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What are your 'secret weapon' beauty products?


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This has probably been done before, but I think the opinions on this topic are always evolving. I like to check out the cosmetic products recommended by makeup artists and other industry professionals....so how about the everyday user's opinion?


Share your favorite makeup and/or beauty products...and why you love them so much!


Some of my favs--

foundation - MAC Face & Body; great for uneven skin tone, anywhere you need it...light and blends well.

fragrance - Yves St. Laurent 'In Love Again' (2004); fruity and summery, it just makes me happy.

shampoo for oily hair - Rene Furterer Curbicia; treatment shampoo (1-2 times per week) that works miracles on my oily, flat, fine hair.

undereye brightener - The Body Shop Illuminating Eye Treatment with Kinetin; this is my Magic Wand! It brightens the undereye area subtly without the caked-on look or feel of concealer. I love it!


What are your secret weapons?

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Saw your post and just had to respond. I have no beauty secrets but couldn't let your screen name go unanswered, for obvious reasons.


I checked your profile and saw you were born the year I graduated from Penn State. Scary, eh?!? Also saw you're a proofreader and the mention of Philly Burbs. Do you happen to work for a newspaper in that area?


I work for a paper in the other side of the state and we have sister papers in the Philly Burbs. Hmmmmm, wouldn't that be an interesting coincidence?



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OMG - I unintentionally stole your screen name (although yours is much more clever :o!) What a small virtual world! Yep, I live in Radnor, on the Philly Main Line and am a fellow Penn State alum. Do you get back to Happy Valley often? I am headed there for the next 2 home games to see JoePa kick some butt! I actually proofread for a graphic design firm - this is a new career for me - I used to work in senior social services. So, no newspaper work yet, but with more experience I may start freelancing on the side...who knew that there was a career designed for a perfectionist! With all this in common, maybe someday we will cross paths in work or play! So glad to meet you, Roseann!


But back to the topic -- Are you sure you don't have something to share...a favorite cleanser or moisturizer? Maybe the one makeup item that you absolutely use for special occasions? It doesn't have to be anything special, just what works for you. I personally love to hear about home recipes, like the old mayo as hair conditioner trick...that stuff is so interesting!

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Hi, again, I just saw you replied to my post!


I haven't been to a football game in several years since I began taking care of my mom who is 91 (92 in November) and has Alzheimer's. Thank goodness just about every game is on TV so I get to watch the Lions.


Wanna hear a sad story? I got an invitation to the president's (Graham, not George W.!) tailgate at the Penn Stater prior to the PSU-Purdue game with seats for the game in the president's box (saaaweeet!) and I had to decline because I don't have anyone to take care of my mom. Take a guess how sad I am.


OK, here's my beauty secret--don't cringe: I wash my face with the same soap I use on my body--Irish Spring Waterfall Fresh--I use lipstick/gloss and blush and that's it. If I'm getting dressed up, I'll add eyeliner and mascara and I'm out the door.


My skin is not dry, I don't have zits and I haven't worn foundation since I was in junior high and thought it was cool to wear makeup. I don't use moisturizer or eyecream or anything else along those lines.


A friend of mine, who is also Italian, sez our skin is so nice because we use a lot of olive oil in our food. I don't know if it's true but people usually think I'm 10 to 15 years younger than I am. Of course, they might be B.S.ing me or are judging my age based on the way I act. I've never grown up and I don't plan to do so anytime soon!


My makeup remover is Albolene; you buy it by the tub! It's what we used in high school and college to remove theatre makeup so, if it works for that heavy stuff, it will work for anything!


See, I wasn't kidding when I said I don't have any beauty secrets!



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Have recently switched my perfume to Angel Innocent. Getting loads of compliments on it.


Another recent find is Johnson's Softcream extra care body cream.

Excellent for dry heels & legs.


I am never without my Blistex - they have some now called fruit smoothies.

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Another recent find is Johnson's Softcream extra care body cream.

