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Anyone here currently on MediFast?


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Wow- these posts are inspiring me!


The MF boards have some serious crabbiness going on. I'm used to it from...a certain other message board... But last time it was too much. I didn't want anything to interfere with my weight loss so I deleted my profile. I'm ready to join a team now (I guess) so if you have recommendations of a good, non-harsh team, great. Otherwise I will keep surfing the less radioactive threads.


I try to stay away from cooking and mixing and becoming Madame Curie with the packets. This is because, for example, I gained 10 pounds this holiday season- baking and cooking. I do add some shredded cheese and a few jabs of hot sauce with the chili but that is pretty much it. If I feel that I have to go off plan I eat more protein (obviously). My sticks are purple every day (whole bottle left over from Atkins, lol) and no way am I going out of ketosis. That's my big worry about coming back from the cruise- three days of headaches and hell before I get OP again.


Has anyone else noticed any behavior changes...? I'm glad to have the extra energy but i seem to go from 0-60, temper-wise, in about 2 seconds. Hmm.

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I try to stay away from cooking and mixing and becoming Madame Curie with the packets. This is because, for example, I gained 10 pounds this holiday season- baking and cooking. I do add some shredded cheese and a few jabs of hot sauce with the chili but that is pretty much it. If I feel that I have to go off plan I eat more protein (obviously). My sticks are purple every day (whole bottle left over from Atkins, lol) and no way am I going out of ketosis. That's my big worry about coming back from the cruise- three days of headaches and hell before I get OP again.


Has anyone else noticed any behavior changes...? I'm glad to have the extra energy but i seem to go from 0-60, temper-wise, in about 2 seconds. Hmm.


Hi Seago, the moodiness is totally normal! I can't say it totally goes away, but it does improve once you get into the groove and start enjoying that 'ketosis high'!


I understand the reluctance to avoid to much doctoring of the MF meals. Extra protein is good, especially in the beginning if it helps you to stick it out through the really crappy phase at the beginning. In 5/1 I was really obsessed with counting everything I ate to make sure that I stayed in ketosis. I would some days allow myself extra calories if I was really hungry or feeling weak, but always stayed under 100 carbs.


I used the MF site to track my eating for a while, but then I switched to My Fitness Pal. I use their free iphone app, but its also available as a free website. Tracking isn't for everyone though. It worked for me because it kept me accountable to myself, but its a lot of work and can encourage (sometimes unhealthy) obsession. The beauty of the MF plan is its simplicity - follow the plan and it works without any need to count or tinker.


I found that after a while in ketosis, it wasn't so painful to get back into it after a few days off plan. I stayed in ketosis for most of my 5/1, but I took a trip to Paris last March and ate totally off plan for several days. I did exercise a lot - we walked for hours a day around the city - and only gained a few pounds despite decidedly excessive eating and drinking! I didn't find it too hard to get back into ketosis, none of the horrible headaches or moodiness that I experienced at the very beginning. I also didn't have any digestive problems when I ate rich French food, but some people report serious discomfort when suddenly eating 'normally' or overeating after a while on 5/1.

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Thank you so much!


I am really hoping the "getting back into ketosis" thing is not too harsh. God knows I've done it enough times... I was on and off Atkins time and again years ago. I really am stressing the dieting brick wall that this cruise is going to be. I do recall bringing packets on a cruise once: what a joke. So my latest rationalization is this: by eating normally but not crazily, and by exercising, I will jump start my metabolism, then go back on MF the day I get back. Hmm.


Things are still going fine. Weight loss- not great. 5 pounds in 2 weeks with 60 to lose (tho 40 would put me into about ten suits and a million items of casual clothes I own). But it's better than going UP, which I was doing weekly before. I have been on WW three times since 1/1. Isagenix once. Juicing fast once. The only thing that works in the long haul is MF because it requires total abstinence. Hanging over my head is the dread od three days getting back into it, so if I cheat it's with more.... Fish. ;)


I finally got the soft serve down perfectly and I only have one left. I put in an order over the weekend for more oatmeal and bars and could kick myself for not ordering more soft serve. Actually loving the pancakes I mocked. Peanut butter bars still shockingly vile and the brownies have been put into the back of the box.


