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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Side by side Volendam and Zuiderdam in Miraflores locks right now. Much better than looking over at a cargo ship, I would think. 😉
  2. We have only been through the Canal one time! I was supposed to be on the Volendam heading to Antarctica but DH has put his foot down on 70 plus day cruises. Even a 40 day cruise is not gonna happen again he says. 😢
  3. Oh my goodness, the Zuiderdam is entering the adjacent lock at Cerro-Luisa. What fun everyone will have taking photos. That is, if the Volendam doesn't leave too quickly. Wish I could figure out how to post a screenshot.
  4. I'm enjoying watching the Volendam on the Panama Canal webcams right now. https://multimedia.panama-canal.com/Webcams/cerro-luisa.html
  5. Good morning friends! Just a little late today (Sunday). DH decided we should have waffles for breakfast and we hadn't made them for quite some time so we were slow! Used to make them regularly when the kids were home. It was about 43 this morning and it will get up to 60 at its peak. Clouds and sun mixed and a chance of a shower this evening. Thanks Roy and Rich for the Daily. The slow cooker chili sounds good today. I haven't had a bubble bath in years, don't have a pair of argyles, and only watch my DH, especially if I know what's good for me! The drink and wine sound nice but I would probably pass. The quote is sweet! Thanks Graham @grapau27for Father David's sermon.🙏. Prayers for all of us in need, especially our friend Jacqui @kazu. Let's hope we get some news from her soon, and she is recovering nicely from her arm injury/surgery. Cheers to everyone cruising and on the Celebration list. Thanks to everyone who is reporting on their days at sea! Our port of Ilfracombe, England sounds lovely but I don't believe we've been there before. It was last posted here on February 27, 2022 and November 9, 2022 so I will copy and paste those posts here for anyone who needs to retrieve their photos. Have a great day everyone!
  6. Good morning friends! It's 35F and clear. We're expecting 61F and sunny skies the remainder of the day. I awoke this morning to a text from our 23 year old DGD Ashley who just had her birthday Wednesday. A simple photo of her beautifully manicured left hand and a lovely diamond engagement ring on her ring finger! 💍 Is seems she and boyfriend Chris are now engaged. I've been expecting this news for a while now. I'll be giving them our congratulations later today. Another date to put on my calendar. Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor posting the Daily for Rich while he enjoys a world cruise. And thanks to Rich @richwmnfor all your work preparing it ahead of time. Rocks are important to planet Earth because that's what we're made of. A salute to programmers, and I can take or leave bobbleheads. The quote is good, yes to the menu suggestion, no to the drink and maybe to the wine. Prayers for everyone on the Care list, but especially to Jacqui @kazu. I'm also praying for Kathi @Scrapnana since she is also having medical issues. I hope they both come out of this experience wholly healed. I wish there was something more we could do to help them but hopefully our prayers will work out for them both. Cheers to everyone on the Celebration list. We hope your cruises and happy events are all you wished for. Ensenada, Mexico is today's port and was also the port of the day on October 14, 2022. It's a port often visited to satisfy PVSA regulations on Hawaii cruises from and to the States. I was there twice, 2007 on Diamond Princess and 2009 on Golden Princess. Many people don't even go ashore in Ensenada. I did the first time and can't remember our second time there. A few photos from my 2007 Diamond Princess stop in Ensenada. The huge flag we've all seen when our ship docks there. Acting silly as we strolled the streets And a seal playing on the shore near the ship Honestly, I've seen a lot worse ports than Ensenada. Corinto, Nicaragua for instance? Have a great day and please be safe!
  7. Thanks for your kind wishes Vanessa. I'm sorry to hear your hips and knee are bothering you lately. I can certainly identify with those types of issues. Amazingly enough my knee improved dramatically while we were on the Volendam. We never used the elevators in 4 weeks and I had to struggle up many stairs numerous times a day, such as at each meal time. Since I've been home I try to remember to "do the stairs" over and over every day but sometimes I don't get it accomplished. Therefore I've had a little discomfort at times. So thanks for the reminder. Time to do those stairs!
  8. I'm so sad to hear about Jacqui this morning. Shocking news really. I know she's aware that we're all supporting her and hope that helps somewhat. 😢
  9. Jacqui, I am shocked and saddened to hear of your medical disembarkation in PV. I pray for a quick recovery and an uneventful trip back home. ❤️
  10. Thanks Graham. And I know tomorrow you will be thinking of your late parents on their anniversary date.💔 In our family we have many birthday celebrations in January - 10 in all. We've had 5 already including today. 🎂
  11. Good morning friends! It's 37F and cold right now, dark too! It will be sunny later and 54 for a high. We have errands to run this morning so need to get ready for that soon. Did my treadmill, said my prayers but I sure could use a few more zzzz's! Maybe a nap is in the cards this afternoon. Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor posting our Daily and Fleet Report for Rich @rafinmd. Today is the date of my dear late sister Nancy's birthday. I think of her daily. The days are unique...Beans, Cuddle Up Day, and World Day for War Orphans. We had enough beans last week when we used up our ham from Christmas in ham and bean soup. Reminds me of growing up. I'm cuddled up right now under a heavy afghan as the furnace brings our home up to daytime heat levels. My sympathy to any war orphan. The quote is fun, the menu suggestion, drink and wine are not for me. I'm surprised to see Abidjan, Ivory Coast again so soon. We had it here last week on Dec. 29 and the first time was March 11, 2022. Here are links to those dates in case you want to post your photos. I have not been there before. Prayers for all on the Care list, Ukraine, Damar Hamlin, and our country. Cheers to all on cruise ships,🚢 and to our friends here who are celebrating happy events.🥂 Hope everyone has a great day!
