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Cruising to Healthy


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Good Morning, Ladies!


Is it okay for me to jump in on your long-standing thread? I hope so - I have gone back and read parts of your thread and you seem like a fun group!


I will tell you "my story" so as to introduce myself. :) My issues with weight have been around for quite some time, beginning when I was in my late elementary school years. From that age (of about 10) until I was about 21 - I stayed, what I would catagorize as, chunky. At 21 years old (weighing around 175ish), I married my husband (of nearly 16 years) and got pregnant with our first child. So began the downward spiral of my weight struggle. After 15 years and two kids later ~ I had packed on somewhere in the neighborhood of EIGHTY FIVE POUNDS! I still can't believe it! Over the years I made a few half-hearted attempts to lose weight and a few decent attempts. Nothing ever lasted more than 3 months and I would wind up right back where I had started or 10 pounds heavier.


Last spring we went on our eighth family cruise with two of our close friend families. When we got back from that wonderful trip and were looking at photos.......I was DEVASTATED. I think I had always been one of those people who don't FEEL as heavy as they LOOK or ARE. But, the photos from this trip were undeniable! My weight was OUT OF CONTROL.


I made the decision that it was time for me to change my life. I knew I had a long road ahead of me and promised myself that I would stick with it. So ~ on 5/24/11, I began my new life....weighing in at 260 pounds. Ugh. (I try to avoid calling it "my journey" because "journey" indicates to me something with a specific beginning and end. This change is FOREVER.)


Over the last eleven months, I have.....

- Totally changed the way I eat. I used to eat a lot of processed foods and now I eat 90% clean.

- Joined two gyms and actively use both memberships. One is for my regular workouts and one for fitness classes. I typically workout for one hour a day, five to six days per week.

- Convinced myself that I am worth the time and effort I am pouring in to myself.


As of today (after 11 months), I am down 50.1 pounds ~ weighing in at 209.9 pounds! Although I still have a long way to my long term goal - I am thrilled with my progress. The last year has been tough at times, but when I think about my improved health and well being it is totally worth it. I set small goals for myself along the weigh and sometimes try to really challenge myself with those goals. My current short-term goal is to be down in the 100's by my one year new life anniversary, which is 5/24/12. That means I want to be down to 199.9 pounds by then, which will require a loss of exactly 10 pounds in just shy of 4 weeks. I know that is a lofty goal when I am eleven months in to my weight loss ~ but, I know what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.


SOOOO........here I am, looking for accountability and encouragement and willing to offer the same. I look forward to sharing with all of you. This is always easier with good company! :)



Its great that all of us have our own stories and each their own way of changing their current story to a healthier one. You have done wonderful and I'm sure you will make your goal. Welcome and you are a great inspiration!

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Sat. 315.6

Sun. 317

Mon. 316


I think the Dr. will be disappointed, but I guess I will just have to deal with it and move on.


BK: Oatmeal


S: Fruit


L: Grilled chicken sandwich


D: Turkey cutlet and green beans.


W: 40 mins on the bike


Going to the Dr. for my check in apt. after my initial 2 months ago. No progress in my weight at all. I guess I have to decided, with the Dr., if low carb is helping or not. If I did it right, probably would, but what is my willingness to do it right? Idk.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 315.6

Sun. 317

Mon. 316


I think the Dr. will be disappointed, but I guess I will just have to deal with it and move on.


BK: Oatmeal


S: Fruit


L: Grilled chicken sandwich


D: Turkey cutlet and green beans.


W: 40 mins on the bike


Going to the Dr. for my check in apt. after my initial 2 months ago. No progress in my weight at all. I guess I have to decided, with the Dr., if low carb is helping or not. If I did it right, probably would, but what is my willingness to do it right? Idk.


Good Choices.


Hi Brooke,


The menu you have listed for today, this seems like the perfect menu because it is a mix, some carbs, protein and vegetable, that will work for you. I really believe that although you were doing low carb you were eating way too many high sodium foods which I truly believe was sabotaging your weight loss.