Excellent for dry heels & legs.


totally unrelated, but the graphic design firm I work for designed the packaging and graphics for the Softcream/Softlotion line...I love to hear people actually use the products! :)

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...I began taking care of my mom who is 91 (92 in November) and has Alzheimer's...


OK, here's my beauty secret--don't cringe: I wash my face with the same soap I use on my body--Irish Spring Waterfall Fresh--


A friend of mine, who is also Italian, sez our skin is so nice because we use a lot of olive oil in our food. I don't know if it's true but people usually think I'm 10 to 15 years younger than I am.

First, having been in senior services in my previous career, if you need connections for services and assistance, such as respite, drop me a line at dawnbean@yahoo.com ... PA has great services funded by the state dept. of aging, which many people don't know about. Although I don't work in the field anymore, I still know how to get the info and have a passion for it (my grandma helped raise me and at age 99, is still living alone!)


See, you do have a beauty secret! My mom has only used Ivory soap for all her cleansing, and she has fantastic skin! Sometimes, the tried-and-true products really are tried-and-true...;)


I've heard about the benefits of olive oil many times. Actually, several cosmetics companies are incorporating olive oil in their topical products. The Body Shop introduced a whole line of olive products several months ago and from what I hear, it is doing very well. Keep that great Italian food coming!


Thanks a bunch for your thoughts and 'secrets', Roseann!

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Fun post!

I'm a makeup junkie. I think I spend too much money on beauty products.


my skin tone is combination, very oily T-zone.


MAC Prep and Prime cream. I use it on top of my moisturizer and it's awesome. It makes my pores look much smaller and my skin looks better. If I want to look nice and I don't have time for foundation, I just use this instead. If you're ever at the MAC counter, sample this.


Vaseline, I use it on my lips, knees, elbows, feet. and when I'm going to board a plane, I put it in my nostrils (sounds gross I know). Every couple of hours I wipe it out, and apply more. I think it helps from catching any viruses while on the plane.


MAC 242 brush. So awesome to apply concealer.


Cle de Peau concealer. this stuff has the best texture/consistency and really glides on without caking but the price tag is scary. (close to a hundred bucks) but I have some scars on my face that need some major concealing.


Almay foundations! I stocked up on a bunch of trial size containers at Big Lots. They look nice on without looking cakey and really flatters my skin.


Jane blushes, you only need to use very little and the price is good.


Bonne Bell eyeliners (under two bucks) and liplix.


Shu Uemura eyelash curler. around $18 at Sephora. very good investment.


Escada Island Kiss perfume. Smells kind of like a pina colada. I rarely get any compliments on it, but I love wearing it..


MAC eyeshadow in bronze. I use it over eyeliner, and sometimes to fill in brows.


Pennstater, I have to check out that YSL fragrance you mentioned. Sounds very nice! and I'll definitely check out the body shop eye treatment.


Where can you get Albolene?

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totally unrelated, but the graphic design firm I work for designed the packaging and graphics for the Softcream/Softlotion line...I love to hear people actually use the products! :)




Small world, huh??

I do love the lotion :)

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Biolage leave-in conditioner with sunscreen. Makes a huge difference in your hair when in the sun. 12 bucks a pop which is quite a bit more than the average leave-in from Target but i have tried other cheaper brands with UV protection and none have done the job.

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Pure Color lipstick. For the FIRST time in my entire life (and I'm 54!) I have found a lipstick that does NOT leave my lips chapped!! I don't like the price....but next time I'll just buy it on Ebay! <G>



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-Yonka skin care. I have very tempermental skin and their products are wonderful.

-Bare Minerals Bisque: use under liquid foundation as a concealer. Never cakes.

-Ultima II wonder wear foundation: for evenings out, it lasts and looks natural when applied with a moist cosmetic sponge.

-Bare Minerals Mineral Viel: Use over liquid foundation and under pressed powder for those of us with less than perfect skin. Will keep the matte finish all day.

-OPI top coat: Keep it in the fridge, and put a coat on about once ever 3-4 days. Will keep the color from chipping.



