.5g fat each, Reduced Fat Sargento 4 Cheese, Perdue Oven Roasted Chicken, diced onions and green peppers and I dip mine in Franks Red Hot



Breakfast: Special K Red Berries and 8oz Bolthouse Farms coffee (10 protein!!)

Lunch: Wendy's Grilled Chicken sandwich, plain and small fries all with ketchup

Dinner: Tonight we'll have fish and Uncle Ben's wild rice


I haven't had soda in about 2 months now and I'm loving it! I've officially been at my current weight for a year!!! Woohoo!!


I'm really enjoying keeping track here with you ladies!!!:D



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Brooke - Great job on the weight lose. Good job on eating well while away. I know what you mean about the gym. Some days I feel like I am the only thing everyone is looking at, I try to go to the gym in the afternoon thats when the old people all go. They dont care what anyone looks like :P I <3 Starbucks


Kim - Good job on good meal choices. Its good that you split the coffee cake with your hubby that bad boy is 400 calories and 8 grams of fat!!! Reduced fat was just lowered from twice that, the words are tricky there with things I am sure Starbucks isnt the only place to try and pull a fast one on some people that struggle with their weight. Its not horrible to eat that kind of stuff I enjoy our cakes too, they are good and the sandwich YUM!!! but everything in moderation.


I havent been going well with my eating/gym habits. Getting a bit depressed and waiting for Jeff to hear from this new job hopefully. I secretly hope he gets it because when he is at home and not working I hate to spend time at the gym because I would rather be with him at home being lazy and playing video games. So if he gets this job I wont feel guilty about going to the gym more :)

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I tried to get on last night and it said the link was broken,weird.


Anyway, I had meatloaf made with deer last night, mashed potatoes, toast and one fried green tomato. I'd never had one before and since I'm southern I thought it was about time I tried it. Lucky for me its something I can do without, so that's good. I did have a donut, but I had the points for it. I know its a stupid excuse, but I wanted it at the time. I had wished they would have been in the trash when I got home, but no such luck. but it had to better than eating a cake donut and a bagel, lol.


This morning was a bust. I had to grab BK on the run b/c I did NOT want to get up. And I lazed around and, so of course had no time to fix something and since the two of us who grocery shop have both just back from trips there has not been time to go to the store and get "On the go" anything. So, of course I go for the chicken biscuit. But I did make a deal with myself ( I know sad), that if I ate the biscuit that I had to add 10 mins to my work out tonight (even if I have to do it in 10 mins increments b/c of my nerve).


Lean Cuisine pizza, broccoli, fruit cup and Sugar free pudding for lunch and snacks today.


As always, never have dinner planned.

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So last night my husband forgot to put the fish back in the fridge from thawing out, so we had to toss it. We didn't feel like risk getting sick so we hit Tijuana's for dinner before going to play raquetball for an hour.


Then this morning, I stopped at 7-11 and got a small thing of donuts since I don't have anymore Special K Red Berries. I really need to go get some today!

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My eating habits have not been good either. Last night on the way home my mother and I stopped at Cracker Barrell. I got fried chicken tenders for the first time in a loooong time, I didn't eat it all. I got veggies for sides and water with lemon.


Today I went to dunkin donuts which is right next door to my work..about 10 feet :rolleyes: and got a turkey, bacon, cheddar flat....I take the bacon off. They are so addicting! I definitley need to get off the DD wagon.


Well see what's for lunch. Have a great day girls! ;)

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Hello to All


Kim ~ I have not tried the red berries yet as the store was out of the small size so I bought me some Special K blueberry cereal instead, it is really good if you like blueberries. You got me to try something new.


Brooke ~ Wow that was great you lost weight while being gone, I could never do that. Congratulations! I bet you're glad to get back to normal. Thanks for sharing new receipes. I have not tried them yet but it is always good to experiment


I bought me a pair of the new Sketcher shape up shoes. So I have been taking a walk in them and trying to get used to them they are good for toning your body. I can already feel it in my legs.


