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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Today, Wednesday the 22nd I tested negative. DH is still positive and wouldn’t even consider letting me hang out with him in quarantine. So I packed up and after a call to the front desk I was allowed to just walk out the door and back to my cabin with no escort. My Medallion didn’t work to unlock my door so my room steward let me in. The Medallion appears to be working now though. I’ve been outside breathing in fresh air several times but it is so cold out there. I know many of you would appreciate lower temps at home but probably not this cold! I had a rough night with my tummy issues so am rather weak and tired but I hope to get a small bite to eat and perhaps take a stroll around Gravdal. I wish it wasn’t a tender port but we can’t have everything. Believe me, I am grateful to be out of jail. During my quarantine all the tender ports used the tender outside my window including today. At 6:12 am we were awakened with all racket! And every day workers would be outside my window working on it and making tons of noise. I’m not sure why the same three tenders (6, 11, and 12) were used every time. Let us pray ALL tenders are in good working condition!🙏🏻 Going up to find something to eat and drink now. Thanks to all for their prayers and support. Also thanks to Lenda for posting my photos of Rouen. You all are great!
  2. We just finished a late lunch/early dinner of Princess Gourmet pizza. Capricciosa. It’s about a 12 inch pizza and there is a room service charge of $3 but they waive charges on quarantine rooms. We’ve been eating lightly this week so 2 pieces of pizza is a lot for me. Covid stress has had my tummy in an uproar. Plus I got a cold sore on my lip which is always triggered by stressful times. No fun at all! By the time I get home from this cruise I will be happy to sit home for a few months! Although, I’d love to see my kids and grandkids. Perhaps we’ll do that. ❤️ Terry, @smitty34877what a shame to hear about DH’s gout and Tana’s pneumonia! How disappointing she is too ill at this time to attend 8th grade graduation. Our thoughts and prayers are with your household. 🙏🏻 Rouen was a lovely stop on our Prinsendam “European Rivers” cruise several years back. We stayed in town to explore and it was a great day. I think this port was mentioned previously on the Daily so if Lenda has time today, she could be posting photos from mine and her trips there. Jacqui’s photo of the old clock brings back happy memories.
  3. Terri we don’t get off until Wednesday the 29th. This is the half of the cruise where I had new ports to visit so it seems like a cruel punishment. Having been through this on Oceania I recall how kind they were to you and your DH. The Doctor doesn’t sound the least bit sorry to give me the disappointing news. 😢
  4. Today’s nurse arrived fairly late. We were both quite anxious already. Tests taken and at 9:30 the doctor called to tell me I was still positive. I handed the phone to DH because I am beyond frustrated. DH told me last night if he was negative and I positive again he was going to stay with me. But he didn’t have to make that choice - he’s positive too! If we could get some fresh air it might help but we’ve been cooped up in this obstructed oceanview for way too long. Doctor told DH I will be tested again tomorrow and if positive still they will release me Thursday. This is so depressing😢 Meanwhile someone was just released and walked past our door. He mentioned he was a crew member. Lucky guy!
  5. @JAM37Julia, @Cruzin TerriTerri, and @cat shepardAnn thanks for your support and prayers. Hoping for the best again tomorrow. If I knew what I needed to do for that viral load to disappear I’d do it. But there’s nothing I can actively do except wait it out. On Princess they tell me I will be tested each morning from Day 6 on until I’m negative, up to Day 10. At that point I would be released because I am no danger to anyone. But personally I want a negative test result! Won’t I need a document proving I’m negative when I fly home Wednesday the 29th? I can just see the question put forward by Delta now - have you tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days? 😳
  6. Yes. Bright and early Tuesday we will both be tested standing at our door. Quick and easy. The hard part is getting the results you want!
  7. Monday morning here at sea heading to Alta, Norway on Island Princess. The nurse showed up bright and early for today’s Covid test and an hour or so later the Doctor called. Still positive! I had a feeling today was not my lucky day. Tomorrow they will test us both and DH better not be freed, leaving me here alone again. I’ll go bananas! 🍌
  8. 1967 400? I learned to drive a manual transmission on DH’s 1968 350 HO Firebird. BEFORE he set it up for racing. Here he is on race day complete with the tow bar attaching it to the Pontiac GTO we had.
