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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Terry that was one sweet photo of Camilla and grandpa you posted! You must be excited to finally get a chance to see her in person soon. Give her a squeeze and a hug from me.👶
  2. I believe you when you say don’t do too much. Seems like we want to lie down and rest pretty often. We went for a short walk today. Yesterday I walked way too far but had to get get back to the ship so pushed on. Hope to be feeling stronger every day.
  3. So happy DH is out of the slammer! We only have a few days left to enjoy our cruise so better get busy. Thanks to all of you for keeping me going while we waited and waited for that negative report. ❤️
  4. Even though it’s Saturday already it’s hours until Saturday’s Daily is posted. So I have to report and celebrate that DH is finally NEGATIVE! He’s been cooped up since Wednesday morning last week. He’s on his way here as soon as he gets all his things together. His Princess Medallion has had a dead battery for days now so I’ll have to let him in. That’s our key card. Such a beautiful day here in Andalsnes, Norway so I hope he feels up to walking around this little town. Three cheers for Dennis! View when I woke up this morning
  5. Well testing was earlier than usual this morning. DH tells me he is still positive on Day 9! The nurse says if he’s still positive on Day 10 they will still release him (so why not let him out today?). The Doctor says if he is positive Day 10 he will be released on Day 11 , this Sunday. So who do you believe? We’re both majorly disappointed. It’s such a nice day here in Trondheim! I wanted to walk with him around town today. This is the place with the bike lift up a hill to the Fortress. I have a feeling cruising is not going to be a future priority for him. 😢. Not with Covid in the picture.
  6. Sharon @Sharon in AZHappy birthday to you too! June 24 is a lovely day to celebrate! I’m sorry to hear about Heathrow. Especially since we have our flight home next Wednesday from there. It’s a Delta nonstop to Atlanta so that takes connection worries out but the long lines, lack of staffing and chances of cancellations can ruin your day! Probably won’t know about DH for a couple more hours. Will let everyone know. We’re in Trondheim today and the weather is nice. I hope we can take a walk around town. We were here once and really enjoyed it.
  7. Two comments. I talked to DH and he corrected me in where his steak is coming from. First, not from the speciality dining restaurant Bayou. It’s right on the room service menu AND it’s an 8 oz. filet mignon. I don’t want wrong information out there for other Island Princess quarantine people. Also texted DS and he’s hoping to test negative by Friday night so he can get to Indianapolis for a soccer game or two of his son Ren’s. DDIL is taking him there tonight for tomorrow’s game. A niece and nephew of mine are heading there from St. Louis to watch Ren too. Big sports fans. ⚽️ DS forgot to mention the other day that his other son is positive for Covid too. He was already symptomatic when DS got home from his Hawaii trip. Can you believe this!
  8. Happy birthday Colin! Could there be a finer way to celebrate? I think not! @ger_77Dh is officially on Day 8. Last Wednesday was zero and you count on from Thursday. I was sprung on Day 8 so he’s a bit down about it. So to cheer himself up he’s ordering a ribeye from the Bayou Steakhouse tonight with a baked potato. And wine! No charge of course😉 Tomorrow is day 9. Surely they can’t keep him incarcerated much longer. He said he’d like to step foot in Norway once or twice this cruise. 🇳🇴
  9. Who knows? What one nurse told us has not been confirmed in comments by the Doctor. So let’s just hope there’s no question and he’s negative! Thank you Lenda. I agree 🤞 I know you do Terri. You got through it and so will we. 👍🏻
  10. That is a real shame, both way too young. My sympathy to their families.
  11. Rats! Just heard from DH and he’s positive again (day 8). Another lonely day for both of us. Hoping our daughter’s birthday is the lucky ticket out for him tomorrow. ☘️
  12. Hi everyone. I’m just sitting in front of the balcony door looking outside and reading the rest of Wednesday’s Daily and Fleet report. its 9 am here and I’m waiting to get a call from DH to find out his status. Had breakfast alone in Horizon Court and did something I don’t normally do. Eat eggs away from home. I like the yolk broken and cooked through. But I felt like eggs were what I was craving so went for it. It was nice for a change. I’m a little tired today but I’m not complaining! We have high winds and seas so this ship has been rocking through the night and morning. And it’s cold outside, otherwise I’d be out there. @kazuJacqui I’m so sorry about your purse and IPhone being run over! I hope you can replace the phone quickly. Back before IPhones I put my purse down in DD’s garage as I attempted to help place grandkids in the car. She ended up backing over the purse but at least my eyeglasses were safe in a hard case. No phone to worry about then. @Quartzsite CruiserLenda I’m very sorry to hear about your DH’s leg issues. Hope he’s back home soon getting his therapy Happy Birthday @rafinmd Roy! My DD turns 50 Friday and they are planning a party to celebrate. Wish I could be there to celebrate her! @mamaofamiCarol I’m sad to hear Sam and the aide are Covid positive and hope they both recover fully. Hopefully your family will still be able to celebrate your birthday Sunday. @bennybearwhat bad news for DH about his melanoma. I also hope it’s been found early and will be taken care of quickly. I heard Buddy was able to move his right leg yesterday for the first time since his spinal surgery. Thank goodness! However they tried to place a feeding tube and failed. He really needs some nourishment because he’s thin as a rail. I hope they can work something out for him. He needs to get some strength back. Well it’s taken me a long time to peck at this IPhone keyboard and still no call from DH. I’ll have to let you all know later. Have a great day everyone!❤️
  13. Once again thanks to all for the kind words. If I weren’t posting on this IPhone I could try all the multi-quoting and thank you all personally. I'm getting ready to eat dinner at my usual table tonight. So much better than room service! Here is the first photo I took this morning from my balcony. We were at Gravdal (Lofoten Islands), Norway. 😊
  14. Thank you all for the welcome home! I went out for a bit and enjoyed the fresh air. I feel much better than I did this morning. I’m not really nauseated anymore. However, I heard from our son overnight on WhatsApp. He has felt sick several days and thought it was a sinus infection due to a bad headache. He found out a colleague at a conference in Hawaii that he just returned home from had tested positive for Covid. DS took a rapid test and scored a positive! He was positive in December 2020 too so this is his second go around. What a bummer! Seems like this a topic that never goes away.