I'm finding that coffee has approximately 20 times the normal kick. Yesterday I had about ten cups- long, long lunch, waitress kept refilling.... Omg I was flying. Today: less. Also upped my water intake greatly. I've been slacking on it- no more. I would like to have lost 15 before the cruise (so I can gain ten back). Seriously, WTH.:o

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Carla do you have a coach? It sounds to me just from your posts that you could use some help with the foods and the program itself.


Have you gotten the Habits of Health System? I feel like these books are CRUCIAL to your success on the program and maybe that's why you haven't been "getting it" and going back and forth.


The constant trying this and trying that and losing 5 lbs here and there but then gaining it back is stalling your metabolism. Do you ha ve any health issues to consider?


Please get with your coach to talk this through - I would love to see you be totally SUCCESSFUL and where you WANT to be by cruisetime! If you don't have a coach, I would happy to help you! Send me an email to DeliaMcLaughlin@teamtsfl.com if you want help.


Good luck :)


Thank you so much!


I am really hoping the "getting back into ketosis" thing is not too harsh. God knows I've done it enough times... I was on and off Atkins time and again years ago. I really am stressing the dieting brick wall that this cruise is going to be. I do recall bringing packets on a cruise once: what a joke. So my latest rationalization is this: by eating normally but not crazily, and by exercising, I will jump start my metabolism, then go back on MF the day I get back. Hmm.


Things are still going fine. Weight loss- not great. 5 pounds in 2 weeks with 60 to lose (tho 40 would put me into about ten suits and a million items of casual clothes I own). But it's better than going UP, which I was doing weekly before. I have been on WW three times since 1/1. Isagenix once. Juicing fast once. The only thing that works in the long haul is MF because it requires total abstinence. Hanging over my head is the dread od three days getting back into it, so if I cheat it's with more.... Fish. ;)


I finally got the soft serve down perfectly and I only have one left. I put in an order over the weekend for more oatmeal and bars and could kick myself for not ordering more soft serve. Actually loving the pancakes I mocked. Peanut butter bars still shockingly vile and the brownies have been put into the back of the box.


I'm finding that coffee has approximately 20 times the normal kick. Yesterday I had about ten cups- long, long lunch, waitress kept refilling.... Omg I was flying. Today: less. Also upped my water intake greatly. I've been slacking on it- no more. I would like to have lost 15 before the cruise (so I can gain ten back). Seriously, WTH.:o

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Carla do you have a coach? It sounds to me just from your posts that you could use some help with the foods and the program itself.


Have you gotten the Habits of Health System? I feel like these books are CRUCIAL to your success on the program and maybe that's why you haven't been "getting it" and going back and forth.


The constant trying this and trying that and losing 5 lbs here and there but then gaining it back is stalling your metabolism. Do you ha ve any health issues to consider?


Please get with your coach to talk this through - I would love to see you be totally SUCCESSFUL and where you WANT to be by cruisetime! If you don't have a coach, I would happy to help you! Send me an email to DeliaMcLaughlin@teamtsfl.com if you want help.


Good luck :)


Thank you but I am doing very well now. On a roll! MF worked very well for me in the past and I am really flying on it now. Weight loss isn't exactly earth shattering but it IS going down, which is good.


I just want to caution you that your post might be seen as advertising and therefore a violation of CC's TOS.

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I'm just trying to help a fellow Medi-Faster - not trying to spam or advertise at all. Thanks for your response and I wish you well on the program. It really works when you stay committed as you have seen - I have lost 111 lbs since April 2011.


Good luck


Thank you but I am doing very well now. On a roll! MF worked very well for me in the past and I am really flying on it now. Weight loss isn't exactly earth shattering but it IS going down, which is good.


I just want to caution you that your post might be seen as advertising and therefore a violation of CC's TOS.

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I'm just trying to help a fellow Medi-Faster - not trying to spam or advertise at all. Thanks for your response and I wish you well on the program. It really works when you stay committed as you have seen - I have lost 111 lbs since April 2011.


