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Everything posted by boeckli

  1. Dave, your workaround looked really good (even if a pain in the ...) until I went to try it out 🙄 Oh no - my right-click result looked VERY different (see below). This is Firefox but Chrome looked very similar (nothing like yours). So I thought: I'll just try 'Copy Image', then come here to the post and do right lick and paste (or Ctrl+V) Voila - it works (at least as far as I can see) Hope everyone else can see it too!! Please tell 🤞
  2. I have tried both Firefox and Chrome. Also have never been able to get links to google photos to work in the past.
  3. Despite using two different devices and two different browsers I still only see many lines of gibberish I wonder if anyone else can see them?
  4. I can't see any images, just lots of code ☚ī¸
  5. A decrease in rain has brought out a bit more variety in flowering plants this week
  6. Just found this summary of an article in the Courier Mail - can't see the whole thing as it's behind a pay-wall "2000 passengers stuck on board Covid-hit ship for another night Rough weather is preventing more than 2000 passengers from being able to disembark the Covid-riddled Coral Princess as its forced to remain off the Queensland coast overnight."
  7. My TV says ACA from 7.00-8.16 and then Paramedics from 8.16-9.32 😕
  8. In between all the days of rain, the camellias are trying very hard
  9. Here is a link to ABC article https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-11/covid-outbreak-on-cruise-ship-coral-princess-docked-in-brisbane/101228112
  10. Saw this white-faced heron by the seaside today
  11. I stayed there in Dec 2019 and watched Norwegian Jewel arrive although she berthed at the other wharf. I recognised the wall with the "graffiti" on it 😉
  12. Were you staying at the M Social? Here's the next photo
  13. Being a public holiday Monday (Queen's Birthday) and great winter weather, lots of people (and their dogs) were out and about watching the large swell we've had for a few days now.
  14. These pelicans seemed to be trying to prove their formation flying was at least as good as what was seen at the Jubilee celebrations in London 😉 🛩ī¸
  15. Surprise, surprise - June (officially winter) has started off nice and sunny, albeit with a hefty wind-chill factor thrown in. These guys had a bit of a neighbourhood stand-off. When I first spotted them, the gulls were loudly arguing against the outsider who just rather meekly sat there. Quiet then returned for a little while before an approaching pooch made them all fly off.
  16. Flapping its wing(s) 😉 🌹
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