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    Stone Mountain GA
  • Interests
    making jewelry, painting, reading, cruising
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    cunard as a child/carnival as an adult
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    anywhere where the tide comes in

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  1. Back from todays adventure-DH is scheduled for another 4 hour procedure next Tuesday to replace or clean out the stent in his leg. They are going to call to verify. They were unable to finish the procedure last time because they needed the laser to work, and it didn't . Hoping that they verify that it is working before the next surgery. I almost forgot about work this morning, as I stopped to talk to the kittens after walking the neighbors dog. They are SOOOO CUTE! More pictures to come soon.
  2. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! The sun is not up high enough for me to verify it's existence for today, but it seems that since the birds are up and feeding at the feeder, it must be as it is light in the front of the house, and still dark in the back. The trip to vet for Munchikin and the 4 "monster" babies was a bit of a learning experience. Turns out kitten food should be fed to the mother to help produce milk for the kittens. I thought it was food for the kittens when they are old enough to eat. And it is , but it should be Munchkins food for now. She hates it. But she is not producing enough milk for the babies.so now DH and I have to take over supplemental feeding. And I can mix the food in with her regular food, so we are hoping that helps. The babies are growing, and slowly walking around in their box. The white and black one, is even standing on her back legs, pulling herself up to the top of the box to look out and see the world. The "herd" consists of two girls and two boys. The vet didn't really know how much they should weigh, but based on Momma's lack of milk, she thinks they should be a little more in weight. Sadly I could find more on the internet regarding kittens, than this vet knew. We got the kittens and Momma all settled back on the porch, and then ran out to get what we needed, more kitten food, litter for mom, litter for our indoorians, paper plates to feed the cat gang on, and lunch, and whatever dinner might be. On the way home on a 3 lane highway, and me driving in the right lane, some idiot turned from the center lane into my lane, so that he could drive into a business parking lot. I saw the motion to get in my lane,so I started slowing down, but he crossed right in front of me and I had to slam on the brakes. I told DH if we had two cars, I really would have slammed right into this idiot, but we dont, so DH and I were both pretty shooken up by the very quick stop, and I probably wore flat spots on the tires. I was still shaking by the time we got home, and got the groceries out, and I learned once again that Stress will affect your blood sugar, as all of a sudden my diabetes meter started screaming. I checked it, the graph showed it had shot straight up. Sat for a few minutes to calm down and then went to work. I owe my boss one hour this morning, and then take DH to his heart and vein doc appointment. Since the PET scan showed irritation on his leg stent, more surgery is in the very near future. This was the area that the doc could not clear without a laser, and the laser was not working the day of his previous surgery. So back to the hospital, soon! I now need to go back and catch up on reading yesterdays daily. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe day. Before I forget, my Dad told me that one of the worst days in history for animals was in the late 1890's. Vermont. August. The cattle were up on the hills, and a snow storm-really a blizzard came in, and no one could get to the animals, they pretty much froze to death, so it is important to be aware of National Animal Disaster preparedness Day.. Hugs-Annie
  3. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny and 69, expecting to go up to 87. Today we take Munchkin and her babies for their first vet visit. She will go in the large carrier, and the 4 little monsters will go in the small carrier. When I took the food out to momma, it appears my stray male pack is building back up. Getting quite the regulars. The porch still seems to be the safest place for momma and the kittens, but we will have to introduce them to the indoor herd soon. I worked 8 hours yesterday-havent done that in a while, today if all works out, I will work 7.5 hours....tomorrow back at 5 hours. One campaign does not work on Friday, one does not work on Saturday. I am planning on doing some local museum trips. @kazu You can complain here. We love you ,and it lowers your blood pressure. I do agree with @dfish that this all came from a pedicure, you might want to sue them. Or slap them. @JazzyVI am so sorry about your BFF's broken foot. How ironic that it all happened on the first day that you could drive. I can just hear my mom going on about how unsafe flip flops are... and yet I still love them. I havent been wearing them at any time that I have fallen. I hope that his pain is relieved soon. @smitty34877Thanks for the tip on the air conditioning. Its been so warm here, and the pollen is terrible, but we need new filters before we can even think about turning it on. And the temps are supposed to drop this weekend -down to 54. Ah, May.... @Cruzin TerriI'm glad that you are changing plans where both of you can be happy. Off to wake up hubby, walk the neighbors dog, and get the fur babies ready for their first vet trip. Whoopee!
  4. Time to make the afternoon coffee, slice the steak for steak salad (leftovers from yesterday) that I will crunch and munch on sometime later this evening between making phone calls. I've had 3 days off from the opera, and now I have to rethink and relearn. OMG! Time off is wonderful. I have been hearing thunder all afternoon, on and off, but no rain here. It's all happening south of me-again @StLouisCruisers be safe! At least you dont have to drive in to Atlanta. Just got an email that all events at Emory have been cancelled during this commencement weekend. Didnt have anything planned over there for once, and got another email from the Atlanta Master Chorale that it will be time to renew at the end of May. We sit in a row with 4 seats, and we are a group of 3. This next season we will buy the 4th seat, so we can take Dan, the BFF in October before our vacation, take the neighbor for the Christmas concert, and Deb can bring a friend to the last two concerts. Well, off to send my report, send a text to my boss to move me to the other campaign and get the coffee going! Hugs, to all of you!
