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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. Yes, we have a blanket over top on Canada to prevent high prices 😉. Our groceries are sky high too. Of all the restaurants I go to where I live none have raised their prices 35 percent and replaced their menu with inferior items. Also I’ve prepaid to eat in the mdr. Where you live are you good with paying 35 percent more for a menu that is not as appealing?
  2. I recall signs at the gangway that that said what time the guests had to be aboard and when the crew had to. This was probably quite a few years ago. I never look anymore when getting off the ship because I look before I leave my room. I’m either n a hal excursion or just getting off the ship for an hour or two so I’m not generally cutting it close.
  3. They are all the same beds. There aren't different beds in different staterooms. I don't really like hals beds because they are hard but I can guarantee they are softer than an army cot. I do agree that hal might not be the best fit. Carnival might be a better fit for you and your chill vibe.
  4. If you cold call they will ask for your booking number. That’s how the look for upsells.
  5. I’ve used mostly a pcc. It never comes from them. It comes directly from hal. There aren’t upsells on every cruise.
  6. It should show up on your confirmation from hal under special services I think it’s called.
  7. It’s going to be interesting to see in Canada how they plan to be reliant on electricity by 2035. My power goes off for 2-4 hours it seems every few months if not more. What’s going to happen when we all have to plug in our electric cars? What about electric cruise ships? The world will be reliant on fossil fuels until all of us are gone.
  8. No problem. I thought that’s what you meant but I wasn’t sure. If you have other questions don’t be afraid to ask.
  9. I love club orange. Not sure what you mean by intimate. It’s a smaller room and the service and food easily beats the pinnacle. The pinnacle for breakfast used to be an upscale experience with experienced waiters. Now, it’s completely changed based on my last several visits. They run around like chickens with their heads cut off accomplishing nothing. The mdr is generally packed depending on when you go with tons of noise. I don’t enjoy that.
  10. Maybe. I had a Neptune Suite on my last cruise. It was on a signature ship so no club orange. My breakfast was light years better food and service wise in club orange on the koningsdam. I couldn't get anything served hot in the pinnacle. No problem in club orange. It wasn't just me. I heard other guests saying the food was cold. I did mention it wasn't hot to the manager. He said it wouldn't happen again. I guess he meant until the next day.
  11. Yes, I tire of hearing about buying the cabin you want. The only place I ever hear it is on cruise critic. If you like it so much why entertain an upsell? Actually the full cruise was just a couple days longer than mine.
  12. I called about every 5 or 6 days on my last cruise and was told no upsells. I almost always have a balcony but because I wasn’t sure I’d want to sail after a few not great hal cruises I booked a cruise at 7 weeks out after exhausting other cruises on other lines. The balconies were 3 times the price as an oceanview so I decided oceanview it is. I phoned a lot to hear no upsells. Near the end the guy told me there was only one balcony left so don’t get your hopes up. Fast forward to 5 days before and I got the upsell to a balcony. I phoned within a minute of getting the upsell. When I called he said I had an upsell for a Neptune or a balcony. I never saw the paperwork for the Neptune prior to calling. I asked how much was the Neptune. He told me and it was somewhat less than the balcony would have been if I had purchased right out of the gate. I later heard others were offered other upsells but I never was offered anything even after calling. I was a slightly shorter cruise segment of a longer one so maybe that accounted for it.
  13. You should let HAL know because the email comes in with the words upgrade, not upsell even though that's clearly what they are.
  14. Just because someone has ordered doesn't mean you can't look at the menu. I wish I had a dollar for every time I've hear this. To answer the OP's question I received my last one 5 days before.
  15. Who is being let go mid contract? I've yet to hear anything like that. There was a waiter in the pinnacle that was incredibly bad and I refused to go back there because of that. I told the manager what my issues were. There was plenty of other people complaining. Flash forward 6 months and Hal hired him back for another contract. I was talking to another crew member that I'd become friendly with, and he said this person was known by the crew as doing a very poor job. If I pay extra for something and it's extremely bad I'm going to say something. If it's no big deal, it's another story. I'm still working and you better believe if I'm doing a poor job I'll hear about it, and I should.
  16. Club orange won’t be an option. Since it’s a port day it will open at 7:30.
  17. No vitamin water anymore. OK to print tons of receipts. Plastic bottles are bad.
  18. I don’t think it’s “silly”. It’s a huge waste of paper when hal claims to be environmentally conscious. They only seem to be that way if it works to their favour. They shouldn’t have to produce paper for surcharges. There have been many, many times when I have not seen a paper slip while dining in a specialty restaurant.
  19. I was still able to get the crab risotto in April. I prefer the veggie so I got that. I guess replacement of 2 dishes constitutes a new menu for some crew.
  20. It happens often to me, more so in specialty restaurants than anything else. It’s a huge turn off for me. Like the op, I find the ones that do the best job never mention this and I’m more than happy to mention them any way I can.
  21. I can remember winning the jewelry raffle one time. It was some cheap stuff. Can’t even remember what it was. You aren’t missing much.
  22. Sometimes files go right into my downloads instead of opening. Unfortunately there is no other way for me to post it. What you posted from what I can see is the old one. There is no in in between menu. If you look at the op’s menu post number one that is the new menu.
  23. Somebody sounded like they were making things up or they don’t know what seafood is.
  24. The rustic lasagna was on the mdr menu not Canaletto. Canaletto did have lasagna but not the rustic one.
  25. That’s the old menu. I thought it was odd that the eurodam had the new menu. Take a look at the menu I posted in post 2 (link). It a lot different.
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