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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Misty~ Oh my goodness… I know you’re kind of a germophobe, so I can imagine camping would be a nightmare for that. I didn’t even think about that before. I’m with you 100%, camping is so much work, I’ll take a cruise any day!!!

I’m glad your drops came!!! You’re right, 3.5 oz isn’t much when it comes to meat. I assume the plan has you eating more often, though? I can tell you from experience that eating almost pure protein is a natural appetite suppressant.

Jocelyn~ How did the weigh-in go this morning??? I’ve had my fingers crossed!!!

And yeah, I’m definitely looking forward to this weekend. As of Thursday at 2:45, I’m officially on vacation. Can’t wait!!!

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Hi all, I have been reading this thread here & there from the beginning and cannot find the website for this diet. It sounds interesting and maybe I would like to do it also. Also this sounds like a great support group. Can anyone give me any info on "judd"? I searched Judd & Judd diet with no luck. I would be grateful for any help! Thanks!


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the website is http://www.johnsonupdaydowndaydiet.com/html/how-to-do-the-diet.html


Anytime you want to google it, try "Johnson's Up Day Down Day Diet", "JUDDDD", or "Alternate Day Diet", but most information that you need will be in the above mentioned website.


There is also a book that goes with the plan. It's helpful to read to know the science behind the plan, but really all the information you need to actually get started is contained in the website.


For another support group (lots and lots of JUDDDDers), check out the Low Carb Friends site. It's www.lowcarbfriends.com. Under Weight Loss Plans, click on "Other Plans" and scroll down to find the JUDDDD threads. They do one for every month. Lots of great info in those posts. I'm not trying to deter you from this little group AT ALL! I'm just letting you know that you can find lots of good information on that site, as well. :)

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Loading Day 1 down; one more to go. I feel blahhhhh. I've figured out that another purpose of loading is to make you feel so disgusted with food that you actually welcome the VLCDs!


Tammy, you don't really eat more often on this plan. It's a strict 500 calorie plan in which you have 2 meals/day consisting of 3.5 oz. lean meat, a "handful" (however much that is) of a permitted veggie, an apple/orange/half grapefruit/few strawberries, and one grissini or melba toast. You can break up those meals and have a piece of fruit for breakfast or a grissini for a snack....however you want to do it, but you just can't go over that allowed amount.


Hope you have a blast on your cruise!!!


Jocelyn, how's it going?



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Hey girlies! Seems like eveyone's doing well?!


I had my weigh in and am down 4 pounds. Very pleased with that. I'm getting ready for TOM so feeling a bit bloaty and yucky if you know what I mean.


Tammy ~ wishing you a wonderful vacation! Can't wait to hear about all the details. Good thing that tropical storm is getting on out of here by the weekend!


Misty ~ my mouth was watering when you were talking about the sausage balls! Yummy! Do the drops have a taste? Do you just put them in your mouth or mix them with food/drink?


Have a good day/night all!

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Jocelyn: That's a great loss! Woo-hoo! How much are you hoping to lose, btw?


I apologize for talking about food...that was inconsiderate of me! I'm on VLCD1 today, so if it's an UD for you, feel free to get me back. ;)


The drops do sort of have a taste...an alcoholy one. Reminds me of Vodka. There are some drops that aren't mixed with alcohol. I'm guessing those are pretty tasteless. To dose, you hold up your tongue and place X number of drops under it (my bottle says to dose with 6 drops, 6 times per day, but I'll never remember that, so I'm going to dose with 10-12 drops, 3 times per day). Hold the drops under your tongue and do not swallow for at least 30 seconds. I had read somewhere that you should wait 2 minutes, so I'm doing 2 minutes to make sure I get the full effect! The drops are absorbed into your blood stream through that tissue under your tongue (called sublingual dosing). You're not supposed to eat or drink anything for 15 minutes before dosing or 15 minutes after.


I gained 4 lbs. loading, which isn't too bad. I've read where some people have gained 11! :eek: Today's my first low cal day, so I'm anxious to see how it goes.


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Drops that taste like vodka???? That's my kind of weight loss plan! LOL Kidding :p


Cindy~ Welcome!!! Misty pointed you in the right direction on where to find info about the plan. And don't hesitate to ask us. We're amatuers, but will always help however we can!


