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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! Slept well last night and doing very well on the recovery from surgery. Today Sue and I are going to walk up to the restaurant nearby for breakfast. When we take our morning walks and head in that direction, we can often smell the toast and bacon. Lately it has been calling our names, so today we'll go and enjoy! Nothing else is on the agenda as Sue's car is in the shop. It needs a new front wheel bearing and new rear brakes. Some of this is from the joy of living on a gravel road for all those years. Hitting those ruts took a toll on the car. Today's meal sounds semi good to me. In direct contrast to @rafinmd Roy, I would love the mushroom ragout and leave out the polenta. Polenta is a dish of boiled cornmeal that was historically made from other grains. The dish comes from Italy. It may be served as a hot porridge, or it may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled. Too many carbs for me. In Italian cuisine, ragù is a meat-based sauce that is commonly served with pasta. An Italian gastronomic society, Accademia Italiana della Cucina, documented several ragù recipes. The recipes' common characteristics are the presence of meat and the fact that all are sauces for pasta. Ok, we don't meet either characteristic in this recipe, but we shall continue on!. I like the idea of using red wine as a source of liquid in this recipe. https://themodernproper.com/mushroom-ragu-with-polenta This next one is a vegan offering. https://www.connoisseurusveg.com/wild-mushroom-ragu-creamy-polenta/ I had to include this one from Emeril. I can just taste the flavor explosion! https://www.emerils.com/127824/wild-mushroom-ragout-over-creamy-polenta Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  2. Busy morning so far. The central air is working well, so no worries there. Sue took her car in for work and we did our morning walk. I did a load of clothes that are in the dryer now. Then, we paired the garage door opener with my car. It is one of those with the learn button, so someone had to push the button on the opener and then someone had to push the button in the car within 30 seconds. On the third try it worked like a charm. Now we don't have to keep moving the remote around. Sue will have that full time since her car doesn't seem to have the pairing feature. This was a small victory, but a big one to us.
  3. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, everyone! It will be another hot one here in mid-Michigan with temps rising into the low 90s. We found out yesterday that the window air conditioner in the family room doesn't work. We don't know if it is the air conditioner itself, or the outlet. The way the house is constructed, the central air for the rest of the house won't reach the family room. Fortunately, the house does not heat up until late afternoon and cools down nicely in the evenings with the windows opened. So, that is what we plan to do. Today's meal is a nice one. Remember, if you don't like tilapia, you can always substitute any other mild, white fish. Our first recipe is for a tilapia with lemon pepper and a spring arugula salad. https://strengthandsunshine.com/lemon-pepper-tilapia-spring-arugula-salad-garlic-herb-croutons-gluten-free/ Nothing is easier than a sheet pan dinner. Here is one with tilapia, asparagus, and roasted potatoes. https://www.mashupmom.com/sheet-pan-tilapia-dinner/ If we're talking about springy type foods, these tilapia pineapple spring rolls fill the bill. https://www.thekitchn.com/tilapia-and-pineapple-spring-rolls-23396190 I couldn't resist this one with the chili/lime combination and an avocado salsa. Mmmmmhttps://tasty.co/recipe/chili-lime-baked-tilapia-with-avocado-crema Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  4. Wonderful news! Thanks for letting us know. Tell him to relax and rest. That is what works for me.
  5. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be another hot one here in mid-Michigan today. We are supposed to reach 90F. I did get a new fan that doesn't screech when on, so that helped cool my bedroom last night. I'm happy to report that I slept through the night and have no memory of waking up at all. I'm looking forward to better sleep after this surgery. We did pick up the paint samples yesterday, but it was too hot to do anything outdoors. We'll try to get to them today. We have some great days to celebrate. I do like macaroons, although I haven't had any since DS Mary Jo moved back from France. The wine sounds especially good. Many thanks to Tina @0106 for taking over while I was recovering from surgery. Tina did a stellar job! I so appreciate her willingness to step up and forward! Today's meal is a great one for your vegetarian/vegan family members. I tend to avoid it due to carbs, but if that isn't an issue for you, enjoy! The recipes today are all about making your own falafel. They all emphasize that you must start with dry chickpeas. Canned chickpeas don't work and the falafel will fall apart when frying them if you use canned. Here's the first one: https://www.themediterraneandish.com/how-to-make-falafel/ That does look good. It isn't just making the falafel, it is what you do with it once made that makes the meal. This next recipe has directions for different ways to fry the falafel as well as bake it. Then, put them in a warm pita with tomatoes and greens and some cucumber sauce and mmmmm. https://www.acouplecooks.com/classic-falafel/ Or, you can dip them in the cucumber sauce. That would save calories and carbs. This next one has directions for the air fryer. https://www.dimitrasdishes.com/classic-falafel-recipe/ I hope this gives everyone a few choices. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. @Horizon chaser 1957 @kazu @smitty34877 Lots of warm wishes for a safe and good outcome for your DH tomorrow. @ger_77 I hope the doctor can figure something out for your DH. We did get some paint samples, but are waiting until tomorrow to paint them on. It is way too hot out there to do anything right now. It was hard to find a true cranberry, but we think we came close. We'll see what you think after we do the paint swatches.