I think you will have more success going back to what you were eating before, like the oatmeal in the morning, a whole wheat sandwich with protein for lunch and have some protein and veggie for dinner, don't make every meal high protein, you need some carbs and fiber.


Sorry you did not reach your goal for the two months, your doctor will have to understand, you have been stressed with house hunting and work lately, just move on and tell him you hope to give him a better number the next visit, don't stress over it. You are making the effort and that is what counts.


Good choices, as you say;)

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Just the fact that you are still making the effort everyday is an accomplishment! I know for me I went YEARS at times where I never thought twice about what I was stuffing in my mouth! Here is a quote for you:


"Just because you don't see results, don't give up! You may not see changes, but every smart choice you make is affecting you in ways you'd never imagine."


Sat. 315.6

Sun. 317

Mon. 316


I think the Dr. will be disappointed, but I guess I will just have to deal with it and move on.


BK: Oatmeal


S: Fruit


L: Grilled chicken sandwich


D: Turkey cutlet and green beans.


W: 40 mins on the bike


Going to the Dr. for my check in apt. after my initial 2 months ago. No progress in my weight at all. I guess I have to decided, with the Dr., if low carb is helping or not. If I did it right, probably would, but what is my willingness to do it right? Idk.


Good Choices.

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Hi Brooke,


The menu you have listed for today, this seems like the perfect menu because it is a mix, some carbs, protein and vegetable, that will work for you. I really believe that although you were doing low carb you were eating way too many high sodium foods which I truly believe was sabotaging your weight loss.


I think you will have more success going back to what you were eating before, like the oatmeal in the morning, a whole wheat sandwich with protein for lunch and have some protein and veggie for dinner, don't make every meal high protein, you need some carbs and fiber.


Sorry you did not reach your goal for the two months, your doctor will have to understand, you have been stressed with house hunting and work lately, just move on and tell him you hope to give him a better number the next visit, don't stress over it. You are making the effort and that is what counts.


Good choices, as you say;)


WW has me at 49 points, I was doing 46, but thinking about what you said and as much as I've been "overeating" my points daily.......I decided to at least move it up to 47 points a day. I think the points are around 100 calories a piece maybe.


I have noticed that eating a low"er" carb diet has kept me away from things like potato chips, little debbie cakes, and potatoes with every other meal. So I know it can't be all that bad. But I haven't seen a change in my weight and that is why I'm not sure that it is making much of a difference. Maybe I've just hit a plateau. I think going back and forth between the ellpt. and the bike each week and adding 10 mins to my workout will eventually help move me along. Plus, I've lapsed on my water intake a bit. And you are probably right, I like salty things and when I was in my early 20s it probably didn't have as much as an effect on me as it does now in my late 20s. So I have to be aware (btw, the pepperoni I bought was low sodium and the bacon I've used is too :)).


I have noticed a uptake in my need for dairy though. Like a craving and of course you take away carbs and that takes away a lot of sugars..........so what do I end up craving..............ice cream. Yep. I've always had my "moments" of wanting ice cream, but I've never fixated on it this long before. It is weird and I don't know if its mental or physical.



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Sat. 315.6

Sun. 317

Mon. 316

Tues. 317


BK: Flax muffin


S: Almonds


L: gonna finish up the pepperoni (ls) and mozzarella cheese and some fruit cups


S: Jerky


D: Grilled shrimp and spinach salad


Sweet: Diet soda some point today and probably a glass of milk later.


W: 40 mins. bike (I have an hair apt. so I will have to bike at home)



Well, somehow we got mixed up with which Dr. I saw and I got the other one. Oh well, he is still a Dr. and should be able to help. So we discussed and he said to try lowering carbs to 120 and exercising 5-6xs week. Well, I don't know how I'm going to do that, but I'll work on getting there. Though I think he meant 5-6x a week if I was only doing 30 mins. But I'm doing 40 now. I will try for 40 mins. 4x this week.


Good Choices.

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Hmm, the almonds I got kinda have a good taste to them. Almost chip tasting. Don't know if its the brand I got or that they are roasted.


