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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Hi Gals!


Welcome Jocelyn! Nice to have you here!


Misty- (putting on my nurse's cap) I have read up on on the HCG diet. What it is you are given injections of the human growth hormone. This is what is in our bodies make (more) when we are pregnant. When you pee on the stick to see if you are pregnant that is what is being tested.

Now the idea is that it supposed to take you appetite away there fore you can eat 500 calories a day and not be hungry. You are on it for a limited time. One problem is that once the injection stops you will want to eat again more than 500 calories. I am just leery of injections hormones in the body like that. Many pro athletes have used it to bulk up. There are side effects of rage, high blood pressure. I would think very carefully about it.


Update on me- well taking about falling off the wagon and getting run over!! I was back up to 200# and just obsessed with food all the time. I was disgusted with myself. So after labor day I said let's get it together. I was reading Women's World Magazine. Had the Duke Univ Rice diet. What caught my eye was they said that everyone on it got rid of their food obsession with in 48 hours. By God it worked.

If any one is interested I will post more about it. Basically you have 2 servings per day of brown rice. I use the rice in bags that you can put in the microwave. A protein veggies and fruit. I am down 8# my first week.

I also stopped eating anything with wheat. Did some reading up on gluten intolerance one was big time sugar craving! On this Rice diet they encourage a down day of just rice and fruits to give you a boost!


Tammy- WW is OK but with a hetic life not so much.


Ellen- Good to see you too.


I am glad we are all back. I have no cruises planned. I am cruised out for the moment.

We are considering re-locating to Florida so we are doing home repairs to get our house ready for the market. I will keep you posted.


Have a great day everyone!


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Hi everyone!


Jocelyn~ Wow, that doesn't seem like much food, but the protein probably made a huge difference in keeping you more satisfied. How's DD #2 going today? I totally second what Misty said. I tended to do better when I waited as long as I could to start eating for the day. I also was not good on my up days. I think that's what made it harder on me to stick with. We kind of went hog-wild (pun intended) on UDs. Do you have a calorie goal for your UDs?


HA! I laughed out loud with what you wrote about Jillian. I find her very manly, too. Which is fine, but for some reason rubs me the wrong way with the workout. And on the flip side, the Hip Hop Abs guy is very feminine, but that doesn't seem to bother me at all. LOL


Misty~ Bummer that Jason and Lexi aren't feeling good. I'm sure you're taking good care of them and keeping the germs at bay. :)


I think you're smart to look at your challenges with the holidays realistically. No sense in defeating yourself by starting something that isn't going to work during that time. I can't remember if I ever asked you, but have you ever tried a low-carb plan? The weight comes off quickly and it's really pretty easy to follow during social things and when you're cooking for the family. Almost every food occasion has meat, cheese, veggies.


I'm gonna try to read more aboug that HCG plan. I think it sounds severe enough (combined with taking hormones) that it's probably good to get a doctor's opinion on it. We want you to be safe. Any kind of hormone altering scares me. Us women have enough issues with erratic hormones. Or mAyBe tHat'S jUst mE! :eek:


Nora~ Good for you getting back on track. Is it just me or does it get harder each time. I hate to say age is a factor, but when I was 17 I don't remember having any problem at all with my 500 cal/day diet. At 36 it's like the pizza and Little Debbies are BEGGING me to eat them. I'd love to hear more about the rice diet. It seems almost contradictory because I put rice in the same category with wheat.... carbs. But I know that there are many different kinds of carbs and there's so much new information out there about gluten and the trouble so many people have with it.


Down 8 lbs first week... WHOHOO!!! Keep it up!


I'm looking at moving to Florida in a couple of years, so I'm doing the same thing, getting my house ready to sell. Good luck with yours!


Ellen~ How's your week going?

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Second DD almost over....waited until noon to eat, had an apple. Then around 5 I had a Jimmy Dean D-light breakfast sandwich (egg white/turkey sausage) which was 290 cals. The boys had baseball practice tonight so I just took some water with me. Now I'm home and getting ready to watch Survivor and Big Brother (I'm a reality TV junkie). I'm tempted to have something but trying to determine if I'm just bored or actually hungry.


