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Everything posted by dfish

  1. We do that as well. It sure cuts down on those things you get a have to display and dust because the person who gave it to you will notice if it isn't out. Now I just have to dust table surfaces. Our Thanksgiving was wonderful despite the outcome of the Lions Packers game. The food was good and the company better.
  2. Can a little face get any cuter? She is adorable and I hope we are seeing a sparkle of sass in her.
  3. The turkey is in, the extra dressing is ready to go, the potatoes were made by Bob Evans and will go in later. I think we're ready to go! I, also, am very thankful for my Daily family. This group was a lifeline during the dark days of the pandemic. It has been a real treat to get to meet some of you since then. I am really looking forward to meeting @summer slope Dixie and her DH on our Hawaii cruise and getting together again with @Sharon in AZ Sharon and Craig. I'm thankful for all the newcomers to the group as they bring a fresh perspective. I especially want to thank @0106 Tina, my stand in, for the Meal of the Day. Many thanks to @richwmn Rich for compiling the lists of meals, drinks, wines, and ports. That is no small job. Thank you to my colleagues in the Food and Beverage Department, @summer slope Dixie and @cat shepard Ann. Thank you so much to @JazzyV Vanessa for keeping our Prayer and Celebration lists. And where would we be without @StLouisCruisers Sandi and @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda with all your pictures from various ports. I think you two have been to more ports than any of us. And then we have those who bring us our daily dose of humor, @aliaschief Bruce, @kazu Jacqui, @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, @kochleffel Paul. And the cat lovers with their pictures, and those who pop in now and then to say hi and that they have been thinking of us. Now, don't let me forget @grapau27 Graham and his food porn pics. Some of those have been stellar. No matter how much you post or how little, each person who posts on this thread makes this community what it is. I am thankful to Cruise Critic for letting us have this space to continue this caring, supportive, and fun community. You are all truly family.
  4. Good morning, everyone! Yesterday we stopped by Target and got River a nice outfit for today. She also got a pretty pair of glittery shoes, so there is glitter all over the house. She is taste testing the dump cake for breakfast this morning. As soon as I get this posted I need to get to work. I need to get the turkey in by 10 so it is ready when the football game is over. After that I have a short window to get the house squared away. I doubt many of us will have today's meal. Not when there is turkey, ham, and all the fixings available. But some may want to tuck it away for another time. I think we've had variations of this before, but not this exact curry. https://damndelicious.net/2021/10/16/thai-coconut-curry-ramen/ The mushrooms in this one looked good to me. https://minimalistbaker.com/coconut-curry-ramen/ And here is the vegetarian tofu version. https://pinchofyum.com/coconut-curry-ramen Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  5. Pies are baked, cake is done, everything that could be done ahead is ready to go. So, the drain in the laundry room has decided to back up. It didn't back up while I was doing laundry, but when Sue gave River a bath, emptying the tub did it. Grrrr We just had that drain cleaned out 4 months ago.
  6. Stuffing/dressing is made and I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee before I tackle the pies. We've traded in the Kindle for Barbie stuff and it is everywhere. A small mini crisis in that a black shoe has gone missing. That seems to be a forever problem with Barbie as she is always losing her shoes. @Heartgrove So sorry to hear you have Covid. I hope it is a quick recovery. @Vict0riann I keep forgetting to tell you that I hope whatever ails you is found and treated quickly. Feel better. @ger_77 That is a scary situation with your DH. I hope it is something minor and that he has just coughed himself raw. @marshhawk Congratulations on the wonderful report from work! You go, girl! @Sharon in AZ I thought I didn't read the recipes well and one called for chunks of butternut squash. That would not be too far off the path as we have seemed to find every butternut squash recipe that exists. Ok, back to work now.
  7. Good morning, everyone! @1ANGELCAT @Nickelpenny Oh, I hope he recovers quickly! We had a good night last night. Sue and River were up early this morning, but I slept in. I would have slept longer, but I have a lot to do today. I'm making the dressing/stuffing, a chocolate chip pecan pie, and an apple-cranberry dump cake. I think that will be enough for now! Today is the day I am most thankful. I am thankful that I am retired and do not have to drive 300 miles after a full day of work so that I can have Thanksgiving with family. I am even more thankful today that I don't have to travel anywhere and can host Thanksgiving in my own home. We had today's meal back in July, but now is a good time to review as we are in soup and stew season. If you prefer your chili with meat like I do, just add some ground beef. https://cookieandkate.com/vegetarian-chili-recipe/ Here's one for the slow cooker. https://www.chewoutloud.com/the-best-vegetarian-chili-slow-cooker-or-stovetop-3/ And one for the instant pot. https://pickyeaterblog.com/the-best-vegetarian-chili-ever/ I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  8. She was really excited about the ear buds until I told her she had to use them. Then they didn't fit her ears (they did), the sound was too loud (we can turn it down), they don't work with Grandma's Kindle (they do). She is a master of excuses. We tried to watch Elf and she did watch for about a half hour and then lost interest. I'll take a look at The Christmas Chronicles. I do wonder a bit about attention span.