I always buy the Diamond Brand 100 calorie packs of Cocoa Almonds. Oh my goodness, they are AMAZING. Taste like your eating chocolate candy ~ but with out the guilt! :D

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I love the Emerald brand cinnamon roast and cocoa roast almonds. For a touch of sweet after a meal, they hit the spot. I don't know if you have Publix, but they are often buy one, get one free at Publix in FL.


When I want something salty or crispy, I love the Blue Diamond bold flavor almonds: salt and vinegar, chili and lime and soy and wasabi are my favorites. In FL, I have only found the chili and lime flavor at Walgreens; and only Publix has the salt and vinegar. Super Walmart has only the soy and wasabi.


Brooke, have you thought of adding some protein with your breakfast? I know if I only ate a muffin in the morning, by 10 am I'd be starving!! Maybe adding some eggs or meat would keep you feeling full longer and at the same time be low carb. Hard boiled eggs are easy to cook the night before. There is also bacon that is pre-cooked that you just microwave. Greek yogurt is another good protein choice...get the plain kind and add some splenda and cinnamon or flax seeds. I know mornings have to be quick and easy!!


Best of luck. With lowering the carbs and amping up the exercise, you are bound to see some results!

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I always buy the Diamond Brand 100 calorie packs of Cocoa Almonds. Oh my goodness, they are AMAZING. Taste like your eating chocolate candy ~ but with out the guilt! :D


I've tried the coco almonds, my mom loves them, but I've always hated like the peanut M&Ms......I think the peanut gets in the way of the chocolate, lol. But the roasted almonds are tasting good on their own, I think I might bring like a small container of like cool whip to satisfy my sweet tooth during the day.

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I love the Emerald brand cinnamon roast and cocoa roast almonds. For a touch of sweet after a meal, they hit the spot. I don't know if you have Publix, but they are often buy one, get one free at Publix in FL.


When I want something salty or crispy, I love the Blue Diamond bold flavor almonds: salt and vinegar, chili and lime and soy and wasabi are my favorites. In FL, I have only found the chili and lime flavor at Walgreens; and only Publix has the salt and vinegar. Super Walmart has only the soy and wasabi.


Brooke, have you thought of adding some protein with your breakfast? I know if I only ate a muffin in the morning, by 10 am I'd be starving!! Maybe adding some eggs or meat would keep you feeling full longer and at the same time be low carb. Hard boiled eggs are easy to cook the night before. There is also bacon that is pre-cooked that you just microwave. Greek yogurt is another good protein choice...get the plain kind and add some splenda and cinnamon or flax seeds. I know mornings have to be quick and easy!!


Best of luck. With lowering the carbs and amping up the exercise, you are bound to see some results!


I've thought about protein for BK and I should rotate it a bit. My friend shared like a egg (muffin) no carb recipe that I can probably fix, freeze and reheat. I will try that when I get some time to do it. I have had some greek too. I need to rotate back in some of my atkins shakes with some whey powder for some protein as the summer gets here, I will not be wanting a muffin or oatmeal when my house is 80 degrees in the morning.


The muffins are flaxseed muffins though, so they do have some "hold" to them, lol.

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Sat. 315.6

Sun. 317

Mon. 316

Tues. 317

Wed. 315.8


Hmmm, maybe just a day of being carb smart is helping or the fact that I haven't gone crazy with food in a few days. I managed to hit 138 carbs yesterday. Still under 150. I was under 120......I'll explain below.


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal, 1 c 1% milk


S: 1/2 serving of almonds


L: 2 hot dogs (mustard/ketchup to dip), 1/2 c corn, 1 cup spinach salad


D: Shrimp and steamed broccoli


W: 40-ellpt.


So I didn't workout yesterday and i didn't eat my dinner the way I should. My brother texted and asked if I could watch the 4 year old while they went out with the two babies (they are watching a 6 month old for another foster family) and of course, i can't say no to nephew time. I had my hair apt. after work and of course she ran late and I thought I wasn't going to make it to them in time, but I was right on the dot. I got there and my brother said, "I was about to call you." His wife came home feeling sick and went straight to bed, so they weren't going out. But I decided to go outside and watch the 4 year old play and talk to their neighbor who has kids his age too. I rounded the 4 year old up to go inside and my poor brother was in the floor trying to give the 10 month old physical therapy and hold onto the 6 month old (who army crawls like she has a mission, its so funny-She even crawled over his leg and all the way to the door to me when I came it.)


