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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. I remember studying history in school and the famous saying β€œ. . . one if by land and two if by sea . . . β€œ. Well over the years we have sailed a bunch of number 2’s. So we now became the official owners of our number β€œone”. So it was delivered to our local Camping World and signed on the dotted line today. Now we were pre approved for a loan. LOL 240 months 7% interest Um No We would pay over double for our 2024 Land Cruiser. So we bit the bullet and just paid in full. So, since we still have landscaping and concrete driveways to be finished we delayed bringing it home till after Father’s Day. Now gotta come up with a name for our new addition. Meet the β€œ no name” new MOTOR HOME. So excited!!
  2. Hello again. I have been so busy lately, my RCI time reading has been limited to a quick look. I am only 70 pages behind on this site. Between babysitting 4 1/2 hours from home 4 days a week, having the Baptism here And planning all aspects of it, our home remodeling, and a new adventure soon to happen, as well as a cruise on Allure in a few weeks leaves me little time. Hopefully will be able to do a live review of that getaway. Just one quick picture now from the Baptism. Hope all are well, take care.
  3. Good morning. Happy Sunday. These last few weeks have been so hectic with preparing for our granddaughter’s Baptism as well as the drive to babysit for Zoey. As well as 2 major stressful goings on in our lives. Both are eagerly awaited. The drive is worth it. I usually can make it with one pit stop. ( 4 hours 20 min) Getting older these legs move better with a 10-15 min walk at one of the rest stops on rte 71. I probably look goofy. Probably should borrow a dog so I look like I am on a mission. Anyway my one friend asked me if the drive is getting to me. How could it. It is like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Oh. I wish this thread would have summaries every week. I am so far behind. Little time to read. But with all sincerity. You are all in my prayers. And I have plenty of time to pray as I drive. Be safe. Below my pot of gold.
  4. I have made it to the top of Diamond head, 3 times. And every time I hate those last long staircase before the turret (sp) Once a high school was on top selling t shirts "I hiked diamond head" it included the number of stairs and distance. I still have it today. Great stamina you have for doing this hike, an awesome accomplishment. Congrats. Thanks for sharing.
  5. R rated movies....................... Well, in my first life..............pre husband. It was a blind date and I was fixed up through a fellow nurse as her husbands best friend. I figured what the heck, I would give it a try. When you live in hick town USA and there are few options as to what one can do on a first date in the summer as the choices were limited to, but not inclusive of: Movie Putt Putt Drive in Dinner Movie Walk in the Park Movie Church festival Movie So one of my early dating candidates decided a movie was the safest option. So he picks me up in his Monte Carlo and off we went to the other side of town Austintown. He gets the tickets and we go in and chit chat till the movie starts. So after the opening previews the movie starts. And tha'ts where this date ends for me. In order to keep this mild, all I will say is opening scene was an explicit adult activity, with nothing and I mean nothing held back. So, I promptly look at my date as he is intently watching the movie, and I go. "We have two choices here, either you take me home, or I will call my dad and he will come get me". He got really defensive, and I got really concerned. He took me home, and called for weeks upon weeks wanting to make it up to me.............as I kept saying leave me alone, he finally did. After that I had input as to what was on the outing and if it was a movie I stuck to ones like LOVE STORY. Yup, only me. Be safe
  6. Being a retired health care provider I will defend the quality and practice of care that was delivered by the hospital I worked at for over 40 years, and who by the way has achieved excellent ratings in almost all specialties by credentialing agencies. That being said, I just experienced first hand the Control of patient care dictated by Insurance Companies. My brother called on Monday, when I was out of town and told me he broke his ankle, and asked if I could take him to the ER. (He did not know I was not home) Of course the private person that he is, I never got the details of the injury, but it must have been a good one. So, he called his best friend and off they went. He was triaged, and they immobilized his ankle. Took him to x ray, took films, then back to ER to be discharged. He goes, the report must show no fracture. The nurse goes, it has not been read, you go home we will call you if you need followup. My brother goes, so if it is broken and I have to come back for a cast or whatever that is another ER visit.............she goes, yes it is, and a new billing with co-pay. He goes that was the quickest visit on record, and the call came 3 hours later that it was not a fracture. But, I was so taken aback on how this was managed. Is this the new trend on how medical care has to get reimbursement at the patients cash expense. But I must continue. The DH boss, woke up with sever ankle pain, and went to another facility closer to home and the same thing happened. Only he was not so lucky. They told him the xrays showed something, not a fracture and he needed a Cat scan and possibly an MRI, so to come back. Being the cantankerous man that he is, and quite upset because of the pain, he said he will go outpatient and get them done tomorrow, so just put the orders in the computer. They did. He avoided a return ER fee, but was charged a hospital consultation fee because he was on the phone for over 7 min. (about 3 of those were on hold). What is health care coming too. Be safe
  7. Hope all are well. Never a dull moment. To start I went to Staples to have them print the Baptism invitations. But their machine is broke. Parts came in today. And I can pick them up at 9 am. And do a marathon addressing. Contacted Brandon s mom and she readily gave me all their immediate family addresses. Cake ordered Have to decide on flowers. Have to start baking for cookie table. Then Sunday off to my new job. Babysitting Sunday thru Wednesday. But the most rewarding time is with my husband. Friday and Saturday dinners and us time. We always have a well planned home made meal on Sunday s. But right now that is not happening. So tonight we had filet, mushrooms green beans and salad. Tomorrow we shall see what will be.
