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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Wow, looks like we will just miss it! Saturday, April 29, we fly into LAX, spend the night, and fly to Hawaii on Sunday. Ship sails Tuesday at I think 9pm.
  2. @bobmacliberty @h20skibum Thanks for the Hawaiian input. It will help in our planning. Dani, we have already booked one of the Hilton hotels. We got a new credit card and the bonus points paid for Hilton and our stop over in California. What is also going to be a challenge is now there are 6 of us going.
  3. @bobmacliberty How did you get around in Hawaii. We were considering renting a car. It looks like if we do rent one the Hotel we are looking at charges $50 per night to park. Starting to look like it wouldn't be much more to just Lyft around.
  4. Has anyone else noticed the house gas bill going up? We are getting charged at least 40% more for gas than last year.
  5. @brilloheadDid you get the link for the pics to download from. By Google Drive yet? I am waiting to see if it works for you yet. I am wondering if the ship internet will let you do it.
  6. BRILLO, This is the one I was converting. I shortened it so I can load it here. I will send the original length. GX015497mm_1675198573602.mp4
  7. We are iced in good right now and we are supposed to get hit again this afternoon! The Weather Channel showed pics of Arkansas just across the river from Memphis and it looked like trucks lined up forever and not moving. Last night my SIL was supposed to go to work at 9am but now closed. They finally figured out noone is going to see their PT today. My daughter does OT at the nursing home. She still had to understandably go in. Most everything else is closed. I would say about 85% of the times what hits us hits the NE a day or two later. You might check the forecast and get prepared.
  8. Thanks Deb. I am glad I saw this. I am still far behind. It's been post so many times I should know how it works but it's been so long since I booked a guarantee I didn't pay close attention. How do you do the hack and how far out do you guess I will be assigned.?
  9. The video was moved from my Gopro to my phone in the Gallery file. My Gallery has an edit tool that allows me to change it from the original Gopro compression, H265, to the more common compression H264.
  10. For those how could not 🙈 see it before. Can you see it now? The first had H265 compression, this H264. GX015486_1675145958106.mp4
  11. Does the resolution look OK. It was a 4k but I converted to 720. What screen size. Do you know how to tell if it's H264/H265 or neither. I've heard of the compression but don't know much about them. If that is evolved it may have an effect on some and not others. I just looked in details and I see H265. Now to figure out how to get it uncompressed.
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