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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Thanks Vanessa for your comments. BTW, you do a wonderful job of keeping up with all the news and efficiently commenting with your thoughts to each individual. I'm always impressed! You're welcome for the photos. I'm trying a different product on my leg. It's an icy blue gel that is an analgesic for muscle and joint pain. Just rub it in. Then you get a burning sensation as it gets to work. Then it cools off. I figure it can't hurt. I also have the Voltaren but that is more an arthritis ointment. Your last sentence says it all! Agree 100%. I hope so soon. Thanks for your prayers! Thank you for posting Karen's report. The $100 nonrefundable OBC doesn't feel like enough, plus now everyone is running around trying to figure out what to do with it at the last minute. Joy, thanks for your prayers, too! Not good to hear your sister's flight was so late and that security lines were out the doors. Hope she has safe travels. And that spinach meme is sure the truth! Thanks Sharon for your prayers today. Very sorry to hear your arthritis is acting up. You are keeping very busy with family duties and activities. Enjoy the pool time.
  2. Since I was on a Princess cruise last month I feel like I can add some insight into different people's experience. You did say, it's funny how folks see stuff so differently. Sorry you lost your Medallion on day 2, but that's not their fault. It comes on a lanyard which you can wear around your neck, or some people buy wrist bands to put it in but that's not necessary to use it. The batteries in them last about 3 weeks, so we had to go to Guest Services for a new battery since this was a 34 day cruise. Took a few minutes. The Medallion worked fine for ordering food or drinks and we did that quite a few times. After dinner one night we ordered cake and some cookies as we listened to music in a bar. It was delivered right to our seats in Wheelhouse. Unfortunate how yours didn't work for that. 🤔 Our cruise started as a TA. The internet worked at least 80% of the time. The two days it didn't work on my IPhone was admittedly frustrating, but DH had a small laptop with us and it worked in our cabin when the IPhone wouldn't. Not sure why? But internet being down 99% of the time?? Our ship (Island Princess) had a covered pool and in fact we would take a plate in there to eat during the colder, windier days. The outside pool had loud music playing so we didn't sit out there much. We're not pool people. We asked Housekeeping for a second chair for our cabin so we wouldn't have to have one of us sit on the bed. It was delivered to our room a couple of hours later (more later). The library had books and games but I didn't borrow any, I had my Kindle fully loaded. We had music entertainment on our ship every night, both in Crooner's lounge and Wheelhouse bar. That is the only entertainment we went to, and never went into the Princess Theater to stay out of crowds. So I couldn't comment on the shows each night. I'd probably seen them before anyway. We ate in Lido for breakfast and some lunches. For breakfast we could get eggs fixed any way we liked in the morning. Omelettes, sunny side up, break the yolk and hard. What did you want prepared for lunch? Unfortunately there was no International Cafe on the ship, but you could eat in the MDR, Horizon Court (Lido), pizza spot outside, the outside grill where they had hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, pulled pork sandwiches, fries, etc. so plenty of variety. After the first night we arranged for a secluded table for 2 near the entrance to our dining room so we had the same wait staff every night. They were wonderful. So was the bar wait staff. I think food preparation/taste has suffered since the pandemic but I am hopeful all the cruise lines will improve with time. At least shrimp cocktails were no charge at dinner. I ordered that several times. All in all, the only employee I didn't care for was my room steward, but it's rare when we have a room steward who doesn't work their tail off trying to keep us happy. This one did as little as he could to get by. He came by to say he didn't know if he could get us an extra chair, but then his supervisor showed up with one a short time later. Ask and you shall receive. Sorry your experience was so horrific. Like you said, it's funny how folks see stuff so differently.
  3. This is an exact copy of the letter we received on Island Princess last month, with only the logo, voyage numbers, date, and captain's name being different. We received the letter 10 days into our cruise and we followed instructions to a T. We even wore our masks at our table for 2 in the dining room while ordering dinner and waiting between courses. Nine days later on day 19 of the cruise I tested positive for Covid. DH tested positive one day later. We never went in the Princess Theater, took no shore excursions. ate our meals alone, and like I said wore our masks everywhere. Good luck!
