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Everything posted by framboesa

  1. We did Florence from livorno a few years ago (shuttle+bus+train) and it felt rushed for us but we could see the highlights. We did pisa with a tour (viator or something similar) and it was much more simple (we spent there 1,30 hours, and could spend more if we had the time because we visited all the sights inside). If you only want to take some pictures and skip the visits inside the buildings it's doable. Pay attention that there are only a few trains in the morning. There are lots of trips (viator, get your guide...) that include both places. We will stop in Livorno but will visit Lucca, btw. 🙂
  2. I have no idea 🙂 During our past cruises there were two queues, one for EU citizen and other for non EU citizen. This was in Barcelona and Savonna. Maybe those rules only apply to some ports 😉
  3. But the OP is not from EU I believe...I was speaking about the last day, when you end the cruise.
  4. I'm sorry this situation happened to you. Try to disembark as early as possible. We recently returned from a cruise with disembarkation in Barcelona, for us citizen from the European Union it took 30 minutes to pass through emigration, but for passengers from the USA it took much longer. May everything go for the best!
  5. While in Italy I allways carry a scarf with me to cover the shoulders, normally is enough.
  6. My father carry the extension nexto to the CPAP machine, cruise in several cruise lines and ships and never had a problem. I guess that when they see it next to the cpap machine it seems like an extension from the machine, not one extension apart from the machine. While in the cruise he only uses the one provided by the ship.
  7. It was really hot two weeks ago and then sundelly cold again...and getting hotter again 🙂
  8. Try to contact the hotel where you will stay before the cruise. My father uses cpap machine and in several situations the extension cord was provided by the hotel. (On the orther hand we did a transatlantic last month, i told my father to not bring the extension cord because the hotel would provide it. He forgot and brought the extension cord on the carry on and never had any problems boarding the cruise. He never used the extension cord he brought from home, only the one provided by Royal Caribbean.)
  9. Yes, it can happen during the firts one or two Med cruises, specially the post TA ones. Then more passengers from Spain, Italy, Portugal, etc... start to cruise and we normally dinner around 8.30/9:00 at home (9.30 and later in Spain)so the later times are always full. For instance i booked this week a september cruise in italy and the later dinner times are already "soldout".
  10. Thnak you for sharing your adventure. We just returned from TA aboard Oasis of the seas and also went to Malaga and Valencia. We also had one medical emergency and had to stop at Azores (I guess they attend lost of TA emergencies). We just booked (two days ago) Voyager September 23rd 🙂
  11. Our first cruise was also Majesty of the seas 🙂 More than 30 years ago!
  12. We have just returned from the transatlantic, we booked the times before the cruise, just like we do at home when we want to go to a restaurant. But you can use the mtd without making a reservation in advance, you may have to wait in line in this case. We usually have dinner around 8/8:30pm, and it was very quiet, with no queues, even for those who didn't have a reservation. During Med/Europe cruises there will probably be more queues around this time because we usually have dinner later here. It depends if you are sailing from USA or Europe/Med.
  13. Thank you very much 🙂 They are travelling next week and I'm worried that besides spa there is no other place to go to enjoy hot tubs or pool because contrary to other ships there is no hot tub covered... 😕
  14. Thank you for your words! We were in Edinburgh for Christmas in 2018 and loved it (I mean...really loved it). Such nice people and nice food 🙂
  15. Thank you very much for your answers.🙂 I was talking about the cruise shuttle provided by marseille port. It seems that even with that shuttle it's a pretty long walk 😉 because they will stay in marseille one day before the cruise, near a Metro station, I was thinking of travelling to metro station Joliette and then walking to the cruise shuttle stop. But the information provided by google maps is that they have to walk all the way back to the beginning of the street to enter one private area to catch the shuttle 😏
  16. Hello! Is the cruise shuttle from Marseille old town to the cruise port working? if not, do you know how much is a taxi or tvde car from old town to the cruise port? Thank you 🙂
  17. hello! My parents will cruise aboard Costa Diadema, short cruise, departing from Marseille to Lisbon. I have a couple questions: - Is the indoor pool heated? - What are normally the theme nights? Thank you
  18. My parents are not that kind of persons. If after 70 cruises this is the first one they didn't like so much... that's their opinion and their personal experience. They loved the crew and the staff. But, for the first time in their history of cruising on various companies and around the world, some things happened that were not to their liking.😕 All the messages they received at the cabin were in English, the menus everywhere too, the program too. It had never happened to them. Even after asking in Spanish, they only received it in Spanish once, then everything went back to the same. Imagine that you sail aboard a ship where everyone speak one language that you don't understand.Even though, having contacted Celebrity, they said before the cruise that, "of course there would be things translated as the ship would have many Spanish passengers on board and was sailing in Spain." Did not happen.🙄 Regarding the ship, it is a personal opinion of course: they are used to ships with lots of color and vibrant and cheerful decorations, this one was more sober. Probably the taste of the major part of the passengers, not their taste. They also missed activities such as dance classes, for example. They are 70 years old but very young for their age and enjoy fun activities.😄 Also regarding shows, it has to do with their taste, again: they like shows where something more happens than just someone singing and/or playing a musical instrument for 1 hour. But once again it's their opinion. It would also be mine because I also appreciate another type of experience. In the same way that I understand those who don't like mega ships or ships this or that. This isn't being Negative Nancy, it's having an opinion, that can be opposite to yours, based on things that happened, I don't think I offended anyone when I shared it. They had no idea what to expect because i booked the cruise for them...but probably the passengers that chose the cruise on purpose will love it!You will enjoy it for sure! 😊
  19. Well, right now I can't convince them doing another celebrity cruise, my "teenager parents" insist that it is for an old crowd 😄 We have one transatlantic booking aboard Oasis of the Seas
  20. I was surprised because they cruise alot and they never complained before.They thought the ship had a very sad decor, very formal and sober, old-fashioned, they missed a more cheerful and appealing environment. They said that the shows consisted of one person singing or playing an instrument and as they are used to big Royal Caribbean productions they were disappointed. They thought there was little to do and the only reason they weren't more bored was because they were traveling with a group of 6 friends. Regarding the food, they found a lot of spicy food. My mother was sick and the doctor had to ask the kitchen directly for different food because he was aware that a lot of the food was spicy. I was really surprised because i was thinking that celebrity would be the ideal for them ( they are 72 yo) but they said that they prefer ships with more activities, parties and things going on ...and that they are too young for celebrity 😅 The other persons traveling with them shared the same point of view and said that prefer other kind of experience.
  21. They had a safe trip, thank you...but after more than 70 cruises with different cruise lines, that they loved... it was the first time that they were disappointed with a cruise. 😄 They even said that will never cruise with celebrity again 🙄
  22. It was a pleasure follow your trip! My parents are right now at the airport waiting to return home 🙂Safe trips!
  23. It's great to follow your adventures! And the pictures are lovely, seems that the weather looks better.😀 I love cadiz, we will be there by the end of our transatlantic next year. I got feedback from my parents and they said that the shows are nothing to write home about, but they are enjoying themselves because are travelling with family. (and now I'm hungry because of your pictures!)
  24. They speak Portuguese but can also speak and understand Spanish, and normally is easier to find Spanish speakers than Portuguese ones😊 fortunately Celebrity is taking care of them now, I believe it was a misunderstood. The problem was mainly during dinner because they had no idea what food was listed at the menus! 😅 Thank you
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