-Lips: even if you don't wear foundation, outline lips with a small amount of foundation then powder. Outline lips with pencil, and fill. For a natural look, use a lip balm over the liner. If you want a more glam look apply lipstick or gloss. You'll have all day color, may have to replace gloss after you eat though.


-Thicker eye lashes: Use a "puffy" sable brush and lightly dust eye lashes with loose powder before putting on mascara. Don't use too much or it will be chunky.


-Eyes: To brighten your eyes, put a "dot" of lighter shadow on the center of your lid over the other, matching color. Make sure you blend it in a bit.



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-Yonka skin care. I have very tempermental skin and their products are wonderful.



Ooooo...I forgot to mention Yonka! Creme 11 is the best for me--I have rosacea and my aesthetician tried this to reduce the bright redness that results after an eyebrow wax...I've been hooked ever since!


Two more from me--

lip gloss - Lancome Juicy Tubes, the lightest, non-sticky gloss I have ever used.

blotting papers/films - MAC Blot Film, it's some kind of high-tech material (not tissue) and one sheet will leave my entire (oily) face perfectly matte with makeup untouched.


Ummm....I think I'm giving myself away for the beauty product junkie that I am. :o


Oh, and great tips, mrsred!

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Hello! First off, my beauty "secrets":


The Renee Rouleau skin care line. It is expensive, but I have found it to be wonderful! They taught me a great trick for red spots from waxing or pimples: calamine lotion. I have a problem with facial hair, and get a lot of waxing done. They taught me to put on a "mask" of calamine lotion after the treatment, and it has prevented any post-waxing breakouts. It even dries up pimples! Clear for day, pink for bedtime ;) . I don't know if it works under or over foundation, but it works at other times!


When I got married, I went to the Trish McEvoy counter, and they taught me a wonderful trick for wide awake eyes: nude shadow, very dark navy liner on the top lid ONLY, and navy mascara. The liner was actually a powder, a very tiny line just above the lashes. It is great for pictures!


My favorite lipsticks: MAC Captive and Shishedo Nuance Rose. Go try them, I cannot explain it adequately but they both seem to look perfect on every skin tone.


To the Penn State ladies: Please accept empathy, thanks, and good wishes from a Boston College grad :D . My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1980, when I was 11. He passed away when I was 18, just before I left for college. I remember the hardship of helping to care for him, but I now can look back and be happy that I was able to help him. I also remember very fondly the people who helped my family during that time, and trust me there were a lot fewer resources back then! The work that you both do, both professionally and personally, will show to the world in a beauty that no cosmetic will ever be able to duplicate. :)


Take care,


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Emmie, thanks for your kind words. I take each day as it comes and hope for the bright moments when she has more clarity than usual. The first time she didn't know who I was I cried for 20 minutes. I honestly feel it's a privilege to take care of her and, though many of my friends think I'm a saint, I feel I'm just doing what feels right...taking care of her now when she needs me just as she took care of me when I was growing up.


To answer the question of where to find Albolene--try a large chain drugstore in your area. It's come in a plastic tub (no kidding!) and it's a clear kinda solid substance that "melts" when applied to the warmth of the skin. Great stuff!


I thought of another product I use--Palmer's Shea Butter. It comes in a much smaller tub and, interestingly enough, has somewhat of the same consistency as Albolene. It's wonderful on dry, cracked heels or hands. I also like to smooth it on tanned legs and arms because it gives the skin a moist, glowing look. (Please don't think bodybuilder with baby-oiled skin...it's waaaaay more subtle!) I buy it at Wal-Mart. There's a lotion version of Palmer's, but I've never used it. I like the the liquifying solid.


As for fragrances, I use a variety of them. Among my favorites are Paloma Picasso plus Amarige, Ysatis and Organza by Givenchy, Estee Lauder Pleasures and Montana by Claude Montana.


That's about it; I'm just not too exciting when it comes to products.