  4. Thanks Graham. I was hoping the leg pain was on its way out, too. I'll just keep working at it. Glad you enjoyed the photos of Whittier. Your prayers for Amy are welcomed and appreciated. Excellent photos of a Woodie Wagon. Always an eye catcher.👀 Great news about your DB and his lessening symptoms. It's fitting your nephew will take his Dad's place today in the race. Best of luck to him!🤞 Ann, I hadn't heard of the circle driving around here. Of course I don't spend any evenings in town, just here at home. I assume this is happening at night? We all hope and pray your DH's biopsy comes back negative.🙏 So sad he has to go through all this again. It's good news that Sarah is feeling a lot better. Her negative test will be happening anytime now. I find it amazing that one day you test positive, and 24 hours later you're negative and free to get on with your life. 🤷‍♀️ Terry, I'm glad to hear you are home safe and sound, but I understand about the sadness of leaving your loved ones behind after a visit when you all live far apart. I'm hoping to see my kids and grandkids soon. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers for Amy as she lays her husband to rest today. Never easy. @Quartzsite CruiserLenda, thanks for thinking of Buddy's family today. Also I appreciate your concern about my leg. I hope I get back to my old self soon. Your pictures of Whittier are very nice. Sunshine! @ger_77Gerry, I hope things get better for my leg soon too. One ailment like this can affect every aspect of your life.🙁 Enjoy that visit with your "older" friends tomorrow. Lemonade pies should be a big hit, as well as some of your shopping bags. Safe travels.
  5. Good morning friends! Well, I had a rough night last night. I couldn't fall asleep, and my leg was hurting again. I had luckily had an easier time of it for several days and I was encouraged by that. But last night I was awake until at least 3 am. Therefore I slept past my usual wake up and exercise time of 6 am. DH agreed I should take the morning off and he went downstairs to exercise instead. I guess I will spend more time with the heating pad and take some Tylenol and see if that helps. Thanks Rich for the Daily! Spinach I prefer fresh rather than cooked. Snakes scare me, and I think woodie wagons were a unique type of vehicle in our past. Imagine thinking sheathing a car in wood to be a great idea. Maintenance on the exterior must have been a real pain. Today's quote is a good one, and the casserole for the day looks tasty. Thanks for the recipes @0106. Whittier, Alaska was a previous port of the day on Sept. 9, 2021. We went to Whittier twice. In 2009 we did B2B 7 day Alaska cruises roundtrip Vancouver so had turnaround day there. Then in 2010 we ended up there after an Asian cruise that began in Bangkok (Laem Chabang). So we just got on a bus and headed to the airport to fly home. I only have a couple of pictures so I'll post those next. Thanks Roy for the lists today. Prayers for our members and family on the Care list. I checked the weather and it will be 96F this afternoon when the burial takes place so I hope the graveside prayers are short and powerful. Prayers for strength and comfort to Amy and her children. The Celebration list is great, and we of course want to give a shout out to our friends cruising. Hope the sun is out and the seas are calm. There isn't much to see in Whittier as you can see. I checked and the population of Whittier is about 205 people (2020). The entire town lives in the high rise building seen in the photos. They have grocery store and other services in the building itself so they don't even need to step outside most of the time. I would assume the majority of the people work at the harbor with ships coming in or boat charters or fishing. This is what the town looks like in May with the snow still on the mountains. Like I said before on the 2010 trip we were heading to the airport so this is about all we saw. I'm not sure what this building is but it looks like it would work great as a restaurant and hotel. I wonder how many people actually come here to spend the night though? This photo was taken Sept. 12, 2009 on our B2B. Notice the lack of snow. The high rise residential building Rainy weather is common here. In this photo you see the road from Anchorage and even buses coming toward the ship with new passengers ready to embark. The mists which are probably common here. A truckful of luggage coming probably from the cruise line hotel in Anchorage. If anyone has actually gotten off the ship and walked around the "town" please enlighten us as to what you have seen. I would love to know, and if I ever get back to Whittier I'll get off the ship even if it is raining. I promise!
  6. I'm wondering if there is a "season" for black flies in Qaqortoq? I've been there in August and September and no black fly problem at all. Sisimiut, Greenland and Red Bay, Canada were the only places I've had that issue. Some enterprising person sold nets to wear on shore in Sisimiut. Red Bay was the worst though. I like the idea of repurposing the net bag the robes came in!
