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  1. Yes, you understood correctly. Onboard purchases will first get deducted from any OBC first until depleted then will start deducting from gift card. Cheers Edit to add: Most (but not all) OBC is use it or loose it. If that is the case you would want the OBC to be used up first. If there is still credit left over on your gift card at the end of the cruise you get that amount put back on gift card. So don’t throw the copy of GC and pass code away.
  2. We don't tip in Europe or any other civilized country that doesn't tip
  3. Yea, those fit Fitbit and not AirTags. Go with the bands that fit AirTags
  4. Ours were given back on cards when we cancelled. It was for an Australia cruise and knew they were not going to open back up during Covid (they were just starting vaccinations there while we already had a second dose here in the US). Anyway, it was a day or two before the cards were loaded back up. We used our TA to take care of everything and it didn’t take long at all. Need to add we canceled before full payment was due. We just applied the gift cards early just to get it out of the way. Cheers
  5. Yes but purchase when boarding (same price). Then deposit you gift card(s) at customer service onboard and they will deduct price of the Plus/Premier that was purchased onboard (along with any additional purchases onboard).
  6. I guess Mr. Google didn’t point me to the updated schedule. We are returning on the Crown on the 27th but looks like our Pier 27 hasn’t changed so hopefully our pickup will not be affected. Cheers
  7. Yes @hobo1937, we would all like to know where that info is listed. All SF official docs state just Pier 27 for Crown and Pier 35 for Grand
  8. Exactly how we have done it, reversed the order and do muster station first then when cabin is open and while unpacking watch the video on the cabin TV 👍
  9. Oh I know its chatter at this point🤣
  10. Welcome! A suggestion is to enjoy reading previous threads on here to learn everything you could want to know about cruising on Princess. As a timesaver tip, only read the first 3 posts under each thread for the answers, All the following posts on a thread is a waste of time 🙂 Cheers
  11. Plan on a half hour. Distance is not that much, it's the traffic. To @jacketwatch, just a friendly tip, do not use the term "San Fran" when you get here 🙂 See you onboard!
  12. You explained the process perfectly😊👍 Much better than my response of “it’s going to take a hell of a lot more time than 1 month to get it all straiten out”😊 Cheers
  13. Did they pitch you about a great deal in future cruises or Princess Promotions? If so, then it’s an outside company trying to get your money (wouldn’t call it a scam but, would stay far away from thinking about it) Cheers
  14. Only accessible suites on Enchanted I could find is R616 and S309. There are other accessible balcony, ocean views, and interior cabins. Cheers
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