Good luck


Thank you so much and I really am rocking on it with no probs as of now. First three days were rough but they are well in the rear view mirror now! A little worried abut the cruise but what can I do? Don't worry, you were certainly not offending me whatsoever! There was someone on here with one post who was trying to advertise the fact that she was a TSFL coach and her post was removed pretty quickly. But thanks for your help and I just may take you up on it!

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I have a new client who started today - I made sure to warn her because I know day 1 is usually ok but it's day 2 that will kick your butt!!


I don't remember how long til your cruise but my next one is 31 days away on the Magic. I started this program April 2011 to try and lose a little weight before our family cruise in July 2011. WOW I did NOT expect to lose it that fast but when you are really heavy you're gonna lose it quickly in the beginning. So I decided from the start that I was NOT going to do the program the 7 days we were gone. I did follow the principles of eating breakfast EVERY day and then trying to eat something every 2-3 hours. I did NOT watch what I ate but had salad every night w/my entree.


Now you can choose to do the same thing - it's all up to you and how you want to handle it. Of course I couuld not WAIT to get back home and back on the products bec I think I was lagging behind all week :-) That was the yucky food and drinks but I only gained 1 lb and that's the ONLY lb I've gained in almost 10 mos.


Thank you so much and I really am rocking on it with no probs as of now. First three days were rough but they are well in the rear view mirror now! A little worried abut the cruise but what can I do? Don't worry, you were certainly not offending me whatsoever! There was someone on here with one post who was trying to advertise the fact that she was a TSFL coach and her post was removed pretty quickly. But thanks for your help and I just may take you up on it!
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Thank you so much and I really am rocking on it with no probs as of now. First three days were rough but they are well in the rear view mirror now! A little worried abut the cruise but what can I do? Don't worry, you were certainly not offending me whatsoever! There was someone on here with one post who was trying to advertise the fact that she was a TSFL coach and her post was removed pretty quickly. But thanks for your help and I just may take you up on it!


I have a new client who started today - I made sure to warn her because I know day 1 is usually ok but it's day 2 that will kick your butt!!


I don't remember how long til your cruise but my next one is 31 days away on the Magic. I started this program April 2011 to try and lose a little weight before our family cruise in July 2011. WOW I did NOT expect to lose it that fast but when you are really heavy you're gonna lose it quickly in the beginning. So I decided from the start that I was NOT going to do the program the 7 days we were gone. I did follow the principles of eating breakfast EVERY day and then trying to eat something every 2-3 hours. I did NOT watch what I ate but had salad every night w/my entree.


Now you can choose to do the same thing - it's all up to you and how you want to handle it. Of course I couuld not WAIT to get back home and back on the products bec I think I was lagging behind all week :-) That was the yucky food and drinks but I only gained 1 lb and that's the ONLY lb I've gained in almost 10 mos.



Hey... it looks like you both are going to cruise at the same time. Different ships but the same departure date... :D




I wanted to share. Today is the end of my 16th week. I have lost 79 pounds :D so far and just over half way to my goal. DW has also lost 72 :D in the same amount of time. We have a lot to lose but love the ease of the program. I love love love it!!!

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Hey... it looks like you both are going to cruise at the same time. Different ships but the same departure date...

I wanted to share. Today is the end of my 16th week. I have lost 79 pounds :D so far and just over half way to my goal. DW has also lost 72 :D in the same amount of time. We have a lot to lose but love the ease of the program. I love love love it!!!


That is awesome, Nick! Yes, we are going at the same time, I did see that. Can't wait. I am not surprised there are MF'ers on CC, only surprised that this thread isn't more active! I posted on it years ago...


I think cruising appeals to over eaters, obviously. And the one place I never felt fat? On a cruise ship. Plus, it sets into motion serious bingeing habits for me. Serious bingeing. Every time I try to make a cruise about more than just food I FAIL. I have never set foot on a shipboard fitness center for anything but the thermal suite/hot tub. That said, I hope to minimize the damage this time.


I have about 60 to lose but things are going very well. No problems this time. I am using a Keto stick every day- it helps to see the purple and know I am not taking in carbs through hidden means. I just did a shot of Ny Quil and then realized it is full of HFCS. Hopefully ok.


Thank you for the encouragement and I welcome your tips!

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How is everyone doing?


