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Everything posted by alyssamma

  1. I agree 100% with this. However, we do buy trip insurance simply for peace of mind. If I add up what I've paid for insurance over the years it far outweighs what the policies have paid me. I've only had to use it once (and my daughter used it once). The cost for most trips I take is approximately $200, so for not having to stress out about things I just buy it. GeoBlue is health insurance only, right? Or am I missing something? If so, is this supplemental to your normal health insurance? Trying to understand exactly what this does. Also, I see several posts about annual policies. It's my understanding they only cover X amount of dollars, and is usually less than the trip cost. If this is correct, why spend money on this? Again, I think I'm missing something...
  2. From searching this forum I can tell this is a passionate topic. However, I have some questions that I didn't see direct answers to, and hoping some of the more experienced travelers here can help. 1) If nature (and by that I mean the wildlife, *not* the scenic aspects of it) are not a top priority, than is an expedition cruise that much more important than a drive-by? Most posts I see talking about landing mention being next to penguins, etc. If that isn't something important, is a drive-by (almost) just as good? 2) If you've only done a drive-by and never set foot on the land, does it count as being to the continent? Obviously this is subjective, but wondering if there was an overall consensus. 3) Off topic, but ha anyone been to both Greenland and Antarctica? I mean further north like Nuuk and higher. If so, for scenery, which do you prefer? TIA
  3. Thanks for this SUPER detailed response
  4. For my 4th Q about "red shirt", I meant someone else's. If I put my white underwear to be washed, I don't want them coming back pink because someone else put a red shirt in there...
  5. Yeah, see above...I stated that 🙂 But seriously, no sarcasm, thanks for pointing that out because many other people might not know that and then be pissed when they get onboard. For me, it's $10 extra and I have more OBC than I know what to do with so am fine paying that extra. This is a cruise in the middle of a month long trip that involves another cruise too, so was trying to do laundry on the ship. But it seems too complicated (for my purposes) and will just get a hotel on land with laundry facilities. (I'm on land for 2 days after this cruise). Thanks everyone for the quick and detailed answers...
  6. Yes, aware of this, but I just prefer to do it this way anyway...
  7. I've been reading through the posts and have gotten most of my Qs answered, but still have a few outstanding... 1) I'm on a 9 day cruise and want to get the "fill a bag" deal. Right now I can buy it under "manage my cruise", but need to wait until I'm onboard (have OBC from my TA that won't hit until then). I understand it will cost more, but wanted to make sure that, since it's available pre-cruise I should be able to buy it once onboard. Is this correct? 2) Given the above is correct, do I simply talk to my room steward or is there some other process? 3) I've seen others mention writing "cold water only" on the bags...does this work or do they ignore it? 4) Since everything is washed in hot, how do they ensure someone else's red shirt won't bleed all over your stuff? TIA
  8. And once implemented the first 3-6mo will be optional...good chance this won't be a requirement until 2025...
  9. LOL, only the ones where the survivors curse and are nude...
  10. Do they edit them on airplanes? I know a while ago that was a thing, but I thought now they pretty much just showed the movie. I've certainly seen nudity and heard curse words when watching movies on a plane.
  11. This. So many times I've had to fight with MSC to get the points owed to me, and when I get them they are almost always more than they should be. Sometimes by 2x. Not sure why the OP would expect MSC to do this correctly when they fail at almost everything else. But like @Beamafar said, anything over 10K is meaningless so...
  12. AFAIK, this is a RCCL vs CCL difference. Princess, HAL, and Carnival all allow gift cards to be used for whatever in whatever denomination. Royal and X only allow two with a $1K max limit.
  13. Thank you so much. If you would indulge me on a couple of follow up questions, I'd appreciate it. This is all for OBC coming from HAL. 1) I noticed I can purchase casino chips (Log into HAL, manage my cruise, Cruise Activities->Packages and Gifts->Shipboard Credit->Casino Chips).. If I wait until I'm on the ship to do this, can my OBC be used for that? I'm assuming "no", but wanted to make sure. 2) My gratuities were prepaid via a promo. I have HAI and don't really need to upgrade my drink package, although I could upgrade internet. Excursions I wanted were covered by HAI (I actually have $20 left over). So...what large ticket items can you spend OBC on? My wife has already looked at the spa, but anything else?
