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Brooke, have you tried roasting veggies? It's my favorite way to eat them. All I do iis take a sheet pan, cover in foil, add veg , olive oil, and salt and pepper. Maybe 375 degrees or so for 20 minutes. Asparagus is good. Cauliflower and broccoli excellent. Sometimes i'll do peppers, zucchini chunks, etc. Whatever you like!


Will have to do........maybe not the peppers.......still can't handle the taste.....maybe I'll try them again in a few years, lol.

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Veggies..don't underestimate the power of Salsa..it's easy and cheap to make and there are many different variations..I even make a fruit salsa that you could spread on a piece of wheat toast for a snack.


I would seriously look at whatever medications you are on and research their side effects. I know that steroids and some anti depressent/anti anxiety drugs are very common for causing weight gain and inflammation. Wellbutrin, on the other hand is an anti depressent that actually causes appetite loss.


Well, I don't think my allergy meds, heart burn meds, or Vita D is doing it............might be the birth control............but I've been on that for years. I know there is potential for initial gain when you first start it, but it def. shouldn't be affecting me now. I have an apt. in June with the GYN and I'll ask.

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Ok, last one, I promise, but this one also looked so good and I liked the idea of serving it with a poached egg on top.


Roasted asparagus wrapped in bacon: apparently the brown sugar makes it carmelize. I'd try it with a brown sugar substitute...not sure the effect would be the same though.


I need to stay off of pinterest...what a time sucker!



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Sat. 315

Sun. 315.2

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 315.8

Wed. 316.6

Thurs. 316.2


I'm just gonna wait this out...........


BK: Atkins shake, greek yogurt/flax meal


S: mini cereal box


L: Ham slices with tomato mayo mustard and a pair on the side


D: 5oz strip steak with asparagus (butter, lemon pepper, salt), combined with chopped tomatoes (oil, salt, pepper, garlic)


S: Skinny cow ice cream (Its one serving in a little cup-4 WW points)


W: Bike-60 at home


Well, I went to the store after working out last night.........boy was it hard going through that store when my body was getting real hungry, but I made it through without anything horrible.


I bought:


Brussel Sprouts (organic)

Broccoli (organic)

2 pairs

A few vine ripened tomatoes (the closes things to garden for now)

Asparagus ( I had to buy the stores pre packaged ones b/c every stalk I picked up in the organic section was squishy and one even had mold on it. Kroger is usually better than this.)

Pre-cut pineapple chucks

Ham lunch meat

Turkey lunch meat

low sodium pre-cooked bacon

1% milk (we were almost out)

Skinny cow and WW ice creams


I went home...........I was starving.........and I had to cook in the kitchen with all that junk food laying around........so I picked the pineapple out of the fridge and sat it next to the stove for a quick fix. I pan seared some turkey (all four b/c they were frozen before I could separate them), then I followed the brussel sprout recipe. I actually let them singe just a bit b/c I was dealing with Fat Dog getting into the trash can. But they still tasted good. A little bitter in the middle, but nothing worse than the white part of lettuce. I think I got too much salt or something on the onions........they were saturated (just pulled some of them off). It was a good dinner.


I did almost stop in the store for beer..........lol. Then I almost stopped for bagels. I don't LOVE all bread......just certain kinds really. Like toast.......I'll crave every once in a while, but the texture isn't my thing. But the texture and taste of breads like yeast rolls and bagels...........drive me nuts. Even just talking about them makes me want them. So, I looked at the bagels for a min. I even looked at the wheat bagels. But when I looked at the calories of 240 per bagel...........I put them back and said, "I'll eat yummy toasted bagels and butter on my cruise in 6 months."


Now the ice cream, I'm justifying b/c its skinny cow and is measured out into an actual serving size (amazing how small an actual serving is) and is lower in calories and such. Of course the WW ice cream is b/c I'm doing WW, but Skinny cow is endorsed by WW, so it does have the point counts listed on the package. I got the WW 3 pack box with a variety of their ice creams, but I put it in our downstairs freezer, so to keep temptation at a min. I hate going down our basement stairs b/c I tripped a fell down them once and landed flat on my stomach on cement and busted my lip. I guess I was lucky. Plus its more of a cellar and there are always icky things down there......bleh.


Anyway, thanks for the awesome recipes I will keep trying them out. I have to go to the chiro today so I will go there from work and then home to exercise on the bike.