  7. Joy, the photo with your sister and Allen is adorable! I'm sure you'll miss her a lot, but hope you can get together again very soon. So nice to hear you are enjoying your cruise so much! I'm glad to hear your ship was able to make it into the tender ports, even if it's not the most enjoyable way to arrive there. Smaller ports are great! Linda, I'm happy to hear how much work you've been able to get done on your new place! It gives you a real sense of accomplishment and ownership. Enjoy your new home state, your time spent with your son, and your home on the water. It's good to see you back here. There are several people whom we haven't seen on the Daily for a while. Besides @St. Louis SalI've been wondering how Connie @msmayor, her DD and DGD are doing? And what has Julia @JAM37been up to lately? I hope we will hear that all are well and enjoying life very soon. Your nephew's party sounds like it will be a blast! That's quite a lot of guests coming. Think maybe I could crash and blend in with the crowd? 😇 Just kidding. Try not to work TOO hard. You wouldn't want to be so tired you won't enjoy yourself. I'm sure it will all be lovely. And happy birthday to your nephew!
  8. What beautiful flowers! It's great we have so many green thumbs here on the Daily. Thanks Graham! Your Mamma's saying was a popular one in my house growing up, too. I think DD will do fine. She hasn't had a lot of symptoms the past few days. Of course when her DH started showing the same signs of Covid that DD had gone through, he told her he felt like he'd been hit by a Mack truck. I guess men have a harder time when they're ill, don't they?? 🙄 Gorgeous photo of Glacier Bay. Thanks for sharing it. Our first photos of Kangaroo Island! Thank you for letting us see it.
  9. @kazuJacqui, DSIL felt bad yesterday and was negative. This morning he was positive and this is his first official day of Covid. So I think he'll be positive for a week, at least. Looks like DD is going to be taking over all the chores he had last week - taking care of Sadie and cooking, cleaning, running errands. 🙄
  10. Good morning friends! I'm a bit later than usual today because DH wanted to get in and out of Kroger early today, so we left after exercise and breakfast. Looks like a nice day so far out there. It's about 80 and we should reach 89 at the peak of the day. As I sit in my sunroom with all its windows, I'm so glad we chose a house with the rear of the home facing north. That's where the many windows are so it stays cooler facing this way. I heard from my DD this morning. She said she home tested negative! So she's out of quarantine. However her DH felt bad all day yesterday so he tested then and it was negative. This morning he tested positive. Can you believe it? I was notified that Buddy's funeral (visitation and burial) will be tomorrow. Their 17 year old son will return to his out of town technical college Sunday and will only be one week behind his class. Their daughter can go back to her job as a preschool teacher. Her preschool threatened to replace her since she missed 2 weeks of work with her Dad in such critical condition followed by hospice. Luckily Amy's brother is a lawyer who works for the State's unemployment division and he advised them they would be in a lot of trouble if they gave away Kaylee's job while she's on leave for this. I mean seriously? Use common sense people! I wish we didn't live so far away at times like this but no way can we get there for the funeral. I will be there in spirit though. Back to the Daily! The port of Penneshaw on Kangaroo Island sounds like a good one. I haven't been there before and hope we get some photos displayed here. We have never had that port of the day before. Pet fire safety is a good cause, as well as respecting Canada. I should be giving away some of the stuff we have around here. I hope we can squeeze in a visit to our children in Ohio and Michigan before fall. They are all so busy! We bought each of them a Go-Pro with our onboard credit on Island Princess (and one for ourselves), and I want to Give Them Away! So that fits. I will probably pass on the menu suggestion but great job @0106filling in for Debbie. And the photos are fine. Mine are always large too and no one complains. I feel like I understand the quote today and appreciate Rich's explanation. Thanks also Rich @richwmn for doing a such a great job bringing us all together each day. Thanks to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists. Many prayers for all who are suffering or in a bad place. Also cheers to each and every one of you on the Celebration list. So many cruisers! Have a wonderful time and safe travels. Carol @mamaofamiI understand you wishing you could help your Covid positive son. Try not to worry too much because he's no doubt had all his "shots" and will probably have only mild symptoms. And Jake @Crazy For Catsthat credit card problem sounds pretty shady. I would not like doing business at that drug store at all. Hope it is all resolved and someone is held accountable. I've probably forgotten some of the people I wanted to comment about but will add later as it all comes back to me. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
  11. What a beautiful place to visit! No wonder you go there often.
  12. She looked marvelous! May we all look so well if we make it anywhere near 98!!!
  13. I think it's awesome your parents wanted you to learn another language. You did pretty well figuring out what that shop might sell. I would enjoy visiting that shop, but doubt I ever get the chance. Our DDIL had their two boys take Mandarin lessons but I have no idea how well they can speak it. I hope they retain some of it into adulthood. Wow, I hope they can get the repairs done on the azipod. It really does impact a cruise a lot when they don't have full power. Thanks for posting for her. That's a great story about DM! She looks younger than 86 in that photo. And you have such wonderful memories of your visit there with her. Thank you for sharing it with us.