Jocelyn~ AWESOME!!!!! Great job on the 4lbs! That had to be a good motivator!


Misty~ I'm sending you some willpower vibes for your VLCD1. You're strong and you can do it! Remember, you're never too far away from vodka drops. LOL (that's gonna be my new nickname for them ;))


My vacation officially starts in 45 minutes when I leave work. I can't wait!!! We leave at 4:00am for the airport tomorrow. It'll be a blast. I'll definitely share details and pics when I get back.


OH, my weigh-in. I weighed in a day early (since I'm leaving tomorrow) and lost 1.6. YAY! I'll obviously gain that back real quick eating vacation food, but starting Saturday I'll be walking and dancing a lot, so I'm not too worried. My big struggle will be getting right back on track when I get back.


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2

1/8 - 156.4

1/15 – 153.4

1/22 – 152.6

1/29 – 151.4

2/5 – 150.8

3/26 – 159.6

4/2 – 158.2

4/9 – 158.2

4/16 – 156.8

4/23 – 159.2

4/30 – 159.2

5/7 – 158.4

5/14 – 160.0

5/21 – 161.0

5/28 – 159.0

6/4 – 162.4

7/9 – 169.0

7/16 – 170.8

7/23 – 166.4

7/30 – 167.8

8/6 – 166.4

8/13 – 166.8

8/27 – 166.2

9/3 – 165.2

9/10 – 168.0

9/16 – 167.0

9/24 – 166.2

9/30 – 164.6



I'll talk to y'all when I get back. Have a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!!

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Hi everyone! Misty, I went to the website & read. I wonder though, you talk above about "permitted veggies", does that mean there are certain foods you should not eat on either day?? If I understand correctly you eat 500 calories (or less if you do not exercise at all?) then the next day eat whatever you want within some reason, not to exceed the amount of calories they figure out for you based on info you put in on their site? Like for me I think it was 400 calories one day and no more than 1900 the off day. (I need to work on exercise issues, LOL). I think I will buy the book if for no other reason, I love to read how our bodies work under certain circumstances. Thank you for your help.


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Cindy ~ I'm sorry that "permitted veggies" statement made you think there are only certain foods you can eat! You see, we've all kind of started doing our own thing... The only one of us who is doing a true JUDDDD is Jocelyn. Tammy is low carbing, I'm doing the hcg diet, and Nora was doing Weight Watchers, but I think she's changed to something else now... ??? Even though we're not JUDDDDing anymore, we found such great support with each other when we were that we've just kind of stuck together.


Yes, you have the basics down. One day is a Down Day (DD) in which you're only permitted 500 or less calories. Dr. J recommends doing your first week of DDs using only shakes so that you'll know for sure how many calories you're getting because many people grossly underestimate their caloric intake. I didn't do that, though, but I did eat only foods with a calorie label so that I'd be sure.


The next day is an UD during which you can eat anything you want without intentionally overeating. The number that comes up on that calculator (in your case, 1900) means nothing. Dr. J says don't worry about that number; I wish he'd just take it off the website then because it confuses many people! You don't *have* to stay at 1900. Eat a little more; eat a litte less. Let your body be your guide. The hardest thing about UDs for me was not treating them as Treat Days. I almost always did. I still lost weight, but I know I would've lost more and quicker had I reigned in my UDs.


One rule to really stick to is the 36 hour rule (it's mentioned in the book somewhere). 36 hours is the magic number of DD hours, meaning if you finish your last meal or snack on an UD at 8:00, that's when your DD begins. It lasts for 36 hours, so you cannot eat "normally" (in an UD sense) again until 8:00 am on your next UD. Does that make sense?


In that same regard, you're not supposed to DD for MORE than 36 hours, meaning you're not supposed to do 2 DDs in a row. Doing 2 DDs in a row, according to Dr. J, will slow your metabolism down. So if you need to alter your schedule for some special event, you are to either do 2 UDs in a row, or try a Medium Day (which is around 800-1000 calories). I never could do a Medium Day.