  9. I forgot to add “and your Sarah” to my well wishes today to you Graham @grapau27but I figure you knew who I was referring to in my first post. Whenever I would see one of those special Father’s Day cards in a card shop I would think that would be a very special person to step up and love that child like they were their own. Hope you get to see Sarah today! Twin was telling me about Buddy’s spinal surgery. Extensive tumors in the spine. Worked from T4 to T-10 placing 16 screws, I don’t know how many rods and placed donor femur bone between some vertebrae. They hope he can go to a rehab place by Monday. Either his wife Amy or one of her two sisters stays there with him at night. He has terrible panic attacks. One sister is an RN at the University of Missouri and the other an X-ray technician at a nearby hospital. Night before last the RN sister noticed the pain pump wasn’t working properly. Buddy actually said something to her, she checked and it had been set wrong so he wasn’t getting his pain killers. She notified the nurses and they admitted someone had done it incorrectly. Once the pain level gets too high they have a terrible time controlling it. Buddy is lucky to have so many willing to help. I hope this surgery will extend his life but also that he will be in less pain eventually. Back to being a lazy slug…uh I mean resting! 😴
  10. Good morning friends! I hope all the Fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, and Like a Father to me gentlemen (looking at you @grapau27Graham) have a terrific celebration. I’ll be thinking of my Dad today. Such a gem he was. My children’s Father is trying to rest. That’s what we do most of the time. That and eat! Feeling okay and just willing the time to pass and a negative test to hurry up and get here. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet report Rich. Thanks to all who contribute here and I wish everyone on the Celebration list cheers and a toast. Prayers for all in need of them especially the Ukrainian people and their allies. Have a great day!
  11. What a tragic accident! Prayers for your DH’s nephew. I hope it’s a quick recovery.
  12. @Seasick Sailoryep, we’re pretty bored in this confined space. I would love to be on the balcony gazing out at the Norwegian scenery. We took naps both in the morning and afternoon, like newborn babies! I can’t believe your favorite pizza in Venice is the same as ours Antico Forno near Rialto. We always make a point to eat there. Happy birthday to Susan @durangoscots!! Since I don’t have much to offer today how about the little charmer who always makes me smile! Sadie!! I see some lighter coloring showing up in her undercoat. I call it highlights! 🥰
  13. Also this is warning outside my door. I never saw one of these signs in the general population halls, which were loaded with Covid rooms last cruise.
  14. I’m just trying @Sharon in AZSharon’s suggestion on how to get photos placed in my post from an IPhone. Once they removed Tender #12 this was the view out our window in Olden, Norway. Someone just had to place the coiled rope right in front of our view. Not a few feet to the right or left. Then of course Carnival Pride did their best to obstruct our view too! The second photo was taken of our TV screen which shows the front of the ship bridgecam. The sun actually came out for a bit later in the day.
  15. Let me say thanks to everyone above and I’m sorry I can’t deal with fighting to stay logged in to post anything. It was all I could do to get that first post with only two multi quotes. I think we’re going to have to stay here though. DH is always on the phone trying to straighten things out. They just delivered dinner and it’s missing my Caesar salad. I don’t care because my tummy is upset with all the hub-bub! Better go eat what they did bring me. ❤️❤️❤️
  16. Sharon thanks I’ll look for that paper clip. As for Buddy I keep thinking of the “buying him more time”. Scary indeed for them. Thanks for your well wishes. Sorry about the storm and the damage it caused. And let me thank you for keeping up on the Ukrainian situation. Being away I haven’t heard about the missing Americans. And they turn off our news stations on the TV when in port.