Friday, I have to leave work early to make it to an event that my SIL is helping with dealing with Social Services and the Foster Families. I've volunteered to take pictures (I'm not great at it, but its not paid so I don't feel bad that I'm not a professional, lol.). So, I won't be able to get to the gym. I was thinking of lunch time, but then I would get icky and not have time to get a shower and stuff before going to this event. I don't know how long the event will be, so i don't know about after it. I also don't know what I'll be eating..........It will be an interesting Friday.


Good choices.

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Regarding bagels, they are my weakness too. I don't eat them on Atkins, but for the family I buy the bagel thins...I think they are 110 calories each (sold in the bread aisle of grocery store) and often my DD will just eat half with cream cheese for breakfast, so it's pretty low cal, but not low carb. I have no idea if WW allows them though!

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Sat. 315

Sun. 315.2

Mon. 316.2

Tues. 315.8

Wed. 316.6

Thurs. 316.2

Fri. 316


I had hope last night that I would see a bigger drop b/c sometimes I weigh at night just out of curiosity of how much of a difference a day makes. I've been averaging about 318-320 in the evenings. Last night I was at 317......I was hoping that it would lead to more than a .2 down..........but I guess not. My body is just working against me I think.


BK: Oatmeal


S: cereal


L: Turkey lunch meat, tomato, mayo, mustard with some pineapple chunks


S: Carb bar b/c I don't know when I will get dinner and it have energy and protein to keep me going.




W: Probably won't have time, but I'll probably be in motion.


So the chiro got me back into alignment, he said I seemed to be more toned, but I told him about the increase in exercise and no changes in measurements of weight. He asked me a few questions, but he said it seemed like I was doing the right things, but that some people just take longer than others to reg. change. He said I was still getting the benefits for my heart and muscles, so I wasn't doing it for nothing and to give it another ten days before I started worrying too much.


I can go with that.


I decided to let last night be my "crazy" night. I got a call from my brother to come join him and the kids and mom and dad at Mcds (they had a visit with their bio mom) and so after the chiro I went. I decided to have the grilled chicken sandwich, but a large fry b/c I was wanting fries more. I did stop halfway through eating a rested a played with my nephew before thinking about eating the rest, which I did. I then went home and got on my bike for 50 mins..........the chiro.........made me kinda sore, so it got a little too much towards the end. Plus my bike at home is just a cheap bike and it doesn't really have cushion or support, so it is worse than the one in the gym which makes it hard to stay on for extended times. But I made it to 50 mins. and then cleaned up around my room for a few before getting a shower. Then I came out to find my parents had went by walmart and got a variety pack of deli donuts................so I reached for my skinny cow ice cream instead............I really wish I had just eaten a donut b/c it was what I really wanted and instead I ended up eating a donut and ice cream. Anyway.......


As some of you have questioned if I was eating enough and the info. I was Googling the other day.........I figured it was okay to just have "blow out" b/c this was recommended on one sight to see how you body would react. If you weren't getting enough calories and you did a "blow out" day then you actually should see your weight go down b/c you have taken your body out of starvation mode. However, if you are eating enough and there is just some diet problems or maybe a plateau.........then you shouldn't see much of a change. It may take a day or two to see. So, I told you guys I would look into it........and I am.


I do need to google mucinex D and see if it has weight contributions, I forgot I had been taking that for drainage from allergies.


I think my body is just rebelling. Since I got into the 300s and was fighting to get back down to the 200s (years) the lowest I've ever gotten was 315. When I got up to 352........I couldn't get past the 330s forever. 30lbs is the extent of what I was always, on avg., able to lose and its been my enemy too. I just want to get over the 315 mark at this point without the help of a stomach virus.


I have 3lbs to go to see 40lbs........and the curse of the 30s will be over (at least in my head). I'm just gonna hold onto that for a while.


PS- Pam- I like the bagel thins and have used them before and yes WW does allow them. I just think its probably good to keep them away until I need them, lol. I'm still holding on to better carb practices, lol.


Good Choices.

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PS- Pam- I like the bagel thins and have used them before and yes WW does allow them. I just think its probably good to keep them away until I need them, lol. I'm still holding on to better carb practices, lol.


Good Choices.


