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I'm sorry Jess but all I can do is just laugh at your post!


According to the scale I've gained like 5 pounds (from my lowest weight) and I'm not happy about it! After this weekend, I plan to seriously cut back on the foods and step up the workouts! I want to look great in a bikini!

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Jess, that is a great story. Not so great about the river. I know how you feel. There is no way in Heck I would have gotten on in or a tube. You are more brave than me.


Oh lord, mother nature is hitting me hard. I had a cchip cookie from subway and then my w/s came in and brought me another one and I couldn't say no for more than one reason. One was selfish, one was not, lol.


I kinda had to guestimate dinner. Mom's version on Italinan potato soup. I used some flex again b/c I'm so used to having 20 or more points in the evening, but hose cookies add up.


If I don't go over my flex points this week, it will be a miracle.


I did get back to 10 mins at a moderate rate and 5 mins of weights. Hopefully since I didn't get to weigh in this week I will lose next week, but after all mother nature's damage IDK.

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Jess your post made me laugh even though I am sympathic for you. I have been to those rivers too and I always take the bigger tube but once my niece (age 4) handed me one in a different color I didn't think much until I got stuck. So I know how you felt because I walked it and got funny looks but I did not know anyone so who cares! And at the waterpark we went to colors matter to size.


Thanks Brooke for the update so not much longer to wait.


Hi Kim sorry to hear you gained 5 lbs but see you have stratagies to get into your bikini


See ya all tomorrow

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Now my face is practically peeling off from that burn. I have a headache so bad this morning :(


Did I mention that when we got too the hotel we went swimming and as I stepped in the I fell off the steps right into the pool? I swear I cam really close to spraning my ankle ( I have a lot of time before) it hurt for a little bit then it seemed to be OK. The steps were a bit odd though and very slipery.


Last night I went to an italian resturant with my friend and then headed to walmart to get free cat treats. LOL


This morning I had oatmeal and half a bagel with ff cream cheese. Lunch will be at home.


and Brooke- it's only recently I have gotten more brave. I've never even dared to go to a water park before. Luckly there was no one elese there watching..only a couple people saw me walking so it wasn't SOO bad but I won't be getting on another one until I lose weight. If there had been a ton of people then I would not have even bothered.


It just made me mad though that the girl told me they had even larger tubes but could not get to it because it was behind others. Why even

have them if you don't have access to them in the first place?!?! :mad:


Oh well, today is a new day. Hopefully my headache will go away soon- I took two tylenol, so wel'll see.


Tomorrow is Friday!!


Have a great day everyone. :D

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Jess, Hope your headache gets better.


Kim, I have the greatest faith that you will conquer 5lbs in no time!


I'm working from home today b/c they are working on the roof and well the roof is 2 inches from my head in the attic.


So this morning I had cereal, the right serving, banana.


And I think I have found a way to conquer Mother Nature at least for a while. I found some diet hot coco in the cabinet, so I took and mixed half low fat milk and half water and heated it. Then I put some non dairy creamer powder in with the coco mix, mixed in the powder with the liquid and added a tbsp of ff whipped topping. All that made it creamy, took away most of that "diet" after taste and it only cost me 1 point (for the milk). And it was oh so good b/c it is grey and chilly today. I seriously hope I don't fall asleep doing my work, lol.


Good choices.

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Boy Mother Nature is eating into my Flex Points. I'm gonna have to be really careful this weekend b/c they don't reset until Monday. Hopefully the hormones will settle down and cravings will too.


Yesterday I had leftover spaght. for lunch and leftover soup for dinner. I would have been fine, if I hadn't have had that bit of ice cream at the end.


Today is cereal, banana, grapes for BK

Fiber bar for snack

Yogurt snack

ff pudding snack

Lunch- I guess I might eat that HC in the freezer, lol.

Dinner-Don't know, just hope mom doesn't do pizza. B/c I don't have the will power to resist and probably not the points for a lowered will power.


Good Weekend all.

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Brooke, you're doing so well!!! I'll send some motivation dust you're way to help you out during the weekend so you don't go over, lol!!!