Any other questions, just ask! :)


The plan works, it really does. Don't think that by us going on to different plans that JUDDDD doesn't work. And, in my opinion, JUDDDD is great for this time of year when you've got the holidays and Christmas baking and Christmas parties and so forth coming up. You can still enjoy yourself. As a matter of fact, when I finish this round of hcg (which will be the day before Thanksgiving), I'm going to JUDDDD for the remainder of the year and start a new hcg round after New Years.

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Here's something that the folks on the Low Carb Friends site post at the beginning of every month's thread. Thought it might help you some:


Getting Started


There are two phases: weight loss and maintainance. To lose weight, calorie intake on the “down” day is limited to 20% to 35% of daily calorie requirement, although it is strongly recommended that calories be below 25% when starting a weight loss diet. To maintain weight loss and for optimal health, down day intake is kept at 50% to 60% of calorie needs.


Use the following tool (go to Dr Johnson's website for this) to calculate the down day calorie requirements. There is a strong tendency for overweight individuals to overestimate the "Activity" level, thereby allowing themselves high calorie allowance on the down day. To avoid this problem, for the first two weeks, you should consume no more than 500 calories on the down day regardless of your activity level.


Please google Dr. Johnson's site to find the Up Day Down Day Calorie Calculator


*This calculator provides an estimate of your calorie requirement so that you can determine your down day calories. The "Normal Calories" shown may be more or less than you actually feel like eating on the up day. The important principle is to adhere to the down day calorie limit as closely as possible. You do not have to eat all the calories shown as "Normal Calories".



Hunger Management


The key to success on the down day is learning what works for you. Remember that you can eat tomorrow.


Diet Stress


Other diets require daily reduction in calorie intake or limit the type of food eaten. This requires intricate meal plans and menus, cooking separate meals, and often more expensive foods. This wastes a lot of time and creates great stress. With the Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet™, you are allowed to eat whatever you want on the up day and your choices are greatly simplified on the down day, markedly reducing stress.



Energy level/mood


We have observed a consistent, measurable dramatic increase in energy level which is noticeable within 7-10 days which peaks around three weeks on the diet. This is consistent with animal studies in calorie restriction. This is a desirable and reinforcing sensation which encourages you to keep going.


The Up Day


On the up day, you can eat anything you want and as much as you want, but do not intentionally over eat.


When starting out, it is important to not concern yourself with up day calorie intake because of the phenomena of diet stress and diet fatigue. Focus on staying under 20-25% on the down day.

Based on animal research, the type of food eaten on the up day is unimportant compared to adhering to the down day calorie limit. This will activate genes (SIRT1) which set in motion the beneficial processes which produce optimal health.


The Down Day


It is important to commit in advance to a certain number of calories on the down day. We strongly suggest 20 – 25% for the first two weeks, but find that 30 - 35% is more tolerable for some people for a prolonged period of dieting. The lower the calories on the down day, the better, but the most important thing is to find a caloric intake you can comply with on ongoing basis.


We strongly suggest using only commercially prepared shakes in the first two weeks. Later, prepared foods with the calorie content marked on them can be eaten.. This is critically important to help guard against the universal tendency to underestimate how much we are eating.


Body Weight


How much you lose depends on several factors, the average in our study was 2.5 pounds per week, more the first week or two.


You should weigh yourself only on the morning after a down day and not more often than once a week or fluctuations will lead to frustration.


What People On The Diet Have To Say

“I will never diet any other way. I lost 30 pounds three years ago which I have kept off without the awful feeling of being on the diet.” – Heidi P.


“There was never a time in my entire life when I wasn’t wheezing from asthma until after being on the diet for two weeks.” – Theresa G.


“I couldn’t walk 50 feet without resting. After three weeks on the diet, I spent all day walking around the shopping mall.” – Ellen M.


“My rheumatoid arthritis got better 31 days after starting the diet.” – Judy L.


For more information, visit Dr. Johnson's website, or read his book,

"The Alternate-Day Diet: Turn on Your 'Skinny Gene,' Shed the Pounds, and Live a Longer and Healthier Life."

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Hey girls...my name is Tracy and I need to lose 17 pounds. I cruise one month from tomorrow on the Oasis of the Seas and want to look good in my bathingsuit.