Oh I agree with you there. My worse fear is returning to that "carb craving" feeling where no matter how many you eat, you still want more. I could easily down an entire bag of goldfish or quacker cheddar cheese rice cakes without thinking before and still feel hungry!! One of the real benefits I find with low carb is that you do not get as hungry and do not have those cravings!! My thing was never sweets so much as salty snacks, so for the most part the almonds take the place of that!


Best of luck...I still think that with so much exercise you are bound to see the scale move at some point. But I also remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are more toned, you might have lost inches, but not lbs., if that makes sense. Do you notice a difference in your clothes?


I had a nice moment this week. Went shopping for a new dress and ended up buying a 0X at Macys in the plus size dept, but wasn't entirely happy, as it was kind of big and I knew in a few months (hopefully) it would be way too big. I found the same dress in the regular dept and an XL fit much better and was $10 cheaper. I guess plus sizes cost more because they use more material, lol. I also tried on a petite XL (I'm 5'2"), but it was too tight, but I'll take the XL in the women's dept rather than a plus size anyday and save $10 in the process!! It's little things like that which make me more determined to stay away from bad things!!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Sat. 314.8


Did pretty good last night with food except for the one beer that lead to that alcohol craving......which led to a donut last night. But the points were there,so I'm not gonna beat myself up over it.


Going to get on the bike today and then going to look at some modular house models......b/c I'm getting to my June deadline and want to make sure I have a back up plan. People keep telling me I don't have to have a deadline b/c I've got time b/c I live at home, but honestly........if I thought like that......I could just live at home forever b/c who knows how long it could take with no goal.


Kinda like weightloss.


Good Choices.

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:) My DD said the same thing about being out by 25 and now it is approaching and she says 30 which is fine by me I like having her around. :)

Kids just want to grow up I know. Glad to see your beer didn't hurt your weight, I do enjoy beer. :) I know how that doughnut sneaks in after the beer, should of just had another beer.

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Sat. 314.8

Sun. 314.8

Mon. 315.8


Still waiting on this big drop.............sigh.


BK: Oatmeal


S: popcorn


L: Turkey slices, tomatoes, mustard, mayo/fruit cup


S: Carb bar


D: Turkey cutlet (I need to eat them before they go bad), steamed broccoli and some corn, toast


Desrt: Skinny cow ice cream


W: ellpt. 60 min.


After all that I still have like 7 points left. I'm sure I'll eat it somewhere.


Well, I know it was a little of a drop this weekend, but I was really hoping to see a more whole number of 314. Weekends usually yield my lowest weight for some reason and I guess it is lower, but not what I was wanting to see.


I actually put my WW points back at where WW had me instead of manually changing it. Although, I only had it down about 100 calories, so not that bad. Plus I was making that up by eating weekly points anyway. I hope this doesn't back fire.


On Sat. I must have been just exhausted from the exercise or something b/c i woke up and ate and was watching tv, catching up on emails and then I fell asleep again around 11am in the recliner and got up around 1pm. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I think my body really needed it.


And on the other side.........my belly button seems to have torn again. It does this when I do like heavy lifting or squatting, or I'm on the bike a lot. Its just sensitive I guess. But it tears the skin on the instead apart a bit and then of course the belly button is a gross area and it gets nasty. The only way I can help it is to keep it clean as possible and then keep a cotton ball or tissue in there to keep it dry so it can heal back together. It does hurt and pull when I get back on the bike though. I have used surgical tape and gauze to help keep it together. I guess maybe its related to my weight, idk. But if I keep on it, I should have it healed in a week or so.


Anyway, I have a grant due tomr. and not final draft on my desk............


Good Choices.

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brooklynfc ~ Although the pace is sometimes frustrating, your numbers on the scale are going down. Be encouraged.....you are doing great and showing big changes by sticking with this process! You definitely must have needed that nap on Saturday. I often do that myself. Usually on a Friday night (about once per month) I fall asleep for the night around 9:00 pm. Since my normal bedtime is 12:00 to 12:30 am, this is VERY EARLY to me!


Hope every is have a great start to their week!! :D

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brooklynfc ~ Although the pace is sometimes frustrating, your numbers on the scale are going down. Be encouraged.....you are doing great and showing big changes by sticking with this process! You definitely must have needed that nap on Saturday. I often do that myself. Usually on a Friday night (about once per month) I fall asleep for the night around 9:00 pm. Since my normal bedtime is 12:00 to 12:30 am, this is VERY EARLY to me!


Hope every is have a great start to their week!! :D


Thanks, I'm trying to stay positive.

