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  1. Hi, I was wondering which camera you chose? :confused


    Right now I have a SeaLife Mini with a 1GB card. But looking to change to something else before next cruise. Camera is good but shutter speed is a little slow when you are trying to take a lot of pictures.


    The Ump


  2. I wonder if there's a time frame since we've been back for almost a week now. Did you say you have to have the insurance in order to claim? Would I just contact Southwest at a 1-800 number or do I have to contact the actual airport? I've never had this problem before and have no idea what to do.




    You're very welcome. It's definitely an added plus to the new ships. We loved it there.


    I think we just called the airlines. Been awhile. We got some amount for the damaged luggage but nothing for the VCR Camcorder we had in the luggage in another case. Eletronics were not covered for damage. Was the last time any time camera was not a cary on for me.


    The Ump


  3. Haha maybe. But they really weren't "that" (crawfish) small. :p


    Maybe they were Long John Silvers Lobster Bites. :D Actually the last cruise we were on in December was the only one that I didn't care that much for the lobster. My Wife could not beleave I only ate 2 tails but they were tough and not that tasty. :( It happens.


    The Ump


  4. Yea, after this cruise my husband was saying how much he was looking forward to our November cruise with just us 3 and how each time it gets worse on every cruise when the daughter and her family come along. Now with the grandson cruising, it's even worse.


    Then I had my sons girlfriend, who stayed in the room with my daughter swearing never to cruise again in a room with Kendra (because all they heard about 30 times a day was Brayden crying) and then Kendra swearing to never cruise again with Courtney (the sons gf) in the room because all she did was whine and complain...sigh. It was never ending.


    Sorry to hear about your issue with the awards John. I guess you just never know what could happen.


    The weird thing is, when we cruised back in the 80's and 90's, our TA would book our entire cruise and flights and we always flew in hours before having to be at the port. I would never dream of doing that now.


    They didn't do anything about the luggage. I didn't think to say anything to anyone. Is there something that can be done with the airline? Or is it only with the travel insurance company?




    Nope, I stopped purchasing it several cruises ago. I always try to give myself a lot of time for the "what if's" and figured if something ever happened, I would just be forced to use the cc for any purchases needed. :o


    I'm almost tempted to start coming in 2 days ahead of time just to give us some relaxation time a day before the cruise.



    once we put a claim in to the airlines about some dammage. Got a little back one some things. But if the damage was done by the airlines (Broken suitcase) they should be able to take care of that.


    The Ump


  5. VickiD59-If this isn't a lesson for anyone thinking there's no reason to fly in a day earlier for a cruise...OMG I'm stressed just reading this!!



    Haha. Isn’t that the truth? Actually the lesson is never travel with extended family if they have a tendency to be late to everyday life. ;)





    We have gone on a couple vacation with family and there is always some type of drama that my wife now says if family going I am staying home. :D Your flight trip sounds like ours last year for an award banquet my company had in New York. I was one of the award winners, the banquet was from 5:30 to 7:30 then time in the casino. Well USA had a mechinal problem and by the time they swithced us around and a couple mor mechinal problems the flying into another city and renting a car we made it to the Casino for the award banquet at 11:45 PM:mad:


    So know how you were feeling.


    Looking forward to the rest. Yours are always interesting no matter how it turned out. :D


    By the way what happened to the luggage and did they do anything for you on it?


    The Ump


  6. Thanks,


    Will check it out but is funny that was able to create a couple photo albums with same number of pictures and save them. So went back to create the next part with same number of pictures. It loads them and lets me make changes till I go to save the project. It is saving them as PSE so wonder if there is a limit to what you can save. I also have been searching sites and do not find exactly the same problem.


    The Ump


  7. Very safe, except for the above mentioned neighborhood, it would be hard to stumble into it by accident though. We really enjoy it.

    As far as your cell phone working, that would depend on your carrier and plan. Last time (Jan 2013) Verizon told me I could text but not call free. Others have said different. I usually just get it in writing a few weeks before the trip. Did you know that Verizon has a cruise ship plan. The plan itself is free but you do have to sign up for it and tell them which ship, and not all ships are on it. You can text for 50 cents to send and 5 cents to receive, I can't remember what calls were per min. But you do have to be out to sea and on the ships router. It is a nice way to keep in touch a few times, esp when the kiddos are back home.


    Verizon, cruise ship plan for text. Hope my wife doen't hear about this one. :D

  8. Trying to use photoshop create for making a photo album of one of our cruises. Lot of pictures working with and made one book with no problems. but now trying to make volume 2, upload pics and can work on them but when I go to save it starts then says cannot save to many files open. not sure why it work the first time now will not.


    Any ideas?


    The Ump


  9. The first cruise we went I bought a couple disposable cameras (Kodak) and the pictures came out great. Only problem is to get them correct had to send the camera off to a lab in Flordia that does special processing (which can be now done with Photo software) but the pictures were really nice. The problem was it cost almost $30 dollars a roll to develope. Next cruise had an underwater digital camera. no cost to develope and can take as many pictures as I want. Which I do, usally get a couple hundred during a 1 hour snokel then use Photoshop to adjust color and all afterward.


