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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Today will be an interesting day for me. I get to do my monthly Wal Mart run. Now for me it is not your ordinary outing. First of all you must dress for success...............................not. You know those pictures you see on social media of Wal Mart shoppers? I swear they are made at our Trumbull County store. I have seen so many unique situations here: I think they only have 2 handicapped motorized carts, because even the healthy use them. People eating their food as they shop and I am sure that they will pay for it.......not Children running around and their parents not even concerned. Yes, school is in session, but some are home schooled.๐Ÿ™„ Clothes thrown over the place, workers organizing. Parking lot lines are just a suggestion, some cars take 3 spaces. You just center your car in the middle of one line and have enough room on both sides. Mobile RV's lined up near the drive through pharmacy line as over-night parking. Restrooms, well never ever going their again, once a lady was doing a "sink"bath ,----------------------------------wonder where she got the towel and wash cloth and soap? So why may you ask I go there?? Sometimes you just gotta leave your comfort zone and see how the other half lives. Oh I dress for success..........nope, one day you will see me famous on social media as one of those "Wal Mart" shoppers. Anyway, I walk all the aisles, and if I do it twice it is 7,000 + steps. Take care
  2. @sgmn Congratulations to your beautiful grand baby. Theo. Love the name. @A&L_OntI am sure it is not the perfect outcome the team wanted, but what an accomplishment. I know you and Lisa are so proud, and you are blessed to have such a talented young man. Here's to a safe healthy school year, and a great Hockey season. How did I miss that Owen also played football. Be safe. @grapau27 One day when I travel over the pond I am going to find out your secret to staying so in shape with all the fine dining you do............................great pictures, and your wife is so classy!!!!!!!! @seadog Just caught up on all the past many pages, since I just skimmed through them before. Congratulations on the awesome weight loss. Your hard work and dedication is really paying off. @aussielozzie18 Beautiful pictures. I wish I could have the courage to travel halfway around the world and visit your homeland, but cannot do at this time. Keep them coming, loving your pictures.
  3. Good evening A little excitement just a mere 10miles south of where we live in a city called Boardman Ohio. We had storms roll through around 6 pm. and now the news is reporting a small tornado touched down at the Southern Park Mall. One building not attached but near, had small part of roof blown off. No injuries. Now Mahoning and Trumbull county under a flood watch, more rain coming. Take care
  4. Good Morning and Happy Sunday. When I get up in the morning I go to my computer and read the news first. Then get a cup of coffee and come back on the computer and go on CC. Today I was bothered by a local news story. Background information. Locally in the next county Mahoning is our traditional Labor Day weekend county fair. Supposedly it is bigger and better than The Ohio State Fair. (so they say). We have gone to it on occasion, but it leaves a sour taste in my DH mouth. It seems to be a "for profit fair" It has ran forever and ever. To Explain: The best part of this fair is the Massive 4 H presence. These kids raise and take care of all types of farm animals They have special areas to present, get ribbons and sell their animals. It is a great competition and we always spend a couple hours when we went seeing their hard work. Now Even before the Pandemic, it was pricey and some families were not able to go . Our communities have both very rich and very poor families. As many communities go we were also hit hard by the Pandemic. Now parking is free, in grassy lots, and thankfully the drainage system is good so if it rains the areas are dry, but it it really rains the attendants just park you in a different zone. And in the event you would get stuck, they have enough tractors to get you out. There is an entrance fee, and varies the closer it gets to Labor day. Ranges $8- $10 for adults. Children less. Senior citizens only have a discount the first few days. Before the fair opens they have a students day................Usually Wednesday, but most of the schools are back in session..........so, few can enjoy. Rides are priced that you can purchase for the early time or the late time, it is only good for half the day at a time. Really no discount by buy full day ticket................(Unless it changed recently, we are not going this year). Food was always pricey, but one of the big farms south of here has a few food trailers out and offer discounts on some meals.............and they have done it for years. They should be commended. Other vendors, rows and rows of them say they had to re-price because of the Pandemic. Now paying $12 for a steak sandwich, by the way was $8 last year well..... (New story).Water $3 a bottle. If you go to one of the special grand stand events like the big name concert they bring in-- costs are typical concert fees, you still have to pay the entrance fee to the fair. So add $10 on to your already purchased show ticket. Well last night was a scary situation at the fair. Fights broke out, guns came out, shots were fired. Many Police agencies came to the fair to protect and evacuate innocent bystanders. The media is releasing few details. Do not know how many arrest were made. Do not know if anyone hurt. This bothered me because even though we do not go, families in our area do go with their children ---- this fair is a family event and I know there had to be many children there. I can only hope all are safe. Now today, rain and storms are predicted as well as tomorrow. I have a feeling that many will not be going because of what happened. And maybe the rain is a way of keeping people away and safe if something ugly is about to happen. I am sure it will make national news. On a side note. Our Trumbull county fair is in July and it also has free parking. And one fee to enter covers rides, and grandstand. (as I remember unless it changed in the past few years). We rarely have a big name lead concert, mostly demolition derby's You never know, when you could be in harms way. Pray for safety. Thanks for letting me ramble on. Be safe