  7. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a hot one here in mid-Michigan today. Forecasted high is 90F. Something is wrong with my trusty window fan for the bedroom. I turned it on last night and it shrieked like crazy. I'll have to investigate today. @cruising sister Welcome home, Lorraine! I'm so glad you enjoyed your cruise. Norway is hard not to enjoy. @ocean sounds What a sad thing to happen. My thoughts and prayers for those involved and their families. I am sure hoping the fires can be contained soon. It has been so dry here that I understand that one errant ember can be a problem. I am happy to report that I am feeling almost 100% at this point. My only complaint is the itching around the incisions, but that is normal. So, we are all systems go here. We're going to get paint samples and try them out on the back trim. The color we are looking for will be the two doors as well as the trim around the roofline. There is a house down the street that has a lighter orange color as their accent. So, I am leaning towards the cranberry to be different. Today's meal sounds wonderful. It is kind of a variation of the salmon with strawberry relish. I have a recipe for minted chicken that I enjoy. But, I will definitely have to try this one. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  8. We were not expecting the painters until July, so this is a huge surprise. They explained that they had added on additional crew and the lack of rain allowed them to get ahead of schedule. Ok, dark green for the body of the house. Dark chocolate brown for the trim and accent color. We are still debating on the door and the trim around the roof. I'm leaning towards cranberry and Sue is staying silent She wants to get some samples of the two and see them on the trim around the roof. That is tomorrow's project.
  9. Yes, yes, yes! The painters will be here next Monday to start on the house. We can't wait. No wonder I was dreaming about the paint colors last night.
  10. That is a color we are considering. The neighbor across the street favors that one. I'm leaning that way my self. I don't think we can go wrong either way. I'm being careful in my recovery. This surgery was a bit more involved than the last one and the gall bladder last June. I do still have twinges of pain, but I am mostly off the pain meds. I hope you are feeling well quickly and that you have a light case. Rest often! I am resisting the urge to go out and weed the garden. I keep telling myself it hasn't been done in 16 years, no need to rush out there right now. I think it would be too much tugging on the abs right now. I managed 1.2 miles today. I do stop and rest often. My goal is to be back doing my 2 mile walks by the time I see the surgeon for follow-up. @cat shepard @smitty34877 I'm glad everyone got to be outside for a while today. Too bad a fire from neighbors forced Tana back inside. @JazzyV Welcome home!
  11. Good morning, everyone! We have a chilly start to a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. Currently, it is 49F with an expected high of 82F accompanied by abundant sunshine. We do need rain and there really aren't any good possibilities in the foreseeable future. I dreamt last night of choosing colors for painting our house. We are set with dark green for the body of the house and a rich, chocolate brown for the trim and some accent. We are thinking of a burnt orange for the front door and the trim around the roof. Or maybe fuschia. Or maybe a butter yellow. Or maybe teal. It was a busy dream, testing out the colors and having the neighbors over to give their opinions. We have nothing on the agenda today. I'm going to try a little longer walk. Yesterday's did me a world of good. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  12. Thanks! I can't take credit for any of them. The only gardening I have done here is to get rid of the chives in the front bed and free some hostas from the grass that was choking them out. I don't think much gardening took place here previously. We have ferns coming up elsewhere and they don't look like this. We'll just be careful and see what it is once it is fully opened. If we like it, we'll transplant it to the flower bed.
  13. We have a bunch of these coming up in the front yard. Does this qualify me for full fledged membership in the Garden Club? Also, does anyone know what this next one is? They are coming up in the middle of the front yard. Sue is being careful to mow around it and not over it. Took a short walk this morning and I feel good!