My brother hadn't eaten yet and the babies needed to be fed and then put to sleep and then the 4 year old to contend with, so I stayed to at least try and settle the four year old down.


I'm sure this is all very interesting to you guys...........anyway, I had to help him get the 10month asleep, then get the 4 year old in bed and when I left he had just laid the 6 month old down and was cleaning up. Lord. Kids. :p


Well, I hadn't eaten yet either and it was 9pm when I got home, so I had to fix something lasting, but not heavy and try to still stay in the points I had left. I picked some sloppy joe (deer) and low carb bread sandwich with a glass of milk (sounds gross, I didn't drink it at the same time).


What I need to mention here is that the day I'm trying to renew my low carb lifestyle............I come home...........mom has been to the store............


Full size chocolate on chocolate cake on the counter

Tray of frosted cin. rolls

Bag of Oreos



5 pizzas

chicken nuggets (grandkids)

2 boxes of drumstick ice cream

1 box of mini pancakes (grandkids)

Half gallon of toffee/caramel ice cream

1 bag of fries


I know its up to me to ignore all that, but I just had an ironic moment. I came home to a carboholics DREAM! If she had bought yeast rolls........it would have been perfect.


I will admit that I had about three bites of the cin. roll, which isn't actually what put me over points. I had a bag of light popcorn during the day and then didn't count on having to eat low carb bread, but still count 19 grams of carbs in that. Good thing she bought some cool whip, it probably saved me from just diving in and eating a little bit of everything.


Anyway, I hope to be at or below 120 carbs today.


I do think that before my beach trip and cruise that I will increase my carbs a bit. I KNOW I will NOT KEEP with a low carb deal when I'm on vacation, so I don't want to gain 10lbs back in a week b/c I go carb crazy. Thats the worse thing to me about a low carb diet. I mean you can eat that way forever, but do I really want to? NO. And that's my answer for now.


Good Choices.

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Good morning, all! Just had a motivational moment I had to share with all of you.....


Got into the office this morning and was standing at the coffee pot grabbing my morning cup and one of my co-workers walks by and says "Jen, it looks like you are wasting away to nothing, girl!" :D Now, trust me, I know at 209 pounds I can not possibly look like I am literally wasting away to nothing ~ but, DANG! It was great to hear!


My morning mental gym battle has begun. Monday and Tuesday I had killer workouts at the gym, so last night I decided I would take today as a rest day. BUT ~ whenever I decide that, all day long I stress about not getting a work out in and most often end up going anyway. So, not sure how that will end up today.


brooklynfc ~ Sounds like you got your workout in helping your brother with those kiddos!



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Congratulations on the weight loss, Brooke!! As the mom of twins, I can attest that you probably got your exercise running after the little ones last night!!


I have made those low carb egg muffins and wasn't impressed! They tasted a little bland to me, but maybe I just needed to add some spice, like pepper jack cheese. But they are convenient...make up a batch and then just microwave when you need one!!


I am the only one doing low carb at my house, so we always have tons of other stuff around. In fact, my son has the problem that he needs to gain weight, so most nights, I'm cooking pasta for him! It really takes will power to resist (I used to LOVE pasta), but I think it really is 90% mental. I am at a place where I want to be thinner more than I want a taste of something good, which, admittedly, was not always the case!! But, last Christmas, I did not touch the white chocolate covered oreos I bought for the family (which are only available at Christmas and used to be my downfall!). Good job on resisting the goodies at home!! Would your mom be open to not keeping the high carb foods out in the open, for instance, putting the cake in a pantry instead of on the counter? I would think it would be easier to resist if you didn't see it right there!!


In my 20s, I lost lots of weight by dieting all week and then allowing myself one dessert a week...I don't think that would work in my 40s though, as the metabolism does slow down with age, but once I reach my goal weight, I might try that and see if I can still maintain! This might work for you though, and make the low carb thing easier if you know you have something to look forward to once a week. I read the book, "The Carb Addict's Diet" and they say you can have one "treat" meal a day. I know that wouldn't work for me, although they explain the science why this is supposed to work. But, maybe the one dessert a week would work for you...