  5. I know we have old sayings that ". . . .there is a first for everything. . . ." But just a few minutes ago I went to look for this thread and guys it was on the second page of RCI. WOW We must be busy, busy, busy on this holiday weekend. Hope we go back to our favorite home being page one and stay there. Take care Andrew and Lisa Best of luck to Owen in the tournament. Being across from Sandusky, you are just a mere hop skip and a jump from here, guessing under 100 miles. Be safe
  6. Not in the plans, That house is 2 miles from where we currently live, and I drive by it on my way to the grocery store. So far: Amish have re done the roof. (It was only 5 years old and actually in good condition), but a different type of shingle. Ripped out all the over grown landscaping. Preparing to put new Vinyl siding on the house. Demolished a left over RV (Made the one in Christmas vacation look like a mansion). New mulch delivered. Yup were creepers, not stopping by just checking it out as we drive by. So far, waiting on the out garage that collapsed in a snow storm to be removed. Take care
  7. So a little bit ago, I was sitting in the family room watching the start of the movie (The Goonies) who by the way the director is from the next town over and went to my DD HS. (JFK in Warren Ohio Chris Columbus), Lizzy is deciding to hide and the spouse is at his HS reunion. ( I had no desire to go, let him go and have fun..................) So, all of a sudden the house begins to shake and I hear a loud after burn of jets going over head. So I run out the front door in my jammies, and all I see are flying bugs. So I go back in the house and of course....................................jet afterburn again. So once again I mozy outside and just hear the noise, cannot see any site of a jet. The Cleveland airshow is scheduled Labor day weekend. We have a reserve base just a mere 1 1/2 miles from our house. Often we get a mini display of their capabilities if your quick enough to see them. And often the jets and other flying machines stop for a visit at the airbase as did one of the Concords, Blimps and Air force one. Cleveland is about an hour drive with the wind at your back and we would love to go this weekend, but the reunion will be keeping him busy. Damn, wish I would have know sooner. I would have driven up and parked in one of the lots.
  8. @Jimbo You are right on about all this septic...............cra* In fact they must have noticed something because a few years back they installed this triple water filtration system for their well water. At first I thought it was a gimic, but they lived to talk about. When I first started dating the spouse and I would go over to just visit or whatever, when asked if I wanted something to drink I always said Diet coke, no ice. Their water always tasted funky. And Ice, well frozen well water. They had stains in the shower, and toilet as well as same stains in dishwashers, they said "hard water" I said ...."No *ucking way am I drinking that, let alone have ice. The house was always clean, between the cleaning lady and the DH, what I saw of it except for all the hoarding behind closed doors. Their well is piped down in the front yard and the septic is in the backyard. When we built in 1993 we have a massive leach bed in our front yard after the holding tanks, and we have levers to switch from one field to another. We are city water, and it comes from Mark and Susan's neighboring lake. (Over the border into Penn.) We have had to show proof of pumping our septic which is required every three years. They live in the same town, but different mailing address to neighboring city, but they vote with us and they have never ever had to show proof of pumping out the septic, and if they ever had to they would be *hit out of luck, because we do not think they every did it. But it is not our concern and like I said we are lucky. By the way nice pictures of your dig for your septic leach bed. We have a build book of everything from electrical, to plumbing, to septic installation. Must be a guy thing. But it saved our *ss on many an occasion. Like when we installed surround sound in the family room, after the build. Take care
  9. The house was an Amish build circa 1974, and get this the septic system (original) has an open pipe that goes to the wooded field about 250 feet from the house and made a stream that things that go "bump" in the night live in. Over the years in that stream the DH growing up found frogs, toads, snakes, slugs crayfish, and snails, to mention a few. Also, on rare occasions at night the raccoons and skunks would be seen in that area. It is still an open stream, that well stinks literally smells to high heaven. We could not find any statements of when it was pumped, but found tons of Ridex boxes. Glad that house is but a memory.