  5. Good Monday Morning Dailyites!. We got the house clean before our guest arrived-and yes, she is adopting the white and black kittner, who she named Jersey (as in cow).Now to get the washing machine to drain, so I can do loads of laundry. It rained a lot yesterday afternoon and night, but now it's cloudy and 67 degrees. I actually dont know what it is supposed to do today, but Sandi-be safe on the way home. Which brings me to the question, Now that Morgan has graduated, where is she headed? Or will she be staying on with the Aquarium? The weatherman just came on with the local weather-um.....unsettled weather for the week, with temps going down at the end of it. Well this is new, getting up to go to a job that starts at 9:30. I still have to walk the dog before work, and get breakfast. Then off for 3.5 hours then back on for 5. Then off at 9 at night.
  6. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! So much happening today with everyone! @kazuNice to have you home, glad that Ivan was happy to see you and that the sitter worked out well. Get in to see the doc again about the foot, and sorry you have to make your own coffee again. @YourWorldWithBill and @Heartgrove Bon Voyage! Enjoy the cruise, and relearn how to be spoiled again. @dfishThank you for the recipes. Those steak ones look fabulous! Especially since Cannibalism is illegal, and not very appealing, it was a much better choice than Eleanor. We went out for Mexican last night before we went grocery shopping. I had something fabulous, very tasty, and cheesy. I did try the non alcoholic Sangria soda pop. And left over half of it. Way too sweet. Today is CLEAN THE HOUSE! As our friend Debbie is going to come over to see which kitten she wants to adopt. We are pretty sure she is going to take the white and black one. We never did settle on a time, just sometime after noon. She really is not a morning person so I have a few hours to make this place look clean. Since it's a home, an office and a cat rescue center it seems that papers fly, dust settles and fur balls blend into carpet. And I get to make breakfast too! With so much going on between appointments and the jobs, I sometimes have no idea what day it is, and I thought today was Monday, and woke up way to early. Oh well. @grapau27Thank you for the sermon this morning. Not only history, but a straight forward approach to a good life, and when DH is ready I will play it for him. I also meant to thank you for this week's food porn. One of the reasons I love cruises is that I dont have to cook, or even think up a menu that will be best for the two of us. Me low carb, DH something he will actually eat.
  7. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Happy Star Wars Day. The today show just ran a story on Wally, the support alligator. So sad, in so many ways. Poor Wally. Computer says it's 69 and cloudy. I woke to rain...and it just started again. I feel for Texas with the flooding. If you are in that area, please be safe. I start a new job at 9:30 this morning. The difference in calling is that a computer dials instead of us, and if there is no answer, it goes on to the next person to call on the list. It doesnt update if the number is disconnected, and it doesn't dial the second number on the account, and I can sit for a long time before someone picks up. I have my pencils and a coloring book ready at the desk. I get a lot of calls at the house like that. But they are in a call room, and i can hear them talking before they notice someone has picked up. What a waste of time and people. Oh well, they pay me for it. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  8. Is the Dali museum still in the ST. Pete area? If so, that's where I would head @StLouisCruisers. Enjoy your time in Florida! with the family and Morgan. Her apartment looks like some one really lives there, not some one who just moved it. Great look!
  9. Happy Friday afternoon Dailyites! I have been enjoying the pictures of a place, that I know I have been to, but was 8 years old at the time...but I do remember the aquaduct! I often wonder why the US has never adopted them, seems like one part of the country is having a flood, the other half is having a drought. We are supposed to be United.... No on the carrot cake. I like the cake part, I don't like cream cheese frosting. Now show me a cake with buttercream, and well, the cake would not be around for long. DH let me sleep in this morning-he always gets up after me. He made coffee, but does not know the feeding of the beasts in the morning, so Furnando came and told me to get up and feed him. I have spent the better part of today going through emails, sending emails, and getting my schedule together for the next two weeks. I start the second campaign tomorrow. I'm trying to work as many hours as I can to save up for the trip to Spain next year. One campaign for the Cincinnati Opera, and by the way, I think I have called every one in Ohio...gives me 20 hours a week-then shake in doctors appointments and Life/living things like concerts, and the other will give me 11-15 hours a week more. @smitty34877I may be calling you soon.....I'll be with Friends of Lincoln Center. Then when the 20 hour gig ends in 5 more weeks, I'll be back with my California friends for CTG. So then I'll be in NY in the mornings, and CA in the afternoons, and I will be able to sit down to dinner each night with DH. This I will be looking forward to. The cans of low sodium soups are getting old. @bennybear Now those are artichokes! When we were living in France, we would have them steamed, and peel off each leaf, dip them in a buttery sauce, and by using teeth only, strip the meat closest to the center. Yummy! @1ANGELCATI do hope that Houdini is feeling better and that food starts appealing to him. It's been a day with rain, and sun, and cool and hot, all over the board-currently 83 and partly sunny. The weather person showed a map of the weather coming our way-stop it you guys in Texas! No I'm Ok with the rain, it makes for great sleeping. We have tickets tonight for the Atlanta Master Chorale, the last concert of the season, held at Emory University. It's a block away from the protesters, who I think have every right to do so, but I'm hoping that there is no problem at the College tonight. They have already cancelled one concert this week, and last week we didnt go because news was so sketchy. If I get arrested, please for the cats sake, bail me out. Sipping tea and enjoying this afternoon. Just watched an interview with Jonathon Heyward. BSO is a very lucky symphony to have him. He will be conducting the Summer at Lincoln Center series.