McFam5, congratulations on the compliments. You have certainly lost enough weight for it to be noticeable!! It's nice to get those compliments!!

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:) Wow Brooke your situation reminds me of a person trying to quit smoking while living in a house of smokers. Once you cut the carbs you will be amazed at how those overly sweet snacks taste, I used to love lemon filled doughnuts and frosted cinnamon buns but not now I eat one or two bits and I think uck why did I want this, don't get me wrong I like an oreo or a slice of cake on occasion but only a small slice or one or two oreos. I can see why you struggle so much you need an iron will power at your house :( not good. Keep up the good work the scale is going down again I hope you can get through the weekend without it going back up.:)


:) Mcfam5 welcome so glad your losing weight, hope you continue to lose. I know what you mean about skipping a work out I am so afraid I will get out of my routine and not work out I was working out 7 days a week, my DH said you need to give your body a couple of rest days a week.I have been losing weight since January and I have lost about 15 pounds, I would like to lose about 8 more. I am a very slow loser but I want it stay off so I am not trying to rush. :) Brooke has a great saying "Good Choices" words to live by.

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Good morning, all! Just had a motivational moment I had to share with all of you.....


Got into the office this morning and was standing at the coffee pot grabbing my morning cup and one of my co-workers walks by and says "Jen, it looks like you are wasting away to nothing, girl!" :D Now, trust me, I know at 209 pounds I can not possibly look like I am literally wasting away to nothing ~ but, DANG! It was great to hear!


My morning mental gym battle has begun. Monday and Tuesday I had killer workouts at the gym, so last night I decided I would take today as a rest day. BUT ~ whenever I decide that, all day long I stress about not getting a work out in and most often end up going anyway. So, not sure how that will end up today.


brooklynfc ~ Sounds like you got your workout in helping your brother with those kiddos!




Love those moments and you deserve it!

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Congratulations on the weight loss, Brooke!! As the mom of twins, I can attest that you probably got your exercise running after the little ones last night!!


I have made those low carb egg muffins and wasn't impressed! They tasted a little bland to me, but maybe I just needed to add some spice, like pepper jack cheese. But they are convenient...make up a batch and then just microwave when you need one!!


I am the only one doing low carb at my house, so we always have tons of other stuff around. In fact, my son has the problem that he needs to gain weight, so most nights, I'm cooking pasta for him! It really takes will power to resist (I used to LOVE pasta), but I think it really is 90% mental. I am at a place where I want to be thinner more than I want a taste of something good, which, admittedly, was not always the case!! But, last Christmas, I did not touch the white chocolate covered oreos I bought for the family (which are only available at Christmas and used to be my downfall!). Good job on resisting the goodies at home!! Would your mom be open to not keeping the high carb foods out in the open, for instance, putting the cake in a pantry instead of on the counter? I would think it would be easier to resist if you didn't see it right there!!


In my 20s, I lost lots of weight by dieting all week and then allowing myself one dessert a week...I don't think that would work in my 40s though, as the metabolism does slow down with age, but once I reach my goal weight, I might try that and see if I can still maintain! This might work for you though, and make the low carb thing easier if you know you have something to look forward to once a week. I read the book, "The Carb Addict's Diet" and they say you can have one "treat" meal a day. I know that wouldn't work for me, although they explain the science why this is supposed to work. But, maybe the one dessert a week would work for you...


McFam5, congratulations on the compliments. You have certainly lost enough weight for it to be noticeable!! It's nice to get those compliments!!


Lol, I won't lie.......I sat in the hammock and watch the kids play and then I had to sit on the couch and try to get the 4 year old to sit and settle down too, so nothing to it, but I'll try and make up for it later this week.