  14. Good morning, everyone! I am feeling a lot better this morning after a great night's sleep. Far less bloat and it doesn't hurt to lay down. Just getting in bed was painful for a few days there. Give me another week and I'll be back to normal. DS Mary Jo has invited us over for ribs today, so that is what we shall do. I'm making a broccoli salad to take along. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  15. Good evening, everyone! I'm glad to see that @Denise T got on her plane and took off. Held my breath on that one for a moment. @StLouisCruisers You may be right about the dehydration. But, how scary! Follow up anyways with your PCP. And, I'm glad you got to see Kai walk. I did manage to stay up all day again today. There were some rocky moments, but I think I'm starting to get some relief from the gas issue. My big event today was that I watered flowers outside. They were looking a little droopy. Maybe they were just empathetic with my feelings. But, it felt good to be outside in the sunshine. @SusieKIslandGirl and @Crazy For Cats welcome home! Jake I want all lowdown on the ports and ship. July will be here before we know it. Have a pleasant evening!
  16. Good morning, everyone! Each day a little bit better. I'm still pretty tender, but not as bad as it was. I can roll over in bed without being in pain. Not much on the agenda for today. Sue is going back north this afternoon for her ex-MIL's 92nd birthday party. She's picking up River and taking her to the party so she can see her great grandmother. We don't know if River's dad will be there or not. He needs a good kick in the patootie where River is concerned. It has been a year since he's seen or talked to her. I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that one, but don't think I want to make the trip. So, I'll stay home and watch TV. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, that was really scary reading about your episode last night. Especially when they said that your heart rate was abnormal. Please, please, please follow up with your doctor when you get home. Remember that heart issues don't present in women the same way they do in men. Thank you again to Tina @0106 for the stellar job on the Meal of the Day. She has graciously agreed to continue on through Tuesday and then I'll re-evaluate my situation. This is taking a bit longer than the gallbladder did. It did turn into a 5 hour surgery. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  17. Wonderful news! Now, stay asymptomatic! I know, easier said than done. IT has been a long day, but I did stay up for all of it. I think that is a major accomplishment.
  18. Good morning, everyone! I slept really well last night and feel a lot better this morning. Still very tender, but I am able to get around a lot better. That is fortunate since the first thing I did was spill a cup of coffee all over everything. All cleaned up now. I just anxious for the bloating to go away. That is what is the most uncomfortable. I may send Sue for some Gas X or something like that. Today's meal looks absolutely beautiful. I'm sure it would earn many appreciative aahs and oohs if served to us. Thank you to Tina @0106 for going behind the paywall for the recipe. I'm sticking with my chicken soup for now. Bon Voyage to @Denise T. Have a marvelous time! Congratulations to @Nickelpenny on your retirement. That was one of the best things that happened to me! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  19. I am so sorry. Fluff knew she was loved. You did that for her.
  20. Thank you for all the kind comments. I had a lovely nap this afternoon. Could have slept longer, but then I'd be up half the night. I think I will sleep much better in my own bed. Off to heat up some of the chicken soup I made before surgery. That is what sounded best to me. With all the bloating I can't eat regular food. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you made it safely to A2. Enjoy your time with family.
  21. I am home! The doctor was waiting on a couple tests. He said I had a lot of scar tissue from the gall bladder surgery and it took over an hour to get through that so they could lift the liver up and get to the adrenal gland. He also repaired a hernia I didn't know I had. The best news is that my cortisol levels are normal and I don't have to take steroids. But I did have the entire Daily behind me so I was sure there would be a positive outcome. This surgery is going to take a bit longer to recover from than the parathyroids did. But, I'll get there! Thank you to everyone for your prayers, encouragement, and well wishes. It meant a lot to me. I love my Daily family.
  22. Good mid day! I am still in the hospital. My surgeon has gone missing, it seems. The nurse talked to him this am and he said he wanted to get me discharged this morning, but we've heard nothing since. Surgery took longer than they expected because of the amount of scar tissue from previous surgery. But, the tumor is out and surgeon said it did not look suspicious. He sent it to pathology just to be sure. My biggest problem is the gas they pump into you. That is causing most of the discomfort. As for a restful night, who are we kidding? This is a hospital. They had those leg squeezers on me and they dinged each time the let go. I'm right across from the nurses desk and something is always singing or ringing or squealing. I did manage to sleep for a few hours after they administered pain medication. I can't wait to get home. Happy Birthday, @ger_77!
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