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Posts posted by Adawn47

  1. Morning.

    Well after tossing and turning for a couple of hours I finally gave in and got up at 3.40am. It's my worst night's sleep since the hot weather arrived. 

    I've put a load of washing in, updated the accounts book.sorted the shopping list for next week and I'm now sitting with coffee listening to the birds and watching the sunrising. A little light cloud with blue skies appearing and a pleasant 17c. A lovely time of day. 

    If the day turns out to be as pleasant as it seems I  shall have a nice nap in the garden later on today.

    i hope no-one reads this beause you're still asleep.



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  2. 1 hour ago, Caullkhead said:

    The fog has finally cleared now here, fairly warm, but definitely not hot! Just come in from doing some weeding. Today is our 31st Wedding Anniversary so tonight we’re off to a local pub for a meal ( one that’s not showing football! Had enough of that for a bit 😏

    Many congratulations to you both on your Wedding Anniversary🥂


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  3. 54 minutes ago, kalos said:


    Ours are packed into weekly flexi packs and then sent by van to our house so 

    even if they did get a vending machine ...

    But wait !!!!!!!!!   They could always knock on the door and say .." Code please "😬

    We have a lovely small local pharmacy that deliver our meds for us. Very reliable. We began using them during covid and they just kept on delivering them afterwards. Mine are in a small bag and Frank's are in a large paper sack.😉



    • Haha 3
  4. 35 minutes ago, lincslady said:

    I only really like temperatures between 18 and 24, so most of the time too cold or too hot.  Mostly cold, obviously.

    We're all different aren't we? I know sometimes our tolerance to certain temperatures is due to health or medication, but not always. Even as a child I hated the cold and still do   I never understood the enjoyment of playing around in the snow. 🥶                                     

    I wonder if it has anything to do with our ancestry. If you like the cold then you may have Norwegian (Viking) ancestors for instance🤔

    No,probably not😏, but I'm just relaxing and lounging around musing about anything and nothing.

    I hope everyone has had a lovely day.


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  5. We're avoiding the sun until later on. It was lovely this morning when I was hanging the washing out. I've just been outside to check the temperature and it's reading 30c and that's in the shade. Not much of a breeze either so we'll wait until later and stay inside where it's cooler.

    I'm not complaining about the weather mind you, merely adjusting😁.

    Keep Cool and Carry On☺️



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  6. 5 hours ago, brian1 said:

    Morning all,big Deja vu moment.All packed,off to PI LGW tomorrow for 7am flight Monday to Bulgaria.7 day AI beach holiday courtesy of our compo from TUI with enough left over for half of a 7 day Marella cruise in July including Istanbul,big tick off our bucket list.If there is a Black sea tsunami or anything else you guys will be the first to know.

    Have a great holiday bro and keep dry😉


    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, P&O SUE said:

    Morning all, got back from Britannia yesterday. We had a good time but the weather wasn’t the best! We had dull/overcast/rainy weather most mornings but by sailaway it was usually sunny.

    As soon as we got on we were told Santander was replaced by Vigo! Weren’t really given a reason 🤷‍♀️ I was disappointed as I had an interesting sounding excursion booked there for an early Gaudi place.

    We decided to book an excursion at Vigo called ‘Gardens, Castles and wine tasting’ which was very enjoyable.

    Anyway here are a few pics 









    I'm pleased you had a good time Sue. You look so relaxed and I'm sure it's done you the power of good.


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  8. 15 hours ago, Peppers mum said:

    Hello everyone, we are currently in the Premier Inn Newbury South prior to joining Aurora tomorrow. She's the only ship in the current fleet that we haven't been on so I'm very excited!

    Julie x

    Aurora is our favourite ship. If you love classic cruising on a 'proper' comfortable cruise ship, you're in for a treat. I'm jealous.

    I hope you have a wonderful cruise.


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  9. Morning everyone, and what a fabulous morning it is too🌞

    I spent most of yesterday dead-heading roses, cutting down the dead flowers from the Geums and Red-hot Pokers and drastically cutting back an overgrown Rosemary shrub that had been overtaking the corner of the garden. I've discovered muscles I never knew I had, but on the plus side, my BP is better than it's been for months 132/46👍

    I have to admit I'm ruled by the weather. When it's wet and miserable, then so am I, but when the sun comes out the real Avril emerges😁

    @kalos How's Mrs K this morning kalos? improving I hope under your TLC.