I had bought the HCG diet for my mom for her B-day but since I still have a few weeks until her B-day I decided to use it for myself.:rolleyes:


Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 36, I have 2 girls, 16 & 9 and I work a 40 hours a week job at a desk on my rear end...and I have NO self control when it comes to food. If I see something I want I eat it! I am not really overweight but just want to look better and make better choices.


When reading about the HCG plan I wasn't sure how I could only do 500 calories so I talked to a friend of mine that is a trainer. He said to get the best results you have to stay under 500 but he has known people that do 600-700 you just don't get the results as fast...so off we went to the grocery store...do you know how many calories are in all the foods that I love???:eek:


I did the first week of detox but did not eat what they said, this didn't do anything as far as I can tell...maybe just does something inside...not sure. I then did the 2 loading days...LOVED THAT...I gained 1.6 pounds in 2 days! I was thinking about people that said they gained 10 pounds in those 2 days...that would be 10 more pounds to lose...so I did control myself but got my fill of burgers and fries and greasy breakfast sandwiches.


I officially started the 500 calories on Wednesday, now up 1.6 pounds from Monday...first day did not go as planned. One of the girls in the office is retiring so they had about 10 different kinds of sweets for her...so I indulged a bit...not too much but should not have had that sugar that is in all of that. So, that day I was off by a few calories...probably about 200 or so. Yesterday was day 2...much better until I started cooking dinner. I made MY dinner than I made dinner for my 9 yr old and hubby (16 yr old does her own as she is a vegetarian). I was SOOO tempted as I made them fetuccini alfredo and keilbasa...NO WAY can I eat that so I made a pork scallopini and some brussel sprouts...(and cheated and ate a fork full of the fettucini)...I would say I was probably about 600 calories yesterday. Today, I am determined to stay on track. I am finding it easier to keep track of the calories...I have a great website that tracks your weight, food log, goals, exercise and I have found that by keeping my food log it really makes a difference.


Anyway, stepped on the scale this morning and I am down 3.2 pounds since Monday...I am SUPER OK with that as it has only been 4 days. My goal is to lose 17 pounds by 10/29/2010 but I would be happy with 12 but THRILLED with 17 and I think if I stick with this for the full 23 days and then do maitenance until we go away I may be able to do it...


Misty, let me know how you are making out...maybe we can swap meal plan ideas! Feeling pretty good today knowing the sacrifices are actually working!


PS...I have no done one bit of exercise aside from cleaning my house and walking around the office to do things...and I make sure to drink atleast 64 ounces of water each day(or zero calorie juice or unsweetened iced tea)


I can't believe I am going to put this on the internet...


Starting day 09/27/2010

Starting weight-137



I will only weigh in on Monday AMs from now on...wish me luck and give me strenght to make it through the weekend with Octoberfest and all that WONDERFUL food at the festival this weekend!

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Hey, ladies!


Tammy ~ I assume you're living it up right now! I'm sooooo jealous! I hope you have a great time, though, and I can't wait to hear all about it! Good loss this week, too!


Nora ~ Still wondering about you, girlie!


Jocelyn, Michelle ~ how are you girls doing? I started to put 'how are you girls making out' but then that didn't sound right when I read it, lol. :p


Tracy ~ I replied to you on the hcg thread. I'm now on VLCD3. I've lost 5 lbs. so far, 1.2 of which was "real" (not load weight). I'm going by protocol at this point. May end up tweaking before P2 is over. My menus have looked like this so far:



L: apple, grissini

S: cucumber w/salt

D: P2 chili, grissini

S: orange


(Here's the story behind no protein for lunch...I'm copying and pasting from my weight loss journal:

VLCD1 done.


It did not go as smoothly as I had hoped and got quite emotional!


My refrigerator still has sausage balls and potato salad and cheesecake in it from Loading Days. I wanted SOOOO bad to have some sausage balls. SO BAD! But I was determined to stick to the plan.


