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Everything posted by dcbiker97

  1. Also, either they increased the cover for dinner, or are starting to add gratuity. It had been $30pp for dinner since Luminae began. On our November cruise, I was charged $35pp. We had tons of nonrefundable OBC so I didn’t ask why the extra.
  2. I do this as well. Super easy. Hardest part is remembering to get your friends birthdate ahead of time Just make sure they clear out your TA as they will use your TA in your friend’s reservation. I made this mistake once and they copied over my big box TA and our friends didn’t have a membership. Took a bit to move it. If you tell them to leave it blank, your friends will be able to move it to their TA of choice.
  3. I seemed to recall the tasting was $75 and we received a voucher to have them shipped home for free. (This was several years ago) I will say that I really enjoyed the class. I also enjoyed the glasses until they broke. Even with hand washing, I managed to break 3 over the course of a year. While they are nice, I can’t justify replacing them at that breakage rate. They are very fragile so just be aware of what you’re getting.
  4. Thanks. Yeah I was thinking the first. But we do want to go back to the ship and shower etc. Will check out your recommendations. Thanks.
  5. Love to hear recommendations for dinner in Aruba as we will be in port until 11pm. We will be spending the day at Reflexions and then would like to head out to a nice dinner. Cuisine and view aren’t as important as an overall nice experience.
  6. Avoid the Riu. We went and it was a horrible experience all around. Chair hogs that make cruise ship hogs look like amateurs. Their liquor is below well quality and most are poured out of bottles with masking tape listing what they are. The food was also of low quality. The pool was nice though. Based on some recommendations, we are trying Reflexions when we go in April.
  7. You’ll need to order off the standard breakfast menu. If there is something specific you want though, you can always discuss it with your butler in advance. Also, ymmv depending on your suite level (they will be much more flexible with a PH than a SS)
  8. On this last cruise I had a devil of a time getting it. Probably 10 tries. Finally got the suite concierge to handle, which he did. Then just last week, I submitted online for three upcoming cruises and get credits within two days of submitting! I swear the process 10 a day and throw the rest in the trash. No rhyme or reason.
  9. Same here. I always just assume they are making a Christmas stocking for whomever they are asking about. I have zero interest in knowing in advance. Not like we can ask for a substitute. Same thing for captains. If they can get me from point a to b without hitting something, I’m good with that.
  10. No worries. Good beer is important. Though I would be it varies shipment to shipment.
  11. I’m sorry that a report from four weeks ago was insufficient.
  12. We were on last month and some items were not available such as dessert wines. Zacapa was available at the world class bar because I had a number of the Zacapa old fashioneds. But we never went without a drink or plenty of great food.
  13. I read the the statement differently because it has a second clause, “Subject to restriction,” that you did not mention. Prescriptions are medicines that are subject to restriction. Better to always check yes and it is easily explained if asked.
  14. After thinking more we have moved our arrival and will be doing this pre cruise then have a relaxing day in the return to Athens. We are using PK travel for all of our transfers and tours. They’ve been mentioned here before and get good reviews but we have not actual experience with them yet other than that they are very good at getting back to you.
  15. That’s what we did for our trip to Australia last month. I’m addition. we declared the medications on arrival and got sent to a secondary immigration officer who asked why we were sent over. We indicated we had prescription medications and he sent us on our way.
  16. We will be overnighting in Alexandria in October. Ramses' responses have been extremely slow and I am looking at other options and thinking of using another highly recommended tour guide that is not Ramses Tours. On Ramses' website they indicated that they are the only tour company that picks up inside the port and that everyone else has to pick up outside. How big of a deal is this? Is it worth going with them for that very reason? Thanks
  17. Thanks everyone. For a bit of clarification, we will have a day and a half in Athens before the cruise. We are traveling with friends who are departing the day of the cruise so we are doing the basic Athens touring before the cruise. At the end of the cruise, we will have that full day as we depart to go home the next morning. So far, you’ve given me lots to think about.
  18. We will be spending several days pre cruise doing the normal tourist sites in Athens. In addition, we will have a full day when we get back to do another day of sightseeing. I want to get outside of Athens and our tour guide has suggested two different itineraries. I would appreciate some advice on which one you would pick. 1. Ancient Corinth, Canal, Mycenae, Nafplion or 2. Delphi & The Monastery of Osious Lukas
  19. Following up on my prior posts. I submitted the request with the correct and requested information at least 3 more times (cruise info and date and stock broker statement showing 100 shares sent via email, fax, and web form) before the cruise. I think I submitted 10 requests over 3 months. And no response. Fast forward to the cruise. I asked the Suite concierge to check into it for me. Within 2 hours I had the shareholder credit posted to my account. I swear that the shareholder OBC folks shoreside process exactly 10 requests a day and then delete all others. I can’t believe that there’s any other explanation. LOL. I have another cruise in April that I will be submitting for. Wish me luck.
  20. I ask for Sriracha, which they’ve always had on my various cruises.
  21. Yes. Spend the extra to get nice Bose or AirPod, or Sonys. You pay for what you get.
  22. A bottle of champagne is in the room when you arrive, which the butler will swap out for a bottle of wine. I should probably have been a bit clearer in that the only time the butler has brought additional champagne bottles was for parties we throw in the room. We don’t ask for them other times. Again, they probably aren’t supposed to, but most will. Just do not get upset if they stick to the rules,
  23. Just a few observations. I would list the times you want your coffee in the morning to be delivered. I don’t recall seeing pineapple juice around the ship, but it very well could be a mixer for alcoholic drinks so the butler may be able to get it that way. You may get charged for the Veuve since it’s a higher end champagne. We have found that the butler will provide prosecco or the Celebrity branded champagne at no charge. Your mileage may vary as to how many bottles of champagne over the one that’s already in the room they will bring. Technically it’s extra, but some butlers will and some won’t.
  24. Agree. Depending on what they are showing, it won’t be as quiet up there as it once was. Last time we were in they showed a football game so it got quite loud with all the folks cheering. Not saying that’s a bad thing, but just need to be aware of what you may get. Other times it was completely quiet.
  25. It’s about 50/50 for us. Sometimes we have been charged the incremental amount and sometimes not. I have a feeling that it’s a matter of different servers doing things maybe to try to get a better tip or not wanting to do the extra work to charge. I don’t say anything and just pay if they do charge. I bet they are supposed to charge.
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