Today food was/is:

B: Special K Red Berries & Bolthouse Coffee

L: Either FF Tuna Salad or Homemade wrap

D: Red Lobster 1/2 portion tilapia w/ veggies, salad w/ red vinegarette dressing

Exercise: 1 hr of raquetball


Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

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Brooke good luck this weekend! You are doing awesome..honestly. ;)


Yesterday I went home early from work. I literally felt like I was going to collapse. I don't know what was up but I was feeling all sorts of pain, tiredness and just blahh. I got some rest at home which is what I really needed. Today is better and it's FRIDAY!!!


Tonight is girls night, my friend and I have dedicated our Friday nights to movie/dinner..just hanging out. Usually we go to the movies though where we can get tickets for only $5.


My mom is gone with her friend for the weekend so I'll be home tending to my dad who's back is still out and my disabled sister. I need to start getting ready for our upcoming yard sale we have at my mom's work. Hopefully this will be a relaxing non-stressful weekend and Monday will be at the gym 5:30am again with the trainer.


HAve a GREAT weekend girls!! :D

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Okay, I made it through the weekend without going over flex points! But I did use them all :).


I'm hoping the scale is kind tomr.


This morning was oatmeal with low fat milk.


Snack-Fiber one bar, banana, yogurt, whole grain goldfishes.


Lunch-Haha, that stupid HC thats been in the freezer at work for the past week, lol. Maybe :D.


My clothes feel loser and my back is trying to feel better, so I guess even if the scale says one thing I have those things to hold on to.


Good luck!

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Weigh in today. After missing last week and Mother Nature's destruction its a total toss up. "Round and Round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows."


Last night, I felt I made a good/good/bad choice. Instead of eating two BBQ sandwiches I had only one and a large baked potato with ff sour cream and smart balance. Then I lazed around trying to get myself motivated to get on the bike. THANKS KIM!!!!! Finally got myself up on the bike and went for moderate 10 mins instead of slow. Paid for that last night, but oh well. But then I had 6 points left, so I went for the little debbie cake. Sad, but true. Well, I guess life goes on and today is start a new and if perhaps it is a bad weigh in then I will know what I need to fix.


Thanks for all the encouragement!


PS-RIP Patrick Swayze- I used to take that sound track and play it on our porch and dance around to it like I was on stage.

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Brooke I'm sure you'll do fine at weigh in, let us know how it goes. Your still making good choices overall and it sounds like the points system really works for you. ;)


I didn't get any sleep on Sunday night. I finally started getting shut eye around 12am then I woke up a couple times almost every hour until 4:45am..then I had to get up and leave the house for the gym 5:30am :eek:


I'm not too enthused at getting up that early but it's not so bad towards the end and after I feel good about it.


Today I had pool therapy and I finally got some good rest last night although just sitting here at my desk all day makes me tired. Food has been OK, not the best choices but at least I skipped the birthday cake they had at work yesterday. Will see how the day goes.


PS- I was sad to hear about Patrick as well :(


Also Brooke - FYI there is a $2.00 coupon off one package of Healthy Choice entree's on there website. Most stores like Walmart or Target carry them for cheap like $2 plus change. So good deal on those if you use the coupon. :D

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Drum roll please............2lbs! That means I made my 5% goal, contrary to the mean old WW weigher-inner lady who said they can't count that as 5% b/c I started online, I'd have to "start over." I looked at her point blank and said, "NO, its not like Starting Over."


I will sending an email to WW and letting them know they need to inform our leader, who btw isn't the one who said that to me, that it isn't STARTING OVER.


My poor boss only lost 1lb and she was so upset (we both hadn't weight for 2 weeks). We tried to make her feel better, but you know that mood when you've put everything into it and you get diddly back. Yep, so I hope she can overcome and do better next week. I mean, technically I probably would have lost 1lb this week if I hadn't have missed last week. Its okay for me. I can deal with just 1lb though.




I'm sorry about the sleep. I know how that feels. I kept having those half awake, half asleep dreams last night. It was horrible! I'm trying to assess the stress or emotions that might be causing it.


I'm so proud that you get up that early to work out. I couldn't do it. I hate early.


I forgot to mention that my grandmother, the stroke victim, is back in the hospital. Rectal bleeding. The second night it was so bad, it was going over the bed and they had to give her blood. But no one wants to do a colonoscopy (sp) b/c of her stroke. If they leave her awake she could jerk and cause a hermg. or if they put her under she could not wake up. My other grandmother died from colon cancer. It would be a shame if this grandmother who is a three time cancer survivor died of the same diease b/c no one wanted a malpractice suit.


