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Everything posted by sjb317

  1. All packed and ready!😂 Sharon, we have a evening cruise booked for our second night in Budapest, I told my husband you had highly recommended that so he reserved one a few weeks ago. A cold front came through last night so it was 60 degrees when I walked this morning. Most of the people I passed had winter coats on.😂😂 And you’re right, Kat, this covid cough does suck. My husband is no longer coughing but I am continuing to do so. I will be very happy when I stop! Sherri🙂
  2. That should be so much fun for you, Melody! I am trying to put together a family cruise for next summer but the logistics of getting everyone together is making my head spin😂 Sherri🙂
  3. Hi Lois! You should have a really great trip, it is absolutely beautiful up in Canada! I will cross my fingers for you weather wise! I hope you have safe travels! We are leaving Thursday morning, fly from Orlando to Detroit, Detroit to Amsterdam, then to Budapest. I am mostly packed, just a few last minute things to go. This has been a strange cruise to pack for, no dressy clothes, no gym clothes, and no swimsuits! And, I am only taking 3 pairs of shoes!😂 Feeling all recovered except for this nagging cough I have at times. It is getting better but very slowly. OOTD: denim capris and a black gap t shirt with flip flops, getting my hair cut and colored this afternoon so I always wear something that I would not be upset if the color dripped on it.😂 Sherri🙂
  4. OP, thanks for sharing your experience. We brought covid home with us after our Sept. 21 cruise on Summit. My husband started having cold symptoms on disembarkation day, I started the next day. On day 10 of the cruise, the captain announced since we had reached the threshold of cases, masks were now mandatory and passengers were pretty compliant. This was our 14th cruise since Aug, 2021 but the first cruise that we did not consistently wear a mask. We were diligent about hand washing and I thought we did a fairly good job of keeping distance between us and others. We did wear our masks leaving the ship, in the airport and on the plane in hopes that we would not spread this to others. For everyone who says covid is just a cold, I would agree as our symptoms were that of a cold , but it seems to be the cold that just won’t go away. Two weeks later, we are both still coughing and still experiencing upper respiratory congestion at times. Tests are negative so we are no longer isolating but would love to get rid of this cough.😂 Sherri🙂
  5. I’ve always thought the food in Murano is hit or miss, to the point that we no longer give it a try.😂. Tuscan has always been very nice. Sherri🙂
  6. We did it in late 2029. It was in a side area of the Solarium Bistro and yes, it was the same menu. Sherri🙂
  7. Thanks, Sharon, I am hoping I do love the river cruise, it just seems so different from what we are used to. Kitchen Reno is about 3/4 of the way done. Mostly just a matter of installing trim, dishwasher, painting, etc. Should be all completed when we return from cruise! Sounds like a good time with granddaughter! We will be seeing youngest grandson for Thanksgiving and then going up to VA for Christmas. This is the longest I have ever gone without seeing the two in northern VA and I am really missing them. Sherri🙂
  8. Thanks, Melissa, that would be really great if they had bikes on the ship! Sherri🙂
  9. Unfortunately, we are. It does seem to be a mess at times. But, thanks for the good thoughts! Sherri🙂
  10. Thanks, Lois! I do layer but my layers came off as soon as we got out of the terminal in Quebec!😂. It was 62 and overcast, I had to take off my lightweight pullover and pull my sleeves up on my tshirt. My hoodie never came out of the backpack. I think this time, I will start with just tshirt, maybe even one with short sleeves, then add to it from backpack if needed. Can I just wear the shirt and jeans I wore during the daytime during evening hours? Sherri🙂
  11. We may do a bike tour, I know we have several walking tours planned. We have done bike tours in other countries and they have always been fun. My husband is doing all of the planning for this cruise so I really have no idea what we are doing. I am just showing up each day! This is really unusual for me as I am typically the one in charge. It kind of nice for a change.😂 Sherri🙂
  12. Nice sweater, Lois! Always nice when you find exactly what you want! I am trying to decide what to pack for our river cruise, we leave next Thursday. I have been watching temps in Budapest, Amsterdam, etc. and it looks like what we experienced in Canada. I found when we were off the ship, I was too hot. So, I am planning on raincoat, Burton hoodie and a few light weight pullover sweaters, although I did not wear them at all on our cruise. I am increasing the number of short sleeve t shirts I take as I did not have enough on last cruise. My husband says river cruising is very casual, would you experienced cruisers agree with that? Sherri🙂
  13. My grandkids put their “wish “ lists on Amazon, so I just choose what I want to get and send it off. My shopping for them takes about 15 min. Easy easy😂. Glad treatment # 2 went well, Melissa! Sherri🙂
  14. I use Amazon a lot for out of state presents. Much cheaper than trying to ship stuff myself!😂 Sherri🙂
  15. Lois, I hope you have a great cruise! I would do that cruise again in a heartbeat! Sherri🙂
  16. Kat, love your decorations! And I would really love to have your sign! I hope you are feeling better, I used to give a lot of the pneumonia vaccines for those under 65 and it was not unusual for them to have the same type of reaction you described. Feeling much better! Still have a slight cough at times but nothing too bad. I hope I really did have covid, may help my immunity for awhile. Sherri🙂
  17. That is true!. While have never been able to identify someone as being Zenith, I can always spot Pinnacles!😂😂 Sherri🙂
  18. The funicular is working but had a very long line, so we just walked. We walked up to the Fairmont Hotel which is beautiful, then out to the citadel and around to the cathedral. I think the first day we walked about 6 miles and 5 on the second.😂 Sherri🙂
  19. We did not get to go to Charlottetown or Sydney due to Fiona. And did not spend much time in Bar Harbor due to thunderstorms. Halifax is pretty, a very nice walkway along the harbor with shops, restaurants, bars and museums. If you are there on. Saturday, there was a farmer’s market at then end of th terminal area from 8 until 2 that was small but fun. My favorite port was Quebec City, absolutely beautiful but lots of walking up large hills. Sherri🙂
  20. Yeah, I realized that a few minutes ago, maybe I have covid brain fog😂😂 Sherri🙂
  21. Lois, your trip should be amazing! The fall colors were pretty on ours, especially up around Quebec, but should be spectacular for you! What’s your itinerary? Sherri🙂
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