Breakfast today was 2 scrambled eggs,wheat toast and black coffee

Lunch will be stuffed pepper and cantalope not sure what else as that is not enough points

Dinner not sure, cannot think that far ahead


After reading everyone else's post I am trying new foods and thinking of new exercises I can do. I don't think I could jog or run as I have to much fat that would flap LOL

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Hey guys, sorry I'm so late, but I stayed home today. Yet again b/c of my back. Between the travel and trying to push my exercise I guess I've put too much stress on it. So I thought I'd take a day and kick my feet up.


So last night we had baked chicken in the oven with like vegtable soup mix to flavor it with potatoes and squash. I just had the chicken and potatoes. I had fiber bar, a WW ice cream bar and some Fiber ceral for snacks. I'm not supposed to leave daily points unused, but I had 2.5 left and I wasn't hungry and it was late. I just figured I'd find a way to add it in other meals that day. I did 30 mins on the bike at a moderate pace and I only had to take one break for about a min or two.


This morning I laid in bed for a while after I called in. I got up and ate fiber one shredded wheat ceral, then later I had a Fiber one yogurt and a banana. I've had a bottle of water and I'm working on more.


I don't know about lunch or dinner.


Jess, we will get to talk with each other. I have the worse memory for for practical stuff, but I can remember usuless things all the time.


Good luck everyone

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Here's something new. I've been hitting Shaws this week and racking up the deals like crazy. LOL


I've gotten 16 quarts of Breyers Ice Cream and I am getting 20 more tonight. :eek:


What am I doing with it all? Well since Shaw's is paying me to take them, I kept 6 of the no sugar added (father is diabetic) and 10 is going to work for a suprise tomorrow and the rest are going to a lady I know who has been buying them from me! I wouldn't take her money but she forced me too take it...and I've also gotten loads of other stuff.


Don't worry I'm trying to give it away as much as possible and kept the most decent stuff I can use. :D


A little off topic but I have been so excited about it that I thought I would share with you all. :D

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hey guys, coming to you from on my back in the bed, lol.


I'm not sure if my day of rest has helped or not. Maybe I'm just at my breaking point with this nerve. I mean its not a horrific pain, but constent and its getting to me, plus it seems to be pinching harder in some cases and that REALLY hurts. The chiro says its a 6 week process and I think I'm on week 4. He said we could talk about some better pain management or inflamation management if I couldn't take it anymore. Think I've reached that point.


Anyway, since I got up late that means all my meals were pushed back, so I didn't eat as much throughout the day. Which was good b/c mom made pizza and I had plenty of points to eat it. I was gonna have grilled cheese, baked potato and a cup of tomato soup, but I couldn't stand that long to watch the grilled cheese, so I just let mom fix dinner.


Happy trails girls

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Sorry to hear about that Brooke. It sounds awful, have you taken any medication for it?


I got sad news today...my doctor who I've had for less then a year is leaving the family practice she works at. :(


My other doctor totally sucked and I had to find a new one last year and I immediatley connected with my new Doctor and she is also like a friend. She will be an hour away :eek: so I must decide if I should drive longer and take more time off from work for my Dr.'s appointments OR stay where I am and have the other doctor just take over. I don't even know the other Dr. though :( I guess I'll need to make a decision on that.


I did have my physical therapy appointment today. I thought I would be swimming the first time but nope..she had to check my body over- I guess to make sure everything is working properly. I just need to work on not locking my needs so much. My doctor scheduled me to go 3 times a week but I can only go at 7AM like once a week or not even so I'm a little bummed about that also. Oh well. Next time I get in the pool, so that will be good! :)


Take Care Girls!

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Ugh, another hard night of sleep. I was aching all night and it didn't help to turn over. My chiro is on vacation until next week, so I guess I will just have to survive.


Last night it was grilled cheese sandwiches with low fat cheese and ICBINB, then a baked potato, and 1/2 cup of tomato soup. I had some oreos and milk for dessert and a few crackers to finish off the points.


I didn't do any exercise b/c I didn't want to take any chances. I have to get some in tonight in order to get at least three days in this week.


Can I just take a moment to vent a frustration here:


I never realized how much people use fat people as a thought or form of punishment. Fat jokes are one thing. I'm used to fat jokes and since I don't always curtail my off color jokes, I don't judge. But there is a difference between a joke and what I heard this morning on the radio.