  10. @Sea Dog Sorry to hear you are under the weather. I think Brillohead's advice is right on. But let me take it one step further. Why don't you call your medical doctor and update him on what you have been through. All of us including me like to play doctor (no pun intended). You could be on the upswing of getting healthy by feeling somewhat better. But, we have a long holiday weekend coming up and everything always seems to happen on these days. Better safe than sorry. This way it is peace of mind for you and you have appropriate guidance and can see what is going on. Keep us posted. Take care
  11. Septic tank stories I have two. The first one just occurred after we had our every 3 year pump and clean out. My DH was upstairs taking a shower and downstairs the bathroom off the kitchen the toilet started backing up shower water. Here the main outflow pipe from the house was clogged. Nothing was going into the first tank. Called for and was able to get emergency septic service from the local company$$$$$$$. Worth every cent. He had to open septic tank and go backwards with an snake thingie to unclog. Um not mentioning any names but it appears tons and tons of just toilet paper was balled up in pipe..........................new game for DD? (4 at the time) The second was just earlier this year when we sold the house that we decluttered and inherited. I do not know all the rules of do's and don'ts of selling a home, but the house all in all was in good shape structure wise, just needed a lot of loving. It is an open side by side ranch that two families shared, and their was no separation the family room in the middle was open. Two furnaces, Two hot water tanks, two of everything just like individual house attached together. 4000 square foot living space, and a complete 4000 square foot un- finished basement. On 5 acres of land 3 acres cleared, 2 wooded. But one septic system. When we put it on the market, we could have updated the system at a cost of over $22,000. or We could see what happens. We decided to wait and see. To make a long story short, the buyer loved the land, the layout of the house and was eager to buy in our community. She made an offer well over asking price and would take the house 'AS IS" We were shocked. We lucked out. No inspection. No investment for anything. The only thing we did on our own was have it completely empty and we went through it with tons of cleaner to at least have all the cobwebs and dust bunnies as well as cigarette smoke stains off the walls from years of indoor smoking. We met at the realators and signed the papers at 1pm. Money in our account by 2:30pm. I really thought some inspector would cause us to upgrade whatever needed upgraded. We were very lucky at this outcome. Thanking the powers that be that no inspection was ever required or done.
  12. When we were in Vancouver we had these phenomenal Maple cookies, that are to die for!!! Next year when we cruise Alaska, we will definitely stop and walk to town, and get our fix, and walk back to the ship, and hopefully burn off all those calories...................................not. Mind you I think it took us 45 min. to walk into town last time, and we lived to talk about it. Take care GREAT THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Now I see what I meant to be...............was not what it was meant to be. The contract actually had in it that she would be a sole indoor cat. Not an only pet. Sorry about that.
  14. OOOPPPPSSSS Initially we were going to adopt 2 kitties, so they can have each other, but with being retired, she will be our sole pet. They could care less, if i wanted 3 I could have 3. If I had dogs, we could have her. I meant that she would be our sole princess. We could have other pets, it was just my goofy way of wording. Sorry for confusion
  15. It is truly amazing what you can learn when you read and follow directions. Now yesterday when I picked up Lizzy I had to sign a bunch of forms before they would release her to me. To begin with prior to picking her up yesterday, we had gone this past Saturday to pay her fee. We did not want anyone else to take her in the mean time even though I had a verbal agreement. So in all the excitement. Yup. Just initialed and sign on every underscores and dashed line. Too excited to read. So โ€”- the contract is very complete. And I must give them credit. To begin with. I assumed her birthday wrong. It was listed on one paper but when you read further it was the day she was rescued to the facility. Lizzyโ€™s birthday is June 16, 2022. AWL. (Animal welfare league) covers all initial well care to their adoptable pets For the adoption fee of $50. Lizzy came to us Fixed Micro chipped All lab work done Initial immunization Flea drops Nails clipped. And in our contract to not void it. We must establish a vet within 30 days No refunds no returns if it does not work out only returnable if at her 30 day visit the vet finds something significant with her health. We agreed she would be a sole completely spoiled in door cat. We agreed we cannot sell her for profit. Free 30 day pet insurance. ( yup smart on their part). $$$$ after 30 days. Hereโ€™ Lizzy becoming more social