My little pkg of ground beef was still just a tad frozen, so I stuck it in the mic to thaw. I should've stayed right with it since it was so tiny and almost thawed, but I started gathering spices. Of course, the meat started to brown, so I couldn't form it into a patty. I thought 'No biggie. I'll just chop it up and have it with some spinach.' I just eyeballed the Bragg's and some other spices. After the meat was cooked, I added my spinach into the pan to wilt it a bit. Put everything into a bowl and....YUCK! Oh my gosh, that was the most disgusting thing I've ever tried to eat! I just threw it out, and I didn't have the heart to make anything else. I cried like a baby! That's pitiful, I know! But I was hungry and mad and disappointed and a whole host of other emotions. I ALMOST said forget it and had some sausage balls. I sliced my apple and told myself if I still wanted to cheat and blow my very first day after I ate my apple, then I could. The apple helped me from cheating. I had it and the grissini for lunch and just took a nap while my DD napped.)



B: water

L: chicken, 1/2 cucumber (The chicken was seasoned with something called "Butt Rub"....it was good....and cooked on the George. I sliced up a whole cuke but got full after only half).

S: honeycrisp apple, melba (bluh. Definitely prefer the grissini)

D: P2 chili, grissini



B: Braeburn apple, water

L: hamburger patty, raw spinach (I dipped in a little bit of Walden Farms fat free/calorie free/sugar free thousand island...just "eh").

D: P2 chili, 2 grissinis

S: strawberry slushie (strawberries, Walden Farms fat free/sugar free/calorie free chocolate syrup, 1 Tbs milk, water, and ice)


Weigh Ins:

Preload: 220.2

Postload/VLCD1: 224

VLCD2: 221.4

VLCD3: 219


Tracy, if you want the recipes for the P2 chili (very good and very filling) or the slushie, let me know. :)


Okay, enough for now. :D

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OK, so my first weekend on this lovely reduced HCG thing and I went into it strong but fell flat on my face. I didn't completely go over the top but I know I ate more than I should have on both days.


At work it seems so much easier since I am at my desk and not at home with everyone around me eating...I really need to discipline myself a bit more...I guess you live and learn. I went to our local salad place last night and got a small greek salad with no cheese and no dressing and had them add a small bit of grilled chicken breast to it and I cut that in half and will have half for lunch today and half for lunch tomorrow.


I think I am finally getting the point of this diet. By counting the calories you are learning how to make better decisions. I now look twice at certain things and think about whether it will be worth it. Saturday was my bad day....we went to Octoberfest and how can you go to Octoberfest and not have a knockworst and some red cabbage and german potato salad....I didn't clean the plate and I didn't eat the roll for the knockworst but I know it was more calories than I was supposed to eat all day...but I figured it is once a year so so what.


Anyway...today is Monday so it was time to face the scale to see how badly I did...




Not great, but not up!

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Hi all!


Just dropping in for a quick hello...I'm heading down to Florida to visit my parents for the week. Once down there I'll be able to sit down and read this thread more closely...haven't been on in a while since we've been travelling all weekend with the boys' baseball teams.


Did not have a good week...didn't even weigh myself since I know it won't be good.


Hope everyone is well...I'll write more when I get down there and am in "relaxed mode"!



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Tracy ~ VLCD means Very Low Calorie Day


Jocelyn ~ Don't beat yourself up; it happens to all of us. Hope your visit with your parents in Florida goes well!


I'm on VLCD6 now.



B: 1/2 of an orange slushie

L: marinaded steak (mmmmm)

S: cucumber

D: chicken cooked on the George with "Butt Rub" seasoning and a dab of sf ketchup. To me, the ketchup made all the difference in the world!

S: honeycrisp apple



B: water

L: hamburger patty, dab of sf ketchup

S: I attempted to make a baked apple, but I used too much cinnamon. I didn't like it, so I didn't eat it.


D: 1 egg/3 egg whites, little bit of onion, little bit of tomato

S: chocolate strawberry slushie (so filling!)




Preload: 220.2

Postload/VLCD1: 224

VLCD2: 221.4

VLCD3: 219

VLCD4: 218

VLCD5: 217

VLCD6: 216.2


Yesterday was hard. I was angry-hungry...that level of hungry you get to where you're actually pissed off that you can't eat what you want (or much of anything, for that matter). I hate feeling that way. Plus, I'm getting sick of the "allowed veggies" that I like (I've mostly been eating cucumbers). I really don't want anymore flippin' cucumbers.


