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Everything posted by The_Big_M

  1. If you have 2 credit cards, that will be the easiest. No benefit to getting opal cards in that case.
  2. Seems like their $10 burger and hot dogs charge all over again. Will they ever learn?
  3. Not true. I didn't submit a question - but received the same email. i.e. they just sent a mail out to their original distribution list again.
  4. Whatever happened to their "abundance of caution" they use to justify actions such as health measures like requiring the wearing of masks during covid?
  5. Shows how they make things up. Given there haven't been any sailings under the new process, nor has it been publicly announced, who could this "feedback" have come from? Management who look forward to the savings?
  6. So... we shouldn't discuss the relevant, specific details here? Or we could only discuss them for, say 5 pages, and then have to say nothing and let the topic die - unless any new information comes out?
  7. RCL itself is a different animal, but the Genie service is generally comparable to butlers on Celebrity. Differences are more due to the different style of RCL ships than service levels themselves.
  8. If you want to go with that analogy, since the Butler service is actually one of Celebrity's 3/4 key selling features of suites, a more accurate analogy was if the custom heated leather seats with a patterned colour and stitching that were sold as a key feature, instead get delivered as base generic leather seats with no logo, stitching or colouring. But hey, they're still leather seats.
  9. But they don't. The next cruise the cabins have different occupants, and the extra load is elsewhere. Over time, that is spread across all the staff, just as in the 'team' concept. It's not as though the 'demanding guests' are only ever taking the same cabins/certain butlers.
  10. Wow. I'm impressed you've done a market segmentation on that product offering, and quite surprised that it turns out there is only a single customer definition. Quite frankly it boggles the mind that customers aren't buying sky suites for any other reason than the above. Either that or your commentary is just a load of bollocks.
  11. Except... that's what they informally catered for at present. While your face contact is with the same butler, they work with each other to share load at times, as needed. If one butler had to attend to a specific issue for a time, they'd let a colleague know to cover their rooms for requests that come through. This comes across as more of an efficiency saving, than any service improvement. They probably estimate they can cut headcount 2+ per ship by not assigning to individual rooms. (Or maybe they have other tasks in mind that the staff will take on from their 'freed up' time.) Of course the trade off is you'll no longer have someone in regular contact and familiar with your preferences. So requested tasks will get done but without as much a personal touch and awareness as before.
  12. But when you look at that diagram, you can assume they would also allow 'vaping' at the table games. Hence, the "port side' even if they technically follow it still covers about 70% of the casino floor - and obviously the smoke will cover all the tables, leaving really only about 25% of the casino in floor space. It seems more like an excuse they're trying to downplay with, rather than having any actual significance to that 'rule'.
  13. Just as Southbank is an inner Brisbane locale. Neither are relevant when the poster is asking about Sydney, which is the main thing the OP is concerned about.
  14. Southbank is in Brisbane, Southgate is in Melbourne... but the poster is asking about neither of those, but about Sydney. As for me, I think the food is good (albeit not incredible/distinct, which many look for now). I suspect a lot of criticism is from those unhappy with the price and that it's therefore not "special" enough, not the food itself. However, buffets with seafood have a high price so it comes with the territory, (just due to the cost of seafood and people going wild taking it) but I wouldn't say it's anything lacking from comparable seafood buffets at 5* hotels. As for the negative reviews on the first page, the first ones were all from 1 post wonders, so who knows their motive, and then the one that wasn't got facts wrong like claiming the premium surcharge was just for the drink when it also guarantees premium location, which is pretty common that you pay more for prime views/location. As for the restaurants that do have that 'incredible' difference to them are 3-4x the price...
  15. It's a good hotel, you shouldn't have any complaints. As you say, the location is good, as are the views. It's just usually priced highly because of that, but if you got a good deal as well, even better.
  16. Re-read what was written before you accuse others. What I wrote was "Except it obviously isn't just "steam"." Which does not mean what you are claiming it means. Actually the opposite. I would have had to have written "Except it obviously _is_ just steam" for your interpretation to be true. We are coming from different markets here - but remember cruise ships themselves are full of passengers from different markets - not just the US. So while your claim is fairly true from the US, given the prevalence and open distribution of these products there, in some other markets it is _not_ true. Here in Australia, in fact, there is a thriving market in illegal imports, thanks to the sales restrictions in place. People go "out of their way" to get their fix as it were.
  17. ...Except are patrons onboard restricted to only sales screened by Celebrity from "reputable" manufacturers? No. Is there any other control that limits what people use to coming from "reputable" manufacturers? No. Hence your arbitrary restriction to a vague classification of repute isn't relevant to the discussion, since people onboard will be using products from wherever they choose, reputable or not. As for the rest of what you wrote, none of it addressed my comment, which is that there is nothing to show it is just steam left over either, since there was no test on what was produced - but the rest of the inputs aside from water don't automatically, arbitrarily disappear.
  18. They're two independent processes. The downgrades are offered to specific categories when an issue is identified and only for the specific need they have right at the time. Whereas upgrades are offered generally to most grades, and are only offered - in advance - as a contingency if there happens to be availability typically just before sailing. And that doesn't mean a specific category, as upgrades may be issued sequentially due to someone in a higher grade getting their own upgrade so freeing up that space for your category. They don't know there will be availability in the future e.g. balconies and above may be booked out now. So they do some downgrade offers. But then a day before the sailing a large family group has a medical emergency and cancel, releasing three cabins. Then the upgrade offers come into play. Or even on the day there is some weather issue and 10 cabins are free due to non-arrivals. In both cases the upgrade bids come into play - even though none of those cabins can have people shuffled into them from overbooking right now.
  19. Except it obviously isn't just "steam". Otherwise it wouldn't have the fragrance, for one. Plus steam is what you get from water only, but obviously e-cigarette users aren't just burning water, otherwise what would be the point. And it's not as though there is any reason to claim all the other components in the input liquid have just disappeared, and the only thing left is water. So those particulates in the air do contain the toxic materials that went into the mixture as well, even if the specific composition is unknown - and will obviously vary depending on the maker/source.
  20. They're not saying it's double booked so it doesn't make a difference whether individual cabin or just grade was chosen. They need to make space in that grade of cabin so are just making offers, regardless of how you booked. This isn't an issue with the IT system, just revenue management.
  21. On the day - in fact you can't prepay for an individual trip. (You can buy a stored value card in advance, but then you have the hassle of money left over, when there's no need unless you are using it long term). However, they make it more convenient now in that you don't even need to buy tickets. You can just use your credit card and touch the gate to enter, and then the same card when you exit. You'll pay the same price as a regular ticket, but don't need to queue at a machine in advance to choose the right option/amount.
  22. If the change was based on facts/health, they wouldn't have started to begin with. It's just a revenue measure; just whether they'll think the cost of the measure (incl loss of customers/revenue) outweighs the revenue gains from customers gambling more.
  23. While all that is true, it disregards that you don't need 100% of the people around you to be doing something for it to be unpleasant or annoying, or worse. In fact, it is sometimes that something is exceptional/atypical that makes it more disturbing or unpleasant. To give just one example of many cases where this is true, if only one person is crunching chips/making noise in the theatre, does the fact it is less than 1% of the audience mean that it has an insignificant effect on you?
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