  17. Good morning to all! We are surviving barely. DH and I took an overnight cold and flu medication since I was a little stuffy and his symptoms have come on strong now. It’s like a cold is the reality. He slept and I barely slept. Trying to get the covering comfortable and those MUTS blankets are too small to properly cover you. I feel pretty good today. Not a lot of coughing and not stuffy anymore. Just need more sleep. If the food and beverage department knew what they were doing all would be well. Call us, send a printed menu or any other method. Just stick with the program people! I’m ready to stop eating altogether just to not have to deal with them. Today the tender people woke us up at 6:30 am to drop the tender outside our window. Yesterday they spent the entire day marching back and forth out there and using very loud hydraulic power tools to repair the davits. At least we had a misty view of the shore today. Then Carnival Pride sailed in and stopped across the way blocking half the view. Sure didn’t take long to rain on our parade. I wish I could post photos here from my IPhone but I haven’t worked that out yet. Buddy had spinal surgery yesterday although he at first refused. It took all the docs in the department to convince him. If he didn’t do it they would have to talk hospice and he would be paralyzed. They’re really just buying him time. It’s a real mess in there twin said. Who would have ever thought this young man would end up here? My problems are small compared to his. 😢 So sorry to have so much negativity today. Thinking of all our Dailyites who need our prayers and special thoughts for Jack as he lays his sister to rest. 🙏🏻
  18. Today is DH’s day 0. I am in day 1. The knocking delivery people either walk or run away, whichever they are most comfortable with. 😂 DH does seem to have some coughing now and runny nose. But his biggest symptom of Covid is grouchiness! OMG, he’s the worst patient ever! I hope we survive together until Monday when I hope to be sprung from jail. 🙏🏻 Just to add to the tension meal orders and deliveries today were all messed up. We spoke to Guest Services and they said they’d have someone call about our breakfast order. We’re waiting patiently but that will probably happen about 1 am. 😳 I’m kidding but it just might happen…
  19. I got a call from the Guest Services manager Michael asking if we needed anything. Just the person I wanted to talk to! I said we really need instructions left in these rooms on what the red hazard bags are for, what the clear plastic bags are for, how to get towels and supplies, etc. Michael said those are common questions. (Thus the reason I said an information page left in the room would help🤪). The red hazard bags are to leave the trash outside the door. The clear bags are for dirty towels. They set us up for daily fresh towels. I asked for two more pillows to make lying back on the headboard to read more comfortable. Also I explained some blankets to use instead of these very heavy duvets would be great. Also some extra paper products for the bathroom. Got everything said that I needed to. And the delivery was just made to our little table. They knock and walk away. 🏃🏽‍♂️
  20. Janet that’s so nice. If anything comes up I’ll let you know. 🙂 Kay they told DH they are trying to keep all of us contained in one area. Last cruise they had to revert to using original cabins because they ran out of quarantine rooms! I saw those little tables and trays everywhere last week. My cough is worse today and I can call for cough syrup if I want some. We have a cruise pharmacy of cold and flu meds ourselves here. Just hadn’t taken any yet. I’ll sure call if the need arises. 🙂
  21. Sorry folks but it’s bad news. DH is positive and packing some things to join me in Covid jail. The man hasn’t got a single symptom! This is crazy!
  22. Good morning friend! It’s almost time for DH’s test. I hope they let him know quickly! We are in Haugesund now. I’ve already spoken to him 4 times in less than an hour! The breakfast tray arrived with 2 small juices, a sliced orange and a plate of carbs that would choke a horse! @dfishDebbie you would pass out if you saw it! I ate a fruit danish and some type of dough rolled up with bits of chocolate baked inside. I left the croissant and plain roll. There was butter and marmalade too. I had a pitiful sleep last night. The something-filled comforter was just too heavy so I tossed it down to the foot of the bed and grabbed the woolen Movies Under The Stars blanket I threw into my luggage. I took it for naps. Thank goodness! I may call downstairs today and request a blanket for my bed or I’ll never get any rest. I told DH I would let him know if I nap so he won’t try to phone then. I opened my curtains to try to peer out at some scenery and I can see tiny bits of the Haugesund shoreline through the dirty windows of the tender. I should call downstairs and request someone get up here to clean them for little old me! DH said maybe tomorrow they will use MY tender in the port of Olden so I can have a view all day. There have been several workers out here in the tender and on the catwalk this morning. I’ve given up closing the curtains because this is all I’ll see of the town. If they can see me through the filmed window they haven’t let on. I waved and no one responded. @srdancerJen is getting along okay. Her life was pretty restricted before her fall so it’s changed only a small amount. Thank you for asking. Praise the Lord she survived such a bad accident on the stairs! @rafinmdthe food comes slightly warm. It’s on China plates or bowls, includes real cutlery wrapped in regular cloth napkins, and actual glassware not cardboard. Thank goodness! I was given a menu for lunch and dinner to select from and I bet Bordeaux DR lady will be calling to take my order this morning. I want to say thanks for all the prayers for me and DH. But please say fervent prayers for Buddy who is in a grave life threatening situation. It’s very serious. 😢 I’ll be back with DH’s results when they notify him. Since he has no symptoms I hope it’s not a positive and they put him in with me, ONLY because I’m coughing and he hates being around coughers. I have to be very careful to cover and not cough in his direction. He’s always been that way. I want him to stay and enjoy our balcony room and be free to sightsee, and especially take photos for me. It’s the best we can do with this situation. Talk to y’all later 🤞
