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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! The PNW is slowly heating up again, after getting down to the low 70's F. It still will only get up to the mid 80's for a few days and back down again. Not bad. I wouldn't mind if the rest of our summer stays this way. All very worth days today. I'll pass on the meal and red wine, but the drink sounds pretty good. We were in Berlin in 2014 on the Eurodam. Hopefully I found some photos that don't duplicate what Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserhas posted. My next-door neighbor and friend of 28 years came here from Berlin about 30 years ago. Her family is still there. She doesn't have much love for the city and is happy here. My day will be filled with gardening and resting up until the next day with the DGSs, coming up on Monday, then another overnight on Thursday. Also will need to replenish food before then 😉 Those boys can eat! Terry @smitty34877that is wonderful news that Tana has now tested negative! Charlottenburg Palace Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Olympic Stadium from 1936 Reichstag Victory Column This shows where part of the Berlin Wall once stood
  2. Good morning all! I'll try to hurry to get this posted, we have 2 little persons here. Yesterday when we went to DD's house to take the DGSs to the zoo, I happened to look at her wall calendar. She had marked that we would be having the boys overnight, not just for the day.....uh oh! Miscommunication! Of course we said no problem, and the boys came home with us last night after a few hours at the zoo. They will be picking them up this afternoon to leave on a camping trip. We also have them overnight next week plus a couple days of care, so August is full with the DGSs. School will start on the 31st. Early for here. I only like dark beer, and had my usual Guinness last night with my pizza. Underwear is also appropriate, as I thought DD had forgotten to pack clean underwear for the boys -- of course she did, I should have known better. Found it this morning in one of the backpacks. I'll pass on the oysters, raw or cooked. Like Debbie, I would try the meal if someone else cooked it, but wouldn't go to the trouble of making it or buying all the ingredients I don't have on hand. Will pass on the drink and red wine. Have never been to Bordeaux, but it's on my bucket list. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the great photos. Happy 44th Anniversary Charlene @cunnorl! @TbayI'm sorry your DGS and DH have tested positive, prayers you can remain negative. Terry @smitty34877good news everyone (except Tana) has tested negative now, prayers that she will also be testing negative soon. Here are a couple photos from yesterday at the zoo. It was a welcome cooler day (as today is). The boys watching the penguins swim by underwater.
  3. Yes, but not all 5 nights, that's great! We saw him every time he toured wherever we were living, so about every 2 years. The only times we went two nights in a row were in San Diego and in Seattle/second night in Vancouver.
  4. Good morning all! We're having something different this morning -- drizzle/showers! No rain for a few weeks, so this is kind of nice. It's supposed to clear up and be sunny the rest of the day, perfect. The yard could use the rain. Perfect day for chocolate chip cookies day, as I'll be bringing some to the DGSs today as usual. I'm also bringing brownies (one DGS requested cookies, the other brownies). Yes, I'm one of "those" grandmas. 😅 We'll be going to the zoo in Seattle with them and their Mama, our DD, so we'll be celebrating Daughter Day too! Will pass on the red wine and the drink. I don't have an air fryer, but I like the first steak recipe. It will be take-out tonight though, as we'll be away all day. Bruce @aliaschiefI have really enjoyed your photos! It truly is a beautiful country. We were last there exactly 4 years ago now. Debbie @dfishgood news that HAL is now looking for a suitcase and not a pair of red glasses 😉 Great news that you and Sue are still testing negative. Bob @RedneckBobI enjoyed your cruising story about dinner in the PG and look forward to future stories! Nice to see that Abigail is still there, we have good memories of her from our Eurodam cruise last year. Sandi @StLouisCruiserssafe drive!! Terri @Cruzin TerriI hope all goes well today. Terry @smitty34877Prayers that Tana will be feeling better soon, I'm happy that the rest of you are doing so much better. Brenda @bennybearthank you for the great photos of Otaru!