They were talking about "I'm so glad I go dumped" stories. You know "I'm better off and they got shafted for breaking up with me" This one girl called in and was like, "Yea her broke up with me and I'm so happy b/c I'm married and have a great job and............(get this) he is living with a 250lb woman"


Excuse me?! Why is that horrible?!!!!!!! Maybe he has always like bigger women and b/c society says that you should only date super models her didn't go with what her really loved. But now he said, "To Heck with Society" and went for what he is truly attracted to. Or maybe she is just a REALLY great person and weight has NOTHING to do with it.


If that wasn't bad enough, it happened again. They were doing the "Hollywood Hour" and discussing season premiers and such and were talking about the new show (drop dead gorgeous or something) where this really pretty, snobby, mean girl drops dead and her "Punishment" is to come back as a fat girl.


Once again! Come on people! I can stand the "Your mama is so fat..." jokes, but to actually use being fat as in the terms of "punishment" for an Ex or a persons previous life is just too much. It makes me highly annoyed and I just had to say that.


BTW, I had yogurt, cereal, banana for Breakfast.

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Brooke, I hate to say it but that is society for ya! They see all the celebs, super models, etc. that are rail thin and think that's what you should look like. To hell with you if you're anything over 100 pounds, lol! What gets me in that whole radio convo was the fact that she said she was married....was the break-up before or after she got married? Wouldn't suprise me either way though. The way people are these days surprises me, yet I know it shouldn't.:eek:


Anyways, TGIF!!!!:D Tonight I have my neice, Taylor (she's 3) who is staying the night. Then tomorrow I'll have my normal Girls Day (which is my Mom, Grammie, 2 sisters and neice) which I'm excited about since I haven't gotten together with all of them in the past 3 weekends. I met up with them at lunch yesterday but it wasn't the same. HAHA!


Today's food has been:

Special K Red Berries

Starbucks Mocha Frap Light

Lunch I haven't decided on yet. Hubby and I will be walking down to a sub shop in a few. (I'm at his office today helping out.)

Dinner is chicken and macNcheese since we have Taylor tonight but now that I think of it, I didn't set any chicken out!:mad: I guess I'll be figuring something else out, unless I throw some in the microwave on defrost.


Hope you ladies have a great Friday and wonderful weekend!

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Well food wise I've been making good choices and I haven't even ate one stockpile item I've gotten...


46 Quarts of Ice Cream :eek:, 10 mayo, 16 boxes of cereal, 6 skippy pb and more..it's been crazy but I have soo much fun getting free stuff and making more money! :D


Sorry I know it's a little off topic. Yesterday I brought in 10 Ice Creams with cones for work and everyone loved it. Dropped off 10 to my uncle and a bunch of cereal, 16 too a lady who buys a bunch of stuff from me for cheap.


Which reminds me I need to set a time and date too have a yard sale. :D


Soo freakin' happy it's Friday!! No idea what I will be doing on the weekend. Hope everyone else has a great day and wonderful weekend!

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Brooke, I hate to say it but that is society for ya! They see all the celebs, super models, etc. that are rail thin and think that's what you should look like. To hell with you if you're anything over 100 pounds, lol! What gets me in that whole radio convo was the fact that she said she was married....was the break-up before or after she got married? Wouldn't suprise me either way though. The way people are these days surprises me, yet I know it shouldn't.:eek:


Anyways, TGIF!!!!:D Tonight I have my neice, Taylor (she's 3) who is staying the night. Then tomorrow I'll have my normal Girls Day (which is my Mom, Grammie, 2 sisters and neice) which I'm excited about since I haven't gotten together with all of them in the past 3 weekends. I met up with them at lunch yesterday but it wasn't the same. HAHA!


Today's food has been:

Special K Red Berries

Starbucks Mocha Frap Light

Lunch I haven't decided on yet. Hubby and I will be walking down to a sub shop in a few. (I'm at his office today helping out.)

Dinner is chicken and macNcheese since we have Taylor tonight but now that I think of it, I didn't set any chicken out!:mad: I guess I'll be figuring something else out, unless I throw some in the microwave on defrost.


Hope you ladies have a great Friday and wonderful weekend!


Sounds like fun Kim! I love it when my niece sleeps over and I get to spend time with her..I'm still waiting to take her to Chuckie Cheese's and have a picnic sometime before the summer is out.


Girls day sounds fun too! :D

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