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Several products to suggest that I love:

1] L'Oreal Endless Platinum lipstick---the first long lasting lipcolor that I have found that isn't drying. I use the Crystalline Coral color as a base under other darker lipsticks [including other brands] and it makes the color hold longer and prevent feathering.

2]Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Plump Perfect moisture cream---great if you have dry skin and are showing some wrinkles---it really does reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Also is SPF 30, so great for cruises/outdoor.

3]L'Oreal Age Perfect Eye--- very good eye cream that really helps reduce wrinkles.

4]Blistex Pro-Care lip protectant with sunscreen and ceramides

5]L'Oreal Line Intensifique Extreme Wear liquid liner---has a very thin microfiber applicator that allows you to get a very thin line right at the lash line and comes in good pale colors as well as dark ones.

6]MAC sheer blush and eyeshadows---can't beat the intense yet subtle colors they have!!

7]Nivea Body Restorative Night Hand Cream---Excellent, stays on, and has a subtle restful scent.

8]Here is a real cheapy!---NYC Sparkle Eye Dust in Pink Champagne---very inexpensive in drug stores, a loose powder eye shadow with a little brush---makes a great base color with lots of shine when needed, blends well with other shadows. Fun but subtle.

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Here's one for those of you who use toners. Just buy any brand of Witch Hazel - I buy the dual pack of large bottles at Costco for under $10. Add 20-30 drops of Lavender essential oils (found at most health food type stores) and, voila, you've got about 1/2 gallon of toner (that costs $20 or more per 16 oz at beauty counters).


Also, vaseline with a little color added - like sugar-free drink mixes makes a great lip gloss.


I'm really not cheap - just like a bargain and love to fool the experts who are making megabucks by selling the same things under a different name. Look at the ingredient label of toners and see how many list witch hazel as the first item.

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I just had to ask this 70 year old woman what she used that made her skin look young and great. She told me EB5. I have used it for about 5 years now hoping I will look like her at her age.


I had adult acne and someone told me to use Merle Norman foundation. and between that or the EB5, it worked


This isn't care but I love the Johnson baby bath for fussy babies, I think lavender and chamomile it. I swear it relaxes this fussy baby I have had trouble sleeping, took a bath the other night fell asleep afterward at 7:30 and slept the best I have in weeks, right thru (since my cruise last month )


Love this topic and on a side note any sleeping tips would be great!


I have seen on tv people using olive oil on skin

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Love this topic and on a side note any sleeping tips would be great!


Hey, Frogfuzz!


It's not that off topic, a good night's sleep is a great beauty trick!


Have you ever tried herbal or homeopathic remedies? I have tried Sound Sleep by Gaia Herbs, and Calms Forte by Hyland. Both are availible in natural food stores and you can also find them online. I have found them both to be incredibly helpful. Lavender and chamomille are both supposed to be VERY relaxing, and if that bath works for you, keep using it!


Take care,


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Far and away, I have to recommend this as my favorite:


Revlon SKINLIGHTS!!! I use the tinted moisturizer and the powder! It's the perfect sheer coverage and it adds just a wonderful glow to my skin! EVERYTIME I use it, I get compliments from people saying that my skin is beautiful. Also, people always ask me if I'm pregnant because they say I just have that happy "GLOW" about me! lol.... they see the glow, but they don't realize it's my makeup! Definately give it a try... I can't recommend it enough! During the summer, when I have a tan, I don't use it as much, but definately during the winter when your skin can get blah, it's the perfect thing!


Also, I'd like to second the She Umera eyelash curler. Since getting it four years ago, I haven't been able to use another brand. Hint: warm the curler up with your hair dryer for about 5-7 seconds before curling lashes... will produce better and longer lasting curl! Think about it: you use a hot curling iron for your hair! Just don't get it too hot or you'll burn your eyelids! Ouch! :)

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This has probably been done before, but I think the opinions on this topic are always evolving. I like to check out the cosmetic products recommended by makeup artists and other industry professionals....so how about the everyday user's opinion?


Share your favorite makeup and/or beauty products...and why you love them so much!


