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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I can't tell you exactly, but I found it very difficult to find a balcony cabin with shower only as there were very few, they mostly have shower over the bath. The grade we have is GD/balcony. If you look on P&O's website for the deck plans of Aurora you will find all the cabins have symbols, and a chart of symbol meanings. You should be able to find what you need on there, or you can always call customer service, which is what I had to do. I hope this is of some help. Avril
  2. Snap!! My daughter has just opened her card from her son. The front has a picture of an airfryer and reads 'I love you more than you love your airfryer' Avril
  3. I've had a similar issue with Amazon and did the same as you, looked into my account. It wasn't there so the number was blocked and I ignored it. I also have an Amazon number that connects to a real person if I'm still unsure. Nothing like the 'belt and braces' approach Harry. Avril
  4. I only have the one bro bro, and he's unique. I couldn't possibly confuse him with anyone else.๐Ÿ˜‰ Sis
  5. I thought eveyone had the same same password - 'Password' ๐Ÿค” On a serious note though, I never reply to anything I don't recognise, even a message or email from the bank with the correct details, I always phone the bank and check with them first. I use a reverse directory site to check any numbers that aren't in my contacts list too and block them if need be. I know it may seem a little OTT, but you can't be too careful nowadays. Avril
  6. If she's feeling a little down though, it might give her a lift for a while๐Ÿ˜Š Avril
  7. Me too, but don't tell anyone, I'm trying to keep it quiet๐Ÿคซ Avril
  8. I'm not envious at all sitting here on a dismal, damp 7c morning.๐Ÿ˜Š Nope, not envious at all.๐Ÿ˜ Much.๐Ÿ˜‰ Enjoy your sunshine, Sunshine. Sis
  9. It must be the time difference between the north and south of England. Avril
  10. The same here, but only a thin covering. I had expectrd more because it had begun to snow when I went to bed at 11pm. It won't last long as the sun is now out. We had the full range of weather in one day yesterday. warm sunshine, followed by winds, hail, rain and ending wth snow. At least it helped the forecasters to get some of the weather right for once.๐Ÿ˜ Take care and keep warm. Avril
  11. I guessed Border Collie because of her colouring. We had a Border Collie with the same coloured markings. Her size doesn't show in the picture. She's a beauty with the most soulful and loving eyes. Avril
  12. Oh my word what a beautifil dog. Border Collie? Avril
  13. @grapau27 My very best wishes to Pauline for a wonderful birthday. I hope you spoil her Graham, she's a special lady.๐Ÿ’ It's my sisters birthday too. She's 82 today. Avril
  14. Thank you for the photos bro,I'm really enjoying them, even the usual upside down ones๐Ÿ˜‰. Keep them coming and enjoy the rest of your journey. Take care. Sis
  15. I've found Morrisons on line have had a much more reliable supply of veggies and eggs than Asda recently. They've always had a choice of tomatoes, peppers, romaine lettuce, asparagus etc, and also large free range eggs that Asda haven't had for weeks now, so I split my weekly shop and Asda deliver on Tuesday and Morrisons on the Wednesday. Neither of us can drive now, so it's the best solution for me. The delivery charges are much cheaper than a taxi and no carrying heavy shopping. I've also found that buying some items on Amazon is also cost effective, the coffee we like is much cheaper and they have a wide range of cooking ingredients too. Avril
  16. They are fully paid up members of the 'Can't Happen To Me Brigade' ๐Ÿ™„ Avril
  17. Unfortuately not lincslady. I've been up since 4.20am. This perishing knee will not let me rest. A beautiful snow scene this morning, very peaceful. No traffic and the buses are cancelled, but the brave birds managed a short little song earlier. Avril
  18. A little overcast here and a very nippy -1c with snow forecast for today and tomorrow. It's hiberation time again, the perfect excuse to sit in the warm with my feet up, a good book, chatting on CC with a hot coffee by my side.๐Ÿ˜Š Have a good day all, keep warm, and take extra care if you need to be out and about.x Avril
  19. @binman2 I was sorry to read of your diagnosis yesterday, and hope everything goes well for your recovery. Having read davecttr's post to you, I'm quite sure it will, and that you can continue to enjoy many more cruises. My very best to you and take care. Avril
  20. I keep getting e.mails, messages and letters too. They've even resorted to telling me that the electicity meter is old and needs replacing, so they will do it free and install the smart meter at the same time. Funny that. We had an complete rewire and electrical upgrade, including replacing the old meter, 4 years ago๐Ÿ˜. Things don't last as long as they used to anymore do they?๐Ÿค” I hope nobody falls for that one. Avril
  21. I don't have a smart meter, less stress that way๐Ÿ˜‰ Avril
  22. What a beautiful sentiment. It will be 32 years this August since Dad died and and 29 years in September my Mum, but even though the pain has gone and the tears can still come, the memories and love always remain. Thinking of you today @grapau27x Avril
  23. I don't like regular tea either, but love Chrysanthemum or Jasmine tea. I am however a coffee fiend, the stronger the better, a little milk, no sugar. Lovely๐Ÿคญ Avril
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