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  1. O'Sheehans also has the only bowling alley left on the Epic. There use to be bowling alleys in Bliss as well, but during the renovation, they removed them.


    There are 3 lanes to the bowling alley.









    Would love this, is it regular 10 pin bowling or smaller pins? Wondere if you can bring your oun equipment and balls. Airlines would love me for the weight of my 5 to 6 balls normally carry. LOL


    The Ump


    PS: Better Half would be dragging me out screaming or never see me.

  2. We took a jeep tour which included snorkeling. We drove to a national park (near a lighthouse), and snorkeled off the beach. It was one of the best snorkeling experiences I have had. Great reef and lots of fish etc. We were the only ones in the area, less then six people and the guide. I booked the trip online (not through the cruise line). You should be able to locate the trip through a search. It is self driving with a guide leading the way. You go to a lot of neat areas and really get to see the Island, away from the crowds.


    A few years back we did a truck trip that showed ud the island, rock formation, light house and BBQ at Punta Sur, did some drift snorkeling and it was nice, not like Roatan bus decent, Saw various fish including a nice French Angel.


    The Up


  3. You need to be careful using flash underwater, it works great if it is an external flash that doesn't flash directly in front of camera. If using the internal flash on the camera you have a possibility of having spots show up from the flash hitting the bubbles and other things floating in the water. See if you camera has an underwater setting that adds red to the picture or use photoshop afterward. Lot of articles on internet about this.


    The Ump


  4. On the second stop, I was looking down as passengers were getting off and noticed a luggage coming my way, just like the hubbys. As it started moving past me, being pulled by a guy also pushing a luggage in front of him, I thought to myself "Hey, someone else has luggage just like my hubby's." As the guy went past me, people in the area moving for him to get by, the name tag caught my eye...IT WAS MY HUSBANDS LUGGAGE!!! At first I thought the hubby was moving up toward me, but as I raised my head, I seen the guy pulling it along and...being a nurse, all I could think of was "save the luggage" and I went into action. The guy pushed his luggage off the tram, he stepped foot off the tram and just before they hubbys luggage also went off the tram, I grabbed the handle and yanked it from this monsters claws as the door shut! SERIOUSLY??? Someone just tried to get off with our luggage? What type of place is this? Who are these people? What did I get myself in to? I turned around, gave that disapproved look to the hubby...had a few choice words along the line of wth are you doing back there and not paying attention that someone just nearly walked off with your luggage???? Sigh!!

    That brings up another question, if he didn't yell wonder if it was just a mistake or was the other luggage someone elses also.

    The Ump



  5. You suck! No seriously...so lucky that you get to go on the Breeze. I really really really want to sail on her (and also want to sail with Matt but he's moving to the new ship). I have a friend leaving on the Breeze this weekend. I would have booked it if I didn't already have my Breakaway cruise booked in 3 weeks from now.


    I love trying out new ports. It will be interesting to see Amber Cove. I haven't even thought about Antigua before. Maybe I should start researching for cruises with new ports for me. LOL This year I made a vow that I would only cruise to new ports that I have never been to in the past. I managed to accomplish that. My new ports were Grand Turk, HMC and Bermuda. It's been a great year although I do find myself wanting to return again to some of the old ports that I have come to love. But who knows, maybe next year will bring new ports again. :D


    LOL at not knowing what to do in the new ports because I haven't been there before. :p Thanks for the compliment. :)


    If you get a chance to go to Antigua check out Cerole Cruises Lobster Lunch Cruise. Little expensive (about $130 per person) but was worth every dollar. Glen and Mario were fantastic, all the bear and home made rum punch, Lobster and other fixings, nice snorkeling, on the island were we had lunch you could walk around and climb to top if the island and what a view plus the birds fly in air like they are not moving just supended. We also went to and area with a bunch of star fish, plus you get to see on of Oprah's homes. Was a great time. :)


    The Ump


  6. If you are dropping your Internet connection with Windows 7 it is going to continue if you upgrade to Windows 10. It is a problem with your computer, but at the same time the Geek Squad is probably correct that there is nothing wrong with your machine. It is old and probably needs a new NIC (wifi interface). The one you have works, but is simply not powerful enough.