    Re:- dogs on ships. P&O allow service dogs on board their ships however, they have to provide medical proof that they are needed, and wear a service dog harness when not in the cabin. That was what we were told when we asked about it for a friend who was interested in cruising. I was a few years ago now so it could have changed.

    Well the pots and baskets are watered, the breakfast table is laid and I shall make another coffee and sit outside until his highness surfaces.

    Enjoy this wonderful day everyone whatever you're up to, whether on land or sea, and take care.x



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  10. 1 hour ago, kalos said:

    Went to bed 2am hoping for a lie in but still woke up to a lovely morning at 7am.

    Lets hope England play at a lively pace like Scotland did and I agree they

    deserved more out of the game last night .

    Mrs K is feeling a bit tender this morning . Yesterday she decided to clean the

    hoover out and for some reason decided to put the hoover pipe down on the 

    kitchen floor where she could trip over it ,which I must admit she did perfectly

    as she went down like a sack of spuds after a short flight across the floor.


    I have pointed out if she wants to be a flying witch then she needs a broomstick

    as hoovers don't work that well.

    This morning she feels a bit sore but no real damage done to herself or the hoover.

    Took her a morning cuppa and told her to have a lie in as she didn't sleep that well.


    Hope everyone has a good day- Take care 🙂



    I hope Mrs K is feeling better soon kalos. It's not just the bruising, but falling really shake's you up as you get older. We don't bounce as well as we used to.

    I hope she's up and about soon and give her our best.🤗

    Take care both of you.x

    Avril and Frank

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  11. 7 minutes ago, kalos said:


    Glad to read they have took it down as it was very intrusive but as I surf via Google

    chrome a lot , I went into settings and took away permission for CC to use pop ups

    in future .

    I didn't know about that kalos. I use Google chrome all the time so I'll (no I'll rephrase that), I'll ask my grandson😉, to look into that.

    I have an adblocker on so I did wonder how that particular pop up kept coming on.🤔



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    • Haha 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

    My sister has a neurology appointment today for a brain scan to follow up after her brain bleed, she is hoping that she will get the go ahead to start driving again.  My OH who likes to live dangerously told her last night she couldn't drive before the bleed so it will be an improvement if she can drive now.

    Men can be so diplomatic at times can't they?🙄

    To be honest though Josy, that's the kind of remark that would cheer me up, but then I have a weird sense of humour.😉

    Or maybe I'm just plain weird🤪

    I hope your sister gets the all clear from the hospital today Josy.


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  13. 22 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

    I have tried everything that I can think  of and I am still getting the very annoying pop-up grrrrrrrr

    I think CC may have taken notice of the complaints. Earlier on last night when I tried to log in the site was 'updating'. I logged in later and that annoying pop up had gone. 🥳



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  14. 2 hours ago, Eddie99 said:

    I keep forgetting to welcome Megabear’s new family arrival.  So - no more forgetting, welcome to the world Remy 


    Is anyone else being plagued by a large pop-up competition advert?  It’s annoying me - I’ll have to research how to zap it (perhaps I should ask zap???)

    Yes!!! and it's bloomin' annoying🤬. I know there's an x to remove it, but I enlarge the cc page and have to keep reducing the page, x it off and then enlarge the page again every single time. I've unsubsribed to CC but that doesn't work. I've asked my grandson, and he says there's no way to knock it off permanently. I also have an ad blocker on.


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  15. 23 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

    I thought the BMI/height to weight metric has been discredited by now.  

    This was said to him just 7 months ago, so if it has been discredited, nobody told his doctor.

    As to the question about informing the rugby team they are obese?

    Hmm, now let me think🤔....................

    I'll pass on that, thank you anyway😬


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  16. 15 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

    Why are doctors so obsessed with weight ?

    I was told to gain weight before having surgery for a knee injury caused by running, after the surgery I gained weight because I couldn't run or walk long distances for several months and the same surgeon then told me at a check-up to try to lose half a stone, I was 8 st and size 10 at the time so not obese.

    I know weight is important, but they are taking it too far now imo. Our eldest Grandson who is 38 hasn't an ounce of fat on him. He has the build of a rugby player, eats a very healthy diet, doesn't drink or smoke, weight trains at the gym 3 times a week and goes on long cycle rides every weekend. He was told by a hospital doctor that according to his height/weight numbers he was obese.😏



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