  8. @Ozark_Kid Thank you for sharing your diagnosis. You have shared your family, grandchildren with us and now what you personally are dealing with. There are no miracle words of wisdom I can share. I wish there was. But only knowing you as a fellow cruiser I know you will celebrate each and every day with your family and also your hobbies. Your gardening is top notch. You are in my prayers. Take care ❀️
  9. Good morning and HAPPY EASTER to all that celebrate. My life is the busiest and most fulfilling that I could have ever imagined. In addition to what used to be my daily routine, I recently added on the part time job of babysitting the granddaughter Mon - Wednesday. I commute on Sunday for the 4 1/2 hour ish drive and return home Wednesday night. The pay is priceless memories. In addition, we have an upcoming major event that in itself is so exciting that the anticipation is making these days drag on. Details soon. In other news (πŸ™„), I celebrated Easter dinner here with the spouse yesterday, filet, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, and Ceasar salad. I made enough for left over meal as well as a future freezer meal while I am away. Also, finally we got our taxes back. Last year was a busy busy year with all the investments, inheritances, house sales, lottery winnings..... on and on and on.......So as we waited the anticipation grew. I am happy to say that my retirement income and pre-paying some taxes quarterly, I only had to pay $77 to state. The federal return I opted to defer to offset next years lottery winnings (if the luck would continue). So now I wish all a safe and relaxing day. And as I drive, I have a signigicant time so I say my prayers, and I include all my friends here on CC Take care. Sue
  10. Good morning and Blessed Good Friday. Last evening we went to our Holy Thursday services at our church in Vienna Before the mass started one of the air force finest did a fly by touch and go at the airbase a mere 1 1/2 miles away. It is a US Air Reserve C17 Globemaster. ( When your married to an air force brat whose father was an air force academy graduate, who unfortunately died in Libya) You know about anything man made with wings that flies. Now, just knowing that they are ready to be called to service is reassuring. Also, our faith service was truly amazing, and rewarding. Stay safe.
  11. Good morning. Yesterday was a challenging day. When I left Oxford Ohio. It was windy and a light rain. Once I got in I75 a monsoon. Traffic still going 70-80 in a 65 mph zone. Soon I joined the after work crowd on I675. And they meant business. Visibility was only a few car lengths ahead but that did not stop the racing of cars. Slowly maneuvered onto I70 overall drivers were very kind during the high winds and constant heavy rain. Now the rain was intense as I put my turn signal on to go onto I270 and some kind soul blinked his lights and let me move to the proper lane. A break in the rain. I was so relieved. Wait. 6 miles to bypass Columbus and get on I71 north. Wait. Traffic at a standstill. Cars parked on a 4 lane, every lane on freeway. (Waves)puts an alert on. 3 traffic crashes ahead. 6 lanes closed. Wait there are only 4 on our side. Later I found out they closed lanes on opposite side of road to rescue wrecks. Almost 30 min later traffic started moving. Inch by inch step by step. 40 min later I traveled the 6 mile and got on I 71. Now those drivers were not as friendly. What should have been a 4 1/2 hour drive took 6 1/2 drive. Was exciting finally get home after traveling in non stop rain, monsoon , winds, lightning. If it was thundering I did not hear it. I was praying and zoned out to only driving and not listening to anything but weather alerts. Today. Church potluck dinner and Lenten service. I will be thanking the powers that be for my safe travels. Thank you God! To all be safe.
  12. Today all packed up with friends we headed out for our stroller walk. Then we head out down the street safely on the sidewalk. And what do we find. A shopping cart A pair of men’s shoes ( no picture) A bagged doggie dodo ( time was taken to bag it and left on sidewalk ( no picture) As we moved along, the university bus rolled by. Then we walked thru Kroger and ended up at the park. I showed her the play area- as she grows older I am sure there will be one in her neighborhood. Then it was time to mozy home. Happy camper. I kinda like this new role of grandmother, it is truly a blessing. And to be able to share in her life! A bonus. ❀️
  13. @dani negreanu I cannot even begin to fathom what you are going through. But know our family is praying for you and all your family and friends. @A&L_Ont Congratulations to Owen. How exciting that must have been. Thanks for sharing the video. @Ozark_Kid Where to begin......When faced with health concerns in the past I have always thought for me it was grim and dim. I am a worrier. And that in itself is a hard ticket to be. -I will be praying for good health and happy days ahead for you and whatever will be just know, I have a great listening skill. As well as I am sure as your family here on CC. Keep us updated. Take care. All my love in thoughts and prayers Sue
  14. We were out on our street after 12 hours at 3am power restored. But parts of Vienna still have no power. We had a generator. So we were good. Frustrating. Trees down. Power lines still down. Be safe. My best friend went to Pittsburgh to pick up a small freezer generator. The closest she could find one. Be safe.
