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Everything posted by harlor

  1. Thank you for this thread everyone. We too are Oceania lovers, but have booked the Queen Anne for a January 2025 sailing from Southampton to San Francisco, where we live. We wanted to try a newly built ship, and liked this itinerary. Several of you have mentioned you'll be on the Queen Anne. We'd appreciate your thoughts on the Queen Anne vs the O class Oceania ones. We especially like O's food, so that comparison would help too. Thanks Loretta
  2. Does anyone know if we can now store our luggage at SCL for half a day? We have an Oceania transfer on February 14, 2024, and our flight to SFO is late that night. We'd like to store our luggage at the airport, then head to Santiago to tour on our own. I've read that luggage storage was supposed to open soon, but haven't heard when. Thank you Loretta
  3. Does anyone know if there is a way to review passengers' comments on specific Oceania excursions? I'd like to be able to type in an excursion number and see what people have said about the tour.. Thank you!
  4. oops, I see now they are not doing tours in 2024.
  5. Are they still in business? I can't get on that website. Thanks!
  6. We've been on two 20 day cruises this year on the Riviera. Closet space is not an issue. There are also lots of drawers. And as said before, we kept our suitcases unfolded under the bed.
  7. We're also doing Patrick's tour, now called Adventure Falklands I think since Jimmy retired. I tried to book Solo Expeditions to Magdalena Island, but because we don't dock until noon, they couldn't take us (nor other tours I had contacted.) So we're also on the ship's tour. If you don't mind, could you let me know afterwards how both your tours went. Hope you make it this time! Loretta
  8. Incredible information....thank you very much, again! I've now learned to double check with Oceania to make sure our tours aren't mistakenly canceled! In Port Stanley, we're hoping to get to Volunteer Point in a 4x4, but once again, only if the ship doesn't cancel the Port. As you did, we booked O's tour to Magdelena Island, so hopefully we will be able to see penguins at one of the Ports! I'll study the other Ports too with your suggestions. Much appreciated! Loretta
  9. Thank you so very much! Our January 2024 cruise begins in Rio, and ends in Santiago. We don't go to Guayaquil but here are our other stops: Ilha Grande, Itajai, Montevideo, Punta del Este, Port Stanley, Ushuaia, Punta Arenas, Puerto Chacabuco, Castro, Puerto Montt. We're hoping to see penguins in either Port Stanley or Punta Arenas depending on weather! Is there any advice you can give us on these other Ports, if you did any of these? Really appreciate it! Loretta
  10. Thank you all for the very informative responses! Keep them coming! Loretta
  11. Thank you The big negative, other than cost/crowds, is that the O tour bus is required to take the crowded road back to the Port, same as the road the trucks take. Therefore, the O tour is more of a "drive-by" tour. If in a minivan, then we could take the faster road back and have a real tour. So I'm told. I don't know if that is accurate.
  12. Any advice on whether or not to go to Sao Paulo from the Santos cruise Port? We're on the Oceania Marina in January 2024. I've read that traffic is really bad, so we need to allow extra time to get back to the ship. Wondering if it's even worth going there since traffic could cause our visit to be so short. Should we stay closer to Santos? I've read that, if going to Sao Paulo, it's better to take a tour that goes by car or minivan because those vehicles can take a faster route back to the ship than buses or bigger vans. Thoughts? Thank you Loretta
  13. Hi Flatbush Flyer! I'm not aware of the discounted fare. Do you have a ballpark on what kind of savings BoB offers? Thanks Loretta
  14. Any advice on whether or not to go to Sao Paulo from the Santos cruise Port? We're on the Oceania Marina in January 2024. I've read that traffic is really bad, so we need to allow extra time to get back to the ship. Wondering if it's even worth going there since traffic could cause our visit to be so short. Should we stay closer to Santos? Apparently, it's better to take a tour that goes by car or minivan because those vehicles can take a faster route back to the ship than buses or bigger vans. Thoughts? Thank you Loretta
  15. Hi, Could you explain your comment about alternative uses of SM credits if O cancels. Do you mean choosing a different O excursion or are you saying we can use the SM credit for something else, maybe ship board credit? Thanks Loretta
  16. I think it was 1.5 hrs, but the guide is totally flexible for you to set how long you want. Loretta
  17. We recently took an Overlord tour to the DDay beaches while on the Riviera. Their tours are phenomenal. Ask for Chris as your tour guide. Loretta
  18. Hi FF! Is that an extended balcony in the forward or aft of the ship? btw, we always try to get 7108, as you have in Oct. I'd like to know if the forward ones are too bouncy. We've always taken the aft ones when we had a choice. Loretta
  19. We also recommend Overlords. We took Tour 9, 8 people. Our guide was Chris, who is absolutely phenomenal. We all said he was the best tour guide we have ever had! We were on a Riviera cruise, visited DDay beaches from Le Havre in early June this year. Loretta
  20. Hi ORV! We were on the Riviera for the 2 cruises (BTB) before yours. We got off in Southampton as you were getting on. As you probably know by now but worth explaining for others, HH is from 5-6 in 3 bars: Martinis, Grand, and upstairs in the Horizons Bar. Horizons also has a 10:30-11:30 HH for those that stay up late!) We found the food to be extremely good: both the quality and the variety. Having all you can eat lobster tails in the Terrace Cafe buffet is unreal! I need to tell you not to miss the O singers and dancers show called "The World Beat". (Different from the one called "What the World Needs Now.") It was on the 2nd last night of both of our cruises. Sit up front to see the leg work of the performers using sticks. We've never seen anything like it. The costumes alone are worth seeing. If I could ask a favor: if you get a chance, please say Hi to one of the male singers, Wyatt, from Loretta and Jan. He sings "Bring Him Home" from Les Miz on Broadway night. He also staffs some of the on-board activities. Let me know if you have any Riviera questions. We did a 20 day Riviera cruise to the Caribbean in February/March and this past 20 day to France/Spain. Have fun! Loretta
  21. I hadn't heard about that change. Does anyone know what happens then to the free transfers from the ship to Port or vice versa that we would normally get with the same day air travel? I'm assuming we would lose them but worth asking. Thanks Loretta
  22. We have the 4 free excursions on an upcoming cruise. Do you know if we can just pay the extra $$ to go on an OS category excursion? I see an excursion for $250 that I like; could I just pay the extra $50 to go on the OS one? I have a call to find out but haven't heard back yet. Thank you for all your help Loretta
  23. Thank you! This really helps! Loretta
  24. Thanks for the info. I've been trying to get the extraordinary savings sale but, since our June 1 cruise is sold out, we haven't been able to get it. Also, I have been wondering how often O has these sales. You answered it...looks like it's rare! Hope we're still cruising a decade from now!
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