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  1. Can combine, we were a party of 4 so I put 48 cans in a carry on roller bag. They never asked to see the inside of it, could of had beer in there, lol.
  2. Don't recommend this as it basically becomes use it or lose it. Would be better to apply gift card against any charges they have.
  3. Wow I thought there was some kind of immunity period of a few months after getting it, but I guess it might have been different strains?
  4. Gotta bring cans and you're allowed a 12pack.
  5. Can confirm no minimum for a cash account. I set my parents with a cash account and prepaid their gratuities, nothing was due at check in. I did end up booking some excursions for them, the first went thru but then said I needed to bring my account current before booking the next excursions. I was able to load some money (about $100) on to their account at the kiosk
  6. That Beef Wellington was amazing, meat was cooked perfectly. I think it was even better than my ribeye in the steakhouse!
  7. Experienced this for the first time on my recent Venezia cruise and didn't know about it beforehand. Towards the end the cruise, the app will begin bugging you to select a debarkation window/method. The nag doesn't seem to stop even after you make your selection though. You can choose it for everyone in your party (like when you check in for dining), which might not be the best option if your cabins are not close together. My parents were cruising with us but were on a different deck. I wasn't sure if they would deliver all to me or split the tags between our cabins. I was stressing as I saw some folks getting tags in their mailboxes earlier (likely the priorities, but I didn't know at the time). I eventually received our tags, they were all delivered to my room and I needed to deliver the set to my parents. The tags did not come until about 6PM on the last evening. Not expecting all this, I wasn't exactly sure how things were going to go the morning of. Without the announcements of the different #, I couldn't tell exactly when our # would be called. The app had an estimated time, but no idea if it was updated/accurate. My parents (non English speakers/readers) kept asking when we could go, not understanding we had to wait for the app to tell us. I also had to keep checking the app as I wasn't sure if it was going to give a real notification (like how dining the notifications don't always notify right away/delayed a while). Think my parents badgering just made it all more stressful, but I think things ultimately went fine. If it were just my fiancé and I, we would of both been chill about it since we had booked a rather late train. We had plenty of time, getting off the ship faster did nothing for us as we would just need to wait at the Amtrak station.
  8. Recently returned from a Cove Balcony on Venezia. We loved it, we got the balcony with shade, plus being close to the 0 gangway for ports. The only con was that ours was below the galley and you could hear loud noises at time from them doing work above. It didn't bother me that much, but could be a problem for those that are more noise sensitive. I did not notice any daily window rinsers, they only blasted towards it while embarking in NYC.
  9. After watching all those Gordon Ramsey shows, going to be excited to give this a try. Don't have any local restaurants that serve it, one had mini beef wellingtons once as a special and they weren't that good.
  10. I recall having the same issue, but somehow had click so the list of other decks appeared in the drop down menu, almost like a hidden thing you need to click. It was annoying and I didn't even figure out until towards the end of my last cruise.
  11. I have the offer on my Blue Cash card, too bad I booked my cruise just a few weeks ago with payment in full. Will onboard charges count towards this? Or should I prepay my gratuities now? It will be about $700 between 4 cruisers... For a past NCL offer, booking an excursions online did trigger the credit.
  12. I used a TA for my parents booking as the rate was cheaper than direct, they said the OBC likely would not appear until 2nd day onboard.
  13. We did a trip for totality back in 2017, very unique experience! In addition to the birds and bugs that people mentioned, plants like sunflowers droop down.
  14. Just charged once for gratuities if solo.
  15. Might be a bit late on replying to this, but we did this via ship excursion as we had limited hours in port. They did offer it as only half day and presumably slightly cheaper than a full day pass. Buffet lunch was included with the ship excursion, you only go through the line once though, no returning for seconds. Can't comment on transport as it was included with the ship. Probably one of the few times the ship excursion has been worth it, their bus picked us up, and there was an Ocean World rep onboard who explained what things to do and kind of a recommended itinerary if you wanted to see the different shows they offered.
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