Today is my 10 month anniversary on TSFL. This morning I was down 2 more lbs for a total of 115 - I finally weigh out of the 200's - I was 198 :-D Monday is our 29th wedding anniv and as of right now I am planning on splurging at my fave Japanese Restaurant. I splurged in August at my 51st b'day at the same place :-)


My cruise is 3 wks away and I am planning on taking a few of my MF faves with me such as the Calorie Burn Cappuccino (not to burn calories but bec I LOVE IT! and probably a few bars or puffs so I can eat them on the go) The weather in Galveston lately has been extremely foggy and the ship has not been allowed in port until extremely late - don't want to sit around hungry and miserable!


I wish you guys all the best in your weight loss journey! Hope to keep in touch with you! If you're on Facebook, look me up - Delia Fuller McLaughlin.

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Woot! I remember 198 real well. At this rate I will be there in a few weeks. Oh wait- I'm going on a cruise- maybe a few months??:rolleyes: I'm actually finding it hard to get everything in over the last few days. I am on trial so I can't be drinking and I am too tense to eat. Oh well, here comes the weekend.... So I'm down twelve. It's been.... I think three weeks. Not 20, but then again, not up five. Slow and steady wins the race.


You inspire me!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well...it's been awhile since I have been on the board, but today I am happy to say that February 17th was 7 months on MF and I am down 120 pounds! I reached my original goal and now have adjusted my goal for another 20 pound loss. Then I think I will be at the weight that I will be able to maintain.


Going on our Caribbean cruise in April will be right about the time that I should be at goal, so it should be an interesting trip for me. :D

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That is SO AWESOME!!! Congrats to you :-) Feb 10, 2012 was 10 months for me and I'm down 115 lbs. I still have 50 to go to my goal BMI weight. My son graduates from high school in May and I would SO LOVE to be there by then :-)


We cruise on the Carnival Magic in 2 wks and I will go on Medifast Vacay. Last time I only gained 1 lb so hopefully this time I will do just as good if not better :-)


Well...it's been awhile since I have been on the board, but today I am happy to say that February 17th was 7 months on MF and I am down 120 pounds! I reached my original goal and now have adjusted my goal for another 20 pound loss. Then I think I will be at the weight that I will be able to maintain.


Going on our Caribbean cruise in April will be right about the time that I should be at goal, so it should be an interesting trip for me. :D

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Well done to both of you:)!


Funny thing happened to me... Saturday I was feeling very low and had made some cookies- first time baking since I started MF. For some reason, although I have had no cravings and things have been fine (although I have had some obsessive thoughts here and there) I ate one. I was also waiting for my monthly MF delivery (oh that sentence does not look right :o) and had nothing but shakes (:mad:), bars, and a few of those vile brownies. So then I figured, well, going on a cruise in two weeks anyway, this will boost my metabolism, I'll just start working out like crazy over the next two weeks, my rate of loss had slowed anyway.... You guys know the drill. Same rationalizations as ever.


I'm getting to the funny part.


So Sunday I ate "normally". Actually I was not hungry. I mean I really wasn't . I ate some more of those cookies but I did not go off the deep end. Yesterday I was craving MF and still eating lightly, but carbily. Today I woke up, grabbed my fat stomach overhang, and felt that self loathing I hadn't felt in 5 weeks.


Funny part: today I went right back on MF and I haven't been hungry all day. Just finished a mango smoothie and I am done for the day. Can I really have slid this one in under the radar? I don't even care what the scale says, I just want to be in control. I want to wear the clothes again.


Tomorrow I will get the sticks out but I have a feeling I'm going to hit purple sooner rather than later.


FYI: on the cruise? I will be a walking, talking, Danish eating machine again. That's just how I roll:D.

Edited by Seago2
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  • 1 month later...

Didn't read thru all of this, but wife and I as we approached mid 60s decided that it was time to shape up, so started a program called Optifast a month ago. It is run thru local hospitals and involves medical supervison, a behavioral therapist and a physical therapist. There are 3 options for meals: a powdered shake mix, nutrition bars and 2 flavors of a powdered soup mix (chicken or tomato). You consume 2 of each item a day for a total of 6 "meals". Total calorie count per day is 960.