The treat sounds good. I know Atkins (or what I had done years ago) said to have an hour of just all the carbs you wanted..........but that was after you had been on the program for a while and were not seeing weightloss. I think letting myself have 120-130 carbs a day is keeping me sane. :)

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:) Wow Brooke your situation reminds me of a person trying to quit smoking while living in a house of smokers. Once you cut the carbs you will be amazed at how those overly sweet snacks taste, I used to love lemon filled doughnuts and frosted cinnamon buns but not now I eat one or two bits and I think uck why did I want this, don't get me wrong I like an oreo or a slice of cake on occasion but only a small slice or one or two oreos. I can see why you struggle so much you need an iron will power at your house :( not good. Keep up the good work the scale is going down again I hope you can get through the weekend without it going back up.:)


:) Mcfam5 welcome so glad your losing weight, hope you continue to lose. I know what you mean about skipping a work out I am so afraid I will get out of my routine and not work out I was working out 7 days a week, my DH said you need to give your body a couple of rest days a week.I have been losing weight since January and I have lost about 15 pounds, I would like to lose about 8 more. I am a very slow loser but I want it stay off so I am not trying to rush. :) Brooke has a great saying "Good Choices" words to live by.



Haha, My dad is horrible with snacks and sweets, but I guess he has a physical job so he doesn't gain weight like I do, although he is about 30lbs overweight and he smokes. Mom isn't as heavy as me, I'd say she is where I want to be for my first long term goal. She is a first grade teacher, so she moves a lot during the day and then when she gets home and on the weekends she is in constant motion. I mean she doesn't eat horrible either...........well sometimes she will eat a whole thin crust pizza for dinner, but not often. I guess she is moving and eating just enough to maintain her weight.


I have to say......at least my daily weight is more consistent, where as before I could anywhere from 315-319 all in one week. Although, come to think of it..........that could be a bad sign.........that might be a maintaining sign. hmm.


I guess we each are doing it our own way and our own pace.......it takes all kinds and all kinds of ways:D

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Sat. 315.6

Sun. 317

Mon. 316

Tues. 317

Wed. 315.8

Thurs. 316


I sure wish I could see 315 by tomr. But that is okay. Its .2lbs down from last week's lowest weight of 315.8. My Dr. actually looked at me and said, "Weigh tomr. and then don't look at the scale again until 3 months is up." Hmmmmmmmm, I see his point.......but I also don't like it. I guess weighing everyday is obsessive to some people and the thinking is you should think about be healthy and not about the number. But I'm on the other team that says, the number keeps me in a healthy frame of mind. When I see it going up.......I know I have to check what I'm doing or not doing.


BK: Oatmeal.........I'll work on finding some quickie alternatives this weekend.


S: almonds or cheese stick, probably a diet soda to push me through.


L: Bought some turkey sliced meat (I was going to get the low sodium, but unfortunately when i picked up the package the first thing I say was like that red streak of like ligament or whatever that is..........it killed it for me, the is why I won't eat chicken on a bone.....among other reasons). I'm gonna take a few slices and cut up some tomatoes on top and the put some light mayo and mustard on top........breadless sandwich really. I'm gonna eat the corn and salad I had from yesterday (I'll explain later)


S: Atkins bar or Glucerna drink maybe.......it says its for Diabetics and looked like the same kind of nutrition as the Atkins shakes. I will check into more before I drink it though.


D: I was thinking about Turkey breast and then making some kind of spinach "dip" like stuff to put over or under the turkey.........got any ideas........I'm sure I can google it.


W: Gym for 40 mins. It was so hard on the ellpt. yesterday........I really had to push myself to make it. I was not motivated yesterday, but I did it. Since I will be working Friday night, I will have to make up exercise for that too.


Okay, so yesterday I got so icky feeling in the middle of the afternoon before lunch. I don't know what it was.......I felt sick to my stomach, icky, bleh. It happened all of a sudden. I thought maybe I was overly hungry and so I went to get my lunch, I took a bite of my hot dog and........thought I would........yep. Number one........I think they had been frozen too long and were icky and I was just repulsed by them. I knew I needed to eat b/c I could feel hunger pains inbetween the icky. So, I went to our bookstore to see what I could dig up. They actually had some Pork rinds (only in a rural area college bookstore, lol), they had the carb bars too. I had read that our campus starbucks has new nonfat smoothies with real fruit and no syrup too. So, knowing that my carb intake would go up, I ordered the 12oz cup, plus the pork rinds and later the carb bar before the workout. Was it the best, no. Was it better than me just giving in and grabbing the quick fixes like pasta bowls and ramen.......YES!