What a positive way to end a thread..........:D

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Brooke, Sending prayers for your family and gradmother for a safe recovery. Hope she get's better soon!


WHOO on you for losing TWO pounds!! BTW I would call too if that lady is mean..geez she's suppose too be supportive :rolleyes:



I'm so happy you met your 5% and it only inspires me to get going :D

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Thanks Jess!


So, last night was Fried chicken, but homemade. Mom took most of the skin off and just put a little bit of flour on them. They were HUGE pieces of chicken, so mom and I split one. I had green beans, potato salad, and toast. I had a WW bar for a snack, yes another stinkin Oatmeal cookie and some tortillas. I finished off my points with all that. No overage :).


No exercise, b/c my back has been feeling a little strained, so I'm trying to back off for a bit. Calling the Chiro today. I think this mobic is slowing down my weight loss, but I know I couldn't deal with the pain without it.


BK was oatmeal again. It seems to fill me up more and longer for the same points as the four things I would normally eat.

LC for lunch

Same snacks as usual


Watched a bit of Biggest loser last night. Is it bad to say that I'm glad they finally had a girl on there that weighs more than me? I don't know if I will cont. to watch it, b/c I hate getting attached to tv shows. One at a time is good for me and GLEE is already my show for the season.


Good Choices.

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Hey ladies! So last night we finally got our TV in we ordered over Labor Day weekend! It looks super nice!


My eating has been good still, it's just the working out I get lazy on, lol!


Brooke, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma! I hope she pulls through this! My prayers are with ya!


Today is lunch-date-day and we're going to Sweet Tomatoes....yummy!

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Last night I went to a friend birthday get together. We had bagel sandwiches, mine was wheat with tomato, lettuce, turkey and cheese. After I had a slice of homemade apple pie her mom made and 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream.


Got home a but late as I wanted to go too the gym and I ended up over sleeping and decided I wouldn't go and take the time to rest. Now that I'm thinking about it though - it probably wasn't a good choice because today is workout with the trainer but she's not in today but she still told us to go and she will know I didn't go. Whoops. :o Maybe if they are open after work I can go still.


Tomorrow I'm still going in the AM and Friday will be pool again. Took medication this morning and cannot eat for 1 hour after so I'm gonna find something around 10am. Lunch will most likely be at home.


Have a good hump day everyone!

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Sometimes sleep is more important.


Okay, so yesterday was just tedious work to get done. I was dying of the monotony. I guess that's life sometimes.


I feel the sleep thing though Jess. I can't explain it, but its like I've been dragging for two weeks. I feel groggy and my eyes won't focus and though I'm getting an avg. of 8 hours of sleep I still feel drained. Maybe back on the vitamans. I stopped b/c they were hurting my stomach. I'll try another kind.


Oh, my boss also had me help carry up a bunch of groceries up the stairs yesterday. We have students that help us call for support, so we buy a bunch of snacks for them. Well 2 flights of stairs and the walk from the car killed me. I had that stinging throat, salivating mouth, can't breath thing going on. And I probably shouldn't have taken all those 2 liters of drinks b/c my back has been hurting more lately. Bad choice on my part.


Last night was grilled cheese with WW cheese slices and light wheat bread and smart balance butter and a cup of tomato soup. It was yummy. I could have 3 grilled cheese with the points I had, but instead I had some ice cream.


Oatmeal again this morning, LC for lunch, and the usual snacks.


I seriously have to WAKE UP.

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Morning :)


Yesterday and last night I didn't do much. Had chicken cassserole (?) that my father made with veggies. Very good!


I did have some toritilla chips with dip I made and shared with my sister. I didn't snack on anything else the rest of the night thank goodness.


This morning I woke up a littler later then I would have like but I managed to get my butt out of bed and hit the gym by myself. I did 5 minutes of the elliptical and 25min on the treadmill with slow and fast intervals. I only did those two and only did 30 min but I figure if I at least get 30min of something in - then it's still really good.


Before I left I had a whole wheat slice of toast with peanut butter, a glass of OJ and just now finished a nature valley almond bar. I have Yogurt and apples for a snack and a mini bag of popcorn for later.


Not sure what lunch or dinner will be but I'll be sure to choose something healthy after all that excercise I did today.



Brooke are you getting enough water in everyday?