Some of my favs--

foundation - MAC Face & Body; great for uneven skin tone, anywhere you need it...light and blends well.

fragrance - Yves St. Laurent 'In Love Again' (2004); fruity and summery, it just makes me happy.

shampoo for oily hair - Rene Furterer Curbicia; treatment shampoo (1-2 times per week) that works miracles on my oily, flat, fine hair.

undereye brightener - The Body Shop Illuminating Eye Treatment with Kinetin; this is my Magic Wand! It brightens the undereye area subtly without the caked-on look or feel of concealer. I love it!


What are your secret weapons?


Well I guess my best beauty secret is good genes. I am very fortunate to look much younger then I am (51)-Hubby is almost 5 yrs younger then me but people think he is older which he hates.


I have 2 good inexpensive masks I use on my face. One it Pepto-bismal-believe it or not. The other I like is plain yogurt with a little bit of honey. I buy an 8 oz. tub of plain yogurt-any cheapo brand- and add a tablespoon of honey to it-apply to face and let dry for 30 minutes. Since that lasts only about 2 weeks in the fridge-I often also apply it to dry areas of my body and allow it to dry before I bathe. It is the best-but on cruises since yogurt is not praticial for traveling--I rely on the pepto for my face mask.


My best skin toner is witch hazel. I use an oatmeal based soap for washing my face.


I wear very little make up-I do use Max Factor-powder based makeup-on top of that I use for face powder-corn starch based baby powder-that is the greastest for taking away the shine and does not clog the pores. I also use a mineral based color for my eyelids and cheeks such as ruby-glow. I never use any product on my skin that has mineral oil as I read many years ago that will cause wrinkles.


I have since my mid 20's applied vitanim E oil around my eyes-I softly dab it on with a cotton ball and I do this very gently. I do not have crow's feet.


I also have hardly any wrinkles except for a couple on my forehead and I still have great skin elasticity. But I do beleive this is more because of genes then my beauty routenine-my father at 55 looked 35 and he had no beauty routeine-so I figure I just inherited his good genes.


I have 2 favorite fragrances-Lauren and Poison that I wear often and one good ole every day fragrance, Windsong-pretty much my sig. fragrance-that I have been wearing for over 30 yrs.


I like Pantenine volumizing shampoo-I have super thin hair-that is not very attractive-the one thing on me that does show my age-my poor sad hair-it does not "style" very well-even hairdressers dispair of my hair-so I keep it cut in a short shag which works best for me.

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Vaseline-for lips, unruly eyebrows, works great as a moisturiser.....the little tin that only costs €1


Max Factor Tone Adapt Foundation-whether you get a little burnt/red in the face, this always evens out skin tone, works a charm


I always pack my earrings and necklaces into tablet holders ( you know the ones that have mon to fri printed on them), saves having to bring a travel jewelry box, and only takes up a teeny tiny amount of space in your luggage


Aftersun-doubles up as regular moisturiser


Nail Polish Removal Pads-so easy to pack, and much handier than a bottle of remover and cotton wool

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Just a couple of suggestions:


English Ideas foundation primer (available at Sephora). Can be worn alone for a smooth matte finish, or under your foundation to keep it in place all day. I love it - totally addicted.


Biosilk "Silk" for hair - smooths frizzies and keeps hair smooth all day, no matter what.


Jergens "glow" moisturizer - has just a bit of self tanner in it, so gives you a little color that builds up gradually without ever streaking. I'm really fair skinned, and this looks totally natural.



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If you think heating up your lash curler is cool you should try this:




It is a Mini Heated Lash Curler, it is the best. I gave it to all my girlfriends last year for Christmas and they agreed except for my mom who is too scared to use it.




I have this eyelash curler and like it. I think it's best for when I've been wearing my make-up all day and then in the evening I want to freshen up my make-up. I usually take off and re-apply my foundation so it's fresh looking, but don't like to redo the eye make-up. This little heated thingy is wonderful for giving the lashes a little curl and making my mascara look freshly applied.


I agree that it's a great little gizmo.



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