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Posts posted by Adawn47

  1. 5 hours ago, lincslady said:

    Good morning from a fellow member.  My laptop is going slow, I think it I bunged up with stuff so I think if I switch it off and leave for a while it will come back up to speed.  We will see.  Normally leave it on sleep - wish I could do the same for myself!

    I used to leave mine on sleep too until my grandson told me that's the worst thing to do. I should shut it down every night to give the software time to sort itself and do any upgrades, otherwise it gets clogged up with rubbish, slow down and will eventually ''spazz out'' his words😏

    I also had a habit of leaving it on charge, even though it was fully charged, which I'm told is a big no no and the fastest way to ruin the battery. 

    So now I do as I'm told😇


    • Like 7
  2. 42 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

    You hadn’t even drunk the tea and it frightened your blood pressure down.😀 that’s excellent news re the healthy reading.


    I’m a great believer in natural remedies (along side good old GP prescribed medication).


    I take dandelion tea with me if we go to hot countries as I tend to swell a bit in the heat and it’s a fantastic (gentle) natural diuretic.


    I also love matcha green tea but only drink the organic variety, ceremonial grade. I never liked it as it always had a residue until I found a modern gizmo for mixing which cuts out the faff and makes a cup with no glup left at the end. I have little Japanese cups to sip it from. It’s a once a day thing as it has a lot of caffeine but also a lot of healthy antioxidants.


    The thing about all these teas is that they make you sit down and properly chill while sipping them. There is a mindfulness about it as an activity and I sometimes wonder if that has as much impact on my BP as the tea does. That said the hibiscus definitely knocked it down a bit, hope it does the same for you.

    I think finally getting off my bum, doing a little exercise and stopping feeling  so sorry for myself did the trick.

    One of my BP meds is Indapamide so I don't think a natural deuretic  would be wise.

    My favourite tea is Chrysanthemum,but it's a pain to prepare. I tried looking for bags, but no joy.


    • Like 2
  3. Good afternoon.

    We've been pottering in the garden for most of the afternoon, it's been a pleasant day.

    I checked my BP berore I went and it was still high,187/98.

    I planted up some tubs with stocks that have been waiting to be done for over a fortnight, and then we put in six lavender bushes to make a lavender bed, hoping it will help reduce some of the weeding jobs.

    I iook my BP when i came in and it's now a lovely 134/68...YES!!!!!!!

    I'm now having a cup of @Eglesbrech's hibiscus tea, which is quite nice. A slightly sharp earthy flavour, but very refreshing.

    The weather tomorrow is not so good so I might do some baking to keep positive.

    Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner tonight so I'd better shake myself and get the sauce cooking.

    I hope you all have a lovely evening.


    • Like 12
  4. 10 minutes ago, lincslady said:

    Thanks, Avril.  Yes, I am on candesartan too, but now also a beta blocker and blood 'thinner' having been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation - awaiting an echocardiogram, 7 months waiting list.  My bp is always fine at home, and not too bad at the GP, but I just got really anxious in what felt like an A and E atmosphere; silly me.  And yes, 140/70 or even up to 80 is considered acceptable for the over 70s.  I hope the hibiscus tea is a help; sounds interesting.  I don't usually think much about it, just take bp at home about once a week, as apart from very occasional rapid beats no real symptoms.  We are lucky actually that there are drugs which help so much, many years ago we might not even be here!

    BP numbers vary  with whomever you speak to.

    My gp says average numbers for our age group is 140/70, the doctor who dealt with Frank while in hospital says 150/80 and the health visitor who came to see Frank after he was discharged says 160/80🤔

    However, my BIL spent 14 months on various BP meds trying to raise his BP to an 'acceptable' level, only for them to realise he has a naturally low BP.🙄

    So who can say what a 'normal' reading for any one person should be?😁 





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  5. @lincslady

    I've have had problems with my BP since I was 34 (thanks mum)🙄, and have been on various BP meds since 1987.   The beta blocker type are bad for me as I feel like I'm wading through treacle. I've settled now on Candasarten, an ace inhibitor, for quite a few years now, although the dosage has increased over time. My GP says 140/70 is ok for me.

    I've had these occasional blips over the years during some difficult times but always get over it🤞

    Your experience with the 200/100 is why I monitor at home, as that's what happens with me when I have it taken at the GP's. Strange that I should develope 'white coat syndrome' after all these years🤔

    Certain Thai Chi movements which I'm doing help to lower my BP and I shall try @Eglesbrech recommended Hibiscus tea when it arrives today. 


    • Like 7
  6. 34 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    I am sorry to hear you are feeling low at the moment but I understand you don't want to increase your meds unnecessarily.

    Hopefully chatting on here helps you and maybe a cruise would really help you and Frank.

    Chatting on here does help Graham, although at the moment I'm doing more reading and reacting than chatting. ☺️


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  7. 32 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    Sorry to hear your BP hasn't been to good recently Avril.

    Does your doctor think an increase in your Med's might help?.

    It doesn't have anything to do with the meds Graham, it's me. I'm so low at the moment and not sleeping very well.😕 Once, or if, summer arrives and I can spend more time in the garden I'll be fine. I'm loathe to increase my BP meds just for a  quick fix. This happens sometimes and always corrects itself eventually, I just have to be careful.🙂



    • Like 12
    • Thanks 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, Beckett said:

    Thanks for the RS1 recommendation Avril. It's so much more comfortable than the arm cuff - aand despite the football my numbers are good.