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Sat. 314.8

Sun. 314.8

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 315.6


I'm like the turtle and the haire..........I'm the turtle.



BK: Atkins Shake


S: combos-mini bag


L: 3 oz of deer meatballs with 3/4 cup pasta, homemade tomato sauce, steamed broccoli


S: Cereal


W: 60 min. ellpt. (carb bar)


D: 6 oz steak, asparagus


Desrt-Icee pop


Well, I tried to stay above 4.0 last night for the full 60 mins. and I did a good job for the most part.....only seeing 3.8 like for a few seconds (I'm terrible at being consistant with one number on the ellpt. I bounce a lot). I felt the diff. in my body, I was def. sore and still am a bit.


Went home dyed my hair and then sat at the computer for another 2 hours trying to put finishing touches on the grant due today (still not done).


Then I had to come in this morning and deal with an invoice issue, where the company apparently though it was okay to not tell us that we only paid 50% on the first invoice last year and now we owe the second invoice of 50% (we are already over budget). No, they put it on the invoice with a little 10 pot 50% next to the amount. I'm sorry, but I don't actually have my own budget, so I just pass these things off.......of course the person who had the budget had moved to another position and so I guess things got lost in translation.......idk. But now I get to tell my boss that we still owe half the bill. YAY! My day has started off GREAT!


Its gonna get better...........


Good Choices.

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Sat. 314.8

Sun. 314.8

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 315.6

Wed. 316




BK: Oatmeal


S: cereal


L: 6-7 oz steak (I fixed two last night) and fruit cup


S: light popcorn


D: Mom's meatloaf (made with deer hamburger), baked potato


W: ellpt. 60 mins.


I thought I would push the ellpt. this week......just to see if that helps. I think if after this weekend, if I don't see a nice drop in weight.......I will manually lower my points again. But I'm not giving up on this exercise thing.........I just KNOW it should be showing some progress.........


I measured myself last night and really didn't see a difference. Same old measurements.


I did start to add back in some planks into my workout for core strength. I can do about 30 seconds forward and then on each side.


I just feel a little pressed b/c its like each week I don't show at least 1lb in loss.......I'm wasting the time I have to meet my goal. Its a bit aggravating. But ..........I'm doing what i should be, so........


Good choices.

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brooklynfc ~ I get so frustrated for you when I see your numbers being stubborn!!! :mad: Stick with it ~ you are doing amazing work!!


Hope everyone is plugging along this week! I came across this quote over the weekend that I am loving....


"You've got to divorce yourself from the past and find a different way of living. And you can never go back. Once you accept that, and realize there is no finish line, then you've got a better chance at succeeding."

Has anyone read Bob Harper's "The Skinny Rules" that came out last week? I downloaded it to my iPad and started reading it over the weekend. I LOVE it! Now I will start out by saying - I am a huge believer in his diet and fitness methods and have somewhat modeled my "program" with his philosophies in mind. The book gives his support information about why he does this things he does. It is definitely worth the read!! Two thumbs up from me!


Tomorrow is my one year "lifestyle change" anniversary. My goal was to be down 60 pounds in one year. As of this morning, I am down 57.6 pounds - so obviously I will be just shy of my goal. BUT, I am going to celebrate my accomplishments instead of getting down on myself (my historical M.O.) and move on to my next goal! (Which is to be down 75 lbs. by the time we leave for our summer cruise on August 17th.)

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brooklynfc ~ I get so frustrated for you when I see your numbers being stubborn!!! :mad: Stick with it ~ you are doing amazing work!!


Hope everyone is plugging along this week! I came across this quote over the weekend that I am loving....


"You've got to divorce yourself from the past and find a different way of living. And you can never go back. Once you accept that, and realize there is no finish line, then you've got a better chance at succeeding."


Has anyone read Bob Harper's "The Skinny Rules" that came out last week? I downloaded it to my iPad and started reading it over the weekend. I LOVE it! Now I will start out by saying - I am a huge believer in his diet and fitness methods and have somewhat modeled my "program" with his philosophies in mind. The book gives his support information about why he does this things he does. It is definitely worth the read!! Two thumbs up from me!


Tomorrow is my one year "lifestyle change" anniversary. My goal was to be down 60 pounds in one year. As of this morning, I am down 57.6 pounds - so obviously I will be just shy of my goal. BUT, I am going to celebrate my accomplishments instead of getting down on myself (my historical M.O.) and move on to my next goal! (Which is to be down 75 lbs. by the time we leave for our summer cruise on August 17th.)