    Another answer might be to replace your router. If you have an old A or B router, get a new N router and that should help.

    Funny nothing wrong with internet. I have upgraded to windows 10 on my laptop, no problems except for some of the tool bars that ere on top of Internet explorer are not there and had to figure how to get favorites on edge. But I have no problem since I deal with computers every day and get used to change. but not the wife. She hates change:eek:. The weird part is on my main PC all of a sudden we could not get out to the internet sites, kept saying failed and unavailable network connection, etc... On laptop no problem, both use same router, check all settings and service groups, so upgraded it to Windows 10 and low and behold no problem getting to internet now. :mad: Me wonder if something fishy going on with microsoft. :D


    The Ump


  7. If San Juan is a port visit which it souds like you proabbly will be dock right in the Old San Juan port. From there you can walk off the ship, have a nice local breakfast, wlak and see the forts (think it is $10 for entrance to both) and the ocean view from the forts and area between them. Lots to do with very little cost.


    We love San Juan


    The Ump


  8. Then I spotted a sea cucumber. I love these little no brain animals. Yes, they have no true brain and instead have a nerve "ring". They don't have eyes but have a mouth. One fact I bet you all always wanted to know is that it breathes by drawing water into their anus and expelling it. That's all I really remember knowing about them when I looked it up once I found my very first sea cucumber at Little French Key in Roatan a few years ago. LOL But I guess those are the only facts one really needs to know about these things right?





    Saw one of the in Labadee last cruise for the first time but did not dive down and pick up. Should have so wife could see it better but was a little deep where I saw it. Enjoying the review. Wish I had the time and patience to write one miyself. Still trying to put photo book together from 2009 cruise but trying to do it myself and not use shutterfly.


    The Ump


  9. P6090878%20copy-L.jpg


    Yep, a Portuguese Man-of-War. Tell me there's nothing in these waters again. Yep, you bet I told him when I returned about my find. He said "no way!" I said "Way and I have the pictures to prove it". I just wish I could get the pictures to him. LOL Maybe I'll email H2O and tell them to show him. LOL

    You always seem to find something new. :D Will try to download a couple pics this weekend while I sit around from knee surgery.

    The Ump



  10. Really like the review so far that I jump and got a cruise out of Baltimore on Royal Caribbean. :D Well might have had it pland and book for awhile now, about 8 months. But the review has kept me going and making the wait time a little quicker. We leave Dalla tomorrow and board the Grandeur Tuesday for 10 days. You asked about the Granduer, it is on older and smaller ship then a lot of their others but have done some upgrades sine I was on it last time in 2009. Look forward to reading more about your adventure after I return. So far see you haven't broken anything. :D Hope my wife doen't this trip either. Know she is ancious to have a vacation, haven't been for almost 2 years due to my back surgery last year.


    The Ump


  11. I believe my 830 has 4 underwater settings, then of course within that you can set additional things on them as well.




    The 850 also has 4 settings, pool, fish 1, fish 2, and macro. I was wondering which one you use for your underwater pictures?


    Also what setting is the tilt function you use.?


    Did you change and resolution setting?


    Trying to get some ideas before I hit the water the end of Arpil. Going on a 10 day out of Baltimore. Might have one chance to play with setting in Ladabee before we do the St Johns cat in St Thomas.


    The Ump


  12. A few years ago we spent a day post cruise and rented a car from Charlies. When we were departing and clearing customs just made a phone call and they came to the terminal and picked us up, took us to the rental place and we picked out our car for the day. When we were leaving the next day we dropped the car off at their airport location and the shuttled us over to the airport terminal with no problems. So might want to look into them.