  16. Good morning from Lizzy's mom. It was a calm night here. When she was at the Animal Welfare league, the placed slowed down in the evening and most days the kitties went to sleep by 7pm. Maybe woke a little, but for the most part slept all night. So last night after she posed for her first photo session, you could tell she was getting tired and her eyes kept trying to stay open as her body said ". . . . .nope not going to happen...." So we put her to bed at 7:15pm and not a purr out of her all night. The Spouse checked on her at 6am before he went to work and she was hiding under the computer desk. When I got up at 7am. Brought her fresh food and water, she ignored me. So, I let her take her time to get comfortable. Soon. munch, munch, munch.....................slurp, slurp, slurp.........she ate and drank. Then OK, time to hide. So, I just did my morning routine on computer and the next thing my leg is getting rubbed and her little motor is going non-stop. Now one thing good came out of this........................besides me realizing it is time to shave my legs, she is starting to bond with me. This is quick. I mean we abducted her from her brothers and sisters and now she has a new home to get used too, and she is adapting quite well. Now I have 2 stories to share. The first is PRE-KITTY My spouse's job was to name our new addition, and we knew for months we were going to adopt after our early August cruise. Well, it was a challenging summer for him. HIM: "I don't know what to name her" "You name her" ME: " No, I think you can have the honor, you always let me give them their names" HIM: " I have no idea, all the good names are already taken" ME: "Taken by who?????" HIM: "You know, all our friends" ME: "Two or four legged friends?" HIM: "Stop that, I hate when you do that" ME: "Do what?" HIM: " Twist the conversation around" ME: " I am not twisting, I just asked you a question" HIM: "Can you do me a favor?" ME: "OH now what? And no I want you to name her not ME!!!!! HIM: "How about a compromise?" ME: "OK I am listening" HIM: "Can you give me a list of some names and I will look at them and pick and if I don't like I will come up with one" ME: "OK, that is fair" HIM: No comment, but the LOOK of relief ME: "Ok here is my list" (In no particular order) TARA TIMBER PENNY MADDIE PRANCER SPOOKIE NOVA SPARKY LIZZY TIFFANY SANDY BOOTS SOCKS HIM: DRUMROLL.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "I like Lizzy: And that is how Lizzy came to be. Now time to snuggle with the little one------------------------- so I won't bore you with too many kitty stories (LOL), but one thing of interest, is that you should take the time to read the adoption papers, which I did not do till this morning and I will share those details in next post. Of course with baby pictures. From Purring in OHIO Lizzy, not Sue Be safe
  17. Today we welcomed to our home our little bundle of joy. As I was waiting for the paper work to be finished she was one busy lady and played with her brothers/sisters. On the way home in her carrier ( with a view) some soft meows. Introduced her to her room and hid under computer desk. Was calm when we lifted her out. Now busy finding hiding spots in family room. Born July 1, 2022 they must have run out of black fur when she created so the paws and part of face left white. Welcome Lizzy to our home. Letting here develop her own comfort zone. Giving her room to snoop. Timid. But the motors going. ( purrring).
  18. Good morning. I am Up bright eyed drinking coffee at 3:59!am. Taking a friend for out patient procedure. She lives on other side of town. Need to be at her house by 5:10 am. Slept pretty good for going to bed early. Glad I slept. Todays the big day. It is adoption day for a little fur ball Be safe.
  19. Great observation skills. Yes our purrrty kitty soon to be here with us was the only sibling to have white paws. When we first met at the AWL on Friday there were 8 kittens in the video kitten room. Some have already moved onto their new family homes. We picked the friendliest one that romped around and evicted all others from โ€œ the perchโ€. So she is queen of the hill. She eventually will always get on the perch as others relinquish it. In less than 24 hours she will be in her new home. Perches are ready.
  20. Our bundle of joy will be officially adopted Tuesday at 3:00pm. Then in our home shortly after. We were on the go all weekend, and would not have been home and we did not think that would be fair to her, if we brought her home Saturday. And it was easy to schedule her adoption for Tuesday. We did do our Pets Mart run Saturday and just got done getting her room ready, kitty proof and all. But if you want a sneak peek at her she is the busy one. Kitten webcam below. https://www.awlrescueme.com/kitten-cam/
  21. THE ORIGINAL CRISCO PIE SHELL RECIPE CIRCA EARLY 1960'S This is the recipe from my moms cookbook from an original can of Crisco. We have the label, although it has seen better days. 2 cups all purpose flour sifted 3/4 teaspoon of salt 3/4 cup of Crisco shortening chilled 3-6 tablespoons of ice cold water In a mixing bowl place flour, salt and Crisco Using a fork add slowly the water, for sure you will need 4 tablespoons sometimes more. Fork the mixture together until all flour blended in. The above would be enough to use on an apple pie with a top crust or 2 bottom crust for pumpkin pie. I have experimented with this recipe over the years, and the original Crisco works best. Do not try the butter Crisco, tasted weird. And the colder the water the better. You will definitely get your wrist exercise for the day with this technique. Tried a mixer, nope, not going to happen, to much for motor, got a new mixer out of it. Not enough batter to use kitchen aid mixer unless your doing a double batch. Enjoy The Apple pie juices soak into the bottom crust and I enjoy it more than the pie. (I always make my bottom crust thicker).
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