Thanks for all of your encouragement everyone! I'll check in with you all tomorrow!




PS: Hi Nora!

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Good morning, ladies!


Well, yesterday's weigh in was depressing. No gain, but no loss:


7/28 224 (started going to the gym, but no structured diet yet)

8/9 220.8

8/16 222.4

8/26 220.2

9/2 221

9/9 220.2

9/16 220.2


I'm getting really frustrated, but, like we've discussed before, I know it's my own fault since I'm not on a structured plan yet. So many girls I know have recently lost weight by just "cutting back" and exercising. Well, I'VE CUT BACK! HONEST!


So, on that note, I want to say that I am so grateful for your advice and I respect and value your opinons....but I think I've made up my mind to give HCG a go... I'm going to do the homeopathic drops that you put under your tongue. I've been doing a lot (I mean A LOT) of research and reading up on this. I've been devouring the hcg forum on Low Carb Friends, and those people are having such good results, and a lot of them have been able to keep it off for a while. See, what you do for a round is (P2 or Phase 2) a minimum of 23 days, max of 40 days of your injections or drops with your 500 calorie diet. (There is no P1 per se...I guess P1 is planning...) When you take your last injection/drops, you continue to eat 500 calorie diet for at least 72 more hours in order to get all the hcg out of your system. At that point, you begin P3 which lasts 3 weeks, in which you can eat normally again EXCEPT you cannot have sugar or starch yet. Then begins P4 which also lasts 3 weeks in which you slowly add sugars and starch back. P3 and P4 are supposed to reset your body to your new weight. The one rule is if at any time in these phases (3 or 4) you gain more than 2 lbs. over your LDW (last dosing weight, or weight on the day your took your last dose), you must do a correction day (which is basically a low cal/low carb day). At the end of the 3rd week of P4, you may begin another round, if desired. The time in between rounds gets progressively longer each time you do it. After round 2, you would wait 8 weeks before beginning round 3.


Like I said, the success stories are calling to me....I NEED some success to get me motivated....to give me some self-esteem and self-worth back.... I know I am not my weight, but sometimes it sure feels that way, ya know?


I asked those hcg people when they would start if they were me. Overwhelmingly, they suggested to begin a round right now, and then I could be in P3 by time for my friend get-together (Oct. 23), so I could eat somewhat normally with them and enjoy the evening. I think I may.


Nora ~ 8 lbs.! That's AWESOME! How long does the rice diet last?


How is everyone else?

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Happy Friday all!


Well, it is a DD for me. I held out until 12:30 and had an apple. Now I just have to get through 45 min. more of work and then I'll go home and figure out if I need to eat. The boys have baseball tonight so that will keep me occupied.


Misty~ Sounds like you have done quite a bit of research...we can certainly keep each other going with the 500 cals.


Don't think I'll be on the computer much this weekend. The boys are travelling with baseball so I'll be on the road. I'll try to check in. Good luck to everyone with their WOE this weekend.



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Hey ladies,


Well, had my first casualty with Juddd.....did well until yesterday which was supposed to be a down day. All was going fine until we finished up with my son's baseball tournament and a group of families went out to lunch (which we often do). Did not make good choices and definitely went over 500 cals...not by a little either.


With that said, I will not let it deter me. I am DD'ing today. Question though....have any of you done 2 DD's in a row to compensate for botched DD? That is my plan but I think I read somewhere not to do it....


I did weigh myself when I got up yesterday so I met my "mini goal".


Hope you are all well!



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Jocelyn: DDs are hard when you have social functions! I would plan everything around DDs so that I wasn't faced with making those good choices, because I knew I didn't have the willpower to do it. Sometimes, though, you just can't help the way the schedule falls, can you? So, what I'm saying is don't feel too bad....it's hard to stick to that 500 calorie day when everyone around you is stuffing their faces! To answer your question, no, you're not supposed to do 2 DDs in a row. Dr. J says going over 36 hours on VLC (very low calories) will actually decrease your metabolism. That's why there's that magic number of 36 hours on DDs (ie if you stop eating regularly at 10 pm on your UD, you know you can't start eating regularly again until 36 hours later, which would be 10 am on your next UD.) BUT I know a lot of people (on another JUDDD board on which I posted) would do what they called MDs (medium days) to try to compensate, on which they would have 800-1000 calories. Many people also used these MDs to alter their schedules if they had a social function coming up. Like, for example, you know you have a function on Friday, but it's scheduled to be a DD. You decide you don't want to do 2 UDs in a row, so you make Thursday a MD.