Will tell you that I have tried any number of diets over the years and this is the first one I have been on where I didn't feel hungry and have cravings all the time. We've been on it 4 weeks now and I've lost 26 pounds and wife has lost 22. We do this part for a total of 12 weeks and then for the following 12 weeks we reintroduce food in place of 1 of these "meals" every 2 weeks until by the end of week 24 overall we are back to eating, not what we used to eat, but healthy, reasoned choices. So we shall see.


Will tell you that I was an adult onset diabetic and am now off all diabetes meds and my sugars are running in the mid 90s.


My goal is to have at least 75 pounds off by our Dec HAL cruise to celebrate my 65th birthday. Imagine that my wife won't be far behind me.


Congrats and good luck to all of you in your efforts.


I'll stop back in from time to time to update you on our progress.

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I tried Optifast in the mid 80s and it was only shakes. I couldn't handle it! When I first heard Medifast my mind went back in time and I turned it down. About a year ago, I decided to try it - we have over 70 different choices now so it's not just shakes, bars and powdered soup. We have pancakes, brownies, cookies, chili, pretzels....and we eat one "real" meal called a Lean & Green and still have a calorie count of between 850 & 1000 plus all the nutrition your body needs. I'm LOVING IT! I've lost 118 lbs in less than a year (11 months and 16 days) and feel FANTASTIC!! Good luck in your journey Mike & wife :-)


Didn't read thru all of this, but wife and I as we approached mid 60s decided that it was time to shape up, so started a program called Optifast a month ago. It is run thru local hospitals and involves medical supervison, a behavioral therapist and a physical therapist. There are 3 options for meals: a powdered shake mix, nutrition bars and 2 flavors of a powdered soup mix (chicken or tomato). You consume 2 of each item a day for a total of 6 "meals". Total calorie count per day is 960.


Will tell you that I have tried any number of diets over the years and this is the first one I have been on where I didn't feel hungry and have cravings all the time. We've been on it 4 weeks now and I've lost 26 pounds and wife has lost 22. We do this part for a total of 12 weeks and then for the following 12 weeks we reintroduce food in place of 1 of these "meals" every 2 weeks until by the end of week 24 overall we are back to eating, not what we used to eat, but healthy, reasoned choices. So we shall see.


Will tell you that I was an adult onset diabetic and am now off all diabetes meds and my sugars are running in the mid 90s.


My goal is to have at least 75 pounds off by our Dec HAL cruise to celebrate my 65th birthday. Imagine that my wife won't be far behind me.


Congrats and good luck to all of you in your efforts.


I'll stop back in from time to time to update you on our progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why are you giving up? Is it not working? Do you have a health coach who can help you? If not, I'm a c oach and would be honored to help in anyway I can. I do know this program is not for everyone though but for those who have stuck with it, we have had simply amazing results.


If your products are less than 30 days old you can return them to the company for credit. Call Client Services and give them your Client ID #. Also there may be support groups in your area that has food swaps. Our group has them once a month.


If you would like more info on what you can do, please contact me DeliaMcLaughlin at teamtsfl dot com


If anyone is interested in buying my packets and bars, email me below.


Good luck and Happy Easter! :)

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I really don't want to say anything negative abut MF as I have had success with it in the past. However, I find that I can only do it once a year at most. It just doesn't seem to "catch" again- I can't make it over the three day hump without saying "eff this, I'll just eat a lot of carbs, get my metabolism up, TOMORROW" or some other rationalization that gets me off the hook for the day. Next day: wake up fatter and demoralized.


It WAS going well before this last cruise, but of course the cruise was a complete carb free for all, and I brought those eating patterns back home with me. It's been just under a month home and I have restarted MF three times. Bad times.


I think it is contributing to a severe yo-yo thing that I have had for a long time, starting with pregnancies and Atkins and bingeing, up and down.


I have thought about returning everything as I have an unopened authorship that arrived while I was gone. Do they take partially opened boxes? Just wondering.


Thank you so much-



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all! I am considering joining Medifast (it is one of the last diets left that I haven't done yet :p). I just have a few questions: I am confused re the difference between the Take Shape for Life and the Medifast center ( I have one very close to me). Is it more expensive to go to one over the other. It also seems that some people just order the food and do it on their own.