Thanks. Its annoying, but sometimes........I guess your body isn't ready to move on, even if you are.


Congrats on the loss though, Wish you could just round up, lol.

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Sat. 314.8

Sun. 314.8

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 315.6

Wed. 316

Thurs. 316.6


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BK: Oatmeal


S: cereal


L: low carb wrap, turkey pepperoni, shredded cheese.....thingy. Forgot fruit or veggies......might run out and grab something.


S: Almonds


D: I'm not sure yet. Mom's bday is today, so I don't know what is going to happen.


W: I will hit the ellpt for 60 today though.


I didn't go for the ellpt. last night b/c i was just hurting too many places, plus I wanted to leave early and stop by to see my grandad. He ended up being out mowing (not really supposed to be doing that....). So I went home and turned on the AC in my room and let it cool for a min. then jumped on the bike for 60 (well I took like a five min. break in the middle b/c everything gets so numb).


I ended up eating a scrambled egg sandwich with low carb bread with my baked potato last night instead of the meatloaf. I don't know what mom did differently to it, but I really almost got sick when I tasted a bit of it. Either it made me feel sick or......I'm having digestive issues, which may be the case b/c more and more.........eating makes me feel a little quesy. Not all the time, but just at weird times. I don't get it. I started taking some otc probiotics to see if that would help.


So. Tomr. is my WW "start over" day. For those not WW savy.....this means that the extra weekly points I get, start back over again. Plus its my "official" weigh day.


I feel like I will just have to buckle down as much as I can. Gathina is right. I need to start fresh and pay attention to everything that goes into my mouth and make sure I'm counting it. I think when trying to eat healthy, we get too comfortable with what we are doing and the next thing you know.........things creep in. So, while it may not be smart to try and do this over Memorial Day weekend..........I'm def. going to. Maybe this is what I need to get over the hump.


Good Choices.

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Hang in there, Brooke. It can be frustrating when the numbers don't budge. It sounds like you are doing the right things, so sooner or later, you should see some results. I'm in the same situation...had to go the dr. this week and was weighed and the scale has not moved for me in 2 weeks, despite following the diet and having no more than 20 g of carbs a day. It's very frustrating to say the least. I've been eating a lot of mayo, both in my morning egg salad (hard boiled eggs with mayo and real bacon bits) and in my chicken salad standby for lunch (boiled chicken breasts with mayo and celery), so I'm going to go back to just protein...hamburger patties for lunch and scrambled eggs for breakfast.


I did try a new recipe I wanted to share. I love hot wings, but of course, they are not allowed on my diet, but I found a great substitute...chicken breasts cooked in the crockpot with hot wing sauce and shredded. The Frank's hot wing sauce is low carb and I used the Ranch dressing called for in the recipe very sparingly (would probably omit next time). For the family, I served the chicken on rolls, but for me, I made it into a salad with romaine, parmesean cheese and a bit of caesar dressing. It was very tasty. I also found another recipe for shredded Mexican chicken that you prepare in the crockpot as well. I think this would also make a good salad (The recipe calls for salsa, but I'd probably make my own if I couldn't find one low carb in the store). I'm trying to eat less beef, so these fit the bill. BTW, I used frozen chicken breasts and they worked fine. I cannot believe I have just now discovered them!! The best part is that you make up the crockpot the night before, store it in the fridge, put it on in the morning before work and come home to a great dinner!!


Crockpot Buffalo Chicken: http://mykitchenapron.blogspot.com/2011/07/crock-pot-buffalo-chicken.html


Mexican shredded chicken: http://paleoperfectly.blogspot.com/2011/03/paleo-crockpot-mexican-shredded-chicken.html

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Awww..well, your being mindful..that's still about 95% of the battle.


From everything I've read, consistency is really the key ..consistent exercise..food..maybe your being too hard and trying too hard and somehow self sabotaging yourself.


It's great your aiming to do an hour a day on the ellipitical or bike or whatever, but maybe it's better to do an hour at a slower pace instead of kill yourself and then not be able to do anything the next day. Maybe review your food logs and see where the "gaps" are..like if you don't have a plan on some days for dinner then you notice the scale always goes up on those days following when you didn't plan dinner, then make a note of where that could be a gap.