I know I'm not getting as much as I should but trying hard to drink as much as I can remember too.


Have a great day! :D

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Hello Girls,

Went for a weekend trip to Makinaw Island it was so nice with the weather changing. I only lost 1 lb this week and I think it was because you cannot got to Makinaw Island without buying homemade fudge. I did fine with meals and snacks and just snuck a couple pieces of fudge in that was the no no's. So now I wonder if I would not have eaten the fudge if the end result would have been more than a lb. I am not going to fret about it but it makes you wonder.


Our little adventure was a test for me we stayed in a condo at a ski resort. My sister who is skinny had me walking up and down the mountains because she would not let me drive anywhere she told me I needed the exercise in which she was right but Brooke I felt like you with no breath only I was not carrying anything. She purposely chose the condo on top of the hill for better views. But then to get to swimming pool, hot tub, gift shop, or the cafe' was walk up and down the hill. The cafe' had my taezo tea so she would say a couple more steps and you can have tea I looked at her like are you my trainer or what?


It was nice to get away and get on track. I also watch Biggest Loser as my training films. A couple of the girls weigh the same as me and I look at them and ask myself how could I let my body get this big?


Brooke my prayers are with you on your Grandma. My girlfriend who is younger than me just passed away after her battle with breast cancer. They kept telling her that with all the new technology that she will be fine, when she first found out. Her husband is a physician's assistant and made her go to the best doctors now 14 months later she is gone. She has 3 young kids. I just cannot believe it. But GOD has a plan and I need to accept it.


MOTTO: Strive for this day to be better than yesterday! :)

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Kimmer good job on still losing 1lb while being away! :eek:


I'm sorry to hear about your friend, cancer really sucks and so does anythign esle that involves the hospital.


I lost a cousin almost two years ago from brain cancer...she battled it for a looong time and she leaves behind two girls who are now 14 and 18 years old. She was in her 30's when she past away and was battling tumors for like 10+ years. :( The year after that (last year) our grandfather on the same side of the family passed away and in December last year found out my Aunt (same family side) has lung cancer and brain tumors. They said she has a year left with treatment to live. It's been almost a year and she is not doing well at all. My mom went to see her on the weekend and she cannot get off the couch. She extremely sick on the time. Im afraid the worse will be coming soon but inside there is still hope.


One way or another we can all relate to a loved one being sick or dying. Unfortunatley it's a part of life, even when it seems so unfair at times.

God Bless everyone.

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That is a sad story. A story that is all too often happening to too many people. That's why I do relay for life and Locks for love. It makes me feel like I'm doing something not only for other people, but maybe for myself and any kids I may have who will be genetically prone.




PS- Your great!


Update: I forgot to tell you guys. They took my grandmother home yesterday. They did the Colnspy. and she was completely clean. Although they haven't found out why she was bleeding so much. They said maybe from too may acidic foods and that she from where she is bed ridden too. Lucky they took her in though b/c she had another med she was on that was at toxic levels that they had to take care of. They sent her home with the strongest acid reducer med they have. I love how when a patient is on medicare they can fix all with more pills. *rolls eyes*


Got an apt with the chiro. We will see what he says.

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Happy Friday ladies!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!


Tomorrow, I'm going to the zoo with my sisters, neice, Mom and Grammie. I haven't been to the zoo in forever! Tonight we're going to Carrabba's for dinner, it something we look forward to each month. (We go there every month for our anniversary)

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Last night I had some more grilled cheese, but with a baked potato and a cookie and milk, yum. Tried exercise, but it was still too painful. So, I'm going to check tonight.


Oatmeal, LC, normal snacks today.


Just quick today b/c I have to work from 7am-1pm tomr, which means I have to be up at like 5:30:eek:. And I have some work to get done.


Good luck this weekend!

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Sooo glad it's Friday!!


Pool this morning was good, had slice of wheat toast with peanut butter, almond bar and yogurt for a snack. I am however drinking a hot chocolate..I forgot my coffee mug at home again.


Out to lunch with a friend today not sure where yet though. Tonight is movie night with my good friend, not until late though so I will have something for dinner before I go. Tomorrow is my lazy day however I've got things that really need to get done, so will see. Sunday my friend is taking me to the Highland Games. Never been, should be interesting :rolleyes:.


Hope you all have a great weekend!

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