Also was wondering how you all deal with the real world with some kind of holiday or event every couple weeks. Tis the season for cookouts and friends invitations for happy hours.:p Do you cheat? and if you do does it completely undo all your weeks worth of hard work? I know it sounds odd to worry about cheating before you start, but I am realistic and know occasionally I will have an adult beverage and this stuff is expensive! Any tips or advice you all can give would be appreciated. I'm just trying to get a sense if this will be a good fit for me. Thanks!!

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Hey Malibubaby

I'm a health coach w/Take Shape For Life so i can answer all that. TSFL is the health coach division of Medifast. When you need the extra guidance that's when you want the free coach that TSFL gives you. We used the Medifast meal replacements so there's no difference in cost. And yes there are people who do it on their own and do well. It's all up to the individual.


I've been on the program for just over a year and have lost 122 lbs. I still have about 43 more to go. The thing to know is that MF/TSFL is NOT a DIEt! It's a HEALth program - using the MMRs (Medifast Meal Replacements) helps those of us who are so morbidly obese we are desperate for a change. Thankfully I am NOT morbidly obese anymore - I started at 313 lbs.


And for dealing with the real world with TSFL you eat 6 times a day (not sure if you've looked in to the program to know all the details) so you're not hungry. Also your body enters a fat burning state where it uses its own fat for energy and that helps control the hunger too.


As far as the "cheating" and cookouts etc - before you go into the program you need to decide what you really want. If you are a regular drinker, you will not go into fat burning which is what causes the rapid weight loss and increased energy. If you have ONE drink once a month, you will probably be okay. I would say give yourself a few weeks before you have any kind of event that is all about food so that you will be stronger and not as likely to be tempted.


Hi all! I am considering joining Medifast (it is one of the last diets left that I haven't done yet :p). I just have a few questions: I am confused re the difference between the Take Shape for Life and the Medifast center ( I have one very close to me). Is it more expensive to go to one over the other. It also seems that some people just order the food and do it on their own.


Also was wondering how you all deal with the real world with some kind of holiday or event every couple weeks. Tis the season for cookouts and friends invitations for happy hours.:p Do you cheat? and if you do does it completely undo all your weeks worth of hard work? I know it sounds odd to worry about cheating before you start, but I am realistic and know occasionally I will have an adult beverage and this stuff is expensive! Any tips or advice you all can give would be appreciated. I'm just trying to get a sense if this will be a good fit for me. Thanks!!

Edited by Deliamc
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I didn't mean that to sound as if only morbidly obese people are the only ones who use TSFL/MF - we have clients who only need to lose 20-30 lbs - to them that's a lot. To someone like me it's not. But TSFL is safe for virtually ANYONE - there are a few exceptions and your coach can help you determine if you might be one of them!


Hey Malibubaby

I'm a health coach w/Take Shape For Life so i can answer all that. TSFL is the health coach division of Medifast. When you need the extra guidance that's when you want the free coach that TSFL gives you. We used the Medifast meal replacements so there's no difference in cost. And yes there are people who do it on their own and do well. It's all up to the individual.


I've been on the program for just over a year and have lost 122 lbs. I still have about 43 more to go. The thing to know is that MF/TSFL is NOT a DIEt! It's a HEALth program - using the MMRs (Medifast Meal Replacements) helps those of us who are so morbidly obese we are desperate for a change. Thankfully I am NOT morbidly obese anymore - I started at 313 lbs.


And for dealing with the real world with TSFL you eat 6 times a day (not sure if you've looked in to the program to know all the details) so you're not hungry. Also your body enters a fat burning state where it uses its own fat for energy and that helps control the hunger too.


As far as the "cheating" and cookouts etc - before you go into the program you need to decide what you really want. If you are a regular drinker, you will not go into fat burning which is what causes the rapid weight loss and increased energy. If you have ONE drink once a month, you will probably be okay. I would say give yourself a few weeks before you have any kind of event that is all about food so that you will be stronger and not as likely to be tempted.


Edited by Deliamc
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