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Everything posted by ilikeanswers

  1. According to their own press kit The World is not a cruise ship😂: The World FAQs
  2. They did say when they inquired with The World the representative told them they are not a residential cruise line🤷‍♀️. And they say the owners don't live there full time which I suppose does make it a little different to a ship where it is the owners primary residence.
  3. I enjoyed watching the BMX this year the tricks they do is like acrobatics on a bike. One of the Aussies she did an incredible front flip on her bike, it was more excited than fencing for me😂.
  4. The one thing I believe that makes it hard to compare with Australia is I don't think there is anywhere in Australia that gets the amount of tourists that you can experience in places like Barcelona and Venice. Barcelona was my very first mega tourist destination and the crowds really blew my mind especially since I wasn't even visiting peak season😂. The only time I have experienced crowds like that in Australia is when we have a special event but this was just a normal day for Barcelona. I've visited a few mega tourist destinations now and I can't think of anywhere in Australia I have experienced that level of extreme tourism even in peak season in popular locations here🤔.
  5. I use to be a cram as much in as possible traveller but that ended up being exhausting so I have slowed things down now and usually when I travel I stick to a region and explore that area. On the other hand I am also not a stay for two weeks in a city kind of person. I would like to think I found my travel groove😁.
  6. Coincidentally Travel Guides screened a Newcastle and Hunter Valley episode this week😄. I guess Newcastle is getting popular.
  7. The problem is always about finding the balance. A lot of these places when they started encouraging tourism most likely never expected the number of visitors to get this big. More people than ever can afford to travel now and in the future there will be even more people who can afford to travel. Everywhere has a breaking point and realistically we are probably expecting too much from some of these destinations to constantly host this mass of humanity😬.
  8. IIRC Cougar, Mountain Lion and Puma are different names for the same animals while Panther is a sub species of Leopards.
  9. Aren't all the French kings dead😳?
  10. If you bring an old phone make sure it at least supports 4G VoLTE because our 3g network will be shut down by the time you get here.
  11. I read that part online that you choose the service but that is where I got confused, because if you're not dialing a number how do you choose where the call goes? Does Apple have some software that can direct you? I would hope those countries can transfer you to the right call centre and not tell you to hang up and dial a different number😂. Anyway thanks for the info TIL👍 but I think I'll be waiting for the service to be a bit more established before I put my trust in it overseas.
  12. I would add don't hold anything that has the shape of a mobile phone while in the driver's seat. I once picked up something rectangular on the passenger seat while stopped at a light and got a fine for driving with mobile. Luckily it was distinctive enough I could prove it was not a mobile phone and they cancelled the penalty but lesson learnt never touch anything that could be confused with a mobile phone.
  13. OK now I am really confused. Why is it over thinking to want to know if I am calling ambulance, fire or police? Isn't that the basics of emergency calling, determining which service you need? Especially if you are in a country where English isn't common I would have thought getting through to the right service would be pretty important? Who wants to waste time trying to explain a medical emergency to the fire service😱. Pictures would probably help but I would have thought expanding SOS beyond 16 countries would be more useful for travellers. Do you think it will ever come with a translate service? Because that would be amazingly useful for travel emergencies. That is a service I would pay extra for😂.
  14. I'm not saying the technology is bad but I am concerned when you say it works all around the world as if every emergency services are based on the same system as the USA. In the USA emergency means Ambulance, Fire Police but when you say emergency service in Japan it is only Ambulance or Fire. In countries like China there is three different numbers for each service. I admit I am probably being pedantic but it would make me more comfortable to know beforehand who I would be calling if using iPhone emergency in countries where it is not one number for all.
  15. Fall detection isn't always perfect. My dad had an emergency fall detection device and sometimes it would call when he sat down too fast and when he did have a fall sometimes it wouldn't detect it.
  16. No offence to your reply but if a phone has to popular in the country to be reliable that is not exactly comforting 😂. As handy as the technology is I think it would be important information to know before travelling especially if in a country where English isn't common it could take up precious time before you realise the phone called the wrong service.
  17. What about countries that have multiple emergency numbers? Like in Japan there are separate numbers for police and ambulance so which service will the iPhone default to in that case?
  18. As a non American I am curious why do you have different forms of motor vehicle driver's licence? What purpose does it serve?
  19. It actually has been running for a few weeks now. It is quite interesting as it goes through the history of how cruising has evolved. Unfortunately the S1 episodes have expired but you can still catch up on S2 episodes: Secrets of the Lost Liners catch up
  20. On that list I have done Aranui around the Marquesas, it is an interesting and unique cruise and more affordable than most expedition style cruises. I noticed they have expanded their itineraries, would love to do their Austral cruise.
  21. Is that considered a big ship? I assumed that was medium. When I think big I'm thinking over 4000 pax. I guess that is another issue with the question what constitutes a "big" ship😂.
  22. You must have found one of the few hold outs😂. I love an expedition cruise but I am finding myself increasingly priced out as they keep adding more luxury items. I get it cruising demographics change but I couldn't help putting a tease at the change😜. I don't know these new mega ships are really restricted in how many ports they can stop at and despite this the demand for them is only growing so I guess to me that does suggest that destination isn't really important to those customers because otherwise they would chose a ship that can stop at a more variety of destinations🤷‍♀️.
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