    You're welcome Jane and I'm pleased it works well for you. I'm always wary about recommending anything because what suits one doesn't suit all.

    Being able to sit comfortably when taking your BP can make all the difference to the numbers. Unfortunately mine haven't been so good recently😕


    • Like 7
  9. Just now, grapau27 said:

    Thank you Avril.

    Sorry to hear about your mam's strokes.

    I bought my arm monitor in 2015 and still use it.

    Pauline's late mam's wrist monitor kept giving low readings when I used it.

    Thank you for the information though as the wrist monitor is much easier to use.


    There's a certain way to use them and if your arm isn't in the correct posution it will give a false reading. I think that's why some don't find them accurate. It all comes down to what you're happier using. If you're not feeling comfortable you can't. relax then your BP will go up, so defeating the object really😉


    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, grapau27 said:


    The wrist bands are cheaper and much easier to use but are not as accurate when I used one.

    Wrist monitors and arm monitors are the same price range. it depends on which you prefer and are more comfortable with. Omron have been clinically tested.

    I tested the readings with my GP over a six week period and he was satisfied the  Omron wrist monitor, when used properly, is accurate.

    My Mum had a lot of small seizures for a long time before she had a final massive stroke, so I have to careful when monitoring my High BP. If my GP is satisfied then so am I☺️


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, sagaris said:

    Thank you Avril, Angel57 and Kalos. I looked on Amazon and the Omron RS1 is a good price, but I thought I would check first to see if that was the right one.

    Molly (long time lurker and occasional poster)😁

    The RS1 is fine. It does what you need, it measures your BP. There are some with all the bells and whistles, but why pay more for something you don't need😁

    Simply follow the instructions and you're away.

    I hope your numbers stay low😉 and let us know how you get on.


    • Like 6
  12. 50 minutes ago, sagaris said:

    This is a bit of a random question😊.

    My doctor has asked me to do blood pressure readings via a monitor borrowed from the surgery (they have non in!!). I remember reading about a wrist monitor (the arm one is so painful😪) that I think Avril uses but can't find the post. If you are reading this Avril I would be grateful if you could help.




    Hello Molly.

    The wrist monitor I use is Omron. The make is widely used and recommened by many doctors, including my own, who trusts my readings using that monitor.

    You can buy them on Amazon, where they have a number to select from, as well as chemists. Just buy whichever you're comfortable with. 

    Amazon have some deals on at the moment with next day delivery.


    • Like 3
  13. 5 hours ago, kalos said:

     You/we are on a higher price cap this month but tomorrow they alter to a lower cap,

    hence cheaper,so if it was me yes and then go back to your normal payment .

    I wonder how many folk will tell you they have a smart meter (That works)

    so they do not have to do this 😄

    I've done it kalos, thank you.

    We've had this conversation about smart meters before you and I, and are both of the same mind.😉


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  14. 6 hours ago, kalos said:

    Morning bright dazzling sunshine with 11.c on this last day of June.

    I will be doing our energy meters this morning as a new lower price

    cap comes into play tomorrow, don't want to be charged on the higher rate.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    Our meter reading was done and bill paid on the 23rd June. Should I do it again kalos?

    Not a bright dazzling sunshine day here I'm afraid. Another dull cool damp day, 13c but definitely feels more like 10c. Maybe a better day tomorrow🤞


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  15. 15 minutes ago, Splice the mainbrace said:

    I did a car insurance comparison last night to see what I could get after my £410 LV renewal quote and I could get it for £245 from Swintons but there is a £275 RAC 5 star defaqto policy quote which looks good. I’ve been with LV for many years, never had to use them for claims though, and they are a good company but being nearly 50% more needs thinking about.

    Don't these car insurance companies reduce prices now for loyal customers that have no claims? We haven't needed car insurance for some time now so I'm not up to date with it any longer.


    • Like 2
  16. Good morning.

    It was much cooler last night and I slept very well, apart from the occasional trip across the landing that is😉

    It's cloudy and breezy here at the moment and a cool 12c. It isn't forecast to be higher than 16c, so just nice for gardeing. It's been too hot to do anything so the jobs have built up. I have enjoyed the lounging about though😁

    I hope you all have an enjoyable day whatever you're up to, whether on land or sea.x


    • Like 11
  17. 2 hours ago, Eddie99 said:

    We woke at 4.36 precisely, when him indoors, dreaming about driving two cars at once (🙄), knocked over his water glass 🙄.  Of course, there was no further sleeping after the mopping up


    Much cooler & more liveable this morning.  Even clouds






    If he'd been driving one of those during the night he could have swept you out of the bed😁


    • Haha 5
  18. Morning.

    Well after tossing and turning for a couple of hours I finally gave in and got up at 3.40am. It's my worst night's sleep since the hot weather arrived. 

    I've put a load of washing in, updated the accounts book.sorted the shopping list for next week and I'm now sitting with coffee listening to the birds and watching the sunrising. A little light cloud with blue skies appearing and a pleasant 17c. A lovely time of day. 

    If the day turns out to be as pleasant as it seems I  shall have a nice nap in the garden later on today.

    i hope no-one reads this beause you're still asleep.



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