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Everything posted by MsTabbyKats

  1. One thing to add: It's true...no sunlight in the interior cabin. But, I called this "the Yacht Club Shuttle"...a small elevator within the YC that only serviced the YC. The wait was never more than 15 seconds, and the ride was never more than 5 seconds. So, literally, I could leave my cabin and be in the fresh air within a minute. My only complaint is the YC beach at Ocean Cay. There's another "rockless beach" right across the road. They might think about relocating the lifeguard and chairs to that beach, because the YC Beach was almost useless.
  2. We just got back from the Meraviglia, Yacht Club Interior. Day of embarkation was awful, in terms of the weather. And there was chaos at the terminal. But as soon as I found the YC entrance, I was hooked. Instead of standing on an unending line of confused people, we were guided to the YC lounge, offered snacks and then taken on the ship. We met our butler who showed us to the cabin, and then off to lunch. The whole "YC Thing" was to make life easy for DH (he's 88 and had major surgery a couple of months ago). We aren't drinkers and I'm really not a "dining room" person on any cruiseline. The service was unbelievably excellent. The YC facilities were wonderful. No lines, no crowds. My husband was completely spoiled by this trip. Unlimited bottles of water and cappuccino on demand! Pizza service by the pool etc. The servers knew to bring him his prunes at the breakfast buffet.... He was getting a "wine education" and trying all colors and types. My big splurge was having coke with my pizza. For sure, we will never sail MSC out of YC again. I think this may have spoiled it for me on other lines too. Other points: Entertainment...excellent. The only shows I didn't like were "The Conjurers"....but I'm not that into magic etc anyway. Lorraine Crosby did an extra show for the YC. She was wonderful...at 61...she sang "the oldies" for us. Casino (that's my thing)....didn't do as bad as expected. A bit annoyed...I got a 10% off a future cruise, but not good for YC. Food...in general YC dining room food was better than other dining room food, but just not my thing. I did like the poolside breakfast and lunch buffets. My husband loved the freshly grilled fish. Actually...he ate more on this cruise than any other cruise. Double lobster tails...double entrees at almost every meal (doctor wants him to gain wait). Cabin...compact but large enough. I've been in smaller. The storage space was more than adequate for us, but we travel lite. If you bring an ensemble for every day, the closet space may not be ample. On a scale of 1-10.....I rate this a 10. My husband would go off chart and rate it a 20! I am so happy I took the plunge for YC and I want to that everyone on this board who encouaged me.
  3. Could be a last minute cancellation by someone else. Just got off the ship yesterday in a YC interior....the cabin next to ours was unoccupied. Maybe the person missed the ship (embarkation weather was extremely awful) or maybe just canceled. But the YC was "sold out" for the sailing.
  4. @Ag2003i'd check with a TA. I know of someone who wasn't allowed to leave the country due to a passport that expired in less than 6 months. It wasn't for a cruise....but...you never know.
  5. I'm in a YIN on the meraviglia right now. I've had insomnia since forever. I slept till 9 am today. Really glad I didn't upgrade. Anyway, all that money went to the casino!
  6. We are in the YC on msc meraviglia right now...deck 16 all the way forward. There was a horrible storm yesterday. Oy...give me steerage , low deck, mid ship. OTOH...dh liked "the ride".
  7. @JamieLogicalI've been able to watch live streams on my browser and FB. I've been able to listen to podcasts and live radio on I Heart. The only issue I've had is spotty text messaging. DH hasn't had any problems with his "foreign news sites". In general, I agree, the wifi is fantastic.
  8. @JamieLogicalDid you have a problem getting an Uber/Lyft/cab from the terminal? What time did you actually get off the ship?
  9. We're on the meraviglia right now. It should have taken about 30 minutes to get to the port bt Lyft; it took well over an hour. The traffic by the ship was a nightmare and the rain/wind were "hurricanish". Got dropped off near the entrance and went to the YC area. The cost of the YC was worth it just to bypass the chaos of the "regular line". Moral of the story....arrive early. I hope they figure out a way to avoid yesterday's mess.
  10. Thanks for the review. Although I'll be on a different ship in a week (Meraviglia) I love that there will be fresh grilled fish at the lunch buffet.
  11. Personal hygiene and parents not controlling their children are 2 separate topics. If a kid is sitting on the stairs, blocking me, my foot (maybe even bare foot) will move him/her. And I will, had have (not well received) asked parents to control their children (ie-running around the stage in the atrium when someone was performing on NCL).
  12. @JamieLogicalHow do you text? Via app or via text app? Also...if you notice today...is the Check-In for Yacht Club highly visible? Thanks...and have another great MSC cruise. I kind of remember telling you about MSC back a couple of years ago...when you vowed of NCL. So happy you like it!
  13. Same thing here....by law the Westchester drivers cannot pick up in NYC, so he has to go back to Westcheter alone. I guess it depends how far in NJ you are, and if tolls are involved...if it's worth it.
  14. Hmmm....interesting. I take Lyft often from Westchester to Manhattan, and the driver always has my address. But, they keep "finding another driver" until they get one who will actually make the trip. Maybe your driver didn't bother to check the instructions.........
  15. The driver should know where you are going when he accepts the job.
  16. The $50 credit is based on booking 9-12 months in advance. Assuming you booked together you should both have it. Be careful in adjusting....if your're out of the "9-12 month range" you could lose what you have. Maybe the $50 credit is for something else...like part of the booking promotion.
  17. JamieLogical will be continuing her review. She's on the first sailing out of NYC....tomorrow! I'll be on 4/29. I won't be doing a live review, but I'll post afterwards.
  18. The people who "accept" are port employees, not cruiseline employees.
  19. @titangasAnd one more question. How does one communicate with other passengers? Is it on the app?
  20. @titangasSpeaking of the theatre....I know the butler "escorts" you to the reserved seats. Do you know if YC guests can just go in, any time, without reservations? To both shows? (When we were with "the masses", in 2019, they wouldn't less us in for the second show.) My husband has this "first row" thing...and doesn't mind sitting there for a half hour pre-show. Your info has been really helpful...I'll be reading whatever you post. PS-Lorraine Crosby is listed on our app! Very excited...
  21. @titangasThanks for this info. I assume the 2 outlets by the desk were ok for US plugs and I won't need an adapter. Was there an outlet in the bathroom? We're a lot older than you....been doing multiple trips to the bathroom at night for decades! DH usually brings a nite light for that. Pizza is my indulgence. Being that the cabin isn't condusive to dining, do they allow pizza in the Topsail? Delivered to the dining room? Or will I be banished to the pool deck?
  22. Question: What were the hours for YC dining room? What were the hours for YC buffet?
  23. I'll be in a YIN on 4/29....16010. First timer for YC! Am looking forward to reading this review....and sharing it with my husband. He had major surgery recenty and I want to avoid long lines and standing.
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