  10. @ger_77Such wonderful news! So great, I brought the band out!
  11. @JazzyV I am so glad that you are doing so well- soon you will be doing this
  12. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I am letting DH sleep in this morning, he deserves it. I am unable to stay in bed past the wake up, everything hurts, and by then I usually have a cat on my head telling me I'm late in the morning feeding. We are going to head up to the Heart and Vein doc to let him know that DH's pet scan showed a very angry area near the old stent, and he knows he will have more surgery on his leg. DH is associated with Winship for some of his cancer treatment. It is advertised as World Class Cancer Treatment, but lets be honest, DH has two things going against him- 1) he refused to go see a dr for years, even though the cancer was cutting through the skin on his face, 2) he never got a doc before or after he started the mose surgeries. His first surgery was 13 hours long, and the doc at that time asked me, why did he wait so long? The last time he had seen anything so bad the person had died within a week. I finally spoke up to his dermatologist and he didnt know DH wasnt seeing an oncologist, and he grabbed DH by the hand, and walked him down one level and introduced him to his current doc. That doc set him up with Winship for Proton Therapy after the chemo didnt work. So he has done chemo, he has done radiation, he now is doing immunotherapy. The one thing he is not doing, is quitting smoking. And this apparently is not allowing him to heal. So please keep him in your prayers. I did get him to do some breathing exercises yesterday, and he said they helped with the pain. Today I have a ton of work to do to get all my re hire paperwork straight for the next two campaigns. But right now, DH is sleeping, the cats are sleeping and it is my quiet hour. Thanks for letting me be with you all. The Daily is my favorite place to be. My boss called me yesterday to let me know they met with my Head Boss, and he said that my Head Boss loves me, and that they should be happy that I am working for them. I know my Head Boss was not happy about the way that they went about asking me to work for them, I was just supposed to be their back up, and instead I am one of two people who are their only two people, and that I work hard, and I am honest, and they should treat me better. I love my Head Boss, his only fault is that he hates cats. 🙀
  13. This has been the last 3 days- monday doc tells DH that he cant do a nerve block for the pain as it may push the cancer towards the brain. Tuesday ENT PA says the holes in his face may be caused by his immunotherapy-nothing they can do to repair it, since he has had massive reconstructive surgery. (hole goes from the outside of his face into his mouth, making drinking, eating and swallowing hard.-he currently has paper tape over the hole-its about the size of a pencil eraser) the two on his nose have closed back up, but it makes his nose look like he was bit by one of the cats. Wednesday dermatologist tells him that she sees more cancer, and that we need a better doctor, refers him to another Doc, who has an appointment available in January. And yes, you can see the cancer if you look up his nose. I think we really need to talk to his oncologist, but DH doesn't seem to want to get that conversation started. HE is more worried about the baby kittens, turns out the momma cat only has two nipples, and he thinks the kittens are starving. I think that she rotates the kittens so that two can get fed at a time. And he told me that if two of them die, he will be really mad at me because it will be my fault. I told him if he was so worried, we take them all to the vets tomorrow. And he needs to wake up early to call the vet. Emergency. I'm just tired, from driving to his appointments each morning (this morning at 5) to working until 9 at night-tonight because of a screen error, I got a sale, but couldn't complete it without management's help. So I got done at 10:15 tonight.. Folded laundry with DH and took water out to momma cat, and sat down here to catch up. DH is watching Legends of F1-Jackie Stewart. I did take a 2 hour nap this afternoon. I think he has too much to think about to sleep right now. I get it. And that's where we are at. @StLouisCruiserssafe travels tomorrow my friend.
  14. DH 's camera shots tell you when they were taken, but mine dont. I have to rely on memory.... so I have no idea what year we were in Juneau. It was 2018, as it was our 9th anniversary- We did the same excursion that @ottahand7 did, but since it was Carnival it had a different name, Salmon is Alaska, Hanging Gardens and Mendenhall Glacier. At the fishery when we arrived we scared off a seal that was climbing the ladder to get to the salmon that were headed home.... The indoor stuffed bear- View of the runway from the hilltop of the Hanging Gardens See-same flower Inside the green houses The glacier It was cloudy every day except for Glacier Bay (sunny, but no camera batteries) and in Ketchikan.... We went back to Alaska in 2023 on our first HAL cruise. And I would love to go back again. No good news for DH. for yesterday and again today I am still not ready to talk about it (it would take too long). Will catch up later.
  15. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!
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