  12. I saw a mention of her in @The-Inside-Cabin's blog Tuesday. Here is what Pete said: Kathi, aka Scrapnana, had to cancel the world cruise at the last second. She was going to be one of our tablemates for the cruise. We stopped by to see her in the Broward County Hospital, where she is undergoing tests but remains in great spirits. We will miss her very much on this cruise.
  13. Thanks for taking the time to report in from your cruise. Bon Voyage!
  14. Good morning friends! It's down to 44F and clear this morning, a far cry from yesterday's 61, cloudy and stormy. Today will be sunny with a reasonable high temp of 58. Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor posting the Daily and Fleet Report and to Rich @richwmnfor creating the content which is a lot of work. Hope everyone is enjoying their cruises. A salute to George Washington Carver, birds and keto. I am one who doesn't care about the latest dieting and nutrition crazes. Chardonnay is not my favorite especially the oaky ones. And unfortunately curry is not for me. Our port today of Eden, NSW, Australia is a brand new one here. It sounds heavenly but I haven't been there before. Please post pictures if you have been before. We'd all love to see it. Prayers said for all on the Care list this morning, plus extra ones for Ukraine and Damar Hamlin. 🙏 Cheers to our friends on the Celebration list. 🥂 DD tells me she feels like she just put up her December candy cane tree. She's thinking of a snowy motif for this month but is in no hurry. Maybe she will wait for February. Her foot seems to be doing okay considering she's only 3 weeks post op and she has very busy days at school. She has a new student this semester but he's showing some behavior issues so she's already meeting with his mother this morning. Another student will be returning to class next week. His parents pulled him out of school the second week of classes last fall so they could homeschool him, but that doesn't always work out because it's harder than they think. I know all the teachers here know exactly what I mean. So back to school he goes. DD kept his math workbook when he left because she knew this was going to happen.😉 I'd better be praying for strength for her and his other teachers!🙏
  15. I'm so bummed that I missed the sailaways! No idea they would leave early. Thank goodness for all the kind people here who took printscreens to share. Have a wonderful cruise Gerry!
  16. I just found this function a few days ago. Go to the top right side of the page on the Search line with the magnifying glass symbol. Use the drop down arrow and at the bottom it says members. Click on members. Type in what you think the name is like you did "Legally blonde" and it will search for them. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/search/?q=legallyblonde&quick=1&type=core_members Is the first one her? I think I've missed a few posts since this morning so I'm going back to read now.
  17. Good morning from a stormy north central Georgia! Yesterday we were under a tornado watch which expired at 9 pm. This morning I see we are under another tornado watch since 4 am until noon. Thankfully no severe weather or power outages, just rain, wind, thunder and lightning. We plan to stay inside.⛈️ Thanks to Rich @richwmnand Roy @rafinmd for creating and posting our Daily and Fleet Report. I love spaghetti, am terrible at trivia, and appreciate the benefits and value of braille. Don't think I'd like the menu suggestion, drink or wine. I'm puzzled by the quote, and have never been to Durban, South Africa. We had planned to go there but now I'm not sure we ever will. Durban was our port of the day on March 8, 2022 so here is a link to Rich's post from that date for retrieving photos. It would be great to see some photos! Prayers sent to all on the Care list, and Damar Hamlin as he recovers from his heart issue from Monday night plus his family and teammates. I hope the people of Ukraine can continue holding strong in their fight for their country and freedom. Cheers to our friends on cruises, and those getting on a ship soon. A big hello to Joy and Allen this morning! I'm thinking of you both and hope Allen is back to his old self again. Thanks for the reports on the Rotterdam rescue efforts yesterday. ❤️ Have a great day everyone and be safe!
  18. Unfortunately we didn't get to see Nancy @ottahand7on her balcony with her Ravens flag. Mostly top deck people, plus the added benefit of seeing the bridge waves!
  19. It was 2018, the Grand Africa and Mediterranean. Excellent voyage!
  20. Very exciting today with both leaving on special voyages. We went on a Grand Voyage on Prinsendam and were delayed leaving several hours because a crew member jumped ship. The sheriff was there making out reports. We didn't get out of Port Everglades until 10 pm.
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