  14. From Holland America's frequently asked question page. No exceptions that I know about. Revised Policy effective June 1st, 2021 Guests are not allowed to bring alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages on board for consumption or any other use except as follows: Guests may bring Wine and Champagne onboard, however a corkage fee of USD $20.00 (which is subject to change without notice) will be applied to each bottle (max 750 ml in volume or less). Limitations apply. Wine brought in quantities deemed to be excessive by the vessel or security will be refused. Wine purchased during company-sponsored shore excursions that visit local wineries are exempt from the on-board corkage fee (offer limited to one bottle of wine per person). Items such as sodas, energy drinks or other non-alcoholic items are not allowed on board in any form. Plastic water bottles are not allowed. However, an allowance of six liters, twelve (12) cans or cartons (500 ml in volume or less) or six (6) cans or cartons (1 liter in volume or less) of water are allowed per stateroom. Any amount in excess of this allowance will be not be allowed onboard. Water in plastic bottles will not be allowed onboard in any quantity, including in ports of call. Guests will be asked to discard open beverages in plastic containers prior to boarding. All checked and carry-on luggage will be scanned and any prohibited items, including alcoholic/nonalcoholic beverages will be removed, confiscated, and discarded. If Your luggage is locked, the lock may be removed by security or, alternatively, the luggage will be held by security until you can be present for an inspection and any items in question further identified and/or surrendered. Holland America Line shall not be responsible for any loss, cost, disappointment or damage of any kind as a result of any luggage lock removal, alcoholic/nonalcoholic items, or other prohibited items removed and discarded in violation of the policy. You agree to surrender alcoholic beverages that are purchased duty free from the ship's gift shop, or at ports of call, to Holland America Line, which will be delivered to your stateroom just prior to disembarking the voyage. Any wine or champagne supplied by the Holland America Line to you is not subject to a corkage fee. Purified or distilled water in factory-sealed containers (including plastic containers) for use in conjunction with medical device(s) are allowed in checked luggage and must be packed with the device(s). Distilled/purified water in factory-sealed containers (including plastic containers) for the reconstitution of infant formula is allowed in checked luggage for staterooms with infant bookings. Limitations apply. Allowances are subject to change without notice and remain subject to situational assessments by both security and the vessel. An 18% Service Charge is automatically applied to all Beverage Purchases, Bar Retail Items, Specialty Restaurant Cover Charges and all For Purchase A La Carte Menu Items. Local Sales Taxes Applied where required.
  15. Thank you @MISTER 67. Thanks so much Susan. I appreciate your sympathy Marge. Feels like a lot of loss in our family's world the past 18 months. What a nice surprise! That will definitely make sitting outside more comfortable. Happy Birthday to Allen today (and many more)! Thank you for the prayers my friend.
  16. Very cool pic of the soldiers! Nice to see you posting today Father. Safe travels to Split next month. I appreciate your compliment. I do the best I can with what I've got. Plus if you take enough photos, at least a few of them will turn out good, right? Thank you Sharon for your condolences. It's truly an amazing area to visit while in Greece. Nice you had the overnight. And the bigger the barrel the better.🍷
  17. I love the Meteora photos of the monasteries and buildings perched high on the mountains. When we were there (tour from our Volos stop), it was fogged in! Absolutely crushed me! I would enjoy going back there on a day like you had.
  18. Your photos always look so professional unlike people like me with an IPhone and a point and shoot camera. I enjoyed looking at them. Thanks!