I did stick with the shrimp and broccoli when I got home and I had planned for a glass of milk and a small amount of whipped cream. I still ended up had to fork dips into the cin. rolls..........but that's better than the idea I had to eat a whole one, so I call it even.


Tomr. is going to super hard for me. I may not post.......depends. We have this dedication for a new building and then we have a walkthrough and candlelight ceremony for our graduating class that night.


We won't have time to take lunch breaks as usual b/c it will be in the middle of our dedication. We were instructed to eat from the vending we have for the dedication............hot dog stand and ice cream. I will there from the time I get to work and it will be like 80 something, so its not like I can store something.......even a carb bar would melt out there. Plus nowhere to store it. I guess I can eat a bunless hot dog and I hope they will have some fruit for a side......maybe I can bring my own apple or something. We will see. Then I will have to eat dinner on campus b/c we will have to stay for the evening event. Not much is open b/c of most of the students going home. We have Papa Johns and subway.........


Good Choices.

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Hope you are feeling better Brooke. I'm the same way with some meats...if I see that red thing, I'm repulsed! I also don't like hot dogs, unless I am in Chicago! I will eat bratwurst and Italian sausage, but can't stomach a regular hot dog normally


I agree with your dr about the scale!! I don't own a scale and will occasionally weigh myself at Publix, but mostly wait until my dr visits (every 4 months due to the high blood pressure). I can tell I'm losing from my clothes. Every time I go down a size, it's a celebration!! But, I don't think I could deal with the normal daily fluctuations we all have. I can understand wanting to know how you are doing, but maybe you could just weigh weekly instead of daily?


Good luck today...sounds like a long day! Subway in FL does a salad option of any sandwich...so maybe that would work for you.


Sorry, I can't help with the spinach dip, but I love baby spinach sauteed in olive oil with fresh parmesan (well, it's the 4 C "homestyle" from a jar, but tastes better than the powdered kind!). I have that as a side a lot! I just read yesterday what a "super food" spinach is...full of good things for you!


I just bought the new Kraft pepper jack cheese with cream cheese added in. Still no carbs, but the cream cheese gives it a creamier taste! In case you haven't guessed, I have to have some kind of "spice" with my food. Another favorite is to take a pork tenderloin and put some jerk sauce on it and cook in the crock pot. We have a large Caribbean population in Orlando, so can buy the jerk sauce in our grocery stores, but if you cannot get it, you might look for it on your cruise. It's great on chicken or pork and very low carb!


Have a great day and don't melt in the heat!! I'm not looking forward to the hot, humid days of FL summer!!

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Sat. 315.6

Sun. 317

Mon. 316

Tues. 317

Wed. 315.8

Thurs. 316


I sure wish I could see 315 by tomr. But that is okay. Its .2lbs down from last week's lowest weight of 315.8. My Dr. actually looked at me and said, "Weigh tomr. and then don't look at the scale again until 3 months is up." Hmmmmmmmm, I see his point.......but I also don't like it. I guess weighing everyday is obsessive to some people and the thinking is you should think about be healthy and not about the number. But I'm on the other team that says, the number keeps me in a healthy frame of mind. When I see it going up.......I know I have to check what I'm doing or not doing.


BK: Oatmeal.........I'll work on finding some quickie alternatives this weekend.


S: almonds or cheese stick, probably a diet soda to push me through.


L: Bought some turkey sliced meat (I was going to get the low sodium, but unfortunately when i picked up the package the first thing I say was like that red streak of like ligament or whatever that is..........it killed it for me, the is why I won't eat chicken on a bone.....among other reasons). I'm gonna take a few slices and cut up some tomatoes on top and the put some light mayo and mustard on top........breadless sandwich really. I'm gonna eat the corn and salad I had from yesterday (I'll explain later)


S: Atkins bar or Glucerna drink maybe.......it says its for Diabetics and looked like the same kind of nutrition as the Atkins shakes. I will check into more before I drink it though.