  23. Yes I have Extra Strength Tylenol but not supposed to take Advil due to a conflict with my prescribed anti inflammatory. Also have Mucinex DM. I don’t have cough spray though. They will give me Robitussin if I want i Thanks for the hug. That helps! I used their Medallion app and ordered salad, pudding and wine. It was delivered 18 minutes later. That’s the way to go! Sorry I’m having a heck of a time posting this. I’ll finish this up and come back later. Wine is waiting!😉 okay this was how far I got when the post wouldn’t go through. And my dinner was waiting!! I got a call after I ate from a young woman working in our dining room, Bordeaux. She said she got out of Covid jail 3 days ago! She asked what I wanted for breakfast then said she’d be calling me three times a day for orders. So looks like I’m set. But boy that app order worked out great tonight. However if I want something on the dinner menu it would have to be through her, not the app. But I could have chocolate chip cookies here in a snap if I wanted to. Oh boy, I’m in trouble!🙄 DH calls me constantly. He’s not used to being by himself, poor dear. We’re just praying he’s NEGATIVE in the morning. Otherwise I guess we both will be here in the obstructed oceanview. Had to shut the curtains when I saw a man sweeping the floors of the tender just outside my window!😳 Anyway I see many messages from you all so my thanks to everyone for being so caring. It really feels like a family here doesn’t it? Talk to you all tomorrow! ❤️ I hope this goes through. I’ve tried and tried to copy it so I can paste it again later in case it disappears, but it just won’t copy! edited to change positive to negative. You know what I meant. It’s that tiny glass of wine!!
  24. Good afternoon friends! I’m feeling a bit down but I will talk about that later. First @RowsbySue I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty Casey passing. Casey lived a long and wonderful life in your care. 😿 @HeartgroveJack in case I missed saying it yesterday my condolences on the loss of your sister. May she RIP. @smitty34877Terry I’m so glad all were safe after the gas leak and alarm. And what wonderful neighbors you have! @grapau27Graham the Captain made an announcement this afternoon and pinned our position as off the coast near Newcastle. Thought of you and Pauline. 😉 @kazuJacqui your flower pics are beautiful, as usual. Thanks for sharing. @Seasick SailorJoy as Graham said your garden is lovely. It looks well established for being so recently planted. My twin says Buddy is back at the ER since last night. They tried to do an MRI and failed so were going to sedate him and try again. They were going to move him into a hallway but niece Amy raised a fuss. This is a cancer patient that they want to expose to Covid and who knows what else. Twin says she has a bad feeling about this. 😥 Well, today the Covid cootie showed its ugly face in our cabin. I was coughing again (a lot) and woke with a hoarseness to my voice. I said I may as well get this over with and called Medical. They sent someone up about 45 minutes later to check me out. Both of us were swabbed and nearly an hour later the verdict was I’m positive and DH is negative. He has to go down to Medical at 9 am tomorrow for a retest. I really hope he stays negative so he can see Haugesund and Olden, neither of which we’ve seen before. Also he would be able to attend the Most Traveled Guest luncheon again which is this Friday. Tonight is formal night so he will put his suit on, as always, and dine alone. I know our waiters will be sad. They’re both wonderful. I was so upset at how long it took anyone to come lead me to my quarantine room. I’m in a secluded Covid wing unlike all we saw last week. I guess they ran out of quarantine rooms last week so left people in their original rooms. Anyway I’m in an obstructed oceanview on Emerald deck. But it’s really lonely being in Covid jail! And I was so starved by the time the escorts showed up hours later. I called room service for a turkey sandwich and fruit and it took 70 minutes to arrive. I was weak with hunger! So there I was eating lunch at nearly 3 pm. Not sure when I’ll be hungry again but I’d better not call too late or dinner will arrive at midnight. Something light perhaps. Later this afternoon a tiny flower arrangement about 6 inches tall was placed on my hall table with a speedy recovery note from the Captain and ship’s teammates. Maybe they feel bad at their slow response to sick guests. 😏 The nurse this morning said I have to quarantine 6 days and today is Day 0. So Day 6 is next Monday, our stop at Alta, another new port for us. If they get their act together maybe I can “bust outa jail” in time to go off the ship for a visit. I don’t get tested until Monday again. Bummer! I hope my internet works the next week so I can check the Daily each day. Take care all and I will try to do the same. I did the very best I could and look where I landed though. 😩
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