  19. My apologies to Shadow for mistaking her gender! Instead of handsome, I'd call her beautiful!😉
  20. I've been sitting here checking out my photo books made after each cruise, and saw a few photos that pertained to Piraeus instead of Athens. On our first cruise to Athens on Crown Princess in 2012, we toured the Acropolis and Plaka. On the Prinsendam in 2014 we were there twice, once at the beginning of the Black Sea cruise, then at the beginning of the next cruise to the Holy Land. We stayed at a hotel a block from Pasalimani Harbor in Piraeus. Here's a photo of the harbor taken from our lunch restaurant. And our lunch In December 2018 we were crossing from Europe to the U.S. on the Pacific Princess. Our stop in Piraeus was on Dec. 1. We walked from the ship's dock to Pasalimani Harbor again to do some wine and water shopping. If only I could speak Greek I'd know what these stores sold. No clue! I loved the little tree on the sidewalk with a pretty explicit warning. These kitties lived right in the doorway of this residence. In Greece you park anywhere your car will fit, even if it's at the intersection of two streets. We saw a lot of double parking too. This was the grocery store. They had moving escalator ramps you put your cart on and it moved on up to the second or third floor. We passed by an archaeological museum on the way back to the ship. This was the site of an ampitheater and they had all these stone objects lining the lot. The Piraeus dock where our 2019 cruise began. It was the Emerald Princess and we enjoyed 14 days onboard. At day 7 the rest of our family joined us in Barcelona to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversay. We had to celebrate it during mid-summer due to everyone's school and work commitments since our true anniversary date was Sept. 6.
  21. Thanks for your condolences. I'm sure his loss will leave a huge hole in his family for years to come. Jack, thank you for your sympathy.
  22. What wonderful news about Curt! I hope he continues to improve with his therapy at home. Keep us updated.
  23. Good morning friends. It is so nice to come to such a friendly, warm, comforting place each day. Thank you all who have sent your sympathy to Buddy's family since I signed off last night which includes @kb4683, @Seasick Sailor, @cunnorl, @ger_77, @erewhon, @Cruzin Terri, @HAL Sailer, @TiogaCruiser, @grapau27, @Vict0riann, @puppycanducruise, @cat shepard, @kazu, @seagarsmoker, @4966and556 and @dfishyou are all wonderful caring people or as Ann @marshhawksays, our angels. Buddy's family all appreciate your condolences and even though Amy is a strong woman she could use your prayers. Thank you all. Happy Bastille Day to our French friends. I will say yes to macaroni and cheese, no to sharks and pandemonium. I think the rose' sounds quite nice, no to the drink and tofu suggestion. Another odd Marilyn Monroe quote. Piraeus (Athens) was the port of the day on Dec. 24, 2021. We had many photos posted that day but I wasn't one of the posters due to the fact we drove to Ohio that day and it was late in the day before I got around to reading and posting. I'll wait and see if we have a lot of photos today or not before I go hunting for my photos. I looked up our visits there and we've been there 5 times so I must have a few photos. We didn't go into Athens each visit, I do know that. Thanks Rich @richwmn for posting all these discussion topics today on the Fleet Report and Daily! Also thanks go to Roy @rafinmdfor his Care and Celebration lists. I appreciate your mention of Buddy's passing. It's been quite the journey since his first surgery for throat cancer right before Christmas. Prayers were said this morning for all before I even hit the treadmill. By the way, there was minor pain in the leg overnight. I'm hoping to keep it manageable and perhaps it will go away on its own with time. As for the celebrants, cheers to all of you! Debbie @dfishsafe travels today and this weekend as you head out for your cruise. We will miss you however and look forward to seeing you back here Aug. 2. Good luck today Graham @grapau27at your doctor appointment. Hope everything works out well. Also hope Sarah is feeling better every day. Jacqui @kazuShadow is a handsome dog! I know he will be lucky to have such a great Mom when he arrives. Sorry about the toe but hope it's looking a little better. Glad you found the weeding tool to help make life easier for you. And don't work too hard! Jack @HeartgroveI'm sorry to hear your DB doesn't seem to be doing well lately. I hope you can get that very important visit in with him next week. That wedding is finally here! Safe travels there. I forgot my weather report! It's cloudy as it has been a lot lately. More rain expected here and there during the day. I wish I could send some to those who need it (my DD in Cincinnati for one). As long as it's not flooding I'll take the rain. Have a great day everyone!
  24. Again, to @Tbay, @marshhawk, @dfish, @Mtn2Sea and @smitty34877 many thanks for your condolences. Very much appreciated!
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