Try my bowl of fruit analagoy..that stupid trick really does work..If I think I am hungry and need to eat this burger, would I eat a bowl of fruit if it were here? If yes, I am hungry. If not, need to do something else!


Also on the low carb thing..in college I did one of those and I lost a lot of weight..but it was limited to 60 carbs a day. And the carbs they recommended were leafy green vegetables and other types that didn't allow you much wiggle room...none of the carbs were to come from bread, starchy vegetables, oatmeal or those kind of "healthy" carbs. etc. Those kinda got thrown back in gradually after the weight was lost.




Sat. 314.8

Sun. 314.8

Mon. 315.8

Tues. 315.6

Wed. 316

Thurs. 316.6


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BK: Oatmeal


S: cereal


L: low carb wrap, turkey pepperoni, shredded cheese.....thingy. Forgot fruit or veggies......might run out and grab something.


S: Almonds


D: I'm not sure yet. Mom's bday is today, so I don't know what is going to happen.


W: I will hit the ellpt for 60 today though.


I didn't go for the ellpt. last night b/c i was just hurting too many places, plus I wanted to leave early and stop by to see my grandad. He ended up being out mowing (not really supposed to be doing that....). So I went home and turned on the AC in my room and let it cool for a min. then jumped on the bike for 60 (well I took like a five min. break in the middle b/c everything gets so numb).


I ended up eating a scrambled egg sandwich with low carb bread with my baked potato last night instead of the meatloaf. I don't know what mom did differently to it, but I really almost got sick when I tasted a bit of it. Either it made me feel sick or......I'm having digestive issues, which may be the case b/c more and more.........eating makes me feel a little quesy. Not all the time, but just at weird times. I don't get it. I started taking some otc probiotics to see if that would help.


So. Tomr. is my WW "start over" day. For those not WW savy.....this means that the extra weekly points I get, start back over again. Plus its my "official" weigh day.


I feel like I will just have to buckle down as much as I can. Gathina is right. I need to start fresh and pay attention to everything that goes into my mouth and make sure I'm counting it. I think when trying to eat healthy, we get too comfortable with what we are doing and the next thing you know.........things creep in. So, while it may not be smart to try and do this over Memorial Day weekend..........I'm def. going to. Maybe this is what I need to get over the hump.


Good Choices.

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Pcrum, thanks for the recipes! I can't wait to try the Mexican chicken one!


Brooke, I love "start over" day! I always splurge with a single scoop custard sundae from Culvers with hot fudge and Snickers...8 points!


I hear you on "buckling down." Are you truly being honest with yourself? Are you tracking everything that crosses your lips? I love Gathina's "stupid" fruit trick...I've tried it, and it really does work! And if the answer is yes, I'll go seek out a piece of fruit lol.


Much of your frustration comes from the daily ups and downs you see on the scale. I used to be a daily weigher. It blows my mind how the stupid scale impacted my mood for the day. A (hot) trainer at the gym suggested I weigh myself once a month. I thought he was crazy, but I decided to give it a go. My body shrunk. My clothes were looser. At the end of the month, I got on the scale and lost 6 lbs, an average of 1.5 lbs a week. I was happy with that, BUT, everybody keeps asking me if I've lost 15 lbs. See, I gained 5 lbs of muscle (started also doing monthly body fat measurements). I actually started seeing more gains when I started to work out LESS. More weights, less cardio. I think your doctor suggested you step away from the scale for 3 months. I don't think I could do 3 months, but maybe once a month? If you're paying for WW, you have to weigh in once a week, so do that and forget about the scale until the following week. Look for "non-scale victories" (picking a banana over a cookie, fitting into a smaller size, a dress that was too small, etc). I think it will do wonders for your weight loss mentality.

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I haven't been contributing lately, but I have been reading.


Brooke...you are getting some really good advice here. I somehow remember the doctor telling you not to weigh in until you next visit. :rolleyes: I know how tempting it is to get on the scale "just to see", but you are beating yourself up every single day. How about weighing in once a week to start. Have your mom hide the scale!


You are making some really good food choices. I know that you have some food issues with textures, etc. What I see at first glance is a lack of fresh veggies and salad. I try to eat a salad with some lean protein for a meal once per day. It takes a long time to eat and is filling.


Congratulations on upping the exercise, too! :) I need to do the very same, so on that note, I am off to do just that.



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