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Everything posted by ilikeanswers

  1. Caviar is a bit like wine different varieties different flavours. Did once a caviar taste testing experience, had a couple from Iran, France and Russia (pre war obviously now I hear they use Uruguayan or Greek). Some were jet black, some olive green one Iranian variety was yellow😯. The flavours ranged from light salty refreshing, what they call taste of the sea to a more heavy meaty umami flavour, something to do with iodine levels. Eating caviar you can't use a metal spoon, apparently reacts with the flavour so they gave us these tiny mother of pearl spoons to scoop the caviar on blinis or they said you can eat it off the back of your hand for a more a more authentic experience. Who knew luxury food could be hand food😂. If you ever get the chance I recommend a taste testing experience, it is really interesting.
  2. I think my strategy will be go so niche it will be unlikely anyone will have strong opinions on the subject. So who wants to join me in a conversation about the history of cement? Or perhaps we could talk about the properties of black holes? Maybe the intricacies of the Kula Ring of the Trobriand Islands😂.
  3. Now if you really want to throw the cat amongst the pigeon just say "I really enjoyed Star Wars episode 8 and 9"😱
  4. Obviously you have been lucky you have not met the Trekie fan boy who wants to rant why all Star Trek post 2009 is a blasphemy ruining the legacy of a great sci fi universe😜. And do not even think to mention you enjoy any new Star Trek lest you want an education as to why you are wrong to like it😂.
  5. I think it would be easier to list the things you can talk about as that would probably be a smaller list😂.
  6. As a non ebook reader I usually can recognise if someone is using an ebook. The devices I have noticed are thinner than your average tablet but most of all people hold them differently probably because they use them so differently and aren't scrolling or typing as you would on a tablet.
  7. The one thing that I did like during the up vote trial was having the OP's post at the top no matter the page. Sometimes especially if it is a long thread you don't want to read from the very beginning so it was nice that I could start at any page and still see the OPs original post that started the thread
  8. According to Arontt's they haven't changed anything 🤷‍♀️: Enraged Aussies are slamming Arnott's Iced VoVos: 'What the hell happened?'
  9. Both Tim Tam's and Iced Vovo featured on Snack Masters: Snack Masters S2 Ep1 I was surprised to learn the Iced Vovo fondant is strawberry flavoured. I had always thought it was plain flavoured.
  10. The search function definitely needs some tweaking. I was just recently searching a thread for posts relating to a certain topic and I read on the last page one post with some of the info I was looking for but when I ran a search to see if there was more in the thread with the relevant key words it came up with 0 results. This is not the first time I have noticed omitted results and I can only imagine how many things are skipped or missed that I don't know about.
  11. Correct. I had actually forgotten about this post😂.
  12. Salt does cut bitterness, it is why when you cook bitter foods you always put salt. However for me like with coffee (I have never understood people who put lots of sugar in their coffee🤷‍♀️) the bitterness of tea is part of its flavour so I wouldn't want to cut it out.
  13. This is what I am more worried about than someone robbing my house. The most valuable thing money wise I own at home is my TV, easily replaced but if someone hijacked my financials that would be far more difficult to sort out and have greater consequences.
  14. I know I am not the only one who does this because I was inspired by someone I met on a cruise but I am pretty sure it is not common. I travel with my own tea. I know what tea I like and it is something I miss while travelling. I mentioned this to a cruise mate and she whipped out a box of tea bags she said she carries with her everywhere. It was one of those why didn't I think of that moments🤦‍♀️.
  15. Reading this thread it seems there is something that annoys everyone from Taylor Swift, to what you do for a living, to politics and issues😂. I guess you can't just let a conversation flow anywhere anymore else you hit a landmine😱.
  16. I was thinking exactly this. On FB you can search for people via location so it makes it more feasible for thieves to use it as a target finder. CC you can't do this even if we list what city we live in so it would be very hit and miss to trawl through every roll call in the hope of finding that one close enough you don't need a plane to reach. And those who have the skill to track someone via the internet would have far more lucrative opportunities than what they could possibly earn from robbing a house.
  17. We had a prominent TV journalist retire recently and she said whenever she interviewed a left leaning politician she would get hate messages claiming she was pandering to the left while also getting hate messages that she was unnecessarily aggressive to the interviewee and showing right wing bias. Then when she interviewed right wing politicians she got hate messages that she was unnecessarily aggressive and showing left wing bias while also getting hate messages that she was pandering to the right😂. It reminded me of a meme that said "Facts are the opinions you agree with, opinions are the facts you disagree with".
  18. Reading some of these comments I'm wondering if I misunderstood what political talk actually is. When I wrote my first comment on this thread the situation I was referring to we just happen to have interest in the same issue though different opinions about its legislation however we never talked about politicians, political parties or elections. I guess it makes me wonder when does a shared interest in an issue end and political talk begins🤔?
  19. We wanted to visit Yowah on our QLD road trip but we hit lots of rain and the roads flooded. Looks like an interesting place. Another location where we were thwarted by rain. Looks lovely in the photo but behind us was a storm brewing so we just missed out on the highest point. Identify this Island:
  20. Googled and I probably lost a few brain cells 😵‍💫. Though I'm starting to understand why people want to talk USA politics. No one discusses Satanism in our elections😂.
  21. That witchcraft just keeps rearing its ugly head through catchy pop tunes and sequined costumes🧙🪄
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