Does any of that make sense? I'm awful at explaining things!


BTW, do you do "true alternation" or do you have set days each week (ie. MWF are DDs, or something like that)?


Here's a handy tip, though...JUDDDD is much more forgiving of slip ups (altering schedules and such) after those initial 3 weeks. If you can be diligent for 3 weeks, you've supposedly kicked in that SIRT gene, and then your metabolism is all revved up, so slip ups won't derail you as bad.

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Misty...thanks for all the info. I am doing the true alternation. I will go ahead and do a DD today and then a MD tomorrow and see what happens.


I was hoping I'd have the will power to do the DD yesterday but boy it was hard. Everyone noshing on wings, fried pickle chips etc. and my lettuce just wouldn't cut it....I'll try to prepare better next time. Part of me just didn't want to go, but then I don't want to lose my social ties as well. Priorities I guess!:rolleyes:


Thanks again!

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Happy Monday Ladies!!!


Well, I tipped over the wagon just as I was getting on. Had a terrible day Friday and Saturday. I'm back on track now, and getting my exercise by kicking myself. :mad: This lady at work made these cake truffle thingies. I should have known that as soon as I tried one it was all over. Moderation and I do not get along. As soon as I had one, apparently I was able to justify eating pure carbs and sugar for the rest of the day.


Okay, I'm over it and being VERY good now. I didn't even use ketchup or bbq on my burger patty and chicken for lunch today. Ooooosah!


Misty~ I've been doing a little more research and it sounds like the HCG thing is really just a low-cal and low-fat version of low-carb with the drops as support for not burning the "good fats" and keeping that appetite at bay. I know there's more to it with the cycles and stuff. The more I read, the less I worry. I know you'll keep good track of how you're feeling and will keep yourself safe. :) Have you read about the Dukan Diet? I came across it while reading about HCG and then it was also in Womans World mag this week. It's basically the same thing with some differences in the cycles/etc.


Jocelyn~ You're doing great, don't let a botched DD frustrate you. It will happen. And then you always have the option to just do a DD after that. Misty's right, they don't recommend two DD's in a row. But keep in mind that if the DD turned into an UD, then you're not really doing 2 in a row. The MD is a great option for when you need to switch the days.


I think social situations are the hardest for most of us. I know for me they're killer. I live about an hour away from work (and friends) so going out for lunch or out for dinner/drinks after work is really how I get time with my friends. I'm taking a girlfriend out after work tomorrow night, so my plan is just to eat something at work before we go and then just drink Diet Coke. I'm trying to decide what I like better.... bottomless whiskey sours or the killer green dress I'd like to wear on my cruise. It's still a toss-up at this time! :p


My mantra for today...


We can do this. We are stronger than any food. No matter what food it is that we're craving, when we finally eat it, the joy is momentary at best. It's not worth it. We DESERVE to make good choices!!!

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So I had to tell you.... I'm trying to add oat bran to my diet and the Dukan site recommends adding this to 1/2 cup nonfat, plain, Greek yogurt. Let me tell you, this comes out like a thick paste and is sour. It tastes like bad sour cream mixed with sand. I added two packets of Splenda, a splash of vanilla and some cinnamon. It tasted like sour paste... mixed with sand. And it was so think, I could barely swallow it down even enough to wash it down with a drink.


This is only second in my book to oysters, which I tried for the first time last week. I'm still traumatized. :eek:


Hope y'all are having a great day!!!!!

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Hey, ladies!


Jocelyn: How did your medium day go? I was never able to pull one off. I guess I'm an all or nothing kind of gal, but lots of people used MDs with much success.