  5. Oh right, you mentioned tennis elbow but at that time I hadn't said which side of the elbow it was. You were close though! Yes, perils of gardening, rats!! Now to use my other arm more but not TOO much and end up with two bad arms 😉
  6. Lots to catch up on here after getting home from my doctor's appointment! Happy Birthday Jane @lazey1! I hope you have an excellent dinner tonight wherever you choose to go. Bob @RedneckBobI think we were on a roll call for a canceled cruise too. I was looking forward to meeting you and finding out if you're as funny in person as you are here on Cruise Critic. 😄 Well, I think it was @StLouisCruisersand @SusieKIslandGirlwho predicted my diagnosis and they would be right. It's a classic case of golfer's elbow (or in my case, more of a gardener's elbow)! She taped it up and told me that Voltaren Gel is very good for it. Also gave a pile of pages of exercises to do. Another choice is injection, but I'm trying to stay away from that and will (boo hoo) try to not use it as much when gardening. That will be the hardest part. But like she said, if I don't rest it, then it never will go away.
  7. Good morning all! We're enjoying the cooler temps the past few days. It will warm up again this weekend. The nuts I grab are almonds, cashews and peanuts -- always "on hand" (lol) in the pantry. I also had to look up Cloves Syndrome. I do need to clean the kitchen floor, and should make use of this cooler day to do that. The 2nd recipe looks good to me, as do the wine and drink too. Have never been to Japan, thanks for any photos to come! Oh my Debbie @dfishabout Donna. I know what you mean about feeling like you're the only ones on the plane wearing a mask. I'm sure that's how our DD got it flying home from Yellowstone in June. Prayers that you and Sue remain negative and Donna's symptoms are mild. @RedneckBobwelcome to the Daily! I've always enjoyed your posts and humor. You're a welcome addition to our little group here. My appointment about my arm isn't until this afternoon. Thank you all for the advice yesterday, I'll let you know what the verdict is. I do know I won't accept steroids, I'd rather live with the pain than deal with the side effects of a temporary "fix". Have a great day everyone!
  8. Well now I'm really jealous! We've seen him in concert 25 times over the years, so you might say I'm a big fan. Good for you! And thank you for "bringing us along"!
  9. Vanessa I must have missed this earlier! That is odd, do you remember using your palm to push down something? I do things like that, and can't for the life of me remember how it happened.
  10. Jacqui Debbie @dfishsaid it much better than I could, but I think those people should just support you and not criticize. My first thought was that this is a good thing to help you during the grieving process. Keeping busy, doing what you love, and what Jose would want you to do. Thank you Sandi. I had to look up Tennis Elbow (have heard of it, but didn't know the symptoms). I don't think it's the same thing, as Tennis Elbow affects the outer side of the elbow, this is the inner side. Also my forearm doesn't seem affected at all. Any movement or weight on that arm hurts, but in the inner elbow near that little inner bone. My guess is repetitive use with gardening (that's my weeding arm) but we'll see what they say tomorrow. Thank you Vanessa! In order to get in quickly I have to see someone other than my regular doctor, but that's fine. She's booked until into September. I told them I've already waited too long, so will take whoever! Too late to add Maxine @AncientWandererto the multi-quote, so will add here -- and thank you Maxine! The older I get those "little things that pop up out of nowhere" seem to happen more and more! 😉 @Cruising-along, fingers crossed no surgery for the arm. It's amazing how things like that seem to pop up out of nowhere. Like @StLouisCruisers' leg...and @JazzyV's palm. We used to have a doctor who would always say to just take a bunch of ibuprofen for everything. Well, that's not so good for the kidneys. I like the TENS unit idea better. Be careful, everyone. Easy to get ouchies!
