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Everything posted by Roel94

  1. They were never on the whole cruise. The booklet explain we had two guest entertainers. the piano player went home after her contract ended ir she added days, we were thrilled when that Keith person left. we had filling for days. All types of people who could play and not sing. Finally Martin did a set and To y and Christine did three hours. We were very lucky there. all part of cruising life.
  2. Silly me I went And ate inside Abd had a great NYE meal. my problem is this.on Quest and Pursuit the front page of Insider had the crew drill in big enough letters you knew when it was. Also the Insider on other ships made sure the Christmas buffet or NY Day was told on front page or second page, not everyone reads back page. We waste to much space in lunch special or theme for DJ And forget the important things.
  3. Toni you are being a lady. Not sure how he landed here but kept the bar empty.
  4. Hve you looked at private and joining ship in another port
  5. Roel94

    No beach bags

    Always wad..Not the on,y cruise line missing bags. we also got pens. greykey card holder ..seems to blend nicely with grey in carpets. bag is still blue
  6. I got rum or vodka but there so much to choose from. I get extra water.there are no bottles. Makes me crazy
  7. Roel94

    No beach bags

    Pad out must. E British as he added four songs. both Christine and Tony plus cast plus singer from Sunshine band sung last. Night. They on doing longer for NYE.
  8. Roel94

    No beach bags

    I am sorry but Martin is now the CD.His 3.5 stripes says CD.
  9. I thought you could pre order anything in MDR. Also about the salt…I totally agree about salt,I like spice or herbs not salt. most of us have to watch our salt intake. went to Greek Night in Windows..naturally nkt the real things but very well done.Food was hot.
  10. Still in Aqualina on a bowl of pasta. I will not touch it.
  11. Roel94

    No beach bags

    I said I bring my own from home.but have used ships..also leave on ship. I keep my key card card holder as I used for credit cards.
  12. Roel94

    No beach bags

    I doubt it ruin the cruise but most of us use them going to the beach etc
  13. He is the CD and does a great job.loved him in Sept and he is doing his job and the ast CDjob who is home. Plus a former cast member here doing just about anything that needs doing in office to trivia to… we will be just fine ..
  14. Well, the full me up and I had four out of six. You missed great lobster
  15. Well, it an easy way to make money but even better place to use some OBC along with spa,wine or gift shop.rather eat.
  16. How many did you eat? I had two last week and it was dinner, I call rhem small testings and at $6.50 I am happy.Also a great way to use OBC.
  17. Love that bar..furniture it very comfortable.
  18. Roel94

    No beach bags

    I always pack my own beach bag. Easy to find my chair. key card holders were on ship in Sept only for the town top.suites. Guess bynOct or so they were out.always have more at home.
  19. Weird..best internet for me on any ship in 2022. I posted pictures on social media whenever I can. Guess I use the less busy times of days. Been on several sites today. In general this ship has rock since leaving Miami and we changed ports twice. Meanwhile at home lots of rain.
  20. As far as I know Eric will be back Dec 12th. This is per Martin, His Dad out of hospital now. Iwan here for a while. Not sure weeks or months.
  21. I do wish both show times were adjusted so I could go. Before dinner or not rush thru dinner.
  22. Tony did a great job singing about five numbers, The other four songsabout none stop on stage,dance floor was very busy. I did not eat as I really can dance much if full. it was windy in deck 10 but prefer in 9 s we were dancing. also in case someone does not use social media Eric’s did now home. the new Atlas bar been busy when I am there. The slow time seems to be around 8 at night.
  23. I was in Quest in Dec 21 and Feb 22. That Christmas cruise was hard, But we manage a nice Christmas and a nice NYE. Very hard to dance in masks but you learn how. They do a very deep clean and that is why you wait to get on. IF B2B you can leave ship and do errands etc. Just have your new key card with you so you cn get back on easily.
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