Tammy: sorry 'bout your slip up... Are you back on track now? I appreciate you looking into the hcg diet and being understanding! I know it sounds scary (hormones) and I'm sure some people have had very negative effects with it, but I'm ready to give it a go. To me, it sounds logical, and for some reason, using the homeopathic drops doesn't sound nearly as scary as injecting Rx hormones. Perhaps I should be more afraid of the drops?! I don't know. All I know is I'm hoping this is my miracle. I think the thing I like best about it is, even though it's a relatively low carb plan, you don't have to remain low carb forever. I like that I can slowly add back SOME starches and sugars (there's that moderation word again) in P4.


I did read into that Dukan Diet a little. I can see the validity of it, but I couldn't find a very big support group for it (as opposed to the HCG forums), and plus, I have already put so much time and effort into researching this hcg thing and finding recipes, and I've already ordered my drops. I hope they get here soon! That oat bran/yogurt sounds awful! I could feel myself gagging just reading about that! I can be real funny about textures anyway...ick.


Do you use many sugar free products? For example, some people on the hcg forum use Walden Farms and DaVinci products, which are made with artificial sweeteners. I know they would make life easier on this diet (having some condiments for the meats and such) but some people have said they've stalled their weight loss. Just wondering if you had any experience?


Nora: How's it going? Are you still ricing (lol, new word)?

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I was never able to pull off a MD, either. :(


Yup yup... back on track. I tried on my dress again last night to keep me motivated. I brought extra food to eat before going out with my friend tonight after work, so I'm going to be good. No slip ups allowed for me until next Friday!


I found teh very same thing about the Dukan Diet... no real support out there. The official site sounds very comprehensive, but it does cost to be on it. It might be worth it when I get back from my cruise, but I'll have to see. It sounds like you fill something out each night and then they send you a customized plan for the next day. That sounds cool to me! But I've done the LC thing enough that I know what to do, it's just a matter of keeping myself motivated.


Oh yeah, that yogurt stuff just about made me barf. Gotta find a very different way to get the oat bran in. It's supposed to really help with keeping things "moving" so to speak.


Yup, I've tried a lot of the sugar-free products and some are really good. I was bummed when Dr. Atkins died because they stopped making a lot of the products. They had the best bbq and teriyaki sauce. And yeah, some people run into some challenges with the artificial sweeteners. The ones that are "sugar alcohols" will typically end in -tol. Mylitol, Sorbitol, Xylitol, etc.... I just recommend moderations with those. Some people find that they trigger cravings, their body thinks it's real sugar. The biggest issue with these, though, is gas. Eat more than 1/2 cup of low-carb ice cream and you'll see what I mean! :eek: LOL Condiments shouldn't be a problem, though, because you're not having much at a time. We don't have any good stores that stock much SF stuff, so I need to do some online shopping.


I experimented with a "sauce" last night for some shrimp. Instead of oil or butter in the pan, I made some strong chicken broth with bullion and used that as my liquid in the pan. Then I added garlic salt, a little bit of stir-fry sauce and a few shakes of worchestershire sauce. It was SOOOOO good!

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Hey there!


MD went well...thanks to all who asked. Now back to a DD today and so far so good...however it is only 6:42 am!


Tammy, I was reading your post about the yogurt while at my sons' bb game last night and started cracking up out loud! I've never tried the greek yogurt but smelled it once and that was enough for me. However, I've never been a yogurt person. Too rich for me. BTW, the sauce you made sounds yummy!


Misty, when do you get your first "dose" of drops?


Well, better get working here. We have a staff mtg today so hopefully no one brings in some devine snack to share. I work with a bunch of twigs who can eat anything they want and not gain one pound...UGH!!!!


Happy hump day!



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So yeah, I have to fast this morning due to a blood test. I'm working early today, which means I've been up since 4:30 (and awake most of the night before that). I'm certain I won't whither away, but I'm SOOOOOOOOOO hungry! I hope that nurse gets here soon!!!!


