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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. Sorry you're so feeling unwell Eglesbrech and I hope you begin to feel better soon. It really is a stinker this particular virus that's doing the rounds lately. Our covid tests are negative too. All I want to do is sleep and be left alone to feel sorry for myself. I'm over the chills and sore throat and now into the bunged up and coughing stage. The whole house smells of Olbas Oil. Mum would say a cold is 3 days coming, 3 days with you and 3 days going. I hope she's right, but this is day 5, so I don't think she is.😒 Take care. Avril
  2. You're still a young pup Jean. I'll keep reminding you, don't worry. Avril
  3. My cousin who is 89 refers to me as a young pup, so at 76 I'm happy with that. Avril
  4. Better than my way. Running outside. screaming like a banshee and terrifying the neighbours as well as the cat😱 Avril
  5. Just incase you feel peckish later? Avril
  6. Happy Valentines Day everyone💕 Not a very good start with frost, thick fog and 1c., but........ 🎵' I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm'🤗 I hope you all have a lovely day. Avril
  7. Well now that's a first. I've just had a chat with Professor Google and it's really self explanatory when you think about it.🤔 Am a reight barmpot🙄 Avril
  8. Two things that confused me when we came to Barnsley. Mash the tea and mend the fire. Potatoes are mashed and the fire wasn't broken.🤔 Avril
  9. I think it has something to do with the Forces, but I could be wrong🤔 Avril
  10. Snap is the common word for a packed lunch here in Barnsley. I've also heard it called a pack-up but not often. A couple more are wagging it - playing. truant from school and bray - to hit something or someone. Avril
  11. Thinking back to my youth I don't think our make-up ideas were much better.. Back combed hair, lacquered to within an inch of it's life, pale foundation, black pencilled in eyebrows giving an astonished look, black eyeliner, thick black mascara, and glossy pink lipstick. The difference being, we made do with what we were born with. The thought of having things surgically altered or botox injected into my face fills me with horror 😖 Avril
  12. A beautiful morning here too. It's lovely to wake up to the birds singing. Not too warm yet, but it was nice to sit (in a fleece) on the bench with my morning coffee, feel the sun on my face and watch the lady blackbird playing tug-of-war with a worm on the lawn. @purpleseaI hope all goes well with the scan for you today Pam, and I'm sure the sun will be back with you tomorrow. @P&O SUELovely photos Sue, the sea looks amazing. I'm pleased you're both having a lovely relaxing break together and to hear your Mum is out of hospital and improving. Have a good day everyone. x Avril
  13. The morning turndown isn't important to us either. It's easy to make the bed, we keep the cabin tidy and don't bath towels in the morning. Maybe the more sensible idea would be to choose a morning or evening turndown service when booking. Avril
  14. We would like to see the return of the turndown service. Not for the chocolates and the actual turndown of the bed, but for clean dry towels and the removal of the the wet ones. Avril
  15. I always turn down the custard zap. It's a horrible ,watery, strange, dark yellow gloop that bears no resemblence to custard at all. Avril
  16. Well good morning everyone at last. I think I had an attack of the CC gremlins yesterday, or maybe it was just the laptop having a sulk. The last post I saw was Phil's picture of the baby and the puppy at 11.45pm Sunday. Not one post at all yesterday and suddenly, there you all are🤔. I thought I'd been sent to Coventry😁 Avril
  17. Strictly Come Dancing is not something we watch, however it looks to have been a fantastic evening, and the upgrade was the cherry on top. I'm pleased you had a wonderful evening Sue and enjoy the rest of your well deserved break together. Avril
  18. I haven't see the new version of Mrs Harris Goes to Paris, but I did watch the early '90's Mrs 'Arris Goes to Paris starring the wonderful Angela Lansbury, she was a fantastic character actress. Avril
  19. You've every right to be optimistic Jane. The hand to mouth action and the nicotine is all you need. Frank says 'If you've come this far without wanting and/or thinking about a cigarette then you're almost there. Come March 2nd we'll celebrate together, your first 6 weeks as a non-smoker and my 4 years. Well done Jane, you should feel proud of yourself'. Avril
  20. @Beckett I'm glad the 'tooting' is going well, I had been wondering but was waiting for you to mention it. Frank didn't like me keep asking how he was doing at first, he said it annoyed him, so I thought I'd err on the side of caution with you. March 2nd it will be 4 years for him without even one thought about a cigarette after the first day. Keep it up Jane. Avril
  21. It doesn't, that's the best way to ruin a good breakfast Phil😬 Now a nice crispy slice of fried bread however...........🤭 Avril
  22. Yes, it's more comfortable and much easier to put on. Fiddling with arm cuff put my BP up before I even started😏 Is your BP any better now you're doing them yourself at home? Avril
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