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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. I've left him 3 messages and no answer. His VM is live. When my CVP was 'unavailable' there was no VM but a transfer to a line for me to leave a message to be assigned another CVP. No callback from anyone (yet).
  2. Hope he isn't on the 'delete' file.
  3. If I decided to transfer one cruise to another my CVP would just transfer the booking number and keep all else in place with no drama, just kept it simple. The general staff is confused by anything out of the ordinary. I do all the research etc myself. She was very knowledgeable. Now I have a hold on a BB and no CVP.....5.I don't want to contact the Gen. Staff.
  4. WELL...you recd a notification. Cynthia was also mine and no word at all. REALLY not happy and I feel for her. She was relieved she survived the 1st round of cuts.
  5. This is day 3 without a callback from RW. I'm thinking he can't/doesn't want to take on new clients. Disappointed in Celebrity; we've had a CVP for many years. First two promoted, but they advised when we were being transferred to another one before they left. This time, just returned emails and no phone call to let us know. Message if calling CVP extention is they'll assign a new one. Some here say that hasn't happened after the first round of cuts. Really bad CS and we're about to consider cruising with O after 30 years of sailing with X. They may care more about their customers.
  6. So sorry..I know you can get somewhat attached to your rep and their understanding of your 'likes'. Not the same when you speak with a different person each time you call..and no email connection.
  7. I'm hoping he calls and is able to take on a new client....will also mention your high regard for his services. It came to mind there may be a push for clients left adrift to start using the 'general' number, and eventually push out all remaining CVPs.
  8. Thanks...looked up the ext. and it's the one recommended to me by my former CVP to cover if she was away (RW?). Yesterday I left a message for him, but haven't rec'd a callback yet. Glad to hear he's a great one. In what sense did he plan for you? Mine only took my booking.
  9. Sorry....not dumb....I shouldn't have used initials...🤞. Posted too quickly.
  10. Contacted my CVP via email yesterday three times and the response was "not available". Called as it may have been a system glitch. Message was "CVP no longer available; leave name/number and one will be assigned". Not sure if she left or another case of many CVP's laid off. Has anyone else called lately to see if this may be across the board?
  11. Yes...6 night; sorry.... just checked and it's Nov. 9 not 1st..BB with Nov. 16.
  12. I was just looking at it today...considering booking BB.
  13. Nice to see Kiribati located on one of your pics.....the most memorable port of any cruise we've taken and the most natural beach...like a tropical postcard.
  14. Call Celebrity if you're sure you're cancelling....not worth knocking your head against the proverbial wall.
  15. Did you try to clear cookies for Celebrity? Or if you use a TA, perhaps that option is blocked?
  16. It may be your location? The option shows on my screen as shown in the post. I'd hesitate to use it....would rather call and cancel to ensure it actually happens, knowing the X IT system problems.
  17. Thanks Brenda....for the humorous slant to the detail you provided. I've read many of your posts re other topics over the years (recognize your photo), but I think this is the first where you have shown your personality and writing style..... So enjoyable! Did you write this over a martini or absolutely sober? 😉 EDIT: I was so intrigued with the post I didn't even notice the date...sometimes old is new again. Hopefully Brenda J. will see the updated thread. She may have sailed E class again and will provide her viewpoint or let us know she's changed her opinion...LOL.
  18. Only discount showing for me is 20% which I think is our Elite + discount or am I misunderstanding? It's been 20% since I booked the cruise months ago. If everyone else has the 20% discount, I wonder if I should pursue the E+ discount with X?
  19. We're on the 'special' with you....not so sure when I booked re the condition of Summit, and more concerned now with the sailing 18 mos. away.
  20. I agree. We had so many confirmed plans....air, hotels, tours in every city, limo for transportation. Took hours to put together and quite a few calls/emails to cancel. The offer for a Silhouette didn't compare with the Edge. Never thought of escalating...should have in retrospect.
  21. Booked the Edge back to back cruises in Dec. 2021 for June 2022 European cruise which THEY cancelled; we were offered the only option of an S class ship which didn't have the same itinerary plus $200 OBC...not very favourable to us...sour apples and sour oranges...LOL. We transferred the booking to a later date in the Caribbean on an S class...deposit transferred with the booking plus we kept the OBC. So timeframe sometimes doesn't matter if X comes up with a change which is more profitable for them.
  22. Bathtub gin! no need for a still.
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