Jocelyn~ That's so hard when you work with people that can eat anything. Our "food table" is right next to me and we pretty much celebrate every single thing with food. That's how I blew it last Friday. Can we ask what kind of work you do? I work at a desk ALLLLL day, so boredom plays a big role for me, too.


Hope everyone's day is off to a good start. Autumn starts tonight at 11:09. Boooooo :( The only good thing about the colder weather is that it brings me closer to cruise time. 9 days... Can't wait!!!

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Hi Ladies,


First, let me thank y'all for the inspiration! All of you have wonderful ideas and suggestions. I posted last year and have been lurking ever since. I am on Weight Watchers again!! Not their fault, MINE, but, I like the idea of JUDDDD. I scatter my points into up days and down days and it seems to work. I have a lot of weight to lose and at 43 it comes off very slow!! I walk several days a week, but I work from home, which makes it very difficult to stay on plan, but I am trying. I have offices in Bossier City, Louisiana and Flower Mound, Texas, so I am walking all over 2 states!! LOL You would think the weight would just fall off. I like y'alls new pictures. My husband wants me to get my own sign in and picture so he doesn't have to be seen on the weight threads!!


Thanks again ladies and take care,



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Tammy~ I'm a physical therapist. On my feet pretty much all day except when catching up on paperwork. I guess I should mention here that exercise has never been an issue for me. I get up every weekday at 3:30 to work out (cardio and weights). I have even run 5 marathons. Please don't think I'm bragging....I've just always been able to maintain my weight and used exercise as my excuse to be allowed to eat. Well, once I hit 35, that strategy failed. I find I have to work out even harder and eat even less just to maintain. So, that is why I'm really focusing on my diet because that is the only thing that is out of control right now.


PS...we in NC cannot wait for the fall!!!! Way too hot down here for too many days. I'm jealous you only have nine days to cruise...but on the other hand my cruise countdown just moved into the 100's today:D.


Michelle~ I'm pretty new so I look forward to getting to know you!



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Misty~ Just noticed the new pic... love the short hair!!!


Hi Michelle! I remember you, welcome back!!! That's funny that hubby doesn't want his picture on here. :) That's really interesting that you do the WW points in an UD/DD way. I've often wondered about that and how it would work.


Jocelyn~ Holy cow! 5 marathons! I bow to you!!! That's fantastic. I'm soooo jealous, I never could get to where I could even halfway tolerate running. I know exactly what you mean about things changing at 35. For me it was at 32. What used to be struggles are full-blown battles now.


We had an unusually hot summer even up here in Michigan. I hate the cold so much, though, that I tried not to complain at all.


All right, lunch break's over... back at it!

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Good morning, Ladies!


I'm struggling with a migraine this morning, trying to tough it out. My computer screen keeps seeming brighter and blurrier.... not a good sign. I woke up with it at 2am and intended to take one of my migraine meds, but must have fallen back asleep before I took it. I can't take it at work. :(


But on a brighter note, just one week before vacation/cruise!


This has nothing to do with dieting, just chatty today.... I work with (and am friends with) a young married couple here at work. The husband sits next to me and I'm his mentor. They're leaving this afternoon for a trip to Vegas. I asked him if he's excited and he said he was until he made his wife mad and probably ruined her whole trip. Because he forgot a charger and his wallet... so they have to go home before heading to the airport. His wife admits she's a control freak and has no tolerance for him being forgetful. So I'm spending my morning trying to talk her down out of being furious with him. She's young... she'll realize there are so many bigger things in a marriage than this! Thankfully, she is really good about taking advice and looking at other perspectives, so hopefully she'll listen to me on this one.


Anywayyyyyyyyyyyy..................... not much else going on today. Doing good on plan still, but for some reason am still a little nervous about weighing tomorrow.

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Good morning, ladies!


Weigh in day:

7/28 224 (started going to the gym, but no structured diet yet)

8/9 220.8

8/16 222.4

8/26 220.2

9/2 221

9/9 220.2

9/16 220.2

9/23 220.6


I'm actually not too upset with that. I've not really been "trying" this week (I guess since I know I'll be starting hcg Monday), so I was halfway expecting a bigger gain.