D: I was thinking about Turkey breast and then making some kind of spinach "dip" like stuff to put over or under the turkey.........got any ideas........I'm sure I can google it.


W: Gym for 40 mins. It was so hard on the ellpt. yesterday........I really had to push myself to make it. I was not motivated yesterday, but I did it. Since I will be working Friday night, I will have to make up exercise for that too.


Okay, so yesterday I got so icky feeling in the middle of the afternoon before lunch. I don't know what it was.......I felt sick to my stomach, icky, bleh. It happened all of a sudden. I thought maybe I was overly hungry and so I went to get my lunch, I took a bite of my hot dog and........thought I would........yep. Number one........I think they had been frozen too long and were icky and I was just repulsed by them. I knew I needed to eat b/c I could feel hunger pains inbetween the icky. So, I went to our bookstore to see what I could dig up. They actually had some Pork rinds (only in a rural area college bookstore, lol), they had the carb bars too. I had read that our campus starbucks has new nonfat smoothies with real fruit and no syrup too. So, knowing that my carb intake would go up, I ordered the 12oz cup, plus the pork rinds and later the carb bar before the workout. Was it the best, no. Was it better than me just giving in and grabbing the quick fixes like pasta bowls and ramen.......YES!


I did stick with the shrimp and broccoli when I got home and I had planned for a glass of milk and a small amount of whipped cream. I still ended up had to fork dips into the cin. rolls..........but that's better than the idea I had to eat a whole one, so I call it even.


Tomr. is going to super hard for me. I may not post.......depends. We have this dedication for a new building and then we have a walkthrough and candlelight ceremony for our graduating class that night.


We won't have time to take lunch breaks as usual b/c it will be in the middle of our dedication. We were instructed to eat from the vending we have for the dedication............hot dog stand and ice cream. I will there from the time I get to work and it will be like 80 something, so its not like I can store something.......even a carb bar would melt out there. Plus nowhere to store it. I guess I can eat a bunless hot dog and I hope they will have some fruit for a side......maybe I can bring my own apple or something. We will see. Then I will have to eat dinner on campus b/c we will have to stay for the evening event. Not much is open b/c of most of the students going home. We have Papa Johns and subway.........


Good Choices.


I've only read a few pages back, but I low carb as well. Stay away from Glucerna- if you check the ingredients it has corn maltodextrin which is a sweetener.


Are you doing Atkins? It seems like you struggle with a lot of cravings. I'm pregnant and live with my husband and toddler who are not on a low carb lifestyle. I currently eat 50-100g of carbs to prevent ketosis since I am pregnant, but most of the carbs come from veggies, dairy and cherry tomatoes by the bowlful (pregnant addiction?). I sometimes eat strawberries with whipping cream or make berry/Greek yogurt smoothies.


Have you tried to do a true two week induction? No cheating. It would really help keep your cravings at bay. I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant and I've only gained 19 lbs thanks to low carbing. With my first son, I had gained 46 by this point.


PS I've been eating 2800 calories some days!!! I eat when hungry and stop when full. Best part of Atkins!

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Sorry to pop in, I've been searching low carb and cruising and this thread is one that popped up. I'm pregnant, due in 16 days and looking to find a place where I can discuss weight loss once baby is here... Especially since I will be excitedly planning our very delayed anniversary cruise.



Very encouraged by your results and hope to learn more. Is this a mix of all diets or just WW? I did WW for breastfeeding mamas after my first son, and am debating going back or simply calorie tracking on spark people!

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Alright, I am very discouraged today. I totally derailed with my eating last night and then made the mistake of getting on the scale this morning to assess the damage. I was up 1.5 since yesterday morning. Now, I know that is not actually what I gained ~ considering I only ate 1900 calories yesteday, but my goal is 1200. But, it still frustrates the HECK out of me!!! The last week, I have worked very hard and showed very little progree. That always messes with my head. :mad:


Okay, venting over!

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