    The Ump


  10. You could take a Taxi to Coki Beach. It can get crowed with lots of ships in but is a nice beach with walk in snorkeling and the fish come right up to you. Just walk in and there will be d varity of fish around your legs (looking for a hand out). Then you can snorkel futher out and to the rocks to see sea urchins and other fish. Nice place for beginers since guarantee you wil se fish. :)


    The Ump


  11. Matt,


    The snorkel is like the mouth piece breathing appreatis you use in diving. It allows you to breath wile keeping your face in the the water. Yes if you dive down you have to hold your breath and let out when you come back up. But if you just keep your face and head partly under the water and breath you can see what is going on for a long period of time and not miss something that swims by you when you raise up to take a breath. Some people and kids I know do snorkel without using the sonrkel itself because they just could not et use to using it. But it makes it nice to be able to continually look around the water and reef.


    The Ump


  12. When we wer there in December I think the cab fare from RCCL's port ot Chank was 10 or 12 dollars when we went there just the 2 of us. On the way back we doubled up with another couple and the overall cost was more but spliting the cost made it cheaper. Think we paid 16 back 8 each.


    The Ump


  13. From looking at youtube videos and reading reviews here and on trip advisor, the zip lines at Victor Bodden's don't look to be as scenic or as fast and long. Everyone in our group has ziplined at other places before and we're looking for something more thrilling.


    We're going to go ahead and stick with our private tour with VB and request to go to South Shore….hope there's no problems or attitude with this request! :)


    You might want to check and ask him that exact question. He might not have a contract setup with South Shore if the other is his own or contracted with them. We did South Shore it it was very good. Longer, more senic and more line runs than we saw at Victors place (if it was Voctors Place which we were told). If he will not and you want South Shore check with Christopher's tour or Rony's. We used Christopher's tours and did the zip line, monkey farm and island tour and snorkleing and was very satisfied.


    The Ump


  14. Agree with Steve, was nice snorkeling even though we were there right after a storm came through and water wasn't as clear as normal. But snorkeling is off a peir that you walk out and follow a bottle trail through if you want to go on your own. If you go the the caribbean port post find post by mitsugirly and she has reviews of Maya Key and West Bay in her signatures. Very good reviews and pictures. The other area you can goto in Roatan is West Bay (Infinity Beach and Banarama I think) there you can actually walk into area to the far end and snorkel from the beach.


    The Ump


  15. I might -- but all we have is snow.


    And another snow storm is to move in tonight.


    Krazy, Sorry you missed your cruise. Just wondering were around Pittsburgh you are. A couple pictures you posted look familar. I in Texas now and thank goodness we do not have the snow like you do. But orginall from a little town just north of Morgantown just inside the PA border.


    The Ump


  16. This is the person that responded to my email (I have posted my correspondence below).


    Ana Rojas

    Internet Sales Executive


    [Me:I will be on a Carnival cruise ship the week of December 22, can we (3 adults) just take a cab and pay enterance fee without going through the cruise ship? Also do you off snuba? if so wht is the cost per person[/i]


    1st responce:I would like to inform you that in in our Cozumel, Costa Maya, Anguilla and Tortola, we receive many clients coming from cruise ships. Most of them have their own spaces and deals for sell, also, due to the constant last minute changes the cruise lines have in their itineraries, their clients are fully protected ONLY if they book their dolphin spaces through them. These are some of the reasons why we are not able to book Carnival cruise line passengers directly and we kindly request them to contact their cruise lines in order to make their reservations and check about their kids policies for any of the programs which they handle individually.

    I hope above information helps you to clarify this situation and we invite you to contact your cruise line in order to know their special deals for you.

    My 2nd email: Carnival does not offer a snuba excursion at your facility that is why I emailed you directly. Do you offer snuba? If so I will go to your park on my own and purchase the snuba from your facility.

    Thank you in advance for your response.\

    2nd response:I am sorry to inform you that we do not have the snuba activity in any of our locations.


    I have seen here on CC a photo of a sign and booth for snuba at Chankanaab??? I will try and find it again maybe I can read something on it.



    As I see by your post futher down there is snuba. The reply you got here is from Dolphin discovery and not actually Chankanaab. Haven't read your post on snuba yet but looking forward to it. Have thought about trying it . Have snorkeled and scuba dived but thought about trying the snuba.


    The Ump


  17. Nope, no one mentioned that yet. I was wondering what they were called. I did just now look a mongoose up (even put in Jamaica mongoose) and the pictures I'm seeing "kinda" looks like it, but the pictures on the web, the mongoose has long legs compared to this one. This one had really short legs like a ferret and was really close to the ground. :confused:




    Look up otter. We saw some in Belize so might be what you saw in Jamaica.


    The Ump


  18. Pretty cool effect JPR, and nice capture. Curious - what botanical garden did that display? Might be worth stopping by if it's not too far from me.


    Here are some Christmas tree decoration and ornament closeups from last night:









    Guess who's NOT supposed to be under the Christmas tree? Guess who got caught red-pawed, and knows it:



    As long as he is under the Tree and not in it. :D


    The Ump


  19. Found this in an old camera bag today. Anybody recognize it?







    Actually have about empty 4 rolls I found in by old Minolta 35 SLR bag. Thought about using them up but couldn't find a battery for it at Best buy without ordering one. Sometimes I miss the old guy. Always like the pictures I got with it. But do not miss the cost to develope.:D


    The Ump


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