I *think* I've decided how I'm going to do this plan... If I can make it another 18 days (geez, that sounds like forever when you're hungry), I'll finish out this P2 (may end up tweaking it just a bit to include some other veggies). Instead of doing P3 or cycling back to P2, I think I'll continue with the hhcg and incorporate JUDDDD, at least until after the New Year, at which time I'll decide if I want to do another P2.



**So far today, I'm feeling much better. I sauteed an onion in some fat free chicken broth and had that with my 4 oz. steak. It felt like a real meal, and it was good, so yay!**

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Misty, thank you for all the info. I am mulling it all over. I still wonder how you can lose weight though by eating whatever you want one day and 500 calories the next. I can see how you would maintain weight but wonder about the loss. I know everyone is different but if you followed this exactly and at least walked 30 minutes 3 times a week for exercise, how much weight in a month could one lose on average? The HCG diet you are doing is also vlc? Are the drops your using different than what you can buy at a GNC store? Thanks, Cindy

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Cindy, as long as you're not going overboard on your UDs (even though I went overboard quite a lot), you will certainly create a calorie deficit. Look at it this way...


When I do BMR calculators, they tell me in order to maintain my current weight, I need 2552 calories per day. Since a pound is 3500 calories, and I'd shoot for a 2 lb./week weight loss, I'd want to cut 7,000 calories/week, or 1,000 calories per day, which gives me a target calorie range of 1552. Okay, now think I'm only getting 500 calories on DDs. That means I've cut an additional 1052 calories on those days, so I can add that back to my UD, meaning as long as I don't exceed 2604 calories on my UDs, in theory, I should lose 2 lbs./week.


For me, the key with JUDDDD was sticking to true alternation. On weeks when I'd do that, I lost more. If I needed to do back-to-back UDs because I wanted to change the schedule for some special event, I wouldn't lose much. When you stick to true alternation, every other week you get 4 DDs, and that week always shows a great loss.


Yes, the hcg diet is VLC. It's 500 calories everyday, although I started entering some stuff into Fitday last night and realized there have been some days where I've been up to 600 or more, but I'm still only eating the allowed foods. I don't know what drops you're referring to at GNC; I never actually looked there. If they sell homeopathic hcg, then yes, it's the same thing.



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Cindy, as long as you're not going overboard on your UDs (even though I went overboard quite a lot), you will certainly create a calorie deficit. Look at it this way...


When I do BMR calculators, they tell me in order to maintain my current weight, I need 2552 calories per day. Since a pound is 3500 calories, and I'd shoot for a 2 lb./week weight loss, I'd want to cut 7,000 calories/week, or 1,000 calories per day, which gives me a target calorie range of 1552. Okay, now think I'm only getting 500 calories on DDs. That means I've cut an additional 1052 calories on those days, so I can add that back to my UD, meaning as long as I don't exceed 2604 calories on my UDs, in theory, I should lose 2 lbs./week.


For me, the key with JUDDDD was sticking to true alternation. On weeks when I'd do that, I lost more. If I needed to do back-to-back UDs because I wanted to change the schedule for some special event, I wouldn't lose much. When you stick to true alternation, every other week you get 4 DDs, and that week always shows a great loss.


Yes, the hcg diet is VLC. It's 500 calories everyday, although I started entering some stuff into Fitday last night and realized there have been some days where I've been up to 600 or more, but I'm still only eating the allowed foods. I don't know what drops you're referring to at GNC; I never actually looked there. If they sell homeopathic hcg, then yes, it's the same thing.




Misty, I know what you know about the angry hungry. Yesterday morning started out as a bad start and just kept going downhill from there. I don't even want to think about all the calories I ate, I just hate to think that I would have messed up any progress I have made as you have to make so many sacrifices to eat 500 calories or less.


I wouldn't worry too much about the 600 calories, you may make a difference of a few ounces if you did that each day, it is better than going over by thousands like I think I did!


Today I am having a bit of a better day...I think I just felt so bad about yesterday that I can't help to not do it again (atleast not two days in a row) so hopefully maybe that would have helped me see the light a bit. I wanted to get on the scale this morning but I refuse...I am only going to do it once a week.