  15. Roy, I’ve given up trying to figure out their edicts. It depends on who you talk to. I’m just hoping for the first opportunity. He seems to feel well so that’s good news.
  16. Today, Wednesday the 22nd I tested negative. DH is still positive and wouldn’t even consider letting me hang out with him in quarantine. So I packed up and after a call to the front desk I was allowed to just walk out the door and back to my cabin with no escort. My Medallion didn’t work to unlock my door so my room steward let me in. The Medallion appears to be working now though. I’ve been outside breathing in fresh air several times but it is so cold out there. I know many of you would appreciate lower temps at home but probably not this cold! I had a rough night with my tummy issues so am rather weak and tired but I hope to get a small bite to eat and perhaps take a stroll around Gravdal. I wish it wasn’t a tender port but we can’t have everything. Believe me, I am grateful to be out of jail. During my quarantine all the tender ports used the tender outside my window including today. At 6:12 am we were awakened with all racket! And every day workers would be outside my window working on it and making tons of noise. I’m not sure why the same three tenders (6, 11, and 12) were used every time. Let us pray ALL tenders are in good working condition!🙏🏻 Going up to find something to eat and drink now. Thanks to all for their prayers and support. Also thanks to Lenda for posting my photos of Rouen. You all are great!
  17. We just finished a late lunch/early dinner of Princess Gourmet pizza. Capricciosa. It’s about a 12 inch pizza and there is a room service charge of $3 but they waive charges on quarantine rooms. We’ve been eating lightly this week so 2 pieces of pizza is a lot for me. Covid stress has had my tummy in an uproar. Plus I got a cold sore on my lip which is always triggered by stressful times. No fun at all! By the time I get home from this cruise I will be happy to sit home for a few months! Although, I’d love to see my kids and grandkids. Perhaps we’ll do that. ❤️ Terry, @smitty34877what a shame to hear about DH’s gout and Tana’s pneumonia! How disappointing she is too ill at this time to attend 8th grade graduation. Our thoughts and prayers are with your household. 🙏🏻 Rouen was a lovely stop on our Prinsendam “European Rivers” cruise several years back. We stayed in town to explore and it was a great day. I think this port was mentioned previously on the Daily so if Lenda has time today, she could be posting photos from mine and her trips there. Jacqui’s photo of the old clock brings back happy memories.
  18. Terri we don’t get off until Wednesday the 29th. This is the half of the cruise where I had new ports to visit so it seems like a cruel punishment. Having been through this on Oceania I recall how kind they were to you and your DH. The Doctor doesn’t sound the least bit sorry to give me the disappointing news. 😢
  19. Today’s nurse arrived fairly late. We were both quite anxious already. Tests taken and at 9:30 the doctor called to tell me I was still positive. I handed the phone to DH because I am beyond frustrated. DH told me last night if he was negative and I positive again he was going to stay with me. But he didn’t have to make that choice - he’s positive too! If we could get some fresh air it might help but we’ve been cooped up in this obstructed oceanview for way too long. Doctor told DH I will be tested again tomorrow and if positive still they will release me Thursday. This is so depressing😢 Meanwhile someone was just released and walked past our door. He mentioned he was a crew member. Lucky guy!
  20. @JAM37Julia, @Cruzin TerriTerri, and @cat shepardAnn thanks for your support and prayers. Hoping for the best again tomorrow. If I knew what I needed to do for that viral load to disappear I’d do it. But there’s nothing I can actively do except wait it out. On Princess they tell me I will be tested each morning from Day 6 on until I’m negative, up to Day 10. At that point I would be released because I am no danger to anyone. But personally I want a negative test result! Won’t I need a document proving I’m negative when I fly home Wednesday the 29th? I can just see the question put forward by Delta now - have you tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days? 😳
  21. Yes. Bright and early Tuesday we will both be tested standing at our door. Quick and easy. The hard part is getting the results you want!
  22. Monday morning here at sea heading to Alta, Norway on Island Princess. The nurse showed up bright and early for today’s Covid test and an hour or so later the Doctor called. Still positive! I had a feeling today was not my lucky day. Tomorrow they will test us both and DH better not be freed, leaving me here alone again. I’ll go bananas! 🍌
  23. 1967 400? I learned to drive a manual transmission on DH’s 1968 350 HO Firebird. BEFORE he set it up for racing. Here he is on race day complete with the tow bar attaching it to the Pontiac GTO we had.
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