    The Ump


  13. Kim,


    The pool is nice and the flowers are really nice. This is where we stopped in Roatan on Christophers tour so Peggy could sit around while I went snorkeling. She didn't get to use the pool since it wasn't part of the package witht the tour but the pool and flowers and all are really nice. We had lunch there and a couple beers but it will always be remember as the place Peggy was looking arouns and admiring the beach and senery and miised the steps and broke her foot.:( Would post a picture but it doesn't seem to work from facebook for me right now.


    The Ump


  14. Had trouble copying picture from Facebook to Cruise critic. Use to just click on the picture in faebook and then paste in cruise critic post but last night was only giving me the http address inside the imp but it never bacame a picture.





    I did set it to f/22 and took a picture of a blank white peice of paper and yes the marks are on htere. So it looks like need some service done to it. Is it best to take to camera shop to have this done?


    The Ump


  15. When taking pictures with a camera and then taking movies with the same camera and lens (Cannon) does it use different mirros or something. Was at the Red Bull Air races and took plenty of pictures and a few movies. On the movies it looks like a few spots and a little line on the frames but on the pictures there isn't any spots or lines (line is a little croked like a string).


    The Ump


  16. Yes,it is hard to get rid of photos. I can not exactly say how many I have on my computer at home, copy on laptop and also on PC at work (major topics). I even go futher as to pre-digital photos, I have boxes and boxes of actual photos. :eek: . Wife keeps saying why don't we throw them out. :eek: I say never know when I might want to look through them all to find a photo of something. :D Just cannot sem to trash the memories.


    The Ump


  17. Just an update on my ring status.


    I finally got my butt in gear and dug out all the information on it (certificate/warranty) and called the number listed on it.


    YOU GET AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM....grrr. I really hate those with a passion and feel so much better when talking to a live person. Then all they do is tell you go to their online web address (which is listed on the certificate) to fill out the form. But their website is super crappy IMO and very immature for a company. It took me a minute to find the form because all they had all over it was their price matching deals...which how would you ever find that same jewelry...please.


    I can tell already that this is going to be a big hassle and a lot of invested time.


    1) You have to send a copy of the certificate they gave you.


    2) You have to send a copy of the actual receipt they gave you with the purchase.


    3) You have to send a copy of your statement showing the on board charge from the cruise line.


    4) You have to let them know how you paid for it (with what type of card) and send a proof of the credit card statement with the charge on it. (I'm now wondering what if I had just done a cash account like I usually do???)


    5) You have to return it in the original packing...remember that ring case that they wasn't going to give me when I was there because I was wearing the ring? Yea, glad I got it.


    6) You have to send you last born child to them for cheap labor.



    Yep, that about sums it up.


    ....Of all days for my printer to break, today would be that day and I can't print any of this stuff out. Sigh.



    Lesson learned....I WILL NEVER PURCHASE JEWELRY OUT OF THE COUNTRY OR ON THE SHIP AGAIN. It's just too much of a hassle and they said 8-10 weeks AFTER they receive it for me to get it back. :mad:


    Sounds like super glue time to me. :D I need to show this to my wife. She wonder why I do not like to buy rings and other jewerly on the curises (besides seom $10 ear rings or watches) they either break down or come up missing. The jewerly fairy comes into our house at night and takes them. :eek:



    The Ump


  18. Well, I have never been to St John and hear it's beautiful over there, but I can't compare it to Coki. We ABSOLUTELY loved Coki. If we go back, we will probably go there again. The snorkeling was just that amazing. I do think it was even better than Sapphire, but Sapphire just had a different atmosphere. Sapphire is absolutely gorgeous and I think it's because of all the natural shade with the grape trees. But Coki is still beautiful.


    We had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS at all at Coki. There was no one that harrassed us. There was no "funny smells" of weed coming from anywhere. Never once did we feel unsafe. Like I said, this place was not at all what I had pictured before I got there, but my mind was at ease the entire time I was there.


    I would HIGHLY recommend it.


    Told ya you would like Coki. And you got to more parts than we did. We didn't make it to the left (far) side. And still waiting to see an ell. :eek: Best part is that the kids and anyone who would not swim out a lot (like my DW) can see a good abbundance of fish in waist deep water.


    The Ump


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