  11. Good morning all! We're having a welcome cooling trend, even a few drops of rain the last couple mornings. A high of 75 and clouds today is more like what we're used to here. International Night Out is a wonderful idea, I like ice cream sandwiches but don't remember the last time I had one. DS and DDIL use CAD for all their house renovations, it's fun to look at them. I'll pass on the meal and drink, but the wine sounds great. Last night I made the Chicken Parmesan with roasted potatoes and it was a hit. Have been to Portugal but not Horta. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the photos. I've been putting off calling the doctor about a pain in my arm (near the elbow) and finally did it and have an appointment tomorrow. It's been going on too long and feels like it's worse. I'm afraid it's probably a bone spur, and I'm dreading the possibility of surgery...at least we don't have any trips planned for a couple months. Sue @RowsbyI'm glad to hear that the condo in Hawaii is available and that you changed your mind about going. I know you'll be careful and have a wonderful time. Debbie @dfishhoping Sue's bag shows up soon! Also good grief about the IRS situation. At least you can prove you paid already. One time it took DH a couple years of back and forth with them but eventually he did "win". But it wasn't the same situation. Jacqui @kazuit amazes me at the progress you're making with Shadow (Little). You're doing a great job with her. Sandi @StLouisCruisersabsolutely gorgeous sunrise photo!! Terry @smitty34877great news that everyone is feeling a little better, especially that Tana and your DH are feeling less congested.
  12. For us it isn't worth it, even though we live so close to both ports. Once was enough. We still like Pacific Coastals, but only if they're at least 4 days minimum. We have a 5-day Vancouver-Vancouver booked for next spring. They're nice as fillers between long cruises. 😉
  13. Years ago we took a 1-nighter, treating it as a nice evening out and added extra time in Vancouver. On that cruise everything was as it is on longer cruises (it is part of a longer cruise anyway).
  14. We had the same surprise (shock)? 🤣 the last night of our Nieuw Statendam cruise in 2019. I laughed for days.
  15. Good morning! Interesting collection of days today. I've never played Mahjong or climbed a mountain, but my dear Dad did climb Bellingham's local mountain (Mt. Baker) when I was a child. Will pass on the drink and wine, but the meal sounds great for today. And I have all the ingredients. I'll go for recipe #2 using potatoes. Strangely, potatoes don't raise my blood sugar as much as pasta does -- go figure. We have been to Gaspe and will be there again this fall on our Atlantic Coast cruise. I love visiting that port because besides its beauty, it's the closest I've ever gotten to where my ancestors from my dear Mom's side come from. They came from France and settled in Quebec before moving here to WA State. I see their surname everywhere when we visit. We usually rent a car while there, last time we drove to Perce for the day and this fall we'll be driving to Forillon National Park. Ann @marshhawkI agree with others, it's good that you plan to stop walking your neighbor's dog. A month's notice is plenty. 🙂 Jacqui @kazuthank you for the photos of your beautiful flowers and also of Shadow. @HAL4NOWgorgeous photos of your hike on Mt. Beckler! @ottahand7thank you for the beautiful photos of the loon family and of the catch of the day! Welcome to the Daily @Paw13. Here are a few photos of our visit to Gaspe in 2012. I really enjoyed these women who welcomed us that day. They not only were talented, but very funny too! The Maasdam Some countryside scenery And a lighthouse A beautiful, crisp day in Perce. The rest of the photos are "The Rock"
  16. Indeed I agree! Thank you for adding their names, I too have noticed. 🙂
  17. Oh, there will be some first cousins very close in age 🙂 We have several sets in our family like that, it always makes for fun! Sandi @StLouisCruisersThank you for the great job on multi-quoting, 11 in one post! 😄
  18. Sharon @Sharon in AZI'm so glad to hear that your DM is doing well and had a mild case! Debbie @dfishoh NO about Sue's lost suitcase. I sure hope it turns up real soon and was only misplaced, not lost. Geesh! Safe travels home. Maxine @AncientWandererwe're all excited for you as you are on "baby watch" 🙂
  19. Good morning all! I'll pass on the avocado and watermelon, sometimes mutts can be better pets than purebreds. I take the quote with a bit of humor, would love to try the wine and the drink sounds very good. Will pass on the meal. I think tonight will be take-out, maybe a big salad. It will be another hot day. Tonight our tall and strong DSIL is coming with DD and the DGSs to help move a mattress downstairs and a new mattress upstairs. It's for the guest room, we're replacing that mattress. Sandi @StLouisCruisersI checked the school calendar for the grandsons here, and they will start school on August 31 this year. This is the earliest ever, it's always been after or closer to Labor Day. I couldn't find out when school ends, but usually it's been around the middle of June. Summers here don't really start until we're into July, so it has worked out well. Terry @smitty34877more prayers for your family as you deal with Covid. Especially Tana and your DH. Jacqui @kazusending hugs to you on the 3-month anniversary of losing Jose. I'm confident you will have Shadow at ease sooner than later, it's no surprise she is so leery with her past. Kay @kb4683I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your good friend's DH. My photos from Skagway are all from the White Pass Railroad tour we took. Coming up to a bridge we crossed. This bridge is over 120 years old. Thankfully they stopped using it in 1969. Another train seen from our train.