On a MUCH better note...my skinny jeans only take me about 5 minutes to squeeze into now instead of 10:rolleyes:

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Hi ladies!!!


Well, vacation is officially over. It was great, but I must have had a serious lapse in judgment when I scheduled myself to return to work on a Friday. DUH TAM!!!!!


I had a great trip with my parents, sis and her hubs. It was such a small ship and so short that it felt like a "cruise appetizer." LOL It definitely made me more anxious for my big one in February.


I ate pretty well, actually. BUT... my dietary downfall was in drinking ridiculous amounts of yummy Caribbean drinks. :D Needless to say, my clothes were quite a bit more snug as the week went on. One of my big issues after my cruise in February is that I didn't get back on track soon enough. SO.... I'm back on track tomorrow with my LC and that'll give me 6 days before I weigh next Friday.


Tracy~ Welcome to the gang! Looks like you're off to a good start. Like Misty said, don't beat yourself up over the speedbumps, we all have them. Some of them we roll over and move on, some of them seem to follow us and smack us in the face!


I think we have some things in common... I'm also 36 and have a desk job where I sit on my tookas alllllll day long. I don't have the challenge of having to cook for a family, though, so for me the food days at work are my biggest issue.


And good for you posting your weights! We all cringe when we do it, but I think Misty and I have found that it really helps us to have that little accountability piece.


Misty~ WOW! You're doing great with your new plan. What a thorough diary, too. Now you had said you weren't even telling Jason you were doing this, have you been able to keep it to yourself??? I know cooking for him and Lexi is a challenge for you. I'm interested in hearing your slushie recipe???


Jocelyn~ Have a great time with your family. Some weeks are just better to skip the weigh-in! I hope you get lots of relaxation!


Cindy~ I had the same concerns/thoughts/questions before starting JUDDD, but I did lose weight when I stuck to it. You're being smart gathering all of the info you'll need to make a commitment.


It literally took ALLLL day to write this, busy day at work. Hope y'all have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

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Tammy ~ Welcome back! So, you weren't a fan of the Fascination (because it's small)? I kinda felt like that, too, but I enjoyed the cruise. Yes, I've been able to keep the hcg part from Jason. He's knows every other detail including my calorie and food restrictions, but he just doesn't know about the hcg part, lol.


Sorry if I'm sharing *too* much with the diet. Hehehe, I post in a weight loss journal, too, so I just do some copying and pasting. :D


From my journal:


It's been a very busy but fun weekend. I have resisted lots of temptation, and I'm very proud of myself for that. However, the scale hasn't shown as much love as I would've liked....


Friday, we went to my MIL's. She and our nephew, DH, DD, and I went to a pumpkin patch/hayride/corn maze thing and had a great time. Afterwards, they decided they wanted Papa John's pizza (my fav). cry2.gif I ate my P2 Chili while they had their pizza. Then the kids walked around eating chocolate chip cookies. Loss the next morning: 0.6


Yesterday, DH, DD, and I went to the zoo to attend DH's company get-together. They had the event catered, of course, and had bbq, hot dogs, chips, cole slaw, baked beans, chicken wings, cookies, and cupcakes. I sipped on an unsweet tea (sweetened with sweet n low) while everyone else ate . Afterwords, we walked around the zoo for 4 hours. I did end up having a Diet Coke (first one since starting this), and it actually felt like a treat. Loss this morning: 0.6


Friday's menu:

B: none

L: Baked Tomatoes Oregano

S: honeycrisp apple

D: P2 Chili, grissini


Saturday's menu:

B: hamburger patty, dab sf ketchup (had to eat this early before leaving for the zoo)

L: unsweet tea (sweetened with Sweet n' Low)

D: Chicken taco salad (3.5 oz. seasoned chicken, lots of lettuce, half a tomato)


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I don't know what happened. I felt GREAT yesterday with barely any hunger. We walked around the zoo for 6 hours; I felt on top of the world.


Today, I could barely keep my eyes open while driving. It felt like a chore to lift my arm to turn the radio station. I made a few lane changes without signaling just because signaling would've taken too much energy. My brain was hazy and foggy; I felt like a zombie.


