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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I agree Jean. We have one booked Aurora for Dec 2023 and are begining to wonder now whether to forego the deposit and look elsewhere. It seems the changes made on the new ships will be implemented fleet wide. Avril
  2. That'll teach you to empty your own pockets first Avril
  3. I can understand that one. I had the same problems with Frank being a carpenter/joiner. When we were on our 3rd new machine I decided it was more cost effective to empty his pockets myself. Avril
  4. I don't think she would be that subtle wowzz, she's a Yorkshire lass. Avril
  5. I'm sure it does Phil, it's all the mushy peas😁 Avril
  6. Happy New Year everyone. We had a quiet evening, in bed for 11.15pm but then shaken awake at midnight by the outbreak of WW3, at least that's what it sounded like. I have never heard fireworks so loud that the ground vibrated and the sky lit up like it was daylight. I have a feeling they were display fireworks. I had a busy morning, joint now cooking and veg prepped for tonights dinner, then phoning or face timing with family, something I always do New Year's Day, much nicer to personally wish them a happy new year. I don't nomally make new year resolutions as I always break them and then feel disappointed in myself, but this year I'm turning over a new leaf. After speaking with my sister, 83 years old, 2 cruises last year, 1 coming this March and Aurora booked for 2024, who goes out for a walk every day with my 87 year old BIL, I've realised what a coward I've become, and that I'm stupidly letting life pass me by. So this year I'm stepping back into the world and dragging Frank with me. 1st, the 9lb that crept on since 2020 is going. 2nd, when the weather picks up, we're going into Barnsley to look around the new centre, I'm told it's lovely, and last but not least, I'm going to begin planning for our cruise in December, and also research for next years cruise as well. I hope everyone's 2023 is what you wish it to be, and maybe we will meet sometime on a cruise ship. Avril
  7. A very Happy and Healthy New Year to all posters and lurkers on CC, and a special New Year wish to Sharon for this much needed and important thread. Long may it continue. ✨ HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE🥂 Avril and Frank. xx
  8. I would love to see some photos of the fireworks if you find time. It's been a few years since I last saw that magnificant display. Have a Happy New Year . Avril
  9. Hmm, what a good idea, I never thought of that. Easier and much more fun than trying to lose my own weight.😁 A Very Happy New Year to you and yours. 🥂✨ Avril x
  10. I think it's more pride than stubbornness. Our mind contantly tells us we're 40 years younger than we actually are. At least mine does, but unfortunately the body doesn't agree.😒 Avril
  11. A very good morning Jane😊 Welcome back into the family fold, you have been truly missed. I am so pleased you are posting again. It's understandable how the past few years took it's toll, but being a strong determined lady you fought back and won. Now it's time to concentrate on yourself, your family, your friends, and enjoy your retirement. I'm pleased my post helped in some small way, and will admit that you were in the forefront of my mind when I typed those words. I wish you and your family a very Happy and Healthy New Year Jane, you deserve it and keep posting whether cruising or not. I wish I could give you a real hug, but this will have to do🤗🤗 Avril x
  12. You could have walked there, posted it through his letterbox yourself, stayed for a visit and walked home again in less time.😁 Hypothetically speaking of course😉 Avril
  13. First thing on a morning drinking a coffee and watching the day begin. Most afternoons at sea I'll have a quiet read and my husband likes to draw or do Soduko. Watching the ship arriving or leaving port, and having the occasional breakfast or lunch. We sometimes have a quiet drink before bed, it's beautiful on a night to relax and look at the stars . Having a balcony is very important to us on a cruise. Avril
  14. We've stayed in both and can honestly say, there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever. Arcadia evey time. Avril
  15. Lovely and sunny today but cold and breezy. It's calmed down a lot since the very strong winds we had in the early hours. Any leaves that were still clinging to the trees are now long gone. Our Boxing Day dinner is Bubble and Squeak with cold turkey and pickles, followed by the remaining warmed christmas pudding and Bailey's thick cream. So really a meal of leftovers, but lovely nontheless🤭 Have a good day everyone.✨ Avril
  16. Good morning, and a very Happy Christmas. My inner child is very excited to see what Santa has left under the tree🎄but I shall have to wait until the others surface. Turkey crown in the oven and the vegetables and trimmings ready to go. I'm looking forward to the first King's Speech. I normally record and watch it later, but I shall watch this one live. Enjoy your day everyone, and I hope Santa has been kind to you.🥂 Avril
  17. Good evening my CC family. This will be our third Christmas and New Year celebration together. We've come along way over that time and new members have joined, but some have also sadly left. They are the ones I'm thinking of too and hoping they are well. We have virtually dined together, travelled the world together, laughed, cried, squabbled, forgiven, comforted, advised, been a lifeline for many, and above all we're still friends. I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a heartfelt Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year🥂 Avril and Frank💕
  18. Good old Santa🎅. You must have been a very good boy this year😊 Merry Christmas and happy driving. Avril
  19. I wouldn't say the parenting skills were very poor at all kalos. The word I would use would be nonexistant. Avril
  20. Happy birthday to your daughter, another Christmas birthday. We have one on Sunday the 25th, our youngest grandson. I hope you're feeling better by tomorrow and it's just a 24hr thing. Enjoy your Christmas dinner, lovingly prepared by your personal chef. I'm only a tad envious😉 Avril
  21. Have a lovely time bro, and a Merry Christmas to you both. Sis and Mr Sis😁
  22. We think so John. Frank's pride and joy(apart from me of course😊)was a Bush Arena Hi FI stereo system and the sound quality was beautiful. There is no comparison to the CDs we listen to now, imho. Avril
  23. Perish the thought😲 Unless you happen to like like the mutton dressed as lamb look, which I very much doubt.😉 Avril
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