I'm a little nervous about this weekend. The protocol says you're supposed to begin your drops and then "load" or eat everything in sight for 2 days straight. This is supposed to help with hunger during your very low calorie days. Dr. Simeon (creator) says not to get too bent out of shape about gaining weight during these loading days because most people lose all of that weight during the first 2 days of VLC...but still! It goes against everything I know to gorge myself. Hehe, it may be a little fun, though. ;)


I'm not telling anyone except my best friend (and y'all, of course) that I'm doing this plan. Not even Jason! We're supposed to go camping with his family this weekend. First, I worry about how I'm going to dose (take my drops) without anyone seeing me. Secondly, they're going to think I'm a complete pig when they see me "loading"! LOL, they're going to be like, "Oh, Misty has fallen of that wagon again!" :p


Tammy ~ That sauce sounds wonderful! I went to the health store last night. They didn't have any of the SF stuff that I was wanting, so I guess I'll have to order online as well. Thanks for the info about it. I really hope I'm able to use some of it as I know that will really help me out. I loved your eating-chicken-and-drooling-over-work-crush post. :D And yes, your co-worker who's giving her hubs a hard time has got a lot to learn... I always tell people to pick your battles! Don't let the little things turn into big things. If you do, when a real big thing actually happens, you're liable to explode! Hope your migraine gets better...those things are awful, I've heard. I battle with intense tension headaches (for which I have a prescription pain medicine) but I don't think they're as bad as migraines. Thanks for the compliment on the hair. Truth is, I put that pic up to sort of hold myself accountable/punish myself. I know that sounds awful, doesn't it?! Well, that other pic was from a year ago, and I got it at just the right angle that my face looked thin, and well, that just isn't what I look like. No need to lie to myself and everyone else. It'll make it that much more satisfying when I DO get that slender face and can post a pic! I do like the hair, though, lol! You can't really tell it in that pic, but it's the inverted bob thing. It's definitely much easier to fix. Speaking of pics, I try to ignore yours, lmao. You always look gorgeous in yours, so it's better I just pretend I don't see them. :D:D Oh, and I can't believe your cruise time is so close! I'm jealous!


Jocelyn ~ I'm with you...bring on Fall! I'm in Tennessee, so I know what you mean about this long, hot summer we've had. I've been MISERABLE! I'm hoping my drops come tomorrow (they're supposed to). I start dosing Saturday, and then my first VLCD is Monday. How's JUDDDD treating you?


Michelle ~ Great to hear from you! I'm glad to hear your WW/JUDDDD combo is working for you! Please post often about your progress!


Nora ~ Where you at? :D

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Happy Friday everyone!


Things are going well this week with JUDDD... (I think my pants feel looser). I made it through grocery shopping yesterday without buying a snack to eat on the way home. It's funny how we develop habits like that. I also strayed away from some of my high calorie staples I used to buy.


I've pretty much been holding off as long as I can to eat each day. Usually I make it to about 4 or 5 and then if it's a DD I force myself to wait a little longer. I find I get hunger pangs at work but if I ignore them they go away in about 15 min.


Misty~good luck this weekend with camping! Make sure you report back on how it went.


Tammy~ have you started packing yet? I continue to be soooo jealous of you!


Have a good weekend everyone!

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Happy Friday!


Weigh-in this morning...


--- 2009 ---

7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2

---- 2010 ----

1/8 - 156.4

1/15 – 153.4

1/22 – 152.6

1/29 – 151.4

2/5 – 150.8

3/26 – 159.6

4/2 – 158.2

4/9 – 158.2

4/16 – 156.8

4/23 – 159.2

4/30 – 159.2

5/7 – 158.4

5/14 – 160.0

5/21 – 161.0

5/28 – 159.0

6/4 – 162.4

7/9 – 169.0

7/16 – 170.8

7/23 – 166.4

7/30 – 167.8

8/6 – 166.4

8/13 – 166.8

8/27 – 166.2

9/3 – 165.2

9/10 – 168.0

9/16 – 167.0

9/24 – 166.2


I'm tickled with this after my 3-day cake truffle, lasagna and wine binge last weekend. :D


Jocelyn~ YAY for your pants feeling looser. Don't you LOVE that feeling? And great job with the grocery shopping. That can be a tough one for me, too. I learned that I can never shop for food on a DD.


