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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. One note for those planning on reading the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society book, the entire book is composed of letters back and forth between people in the book. It may take you a bit to figure out what's going on and get into the story but it's worth it.
  2. I really, really want to see the movie version! I've read the book twice and enjoyed it both times.
  3. I'll post some photos of St. Peter Port, Guernsey. These were from May, 2019 on the Prinsendam. We were also there in Sept. 2018 also on Prinsendam and May, 2015 on Royal Princess. The view from the ship and tender ride. The Castle Cornet, an old harbor fortress. Your view as you leave the tender pier. Salem Church Cute signs around town, but the second one needed a proofreader. You'd thiink they'd get the island name correct. Taken from the lawn at Candie Gardens, our beloved Prinsendam in the distance. There's always something blooming there. Our journey down the hill and one of the charming streets. Sunset on the Prinsendam that day, May 5, 2019, taken through the dining room window. On prior visits we visited other places around town so I'll check for some photos from then. I always enjoy this particular port and have been lucky to be able to tender in each visit due to decent weather. Not always true unfortunately for some cruisers. The September 14, 2018 stop at St. Peter Port on Prinsendam started out sunny but clouds arrived shortly after we got to shore. From the pier we turned left and walked towards the La Valette bathing pools near the Underground Military Museum. I'd be a little worried about bathing near those rocks, though. A nice view from over here though. We popped our heads into the Underground Military Museum but didn't want to spend our time underground so didn't go any farther than the entrance. The people of Guernsey were under German occupation during WWII. I've read the novel that describes the occupation twice now, and really enjoyed it. It's called "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. I highly recommend it. You'll understand the title when you get into the book. This port is a hilly one and on this second time here we found these stairs to move up to a different street. From the top looking down. Someone's gate which I find unique. Their view Look at this private property, called Grange Court. Some lovely residences. Our next stop was Victoria Tower which was erected in honor of a visit by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1846. Interesting that they let you borrow the key to go inside. The cannon is one of two German WWI cannons buried as the second WW approached in 1940 so that the invading German forces would think the island wasn't fortified. The two German cannons were excavated in 1978 and are back on display in the garden there. Next we walked through the Candie Cemetery (which runs alongside the Candie Gardens). Back to the ship! There's always lots to see here!
  4. Good morning friends! Another beautiful morning but with a chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Typical summer weather here. Did my exercising and prayers for everyone. Reports on Buddy are he is sleeping a lot, looking poorly and yellow due to his liver cancer. Hopefully a more extensive report today. I'm not sure if twin and DBIL have tested negative or not yet. Will ask later since they are an hour behind me. Also cheers to all on the Celebration list and safe travels for all. St. Peter Port, Guernsey was listed here on Dec. 30, 2021 and was a popular one for photos that day. We have been there three times and never turned away due to poor weather, thank goodness. A very enjoyable place to visit. Photos coming up. No thanks to body painting for me, love blueberries, and motorcycles may be dangerous but still very popular. DH had a dirt bike once, followed by a street bike. Luckily he was never involved in an accident. However my DB has had a few accidents on his motorcycle. His bikes are long gone! And when I was 16 my boyfriend had a Harley Davidson and that was a fun way to spend the summer, taking rides for miles and miles. I think the quote is funny, not sure what the menu item is, and don't care for Chardonnay. Hope everyone has a nice Friday!
  5. I can understand your reasoning totally. You have so many plans to look forward to, and deserve to enjoy them after the past couple of years and its problems. We lived in Williamsburg for 7 years and I loved it there, even with the humidity. We had many relatives come visit us there. Besides Colonial Williamsburg, ask your friends about driving the Colonial Parkway to Yorktown to see the museum there. Also Jamestown is right nearby and that's a nice visit also. Hopefully someone hasn't closed down the Parkway or something since we lived there and visited there last. Enjoy all your plans!!
  6. Always a cause for celebration! A negative Covid test = Yay!!
  7. Thanks for your input on hospice care at home. I think Amy will be fine once she know exactly how to use the pain pump. You're right about hospice not always being a short term experience. My DMIL was in hospice care at her nursing facility for about 15 months. They were all so good with her, no matter what her mood of the day was.
  8. I think this looks like a really nice way to spend the day in Corner Brook. I love nature!
  9. Thanks Bruce! And your photos are wonderful. Sounds like you're really enjoying this trip.
  10. To all who posted today and last night on the Daily regarding Buddy's sad condition, let me add here my personal thanks for all your concern. @srdancer, @Tbay, @erewhon, @cunnorl, @Lady Hudson❤️ This is in addition to all those from yesterday. What a wonderful group!