  20. Thank you Sandi! Appreciate the offer, but here in Western WA we got so much rain this spring, I'm actually enjoying this respite. And once the rains start in the fall it will go on and on until next July. Eastern WA is another story, they could use some though.
  21. Good morning all! I never got to know my Father-in-Law very well, I met DH when he was stationed in CA where I was living and his family all lived in Savannah. His Dad passed from Pancreatic cancer in the early 80's. He was a sweet and caring man, I would have liked to know him better. Friendship is very important to me, especially the one I have with my BFF since 1960. Cheesecake isn't high on my list of desserts, but sometimes a small piece is nice. I'll pass on the meal and drink, but this white wine sounds nice. Have never been to the port, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Rich @richwmnfor the photos. Speaking of photos, @ottahand7your cabin seems so peaceful and idyllic, thank you for sharing! Oh no Terry @smitty34877I'm SO sorry to hear that you all have Covid. I was so hoping it would miss the rest of you. Prayers for mild cases. Today will be a quiet day, just keeping cool because it's supposed to be our warmest day yet before a cooling trend next week. Have a great day everyone!
  22. Good morning all! Another sunny, toasty day in the PNW. We got a lot done yesterday, DH got all the windows and screens cleaned outside (I guess now I should do the insides) 😉 The Windex Outside does a great job reaching the 2nd story windows. Not so much the Spray and Forget (has anyone tried that)? We got it so he could reach some upper story mildew on the north side of the house. It does not reach the 2nd story! Today will be a few more outside chores and groceries. I love tigers, like lasagna, but will pass on the chicken wings. I think lasagna for tonight's dinner sounds delicious, especially if we pick it up from our favorite Italian restaurant. @lcand1923I love your story about the Italian woman and lasagna! Could you possibly share that recipe here for us? Like the quote and drink, but will pass on the red wine and the fish soup. Have never been to Hong Kong, DH was there in the Navy. I think of it as crowded and very smoggy... Jacqui @kazuI'm loving the photos of Shadow. She just looks so happy, like she can't believe her good luck to have you.
  23. IF we can get it in September, it would actually be our 3rd booster (!) But since it's especially for this variant, I'm hoping we'll be able to get it before cruising. Fingers crossed for you too!
  24. Good morning all! I like all the days (I prefer dark chocolate but will take any offered!). Will pass on the meal and drink, but I love white blends so would like to try this one. Have never been to the port, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the photos! Love or hate Stephen King, the quote is true. @1ANGELCATprayers for Fluff. Good news that the vet believes surgery will take care of the problem. Jack @Heartgrovegreat photos from the wedding! Terry @smitty34877oh no about Tana's son getting Covid. Prayers that none of the rest of the family gets it. Debbie @dfishthanks for checking in! You must be doing well to take that hike up to the lake. Great photos! "Hi" to Sue 🙂 Jacqui @kazuShadow looks so sweet! She's very lucky to have you! Last night I read that they hope to have the booster against this variant available in September. Fingers crossed because we'd love to get it before our early October cruise. They said early-mid Sept...which would be perfect if true. Today DH and I have a lot of outside "stuff" to get done, so I'll hurry along....have a great day everyone!
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