When I got home, I ate an apple (on plan) and a wedge (100 cal, 8 grams of fat) of cheddar cheese (NOT on plan). I've felt better ever since. I even went to gym after that. I made sure to burn off the 100 calories of cheese. laugh.gif


I'm really hoping tomorrow's weigh in is good to me. pray.gif But even if it isn't, I can't help it because I felt like I really needed a little extra something today.




Cindy, what have you decided?

Jocelyn, how was your trip?

Tracy, how's it going?

Nora, you out there anywhere?

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Here are three of my favorite hcg-approved recipes that will also be great for Down Days on JUDDDD:


P2 Chili (Misty's version)

1 lb. lean hamburger (I use 93/7)

1/2 onion, chopped

1 can Hunt's fire roasted tomatoes with garlic

1 can Rotel w/green chiles

3 minced garlic cloves (I used the dried)

1/2 cup water

1 tsp. salt

dash paprika

1/2 teaspoon oregano

1 1/2 - 2 Tbs. chili powder

water to desired consistency


Brown your hamburger meat with garlic, onion, and 1/2 cup water. Do not drain. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Add more water as needed (I like it thick.)


Makes 4 servings. (Freezes well.)

202 calories each


Baked Tomatoes Oregano (as posted by GeneaXl)


large ripe tomato, sliced 1/4 inch thick

4 oz fat-free cottage cheese (I used 2%)

bread crumbs from crushed grissini or melba toast (I used sesame melba)

1 clove garlic, minced

2 sprigs fresh parsley, chopped

salt and pepper to taste

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

Pam or cooking spray



Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Coat a shallow baking dish with cooking spray.

Place tomato slices close together in prepared baking dish. Sprinkle with cheese, bread crumbs, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, and oregano.

Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheese is lightly toasted.


Makes 1 serving. Calories 114

(It's sooooo good! I hate cottage cheese, but I love this recipe!)



P2 Chocolate Strawberry Slushie (Misty's Version--original by ChristiansMom)

~ 1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)

3 Tbs. Walden Farms chocolate syrup (calorie free/sugar free/fat free.....Da Vinci's or Torani's may also be used)

1 Tbs. milk

ice cubes (about 5-6)

water (to desired consistency)


Place everything in a blender. Blend. Add more ice or water to your desired consistency. Blend. I then place mine in the freezer for about 1/2 an hour. Very filling and tasty!


Makes 1 serving. ~ 60 calories

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Good monday morning all. Haven't checked in for a few days. Glad to see everyone is doing well. I actually went off of the HCG for the weekend...I really just felt suffocated by the restrictions and needed a break. I know that is not what you are supposed to do for optimal weight loss but as long as I get to my goal in the next few weeks I don't think it will hurt me too much.


I was afraid to weigh myself this morning though. We took the girls to Fright Fest at Six Flags and theme parks do not have a great deal of healthy food that I eat. Yesterday we went to the movies and to my moms (my mom loves to cook) and then out to dinner...italian...Hey, if I am going to crash I am going to make it worth it...I did feel kind of bad about it later though...oh well, back on today, but I am not doing 500 calories, I think I am going to do about 700 and then work out to burn off 200 or so (or that is the plan anyway)


Let's hope this is a good week!


Tammy, I know what you mean about work...I try not to go into the kitchen in the office and when they bring in lunch if I don't walk over I am OK, but sometimes it is just so nice to walk over to the kitchen!

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Hey all! Well, I'm back to the real world. Had a great time on vacation but of course the diet suffered tremendously. Didn't follow JUDDD one bit! Oh well...


On that note I'm thinking of switiching to LC for a while. With the boys' travel schedule it is much more doable for me right now especially with going out to eat with all the other families, etc. I'm clearing out the pantry this week and will start boiling my eggs this weekend!


Tammy ~ good thing to get right back to LC after the cruise. I made the same mistake after my April cruise and it's been tough to get rid of that extra cruise weight.


Misty ~ thanks for sharing the recipes...now that I'm going LC I would love to know how you made your sausage balls!


Hello to everyone else...if you all don't mind I'll continue to post here even though I'm on JUDDD hiatus for a while!



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