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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I hope he waits until the weather warms up a bit or he could be out of work sooner than he expectedπŸ˜‡ By 'eck, it's parky out there this morning, -3c here at the moment. It looks pretty though with a blue sky and the sun glttering on the frost. Take care if you're out and about and wrap up well. Avril
  2. We didn't go to any of the islands. We went to Hua Hin, Rayong and of course Bangkok, but Northern Thailand was our regular destination. Beautiful people in a beautiful part of Thailand, and yes, very humid, but we loved it. Avril
  3. Thailand is a favourite place of ours, and have visited many times. Which areas did you visit? Avril
  4. Don't worry about that Jane. We're all behind you on this so report every day if you want to. We''ll support and encourage you as often as you need us. One thing I forgot to mention is, that Frank has never felt any withdrawl symptoms whatsoever and moved on to vaping without a problem, and for a 50+ years, 20 a day smoker that's saying something. Avril
  5. @Beckett I have been reading all the good advice given to about stopping smoking, and it is good advice, so I'll add a lttle of my own. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. Some can be more more addicted than others, or have a will power strong enough to quit unaided. I don't want to presume here Jane, but considering what you have been saying about your recent health, then I think it would be wiser to take the easier and more gentle approach to quitting. Frank had tried to stop smoking a few times over the years, but had bad mood swings and failed. He tried many ways, just stopping dead, one after each meal, reducing the amount of cigarettes, chewing gum, and failed every time, so he stopped trying until he started vaping, and it's working for him. Research well, choose the right way that will suit you and you'll do it. Avril
  6. I have no idea John. Different brands regulate the nicotine content in different ways. Wih the brand Frank and Lisa use, the content strength is measured in mg. The most important thing though is that the nicotine strength they use, however it's measured, keeps decreasing as they go and eventually they get to 0mg or 0%. Good luck to your Granddaughter John. Avril
  7. I'm sorry I didn't make it very clear I should have said started vaping, not stopped. They are still both vaping, but their health has much improved. The best way to do it not to regulate the amount you vape but the nicotine content in the liquid. The strength ranges are 18 mg, 12mg, 6mg, 3mg and 0mg. Lisa began at 12mg and is now down to 3mg. Frank, who had been smoking cigarettes for 50+ years, began at strength 18mg and is now down to 6mg. Don't use the fancy flavours, just British tobacco flavour. It's easier than reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke, it fools the mind if you know what I mean. Research it on the NHS website, that's what I did, it's the safest, easiest and most stress free way to stop smoking. It's not an overnight cure, but if it's working on my ''I'll never stop smoking'' husband then it must be good. Give it a try Jane, you've nothing to lose but everything to gain. Best of luck.x Avril
  8. Doesn't your firm have 'compssionate leave' Sue? they should do. You are entitled to up to 5 days leave in a family emergency. When my Mum was ill the company I worked for were very understanding and allowed me time as and when. I would go above your office manager to ask about this. Check it out on the gov.uk website, it's all on there for you. I hope your Mum improves quickly and is home soon. Be strong, stay positive and more importantly look after yourself. xx Avril
  9. Happy birthday. I hope you're both feeling much better soon and can look forward to a belated birthday celebration . Take care. Avril
  10. I used to smoke and it took a very frightening bronchial asthma attack to stop me. That was 40 years ago. Frank and my youngest daughter still did, and no matter how I tried they couldn't/wouldn't stop. I then looked into vaping, and after some research and a chat with our doctor and with some friends, I decided to try and wean them over to vaping. They took to it straight away and have never given cigarettes a thought since. It will be 4 years at the end of February and they are much healthier. Anyway Jane, the upshot of this blather is, try vaping, it works. Avril
  11. Here's hoping your bloods come back fine Kalos.🀞 Knock on woodπŸ€› Avril
  12. My body hates parting with it's vital fluid and the veins go into hiding as I sit in the chair. I was fed up with coming out bruised and sore after being practised on. I now insist on the fully trained phlebotomist, she has no trouble at all. No longer hearing ''Oops missed again'' giggle giggle.🀬 Avril
  13. @grapau27 I'm so sorry to hear about Sarah, and I know how close you all are. There's nothing much I can add to what others have said, except I hope those injections work as well for her as they did for my daughter. xx Avril
  14. If he only surveyed 100 ladies, then the 1% could be Mrs Kalos and the answer was probably ' Make yourself useful and wash my back' 😊 Avril
  15. I hated that mask bro. Even now, the smell of rubber makes my stomach turn, and yes, Greef was very good dentist. Sis
  16. Thank you Harry. Do you recommend spraying it or placing a little of it in certain areas around the garden?πŸ€”πŸ˜‡ Avril
  17. Oh the heady delights of school days.😬 Avril Ps kalos, I'm now starting to itch😧
  18. That was more embarassment than fear. Give me the Nit Nurse every time. Avril
  19. That has happened to us a couple of times too. One the old chestnut, mini bar items, and the other was a telephone call made before we had even boarded. I questioned both, and was refunded immediately. You would have thought that the number of times this has happened to people over the years that something would have been done about it by now, However, if it makes extra revevue because some don't notice or bother to ask for a small refund then......................... Avril
  20. The two words that struck fear into every child was 'School Dentist' It took years for me to get over the fear of dentists. When I was 28 I found a dentist with the off putting name of Greef. He promised me the only pain he would give me was with his singing and he was true to his word. His singing was dreadful, but he cured my fear of dentists. Avril
  21. I think we still have oneπŸ€” Just checked and it was lifted Dec 6th. Shows what I know.😏 Avril
  22. @P&O SUEI'm sorry your Mum is not too well, but you know we oldies are tougher than we look. Especially the female of the the speciesπŸ˜‰πŸ˜. I hope she's feeling somewhat better today and pass on all the get well wishes from your CC friends.πŸ’ I know it's not easy, but try not to worry too much Sue, she's being well looked after.πŸ€— Avril
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