I've sort of started packing, which means I've got a couple of piles of stuff set out. I pretty much know what I'm taking, I just have to decide what I have to keep out of my main suitcase. My parents are driving, so they're taking our luggage so the rest of us don't have to pay the baggage fees on the plane. BUT, they're leaving a few days early, and I still have to work all next week, so I have to keep back whatever I'll need during the week and make sure it'll all fit in my carry-on. I'm really a last-minute packer. Usually before a cruise I set some things out, but then get up early and pack the morning I leave.


Misty~ That's great for not really working on it this week. I remember reading about those 2 loading days. It seems like it would stretch out your stomach and make you hungrier, but must be not. Sounds like a fun weekend combination... camping and eating anything you want! :)


How often do you have to take the drops? Is it something you can keep in your pocket and go to the bathroom to take?


Aw, thanks for saying that about my pics. But I totally do the same thing you said. ;) You're not seeing all the ones with the double chin, cellulite, etc. :eek: And I LOVE the inverted bob cut! I wish I could pull off short hair. It looks terrible on me!!!


My migraine finally got under control last night, it made for a very long day. I'm still not sure I'm awake yet today, but I get out early, so that's good. My niece has her first high school dance tonight and it's Homecoming, so it's a dress-up thing. She's asked Aunt Tammy to come over and help her with her hair and outfit and stuff. I did a little "makeover" for her several months ago when her brother was going to get married. It should be fun.


Nora~ Hope all is good... :)


I better pretend to get some work done today... have a great Friday!

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Well, it's a rainy Monday morning here in NC....ugh!!!! We need the rain though!


How did eveyone's weekend go? I did OK. Will weigh in tomorrow so we'll see! I find this WOE definitely has me cutting back on snacking especially after supper. Wow, I was really taking in a lot of excess cals at night.


Misty ~ can't wait to hear about your camping trip and your attempts to "dope up":D.


Tammy ~ great weigh in last week! You must be getting so excited about this coming weekend.


Hope everyone else is doing well.



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My drops haven't arrived yet. I'm so mad!!! I've emailed the company twice and have yet to receive a response! I paid for expedited shipping that was supposed to have them here by Friday at the very latest. I went ahead and ordered another brand from another supplier. Hopefully, one or the other will get here pronto! I'm chomping at the bit to start this thing! I bought a few packs of 93/7 ground beef, a pack of chicken breasts, and a huge steak and began separating all of it out into 3.5 oz. portions on Saturday. I was not prepared for how little food that is! I guess in my head, I was still imagining an Atkins style way of eating with a big ol' hamburger patty on my plate, etc... Not so much with this one! Everyone on the hcg boards swear that they're rarely hungry, so I hope that's true!


Camping was not so good, either. It rained and Lexi had a hard time sleeping and there were patches of poison ivy/oak/sumac everywhere. All the poison made us very wary of where we could walk Kaila (my big ol' golden retriever mix). This was in an ATV park, and evidently, people like to ride their 4-wheelers at all hours of the night, so that didn't help with the sleeping. Lexi really seemed to enjoy herself, though, so I guess that makes it worth it. It's too much like work to me, though, and the work continues here at home because I feel like I need to scour everything we took. As soon as we got home yesterday, Lexi had a bath, followed by Kaila. And I've been working on laundry ever since. Blah. Give me a cruise over camping anyday, lol!


Laundry calls! Have a great day!

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My drops came yesterday! I just took my first dose. I have to wait 15 minutes, and then I start loading!


I made sausage balls last night along with a dip I like to eat with them (the dip is mayo, sour cream, dijon mustard, garlic salt, and red pepper). You're supposed to eat high fat foods...I think sausage balls and that dip are about as high fat as you can get, lol!


I'm hungry right now, so all this is sounding good, but I'm sure in a few hours, I'm going to feel disgusting...


Please, please, please let this plan work for me!

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