  9. I had to request discs of scans from an out of state facility for the people up here to use. Both use MyChart, but the films don't transfer over, just the reports.
  10. Good afternoon! It is a rainy day here in mid-Michigan. It is supposed to clear up later and tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be nice. I think I have everything I need for Thanksgiving dinner. I have munchies for during the game, all the turkey trimmings, and stuff to make pies. DB Bill is bringing the goodie tray fixings - pickles, olives, etc and DB Jeff is bringing broccoli. DS Mary Jo is bringing cranberry sauce and a pumpkin pie. I'm making pecan chocolate chip pie and an apple cranberry dump cake. I did pick up some ice cream to go with the desserts. We have regular potatoes and sweet potatoes. I picked up the celery and onions for the stuffing today along with a bunch of other stuff I didn't know I needed until I saw it. That always happens when I go to C. I have about an hour of peace and quiet left before Sue and River arrive. It is non-stop chatter once River gets here. She likes to watch videos on Sue's Kindle and I did find her some ear buds so we don't have to hear it, too. We will need to check the volume regularly to make sure it isn't too loud. @kazu I am so sorry the appliance gremlin has paid you a visit. Just don't give him directions to my house. While I replaced all my appliances in a year's time, they all stayed in Ohio. I miss some of them. @JazzyV I hope you could get a nap in. Any port in a storm. @Cruzin Terri Wow! I'd take a cot in the engine room if I could win $1200! @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you had a safe trip. Enjoy settling in and I hope you find everything in good repair. @Cruising-along Fingers crossed for good results on your lab work. I bet you'll get your results back before I get mine from the CT. The port pictures are great! Maybe someday.
  11. @StLouisCruisers I am sure we will Farkle after dinner on Thursday. We'll have most of the family here so it will be a large group game. I seem to go against the flow and don't turn the TV on until late in the day. I catch the evening news and then usually turn it over to Sue. She only likes to watch Househunters and Forensic Files. I find other stuff to do. This week I have found other shows to watch as well. There is more out there than real estate and crime. @cruising sister I'm glad you are doing so well after your surgery. Wishing you a very rapid recovery. You have a cruise to get ready for! @aliaschief I'm glad things are moving right along for you!
  12. Roy, when you get home please have that foot checked out. It is worrying me that it is still painful.
  13. Good morning, everyone! I slept like a rock last night and feel so much better today. That's a good thing because I have a lot to do today to get ready for Thursday. Today I go shopping for the fresh produce needed for Thursday and tomorrow I'll make the stuffing and pies. Sue will arrive home tonight with River, so I'll need to have dinner ready for them. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda! No more injuries! Safe travels today. @smitty34877 That puppy is so cute! I bet he takes good care of you, too! Many years ago my family met me at the airport dressed in togas with maple leaf wreaths in their hair. The togas were bed sheets. We had a similar Meal of the Day a few weeks back where the chicken was braised in a mixture of apple cider and Dijon mustard. I made that dish for Farkle night and it got rave reviews. This one sounds good as well. For those who are done with the butternut squash and want to leave it out, do so. But I'm one who can never get enough of what mom called the winter squashes. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/apple-cider-chicken-with-butternut-squash/ The garlic in this next one got my attention. I love garlic. It helps keep evil spirits away. https://thelemonbowl.com/apple-cider-roasted-chicken-with-butternut-squash/ In this recipe the butternut squash is used to make fritters to go along with the cider soaked chicken. https://www.foodnetwork.com/fnk/recipes/apple-cider-glazed-chicken-thighs-with-butternut-squash-fritters-9517319 Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  14. Wow, talk about quick service. I'm happy for you that you can get this taken care of quickly. I'm still waiting on the results of my CT scan from November 10th. We can't schedule the surgery until we know how large the hernia opening is. I figure we'll get the results in time to totally mess up Christmas.
  15. A nap helped a lot, but I'm still dragging. I'll sleep well tonight.
  16. Good morning, everyone! It was a real bad night last night. I was up with an upset stomach and really bad leg cramps. It is getting better now, but I'm heading back to bed after I post this. The good news is that we will have River with us for Thanksgiving. River is excited and so are we. We've had variations of today's meal before. I could find the pictures, but not the recipes from before so today's recipes are different than what we had before. This first one looks really good with lots of sauce and cheese. https://www.spendwithpennies.com/chicken-parmesan-recipe/ You can use a ready made sauce for this one. https://www.thespruceeats.com/easy-chicken-parmesan-3052878 We did have this recipe before, but the crispy chicken is a draw to me. https://cafedelites.com/crispy-chicken-parmesan/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  17. You had a pretty full day. It sounds like you are getting better!