  11. Those are great photos Rich. Thanks for posting something outside of the city for us.
  12. Jacqui @kazulovely photos of your flowers and garden! You are really getting a lot done on the clothes donations. It helps to have a plan to get those many chores finished, doesn't it? Graham @grapau27you've been having some very nice lunches this week. Is it too early to tell us what's up? Anything interesting you want to talk about? 😉
  13. Nearing the end of our fabulous cruise from and to Iceland, Greenland, and Maritime Canada, our port on Aug. 27, 2018 was Corner Brook. We intended to walk around the city and had no out of town plans for it. I had been bitten several times in Red Bay by those nasty black flies and intended to locate some itch cream at a pharmacy to help relieve the pain. Approaching the relatively large city of Corner Brook. Seabourn provided a shuttle bus to drive us to the City Hall. On our way back to the ship we just walked. It wasn't too far away. Along the way we saw this cute display. It seemed like a nice place and appreciative of their veterans of past wars. The light colored building with the bunting under the windows is actually a Museum attached to City Hall. It seemed to be a nice town and we enjoyed the short walk to a shopping area. A picturesque church along the route. I could show you photos of shopping centers and strip malls but I won't. We found the drug store, bought the itch cream and continued our hike. Along the walk back to the ship we saw a Canadian Legion Hall. Makes sense since in the U.S. we have American Legion Halls. Working up a thirst as we walked, it was good to see the ship, Seabourn Quest, awaiting our arrival. While we were gone crew had been using a Zodiac to stand in to paint the hull. I had seen them lowering a Zodiac at breakfast that morning. Leaving Corner Brook and heading to Quebec City. Then because I usually don't post food photos, or at least not often...This night we ate casually at the Patio Grill on the pool deck. I had grilled chicken, corn on the cob (I normally don't eat that much so they must have served me my plate load of corn), and lobster mac and cheese. Great memories of that Seabourn cruise!
  14. Good morning friends! Another sunny morning which is always a great start to the day. I have a midday mammo scheduled so that is my plan for today. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor our Fleet Report and Daily! I do love chocolate so would love to celebrate it today. There are a few people on the globe I can't forgive, but for the most part I think forgiveness is a good thing. Father daughter walks are a very sweet thing. I would enjoy walking with my late Dad but only when he was younger. At the end it would have been too painful for him. I think the quote sounds a little sad. I enjoy cobb salads and last had one on the Island Princess a few weeks ago. No thanks to the drink and wine. Corner Brook, Newfoundland was a port on our Seabourn Route of the Vikings cruise in August 2018, Reykjavik to Montreal. This is our first time seeing Corner Brook as our Daily port destination. Prayers for all on the Daily Care list. I'm so appreciative of the warm thoughts and prayers from my friends here for Buddy and his family. I hope he had a comfortable night at home without all the chaos of the hospital around him. I'll keep you updated. Cheers for all our members on cruises or heading out to one. Also to everyone celebrating happy events of their own. DD is still having a busy but fabulous cruise with her buddy Missy. I can't believe how many things they can fit into a day! I really enjoy her Instagram post each evening telling us all about it. Cute pictures, too. The fun ends Saturday though, and then hopefully she won't have any flight issues getting home. Have a great day everyone! I'm off to look for a photo or two or three from Corner Brook.
  15. Thank you Maxine for your kind words and prayers. This is a caring, supportive thread to air our woes and I know most of us would say it's our safe place.
  16. Thank you very much! Amy is glad to have everyone's support. Her younger RN sister has offered to stay overnight with Amy to help her with Buddy. She has a calming effect during times like this. Thanks Roy. Buddy and Amy need the majority of our prayers. I wasn't going to even mention twin and BIL's Covid but it really has come into play here with them being unable to visit, help out, run errands,etc. Just as DH and I left home for our Island Princess cruise my DB and his wife tested positive for Covid, so in the last 6 weeks all 6 of us have had it! Unreal!
  17. Thanks so much. I'm sure he will be glad to be back home. Love the ports, and you've already chosen some great excursions there. Happy planning!
  18. Thank you Jim. I agree, if there is nothing they can do to improve your outlook at the hospital, the best place for rest and peace is at home. The hospice care people will make sure he is comfortable. Thank you Joy for checking in on us and for your kind words. Your prayers are appreciated so much, Vanessa. Thanks Ann. The family appreciates everyone's support. Yes, it's very grim news. The hospital bed and equipment are being deivered to the home now, and Buddy will arrive later today. Thank you for your kind thoughts.
  19. Thanks Carolyn for your kind words and prayers. Your pictures are wonderful.
  20. Thanks Terry. My BIL has some lung issues already so I hope he can fully recover. And it's very nice of her community to come to Amy's aid. Thanks, Sue.😢 Buddy was very firm about being home. Thanks for your comments. Gerry, thank you for your prayers. Thank you @seagarsmokerand @puppycanducruise for your thoughts and prayers. Absolutely. I'm sure he will be much more comfortable at home. Thanks Lenda. It's so heartwarming to hear of the help she's getting during this crisis in her life. And the kindness to Buddy. Thank you Jacqui. Prayers help to comfort the family as he prepares to depart this earth.
  21. You are not crazy, and I hope you and DH get to not only go on that cruise, but enjoy the heck out of it. Getting new friends is always a good thing!
  22. Well, this is a sad news day. Last week when I got home from our cruise my twin told me she and her DH had gotten Covid. She had been trying to help her daughter Amy out at her house because of Buddy in the hospital having the spinal surgery and beginning treatments for his latest cancer (lung cancer in his scapula and spine). Twin feels so guilty (which she shouldn't) that she can't be of more help until they test negative. But the news the last couple of days on Buddy has gotten worse. He now has cancer in his liver. Today Amy announced Buddy is coming home today or tomorrow for hospice care. He absolutely wants to be home at the end. 😢 Friends have begun a dinner chain and will provide them a hot meal every night through July. Her church will help out with her electric bill and ambulance bills which run $900 per trip. Today's trip is the fourth one. It's hard to fathom a just turned 50 year old going to meet his Maker so soon. Prayers for Buddy, Amy and their kids are appreciated.🙏
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