  14. Trying to follow this and confused 🙂 Say I have $100 OBC and go into the casino and ask for $100 in chips and promptly loose it all on slots. Are you saying that I'll still have the $100 OBC and now also have a $100 charge that, at the end of the cruise, will result in me a) losing the $100 OBC and b) paying $100 for the casino chips? Or will the $100 OBC cover the $100 casino charge? TIA
  15. There are very few kids on Celebrity sailings. On the Apex now and there are less than 10. There were 2 on the Beyond in Oct. At least on the Edge class ships there are no fancy water slides and game rooms, etc. Nothing to attract kids.
  16. You can see my comment above... currently on Apex...NOT in a suite...and having a great time. Staff is plentiful and attentive. I wish the food was terrible because then I wouldn't be gaining so much weight. The only negative I have to say is the bartenders at the martini bar sit and flip bottles instead of serving people causing huge waits. But, that being said, I know that is their schtick, so I kind of have to accept it. There are plenty of other bars onboard if I'm that thirsty.
  17. In the past 50 years of cruising can you name 3 times that has happened? Or to put it another way, what's the ratio of plane crashes to cruise ship disasters? Or what about cars? Lots of things in this world.to worry about, but having to get into lifeboats should be so far down on your radar as to be non existent
  18. What type of emergency do you mean? Like the ship sinking? Or do you mean a medical emergency?
  19. FWIW, I'm on the Apex right now...loving every minute of it. The food is amazing, staff is quick and attentive (except slow at the martini bar as always) The ship is kept spotless, plenty of areas to hang with people or to be alone. Also here with friends who are sailing X for the first time...they love it too. No clue where all this negativity comes from. I personally don't find it warranted.
  20. Just to follow up in case anyone else comes across this thread. The app today recognized my new booking number and it shows Green Lane.
  21. OK, a little more researching and I think I know the issue. I did a cancel/rebook today ($2K price drop, but for new bookings only). My guess is that the app cannot handle this and is still linking me to my now cancelled cruise. When I log into the website, everything looks fine and I see my new cruise, but I'm guessing the app can't handle this...
  22. LOL, no worries...really I didn't want to waste *your* time. But here goes... 1) Android. I can log into the app just fine, and I see my cruise. When I log in, the OceanReady checklist comes up, says I'm in the Blue Lane. The 2 items it says I need to do are Personal Info and Docs and Choose Medallion wearable. However, I've ordered the Medallion already (got an email confirmation) and I've entered all personal info (see below). If I click the "Go to OceanReady" button, a screen pops up with my name and (correct) bday entered and asks for a booking number. If I enter that, if tells me "This booking has already been claimed" 2) I Googled the above error before posting here and saw that some people suggested using the website to enter info - which I did. I entered all of the info for myself and my wife and our profile pics changed from Blue Lane to Green Lane (this was a nightmare, btw, but eventually I did get all of the info entered. 3) However, if I go back into OceanReady on the website, it changes from Green Lane to Blue Lane and tells me I need to review the cruise contract. If I do that, it once again changes to Green, but will go back to Blue if I log in again. 4) Regardless of what I do on the website via laptop, the app on my phone says Blue Lane. 5) I've logged out of the app and deleted the app - neither make a difference.
  23. Yeah, I tried uninstall and install...no luck. I don't cruise until the end of Oct so I'll forget about it now and worry in a few months 🙂
  24. Sorry, to bee clear, I can log in. Once logged in, I click on OceanReady and it asks me to log in there...I don't have the option (on my phone) to use a username/pw...only name + booking number. But, like I said, I got it working on my laptop, just every time I go back in it switches me from Green to Blue and makes me read the cruise contract stuff again.
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