  18. Good morning, everyone! It is a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. I'm thankful for that as I have to drive over to Big Rapids for a birthday party for River. Her other grandma is hosting this party. It takes about an hour and a half each way. I did get my x-ray results back, but still no CT results. The x-rays confirmed my diagnosis - my shock absorbers are missing in action from the neck on down. There is mild to moderate scoliosis and arthritis throughout. @Cruzin Terri Have a great cruise! @marshhawk I hope Chuck is ok after his fall. @smitty34877 Have a great visit and safe travels @aliaschief I hope you can get an easy fix for your knee problems. @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels today in the new motorhome. @StLouisCruisers The Farkle party was great last night. We had Claude Monet's stuffed onions with creamed spinach and biscuits. I came from behind and beat DB Bill in the first game. Sweet! Today's meal is in the comfort food category and has all the flavors of lasagna without the layers. It sounds really good, but too many carbs for me. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/pasta-bake-with-sausage-baked-ziti/ You can control the heat in this one by using mild Italian sausage and adjusting the amount of red pepper. https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/baked-ziti-with-sausage.html This one is similar, just a slight variation on seasonings. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/baked-ziti/
  19. Good morning, everyone! I got to sleep easily last night, but woke up at 3:00 am and didn't get back to sleep until after 5:00 am. I had to get up and walk around the house a bit to work out the back issues. A little Aspercreme helped as well. Not much on the agenda for today. I think I'll work on my quilt a bit. I have a Zoom meeting at 2:00 pm and then need to start dinner for tonight's Farkel party. DB Bill had to work last night, so we are getting together tonight. I've never had Butter Chicken, but I think I need to have it. The recipe sounds wonderful. You can easily control the heat in this dish and still enjoy the rest of the flavors. https://cafedelites.com/butter-chicken/ I'd put this over riced cauliflower to control the carbs. This next one looks involved, but it does give you the equivalents of the seasonings to make it easy. https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/butter-chicken/ This last one has all easy to find ingredients. https://www.recipetineats.com/butter-chicken/ If you can't find garam masala in the grocery store, here is a recipe for making the spice blend. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/142967/easy-garam-masala/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  20. I was being sarcastic, but sometimes it seems that is what happens. Can you order your groceries online and get curbside pickup? They are still doing that here. Oops, just reread your post and I agree, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. As for the therapy and results, there is nothing I can do except shrug my shoulders. My friend in Denver waited three months for the "next available appointment" for a MRI. Glad it isn't anything serious. I know the doctors here are up in arms over the imaging results issues. Seems hospital administration changed the radiology department to a remote group. Right after they did that, there was a mass exodus from that remote group. Tells you something. I would think the hospital would want an in house radiologist. Sometimes the doctors want to consult with them. And look at the films on the big screen while talking with the radiologist.
  21. Good afternoon! I went and had the x-rays done that the Spine and Pain clinic ordered. I was told today that there is such a backlog of images that it is now taking 2-3 weeks to get results. Then the PT place called me and the earliest they can get me in is January. I'm glad I'm not relying on the PT to relieve my pain or anything like that. I guess at this rate I am hoping to get imaging results back sometime this calendar year so we can commence treatment in 2025.
  22. Good morning, everyone! It is a gray, rainy day here in mid-Michigan. The rain brought down more leaves and it is obvious that they will need to be done again. The yard did look great for a few hours after I mowed it yesterday. Today I will go get those x-rays of my back and neck. Still no results from my CT scan a week ago. @seagarsmoker I'm so sorry to hear about your work situation. Why do things like that always seem to happen right before the holidays? @RMLincoln You're almost done! I hope the guest suite provided you with a good night's sleep. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels to Miami. @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels to Quartzite. I'm glad you are taking your time and I hope the new motor home is comfortable for both of you. @marshhawk I sure hope the doctor will take a listen to you today. Thanks to @0106 Tina for the information about butternut squash. Rich @richwmn and I are just concerned about everyone's health and that is why we've had so much butternut this and that. Besides, it is good. We actually had butternut mac and cheese back in February, but we're giving you a second chance on it. I'll take the squash without the mac and cheese part, thank you! https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/butternut-squash-mac-and-cheese/ Lots of good tips in this one. https://cookieandkate.com/butternut-squash-mac-and-cheese/ I like the combination of cheeses in this one. https://www.skinnytaste.com/butternut-squash-mac-and-cheese/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
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