  15. Made it to daughter’s house. Non stop Shopping. Walking. Loving every minute Not ready for bed. The calm before the storm. Wish me luck tomorrow. Miss Zoey.
  16. You know your old when on a Saturday night date you drive around and look for wind damage. But. Still on generator. Best investment. And maybe just maybe power to Vienna could shortly be restored. How many utilities trucks does it take to…..
  17. Surviving the wind storm. Power out since about 14:50. Generator working well. Went to mass. Candlelight service. No power. Power lines down downtown Vienna. And neighboring Liberty. Trees down. We had a small tree love tap the man cave.
  18. So now it is time to prepare for our favorite ship, The ALLURE! Sailing in a tad under 70 days. Now we were Leary sailing out of Galveston, having only ever sailed out of Florida and Seattle,but the price was very right when we booked it over a year ago. It was a casino comped cruise and back then they let us upgrade from a JS to a CLS, and the price was soooooo tolerable. Now, LOL, boy did the price of cabins soar to great heights, well those cabins that are left. I am so glad we got to sail the Oasis, as we usually do the Allure and we were able to note some differences between the sisters. And I realize one sister is older than the other, but still, some changes we noted. And yes our suite is and always was except for two times (1748) Oasis Allure Old chairs in CK and WJ Newer comfy chairs CK WJ Few electric outlets in CLS Outlets by TV and Table Room curtains old Were fresh and new (1748) Did not sign for drinks signed (even in pool) No salad in Sorentos (sp) in eve, salad present (unless- another cutback) Still on the fence if i will post live from Allure, or just sit back and smell (the yellow rose of Texas). But if I do, I will include the differences, not that anyone would care. There have only been a handful of updates about the Allure out of Galveston, so we shall see. However: After being invited to share in the awesome thread of the Bella Cruise, by John, Andrew and Greg, I do not know how I can ever in my wildest dreams attain the caliber of talents they shared. But, one never knows.
  19. This is only the second time I have been on the computer since we got home from the Bella Cruise this past Monday. So much has happened on the thread since I was gone (almost 50 pages since I last read it). So much is happening in my life I do not know where to begin. Besides the post cruise itinerary: Grocery shop Wash clothes Iron clothes Catch up with neighbors Still playing nursy nursy (Volunteer) Bake cakes for fish dinner Work fish dinner I had a bonus surprise: I few weeks back I posted a picture of our deck being removed and preparations for a concrete patio. Well, we finally decided on the design, but that is the least of our problems. Monday night when I sat down on the family room couch Lizzy (cat) was in the kitchen going to town batting stuff on the kitchen floor. Here I thought it was just dry cat food, she bats it under the pantry door. So I did not think anything of it. But usually after a few minutes she settles down and does a lap dance and nestles on my legs. Well this was going on and on and on. So reluctantly, I get off the comfy couch and even without my glasses, I see moving live foreign creatures. Yup carpenter ants. EVERYWHERE!! Well we knew where they came from, the rotten frame under the deck that attached to the house, and now with the rain, and their home gone, they relocated to ours. So threw the cat in her bedroom and played chemical warfare. When we first moved in the house we built, we had the attack of the ants before, and since we are best friends with the pest removal service company, he left us enough powder to sprinkle down in the basement where we found the entrance way of these pests. So powder down, and within just days, only found one of those pesky black crawling creatures. (Lizzy does not have basement privileges). However in the event I find anymore, then I just pick up the phone and on speed dial is the exterminator if needed. So added to the post cruise work sheet of jobs, was completely clean down the kitchen, from walls to floor, and everything in between (I cannot do ceilings or ladders). Then for those that were on the Bella cruise, I found out on the second to last day that the SIL successfully interviewed and was selected to a new coaching position starting in May. Details to follow. But, now it is hard to hire a babysitter/nanny, since it would only be a temporary job and since it is big business now, and the kids both have to work, I will be going down to Oxford Ohio for the next 4 weeks Sunday-Thursdays to babysit Miss Zoey, who is now 14 weeks old. DD felt uncomfortable asking, but, I AM IN HEAVEN. To be able to spend time and see our granddaughter grow up, I'm crying as I type this. The first week will be bonding time, and getting to know her, and then the next weeks will be babysitting and helping them start to pack to move. Also included in this arrangements are the 2 dogs, Roxy and Ash, combined 200 pounds of German Shepherds. So today, I slept in till 7:30am Do laundry (again) Mass Pack Tomorrow, drive down. Now, people ask what do you do with all your free time now that you are retired? Yup, free time. Take care Be safe
  20. @Tree_skier you must have had Tristan as you suite attendant. Those puppies look awfully familiar. Thanks for review. Love your pictures with explanations. πŸ˜ƒ
  21. @Sea Dog AWESOME!!!!!! Love the Video!!!! Great job. Especially how you timed the pictures to the music. ❀️
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